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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


February 26, 2014, 10:43:44 am #3040 Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 10:56:20 am by Otabo
Quote from: reinoe on February 25, 2014, 10:08:27 pm
I see.  I expected the two immortal teams to just duck it out into a bloody pulp.  But I do like Last Hurrah a lot.  It's my favorite immortal team.  I don't have the ability to "test" matches so I can't really be sure how they would turn out.  I thought the matches would be quite close.

Thanks for the match CT5HOLY.

I don't know why Last Hurrah has been getting all this attention as of late, but seriously, in its current form, it really isn't that great, to be honest. Actually, a team that would have stood a better chance against that team would have been Divas That Bring Double Trouble; it's also an immortal team only it also uses a similar strat to Andante's team minus Cheer Song. Last Hurrah isn't good at dealing with immortal units, let alone entire immortal teams; their job is to kill units quick and keep them down. But when the other team is running immortality + Quickening + Slow Dance + Cheer Song, they have 0% chance of winning as the speed differences will catch up to them. I know this because I actually tested Last Hurrah vs. that team before I even put them up on my team list - and they've lost every match against them.


you're selling yourself a bit short. many of the newer players have attempted an immortal team with relatively low success, so to see both you and andante with well functioning immortal teams is a good education for those interested in the idea. one of my first teams had a jumping undead monk with a chaos blade and a time magic paladin, but your team does a really good job with the idea. no, they're not perfect. no unit with a phoenix blade can ever be "perfect" but it executes an idea well while being able to use a phoenix blade effectively.

andante's team definitely needs a note too. brilliant use of speed ramping and also cripples the enemy in their weakest spot, speed. the ninja and thief keep the enemy distracted for long enough to really get some slow songs in. GJ
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


In comparison to each other, I thought Hippie Bong Circle vs Ever Faithful was just a much better match up. They were back and forth for pretty much the entirety of the match. I would like to point out that it was pure irony that Barren's 100% status proccing team, went down because the item bot lancer got petrified himself. Good teams on both ends.

We're Blue vs AYCDWCDB was... well, it left me wanting to see more. both matches finished to quickly. for one, you could say it was because of the map, but really,  it was in part the AoE spells, and We're Blue didn't have many.
Strategy is just magical.


Yea I'm going to hold off on my ever faithful team for right now until I can figure out a better way to utilize the faith + status strategy
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


I do have a question about the Muramasa weapon though. If you've got a ninja with a Muramasa and a Kikuichimonji, the muramasa puts faith on the target, so then does the Kiku's 33% chance to cast quake turn into a 100% chance as well?
Strategy is just magical.


No, the proc is still at 33%. The Quake proc will do more damage now that the target has been inflicted with Faith.
  • Modding version: PSX


and that applies to all weapon procs?
Strategy is just magical.


Yes. It doesn't matter if the AI has faith inflicted or not. The chances of proc are the same. But with faith you can use magic to your advantage by hitting it with a spell gun or a lets say a ice brand slash with the ice 2 proc. Works good on a geomancer or bard because of their naturally good MA.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Well, this is spurring an idea, thanks guys!
Strategy is just magical.


thanks for posting barren!

ah, revenge for what ever faithful did to my beloved zirekile highwaymen some time ago. my steel basilisk team is similar and shares the same weakness: when faith up on an enemy, spellguns and other immediate MA stuff capitalize on the faith before something like a petrify or holy can go off, giving the opponent's AI a chance to hit something really hard before being petrified etc. the reflect on that team takes away from the potential to help the enemy by not being a viable target for a bunch of nasty things.

just keep in mind when building a faith up team: it's very easy to make a unit that inflicts elemental damage immediately, most do it without giving it much thought, which is why you must be prepared for defending backlash faith.

GG barren! i don't think you need to change anything, i just use magic instantly, which is the bane of faith up + CT magic.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


Mediators did their job: annoy with Kiyomoris and put them into Esuna/Nurse loops. Insult whenever. Round 2 though; small map; DomieV took control right from the start. The mediators put up a decent fight, though. I'm proud of them. I might have to find someway to implement some type of AoE effect of some sort on this team, though - probably something oddball like Polka Polka or whatever. GG DomieV.


that was a pretty long match. Overall i felt that two hands held their own. GG Otabo.


Definitely a step up for my southern crossing team to withstand physical punishment as well as anyone so far. Charm definitely a weakness but thankfully it wasn't a major issue here. An thank god for concentrate or this match would have been longer. GG TrueLight. I like your new team. Its simple but effective.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Yeah, in this instance, I wasn't sure what Shadowdragon was going for. The scholar probably held off on the Ice spells in Round 1 because she was going to damage two teammates and then when the monk went down, the odds were technically better since she would only damage herself. Unlike Otabo, I think that a PB using Cheer Song spammer can be effective, but you have to go for the long game. Cheer Song won't be very useful to the PB user though (in fact, a cheer song user will often interrupt himself at greater than 10 speed), and you had two Phoenix Blades so that wasn't going to help matters.

This match was pretty awesome. I am glad it went to Round 3. Each round was so back and forth and then just had that pivotal moment where there was a breakthrough on one side. I think charm was counterproductive for TrueLight in Round 3...usually a fine ability to have on those units to interrupt Raise 2 and the like but going for straight up damage probably would have been preferred in that particular setting. GG!
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Quote from: silentkaster on March 02, 2014, 10:03:57 am
(in fact, a cheer song user will often interrupt himself at greater than 10 speed), and you had two Phoenix Blades so that wasn't going to help matters.

That's the main reason why I don't like Cheer Song, to be honest. That, and it is so inaccurate. True, you need a team set up for the long game; also, you need to have a special type of team setup, and to have certain types of units that can actually take advantage of the speed increase for it to have any sort of impact on the team. Otherwise, it's a waste of turns, and a waste of time. A lot of teams aren't set up for the long game, though, so a lot of teams running Cheer Song, unless built correctly, usually end up getting rolled by the other team.


March 02, 2014, 01:03:10 pm #3058 Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 01:13:18 pm by Rouroni Elmdor
i forgot to mention: my geomancer already has magic attack up, barren. it keeps getting a note, but i changed that some time ago. my murasame ninja got consecrate and flash hat (misfits) and i gave my oracles cure 2 instead of cure 3 (steel basilisk) just because of my experiences since building them, the shorter CT is relevant and i prefer it.

great videos, otabo and truelight! I am a new fan of tank and slash! looks solid on the outside, but cursed ring is more often crippling than it is a help. still, i like how every unit is lethal and resurrection is covered by cursed ring even if your squires spend a little too much time on their face.

GG guys!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


Well, that went better than I expected. My Paladins weren't as tanky as I hoped, but they still survived long enough for the Squires to get up. Should probably give them Reraise now that I think about it. Just gotta change a couple of equips and this team should be fine. GG Barren.
  • Modding version: PSX