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Dad Confronts Abortion Protesters At Clinic

Started by Archael, October 28, 2010, 04:20:16 am

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Celdia, where's your avatar from?

And is dome banned again, or is he not unbanned yet?


It'd be Terra, probably from Dissidia or a fanart.
  • Modding version: PSX


Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Battle of the Billboards, eh?


...actually, I've seen ads like that on the buses in the city lately. It's been pretty controversial.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


That's pretty silly. What a waste of money on something that will only piss people off.
  • Modding version: PSX


wow, glad this got bumped. That video at the beginning rocks! Don't get me wrong, I'm against abortion ill all circumstances excluding rape, incest, and health issues to mother or child, but those stupid protesters got word raped!

And both the above ads are stupid.



December 02, 2010, 03:38:52 pm #246 Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 03:52:01 pm by Kill_Bones
The christians didn't rhyme so we win.

Full credit to Mayhem over at RPGuild for my sig

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."  

-Abraham Lincoln

Quote from: Dome on February 19, 2011, 04:36:46 am
Sorry Eternal, I don't have balls....


Yes, but they also used caps too much.

Much... like your post.

Atheist poster used too many whole words as caps - point Catholics
Atheist poster rhymed - point Atheists
Both of Their Billboards Are Typed Like This - nobody scores :(
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


EDITBUTTON= -1 point for christians +1 for atheist. Anyway, I really feel this should be locked or moved to spam. Religous debates always spawn hatred, from BOTH sides. My final attack(well, in this thread) on christian extremists (only aimed at extremists, I'm cool with sensible christians): Out of the numerous religions, you're 100% sure yours is right? Puhhh-leeeaaase.

Full credit to Mayhem over at RPGuild for my sig

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."  

-Abraham Lincoln

Quote from: Dome on February 19, 2011, 04:36:46 am
Sorry Eternal, I don't have balls....


I agree, extremists, both religious and atheistic, are idiots. Both tend to spout fallacy riddled arguments that have been around for hundreds of years. Politics are the same way.

I'm a double major in political science and philosophy, and am always happy to have intelligent discussion of religion and/or politics with others, as long as ppl keep it civil.


Abortion has been around for thousands of years, there were times when it was VASTLY more dangerous than it is now and more common as well, unborn fetuses are not some sort of sacred gift, life is not some sort of sacred gift, the miracle of existence is it's limited capacity to persist, the only thing that makes life sacred is that we have only so much time to live it, and in that time we have the right and power to live it in any ways we see fit. Life is little more than an accident, not at all random however seemingly so, billions and trillions of atoms working together to do something greater with their existence with no notable consciousness but a continued drive to evolve. Early xtians in the roman empire saw no sacredness to life, where babies born defective were discarded due to the fact that their strain on society would be greater than their benefits to culture or development, in today's society we conserve any life that we can, being mentally or physically challenged is no longer a death sentence and for that much we should be grateful, let's not forget that these aborted fetuses in several cases go to the furthering of stem cell research, a scientific path that promises to one day cure some of the most violently destructive diseases known to man.

My daughter has an extremely rare and complex genetic disorder, and I love her more than anything in the world, and if someone else who doesn't want their child is going to allow that child to do something great for the world with it's cells, then I thank them, Stem cell research is one of the most likely places they may find a cure for several genetic disorders like MTFPD (mitochondrial trifunctional protein defficiency) so I thank those brave women who face off against protesters and right wing crazies, thanks to them my daughter might be able to one day lead a normal life.

I am a proud parent and I am pro-choice. My wife and I weighed our options and decided to have our daughter, and the fact that we had the power to make that decision made our choosing to have our daughter so much more special. St. Ajora can suck it, historically speaking, this is the source of more deaths both infant and adult than any other cause.

[Edit] I should add that while I am an atheist, I don't think religion is a bad thing, having faith and hope gets you through the dark times, but using it as a weapon to frighten people into doing things your way is wrong, no matter what religion you subscribe to, I believe strictly in the power of science, but I know lots of people who find a great deal of strength in their faith, and for them I am happy, though I do not agree with the stories of their religion, I know from personal experience that faith in something, whether true or false, is a great power. It can be good or evil, it's all about how you wield the power of your faith. These women are using their faith as a weapon of fear and guilt, no matter where you stand on the abortion issue, it's wrong to do this to people.


Quote from: "Zuka"Abortion has been around for thousands of years, there were times when it was VASTLY more dangerous than it is now and more common as well, unborn fetuses are not some sort of sacred gift, life is not some sort of sacred gift, the miracle of existence is it's limited capacity to persist, the only thing that makes life sacred is that we have only so much time to live it, and in that time we have the right and power to live it in any ways we see fit. Life is little more than an accident, not at all random however seemingly so, billions and trillions of atoms working together to do something greater with their existence with no notable consciousness but a continued drive to evolve. Early xtians in the roman empire saw no sacredness to life, where babies born defective were discarded due to the fact that their strain on society would be greater than their benefits to culture or development, in today's society we conserve any life that we can, being mentally or physically challenged is no longer a death sentence and for that much we should be grateful, let's not forget that these aborted fetuses in several cases go to the furthering of stem cell research, a scientific path that promises to one day cure some of the most violently destructive diseases known to man.

My daughter has an extremely rare and complex genetic disorder, and I love her more than anything in the world, and if someone else who doesn't want their child is going to allow that child to do something great for the world with it's cells, then I thank them, Stem cell research is one of the most likely places they may find a cure for several genetic disorders like MTFPD (mitochondrial trifunctional protein defficiency) so I thank those brave women who face off against protesters and right wing crazies, thanks to them my daughter might be able to one day lead a normal life.

I am a proud parent and I am pro-choice. My wife and I weighed our options and decided to have our daughter, and the fact that we had the power to make that decision made our choosing to have our daughter so much more special. St. Ajora can suck it, historically speaking, this is the source of more deaths both infant and adult than any other cause.

[Edit] I should add that while I am an atheist, I don't think religion is a bad thing, having faith and hope gets you through the dark times, but using it as a weapon to frighten people into doing things your way is wrong, no matter what religion you subscribe to, I believe strictly in the power of science, but I know lots of people who find a great deal of strength in their faith, and for them I am happy, though I do not agree with the stories of their religion, I know from personal experience that faith in something, whether true or false, is a great power. It can be good or evil, it's all about how you wield the power of your faith. These women are using their faith as a weapon of fear and guilt, no matter where you stand on the abortion issue, it's wrong to do this to people.

Words cannot express how much I agree with this post, particularly your edit. More people need to have the mindset that you have.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


"If we must not act save on a certainty, we ought not to act on religion, for it is not certain. But how many things we do on an uncertainty, sea voyages, battles!"
---Blaise Pascal
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


I am also totally against abortion unless the baby has no chance of survival, but I feel that shouting at people will never get your point across.


More random funsies.

For a visual representation of an answer to Jon's question:

Just another rebel plotting rebellion.