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Altering Geomancy and Math Skill - Problems

Started by arganthonius, July 01, 2017, 08:21:25 pm


I read the Generic Jobs Editing, Skillset Limitations thread but I couldn't find the information needed to do the following:
Change the geomancy skills to normal ones (costing MP, having CT, all being accessible at once), and having Calculator use a different skillset without the formation screen and ability availability bugs.

I converted the Geomancy menu type in the Action Menu tab to <Default>, and altered the natural geomancy abilities. All abilities were 00% and Weapon Range.

I switched Calculator to skillset 4D, giving them a bunch of new abilities. The action menu type is <Default>. If the skillset is equipped as a secondary, the abilities appear and work as normal. If it is equipped as the primary job skillset, half the abilities are missing in battle.

These are the only two skillsets I'm trying to alter in this specific method.
How can I make the skillsets work normally?


Xifanie has an ASM in her thread that allows you to change the hardcoding of the skillsets, it should fix these kind of bugs.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


The ASM works by Excel, and I'm a little confused.
If I want Geomancy and Math Skill to work normally, but all the others to work like Vanilla, I should change the Geomancy and Math Skill units to Basic Skill, and the others to their names (e.g. Item becomes Item, etc.), right?

Thank you for your help.


Yes correct, you can change them to Basic Skill and then you can leave everything else blank
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


You cannot set a generic's skillset to another. The calculator slot must always have the Math Skill skillset for example, because the game relies on the skillset ID to determine where the learnt abilities are stored in battle.

Make sure you also apply the Math Skill hacks in Assorted.xml.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


If you don't have Excel, the old version of that hack still works for that purpose.  You can find it in Raven's Spreadsheets: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7271.0  These can open with other spreadsheet programs.
  • Modding version: PSX


Because I have a different version of Excel than is specified in Xifanie's hack, I tried to use the old version. However, there is no change. All the skillsets except for 00, 01 (attack), 02,03,04 are set to FF. I set the FFTPatcher action menus to default, but I am still seeing Weapon Range 00% for all problem skillsets.

To apply the patch, I copied the xml sheet and placed it within a .txt file, saved it as an .xml, then applied it with FFTorgASM. What am I doing wrong?


Don't you also have to change the skillsets' behavior to Default in FFTPatcher? It sounds like you're doing the Xml/ASM part correctly though.
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


I did set the action menu to default, and stated so in my post. All the skillset references in Hex are FF except for 00-04. Is that incorrect?


FF = default.  If you want to change it to something else, do for example 05 to turn it into a normal skillset.  Keep in mind too that some skillsets have additional hardcoding, such as Math skill (you want to remove slowdown and make it not ignore reflect) and Charge (if you change this, you need to remove the hardcoding that makes characters cancel their own spells upon moving).
  • Modding version: PSX


August 16, 2017, 12:57:20 pm #10 Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 01:28:34 pm by johnmyster
I, too am having problems with these hardcoded skillsets. For my patch, Remix, I am changing all of the skillsets entirely. How would I make Archer, for example, have a skillset that functions normally?

From what I understand, you have to keep the "Skillset" under the "Abilities" tab in FFTPatcher to the default for generic jobs, because according to Xifanie, "the game relies on the skillset ID to determine where the learnt abilities are stored in battle."

(I previously had the Archer set to skillset 25 Snipe which held the abilities I wanted on this new Archer. So, I copied and pasted the 25 Snipe skillset onto 08 Charge in FFTPatcher so the Archer can still use its "default" skillset for game skillset ID storage or whatever purposes. )

Ok, whatever, fine, but now I would like this new "Charge" to function like a normal skillset.

1. I don't really understand what "Action Menus" does in FFTPatcher. Do I change "08 Charge" to "Default"?

2. Raven's Workbook

Do I set 08 Charge's Skillset Reference in Hex to 05 Basic Skill, along with Elemental/Jump/Draw Out/ etc? Will multiple 05's cause something wacky? (It's set to 25 in the picture but whatever)

Thank you. :)
  • Modding version: PSX
FFT Proper v1.10 released 10/28/17!
Proper Rebalances, ramps up difficulty, and adds variety to battles.


Use Xif's Skillset Behaviors to help you. Found here; http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=953.0#post_p3
Set 08 with 05, i think this has already been done for you, as has some other skillsets. You can the get rid of Charge +1 etc and replace it with whatever abilities you like. Make sure you change the Actions menu to default. See how that goes!
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


Archer's set needs both the Skillset behaviors or Generic Skillset Fix to change it into a normal skillset (both are the same thing, Skillset Behaviors is in an easier to use spreadsheet) and this hack to remove the hardcoding that causes characters to cancel their own skills by moving if you want to change it into a regular set:

  <Patch name="Silly hardcoding removal, related to skillset 08">
    <Description>If you use skillset 08 (charge) for anything other than charge, you want to use this hack.  This eliminates the hardcoding that causes characters to cancel their own spells by moving.</Description>
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="1191a0">
  • Modding version: PSX


Alright I'm just gonna go over the top and shoot out a quick picture tutorial.

Step 1. Use Raven's workbook found here http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7271.0
Then follow these steps.
Open Job and Character workbook compilation.
The Xifanie tab is what you want. Notice all the skillsets are set with FF, this is default. To change a skillset to function like others change it to the Squire's ID 05.

Next scroll over to the .xml tab. Notice the loooong list of defualt FF's and the 05 mixed in? We did that.

Crtl A that baby to select all and ctrl C to copy. We're done in this spread sheet.

Step 2. Notepad
Open Notepad and paste the copied text here.

Now save as a .xml in the xml section for ORGasm

We're done here.

Step 3. Orgasm
Open org and you will see the new skillset fix option (or whatever you named it) check the skillset fix box and then patch it on a clear iso

Done here.

4. Patcher
Boot up patcher. First change Archer's Action menu from Charge to Default option

Next change their skillset to remove all Charge abilities and add whatever you want (i threw in random stuff)

Patch it to your iso and that's it. Now let's make sure they work.

5. Did it work? (Spoiler yes)
Pictures are worth a thousand words

Sorry the picture sizes are all over the place. Also definitely use that hack Emmy mentions above.
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


Thank you all for the help!

Got it all working. :)
  • Modding version: PSX
FFT Proper v1.10 released 10/28/17!
Proper Rebalances, ramps up difficulty, and adds variety to battles.


Quote from: Lionheart537 on August 16, 2017, 04:18:21 pm5. Did it work? (Spoiler yes)
Pictures are worth a thousand words

Is it safe to say that the reason Haste and Stasis Sword are not visible in screenshot 3 is because the unit hasn't learned them?
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: EnderC