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Messages - Zenius

FFT: Parted Ways / Re: Parted Ways 2.0: The Story
June 26, 2015, 11:10:49 am
Hey Eternal, been a while. Remember me? :P
It's actually my first time on FFH forums in like 4 years.

So I recently had this sudden urge to play FFT, playing 1.3 again, and with that I wondered where Newtype/PW went.
Glad to see it's still being worked on, and I'm excited to try it although I don't really expect it coming out in the near future (no offense of course xD)
Good luck to everything :D
Hey Eternal, it's been a while :P

Just wanted to say I'm really looking forward to playing this and I'm willing to wait however long it takes you :D
FFT+ / Re: FFT: Plus battle logs
January 27, 2013, 04:53:58 am
Hey Dome are you still working on this??
Sure thing, just hit me up when its out ^^
I'm really looking forward to playing this :P
If you need any more testers just let me know ^^
First time visiting the CCP thread in a few months and I'm amazed how far this has come :O

Definitely going to do a playthrough of this after I'm done with my current 1.3042 run ^^
As someone that really enjoyed your Newtype patch, I can't wait for this to be completed ^^

If you need any more testers just let me know :D
Holy shit, Gaignun's commentary is EPIC!!
Holy crap, is it just me or are Kikus on a rampage this season? lol ;p
I'll have to beat guys like Otabo or PX or FFM or the likes for that to happen :P

Nevertheless, Dol sure does come up with fun teams.
Yeah my Samurai is supposed to have MA Save. Correction please!!
GL to everyone participating :)
Can we make katanas not Brave-dependent? >_>
Yeah that was a fine touch but I honestly don't think it'll fit in 1.3/1.4 xD
23. Agree as well.

Attachment: For anyone who is interested in the old Newtype's DD.
I love the part where you can recruit the Lucavi.
19. Agree. A lot.

20. Leaving everything concerning monsters to everyone else.

21. Agree. I could care less about K-Bomb.

22. Don't care

@Dome: I can provide you with the matchups for all the DD battles for Eternal's old Newtype patch if you want.

EDIT: I'll do it anyway cause it seems it's not only Dome that doesn't know about Eternal's DD.
1. Agree. I see no merits having Ramza in Ubersquire class. The only time I ever used Scream was against the Colliery Engineers.

2. Don't care.

3. Agree.

4. Randoms containing monsters only would get repetitive. Humans with Maintenance sounds good to me.

5. I really like what Eternal did with the DD in Newtype. Perhaps you can do something along those lines?

6. Don't care. Not a big fan of Boco.

7. Maybe not the exact same numbers, but similar ones might be cool.

8. Agree. Lezales fight @ Zirekile FTW.

9. Agree.

10. Don't care about the Chiri/Masamune part, but enemies spamming Elixirs is ridiculous.

11. I'm going to leave it to everyone else concerning monsters. I'm not too knowledgeable about them.

12. Agree.

13. Agree.

14. Don't care.

15. I'm all for a new Archer skillset.

16. Sure why not?

17. I've actually always hated the fact that the special jobs all have the Squire R/S/M set.

18. IMHO, too few pieces of equipment have element absorb/half/weak. Maybe conpensate for monsters losing weaknesses by making more equipment have elemental properties?
FFT: ASM'd / Re: FFT: ASM'D main info/discussion
December 06, 2010, 06:35:06 am
Same here. I was pretty hyped up about playing this TBH.
Archives / Re: I'm Banned Again! However;
November 30, 2010, 09:19:12 am
I second what Asmo said.
Am I the only one that thinks this should get it's own subforum? (Like ASM'd and Arena)