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Started by Mando, January 25, 2011, 07:13:03 am


January 25, 2011, 07:13:03 am Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 10:57:07 pm by Elric
Closed, the patch is starting from scratch so to say.
Go to project ideas for update on my newest patch.

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!


Cool, tonigth i´ll star to play this one ^^
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Off topic : You got the gilgamesh Sprite!?
Please...let me have it, i looked over for it for quite some time now. :( (Over a year in fact...)

On Topic : Interesting...Once im finished with the other patch i play right now, id try this one.
R.I.P : SolidSnakeDog


its not a real gilgamesh sprite i don't use real fft samurai sprite in my patch. So its essentially basic samurai

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!


I love that Agrias sprite! She will be on my team :]


January 26, 2011, 03:48:50 am #6 Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 06:43:25 am by Mando
bleh... issues

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!


Thanks for the shout out.I finished your mystic night at record pace. I was a machine today.
  • Modding version: PSX


January 26, 2011, 08:55:25 am #8 Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 10:07:29 am by Lucifer_zero
I´m at star of chapter 2, and so far there was sprite bugs on Lenalia and on Fort Zeakden

and i REALLY need to say... Araguay Woods were really funny battle, not only on dialoge, but the kickass guest as well !

Edit. Mustadio hav a MONSTER HP !!!! and the "guest Mustadio" didn´t disapear after i´ve got him ( now on my formation there are two mustadios ).  At the scene after Warjilis Galfgarion portrait apears as Ramza... and on battle to save Agrias she comes with two guardian comands.
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


January 26, 2011, 03:55:29 pm #9 Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 04:15:13 am by Mando
OK i'll fix these issues right away Lucifer, i'm about to make a nice update

By the way Lucifer thanks for being a tester/player for the patch. I need more of you to pop up ^^;

How do you like classes so far?

Does the gil limitation make it a bit more of a challenge?

**NOTE** I Figured out how to fix the birthday issue at the start of the game; I am also going to implement a brand new skillset for rangers **/ENDNOTE**

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!


For now i´ll wait for next release.

But, Gil limitation don´t make so much dificult, but phoenix down cost 6500 do, until chapter 3 i didn´t bougth not even 1 phoenix down, but i have 3 members who know Raise.

Protector mace shows on description that it would give +1move, and +1 MA, mut actually it give initial Protec+Shell.

About the classes, remember that i only played until the begining of chapter 3

-Squires, i was playing... gone to sweegy woods and.... WTF TRAIN INNATE!!!!! I was surprised, this a nice touch if you want some monsters on your team.

-White Mage and Black Mage still next to they were on Vanilla, but making they equip shields help their survive chance. WhiteMage Wand give +1 move is a really nice touch, for MOVE+1 being only on thief, and Black Mages equiping Book and they give +1MA AND chance for magic... this makes me want to attack with they !

-Red Mage concept is really nice, the "jack for all trades, master of nothing" he really works like one, but i think his growth are really OP and his multipliers are big too, and IMHO he should be able to equips heavy armors or shields.

-Mustadio needs nerf, his HP is really HIGH, like... when i got him, without his equips he had almost same HP than my mages. His new skills need to hit allies to, as they are now, he can kill from affar and when got enemies get close to your party he can try being a Morbol without worrying for friends, and multi hit skills are broken on end game.   But really cool sprite !!!!

-Agrias, loved her having Raise and Cure 1.5, makes her relly more usefull, and high MP cost makes you don´t spam her skills so easily and her sprite... man, if was not for Mustadio i would have played more with her.

- Some people may not like, but i think that the Innates counters are usefull, i still don´t know how they work if you put another counter on the character, but i liked the ideia of BlackMage having the MA save, but i think that Arrow Guard should be for Samurai, and each job description could have the innate too.

- Jobs requeriment makes me want have invite, like blessed and dark knight, probably i´ll only unlock those on chapter 4, maybe you can have some random battle with one guest with that class and that joins after ?

- Last comments, is there a way to Rad Alicia and Lavian join party with same level as party ? And also, they could have more Job lvls unlocked... ( maybe can put Alicia and Lavian with knight lvl 6 ( or 5 if 6 is to much high ), making they perfect candidates for blessed and Dark Knight, and for Rad maybe lvl 4 on Red mage, making him a candidate for Mystic or Illusionist )
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Thanks for all these tips i'll try my best to implement them, i'll make red mage a bit weaker but allow heavy armor. I'll weaken mustadio. I'll see if I can get rad come as a lv 4 red mage. And the twin knights high knight level.

I might give white and black mages a slight mp increase.

Phoenix downs and items are in all the old move-find areas. Which is why I limited gil. I made everything give different items for poaching but... I have to event edit the game to allow poaching in everychapter.

I'll be giving ranger a brand new skill set. (Which will allow you to learn equip bow again)

I'll make tables today as well that describe what each character has move set wise.

I guess mustadio being super userful is better than him sucking like he was!

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!


I lied on chat, when I said I would play this the next day. Turns out I had a bowling meet to go to and a few tests I had today. Sorry about that. I'll be able to play the next release you make, I swear! xD
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


This looks like an interesting patch. When I get some time I will give it a chance. By the way you could of just edited your 1st post instead of triple posting to add all the extra info and updates for your patch.


January 29, 2011, 12:48:11 pm #14 Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 01:34:24 pm by Mando
I fixed it. Anyways enjoy playing the patch I know there are some wierd things like Lavian starting in the incorrect spot. At battle 1, the weakening brew issue which I addressed in a post. Feel free to let me know of others.

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!


So far I'm really impressed by this. looks good(great sprites and effect choices for new abilities) plays good(well balanced). This is a great patch.
  • Modding version: PSX


As ipm playing Magic Pre Release ( another of mine addiction ) i only will restart playing this hack the day after tomorrow, but let me say: it would be nice have some spoilers on what the new specials are, as the growth and multipliers of every job...

I really want to see the changes for the special characters ( and the clasees that i hadn´t time for open )
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


vacation just kicked off, firing this up.  I'll be sure to let you know any impressions


cool man, I hope you enjoy and i appreciate it

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!


6,500 gil for a phenix down :O

Looks like I won't be buying those until Chapt 2