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September 20, 2024, 09:06:05 pm


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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Oops, that archer is supposed to be 12 speed and not 13. That must have been an oversight. Maybe I should give him a black hood for higher MP for some more hawk's eye spam. Or should I give a twist headband for slightly higher damage output? What do you guys think? That's the only downside to this team is I don't really have any hard hitters. I think they are fast enough though where that shouldn't matter too too much but they do have trouble finishing a fight against a weakened opponent due to that. Maybe a little higher MA on my time mage to have more damage summons? I'm not sure, really. Other than that they perform well. I have no idea what happened in round 1  :P

Thanks for the match!


I forgot to say this yesterday, but

Thanks for the video, TL

Sorry for it's length, though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


The entire last two rounds were just me sandbagging the entire time. As much as I like being able to tank, my team couldn't get any damage in and that's what did them in. And my squire needs to match up to the speed of the other team members. He was a lancer with equip clothes before I changed him to a squire. I really didn't have a goal set on what exactly I wanted that squire to do, I just wanted him to do some damage. Needless to say, that was a good match, I just wish it was a little more exciting.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


Finally got my laptop issues fixed and some free time on my hands. Here are some exhibition matches to show off some newer teams.

FFT Arena 1.39C - Barren (No Regard) vs. Krypt (Double Edge)

FFT Arena 1.39C - Dw6561 (Sugar and Dynamite) vs. Reks (Unrelenting Force)
  • Modding version: PSX


that was a lengthy struggle. but good stuff krypt, your team held up well. My whole point of the no regard team was to be more on offense as much as possible with last song. That didn't go as well as I would want it but oh well, it lived it up to its name. GG
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Unrelenting force indeed. I had a lead there for the first part of round one, but it was quickly turned around. I think my monk used repeating fist exactly once during those two rounds, which is very relevant because it's unevadable and gastrafitis was missing half the time. Well my monk can't really do anything if he's a crystal, can he? My team did well in their test runs, which means I'm doing at least something right. And they didn't completely get slaughtered either, so I don't really know if I want to change anything right now. GG.

PS: I need to stop being so anxious about things. Even though I know it doesn't matter, I can't help but feel like my team and unit names are weird lol.

PSS: Test runs is such a vauge term. I really only used teams already on the memcard generator, that might be part of the problem. I do run at least 6 matches (of three rounds) and fight things that are not my own teams (though I do that too just for fun). Can anyone recommend any teams to test against?
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


Quote from: dw6561 on September 02, 2015, 01:15:19 am

Unrelenting force indeed. I had a lead there for the first part of round one, but it was quickly turned around. I think my monk used repeating fist exactly once during those two rounds, which is very relevant because it's unevadable and gastrafitis was missing half the time. Well my monk can't really do anything if he's a crystal, can he? My team did well in their test runs, which means I'm doing at least something right. And they didn't completely get slaughtered either, so I don't really know if I want to change anything right now. GG.

PS: I need to stop being so anxious about things. Even though I know it doesn't matter, I can't help but feel like my team and unit names are weird lol.

PSS: Test runs is such a vauge term. I really only used teams already on the memcard generator, that might be part of the problem. I do run at least 6 matches (of three rounds) and fight things that are not my own teams (though I do that too just for fun). Can anyone recommend any teams to test against?

No worries!

You had me on my toes for a bit, because of that early lead. Your team's not too bad at all, just brush up in it's weaker points and you'll be golden.

And my own names are weird, so don't worry about how strange yours seem :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


I have no idea how I won R1. R2 and R3 were ridiculous. Those thunder flares are DAMN strong. GG.


Unfaith Mime vs Unfaith/Physical Ranged
It's been a while. Not long enough to know this match up is in my favor though. Heroebal's team doesn't have the recovery to make up for only having item either, it would take 2-3 turns for him to survive an attack from the mime, ninja, or wizard.

R1/R2 - Brutal start. His units don't do enough damage and just end up getting outpaced. I recommend changing the turn order so the archers go first followed by the monk and knight. That way the ninjitsu units can follow up with damage and potentially KO. GG either way. (

0 Move Mime vs No Mime, Mime team.
For the new players, I don't bet against mime. Even if it's mime on mime. The match up looks even

R1 - Brutal start for Rouroni. Definitely over at the Bizen boat... or not. Surprisingly lose round. It's definitely possible for Rouroni to take two rounds in 2 minutes after seeing those 120 x2 Thunder Flares.

R2 - It's happening

R3 - It's over.

Great matches Truelight. Great to finally see some mime. It feels like it's been two months since I last saw a mime match on here.
Some day my people will be free.


Yeah that was slaughter-fest 2099 there. I'll definitely have to make some adjustments.  I think the paladins fine, just a bit slow. I'll switch the archers around and  maybe make the monk absorb/resistant or immune to all ton element so they can't be used against him. I think maybe an AoE option might help so one of the archers might get cover fire as well.


Facepalms so hard god damn it... it was meant to be black costume on the summoner... stupid me stupid stupid me.. i keep mixing them up.. i wanted dark absorb everywhere.. also i will look into changing that flail... may be better for it
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


Quote from: TrueLight on September 08, 2015, 01:34:31 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C - Reks (The Scorching Squadron) vs. Shintroy (White Wind)

Round 1: Immediate double sleep and triple panel Southron Cross? Ouch.

Round 2: missed Charm screwed me there. (also redundant actions from the Mediator. Can't remember why I thought Regen would be a good filler skill.

Round 3: Don't wanna sound like a sore loser here, but if Quake/Tornado was any slower I would have won this.

Nevertheless, GG Shintroy.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Distribute Earth/Holy Absorb vs Fire
Slight speed advantage for me. I think I have an advantage in damage sources as well since three of my units deal ranged damage. As long as I don't get near the P.Blade users I should be fine.

R1 - Probably the best opener possible for Reks here. Biased

R2 - Neutral start for the most part. Pretty lucky Reks didn't connect charm and my team didn't spend too long recovering. I slept on the mediator. Seems like she's the biggest threat. Not sure why the Archer decided to not attack on some of her turns. How did Dia do 188? What was that?

R3 - Reks gets the better opener here due to the P. Blades having Reraise. Blinded paladin... dead monk.... Archer not attacking again... Quake makes up for everything though. Also a good thing I got rid of Transfusion instead of Reraise, because I wouldn't have own this if the monk didn't get back up.

Odd match due to the archer choosing not to for half of round 2 and the majority of round 3. GG.

It's pretty OP that scholar gets quake and tornado, two of the most powerful spells in arena, AND an all panel attack that is also earth elemental. Either way, if I had Chrono Trigger on the paladin like I originally planned this could've gone a lot worse. Then again the Archer would've probably been even more passive for some reason. Maybe she didn't like the unit names. Getting, Caught, In, and The Rain would've worked too, there's not enough water abilities and equipment to go around to make that work as well as earth/holy. RIP. We get the worst luck in our matches and we don't get paired against each other either. Can't say I remember playing against any of your teams this year.

Thanks for the quick match TrueLight. Looking forward to watching exhibition matches soon. Going through mime withdrawal wasn't fun I'll tell you what.

Some day my people will be free.


Only 46 MP on my samurai? Ouch, I really should have given her more. I didn't realize it was so low. I actually wanted my team to reflect spells off the mime and samurai (especially the mime for a potential dual cast) just in case Earth Dragon couldn't be used for some reason, but are the bio spells actually reflectable? Even though my team won, I think it still needs some tweaks. GG Heroebal, that chemist is really tanky. I think auto potion is the bane of every lore and/or suboptimal damage elemental user.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


The bio spells are reflectable, if you're going for more reflect tactics the unit(s) with reflect need to be further ahead of the caster. But it is unpredictable at times to see when the AI will go for a reflected spells. However the AI is very good at using reflect even against enemy teams.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Yeah I think I just need some minor tweeks here. I've been running my own "mini-me" tournament with all my team submission list of teams plus some other ones that don't exist on there yet. VLM has actually been doing pretty well in it (12-4, beating both So fast, So furious and headhunters. I have yet to test them against a lore team though like the current Biebes team. I think Biebes would beat vlm pretty handedly too between lores and wiz's. ). Yeah the counter floods are there to help with straight damage output plus add some status procs. Lores can't be counter flooded though...
Viva La Muerte --> supposed to mean "long live the dead". Vivo/Diri-Diri (mimes repeat stuff so fitting name...)are the names meaning live or alive that I liked that popped up in the language translator that I used. Ditto for Mortos/Untoten meaning "undead"

chemist --> fine as is.
Mime --> I think maybe damage split might be better on mime for reaction, DS+regen+chakra+move-hp up should heal up most incoming attacks and work on anything including lores.  I could also make the mime male for more asura/chakra/able to charm both sexes, but less likely to land stop procs. Mime is kind of the the linchpin for this squad she/he goes down domino effect for rest of group.

Lancer--> The lancer main Draw out attack is supposed to be Asura (pa based for lancer and smart targeting so mime doesn't hit allies), koutetsu is there to help heal the time mage if needed and hit a target that's out of range of Asura perhaps I switch koutetsu to bizen boat instead.   That's also why I have magic attack up on lancer for boosting draw out maybe I switch it to overwhelm. I was attempting to create neat symmetry between mime+lancer with asura. But perhaps snipe would be a better secondary all together for lancer if I want to go for a decent speed low fury based lancer unit, cover fire would do pretty good non-elemental damage from both lancer/mime. Then give draw out/ma up to time mage.

time mage--> one of her other big assets was charm but this was against an all female squad so... not available. Maybe short charge would help more but balance is a pretty quick spell @ 2ct