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Messages - darkholypl

It's nice as a spell/skill don't get me wrong. Herp derp, don't mind me, I forgot you can just right d-pad to check the turn order. I was about to say it's hard to guesstimate, but you don't. I guess you just need to remember it's not instant, not much of a problem.
One little thing that I remembered just now, that is a tad annoying:

the monster skill on the bull demon 'earthquake' is shown as an instant effect (NOW!) but it's not. It's a charged skill, and not a fast one either.
^One thing that can help you grind JP and not get too far with levels, that I use in KO is to utilize the delevel trap in Zaklaus Desert.
This is the first map I believe that has this trap, and with that also the best to train on... if fact I'm suprised Eternal left that in. It can be abused to no end. You can level up with a class that has good stat gains, then delevel with a class that has bad ones and boost your stats this way. It will take a long time, but hey it's there.

If you don't feel like doing that, at least you can gain JP and not levels, which is godly anyway. A party of lvl1 characters with all jobs mastered anyone? :D
^Seeing your party for Dorter 1 i can't help to think you grinded a whole buch and gained a lot of levels this way. Monsters get higher stats since they don't get to wear items, so if you're facing high level monsters at this point in the game, you might have a hard time.

I keep my levels low (old habit form 1.3) so the monster sotory fights were all super easy for me.

Anyway a small update from me: My run is put on hold for now. My copy of Tyranny just arived and my time will probably be devoted to it for how ever it takes to beat it. I might get back to the run every now and then just to break up the Tyranny sessions, but we will see.
Small update:

Zalmo 1 was fun. Managed to get him into a corner and rob him blind. Some nice items.

There was also a priest with some nice items, but unfortunetly she had maintanance. Managed to get a magic gauntlet from the chest she dropped tho, so not bad in the end.

Also started to get monsters, some of them are way to good to not use in some fights, I'm looking to get the bird with instant haste, and the 100% acurate fether bomb. This guy will be usefull for sure ;)
Ok so a small update:

Lionel gates took 2 days... let me explain why :D Yesterday, when I did my first 2 attempts, the RNG god were not happy with me.. the enemy lancers landed every 66% frontal hit, EVERY.SINGLE.ONE! across two trys. Needless to say I got a bit upset ;) and decided to call it a day.
Today it went smooth. I guess RNG gods calmed the F down. If I didn't derp with Ramza, and let him die out of reach of any ress (oops...) it would have been done in one go today. Took 1 reset, and the initial 2 so 3 in total.

Queklain was super easy. In fact he felt 100% vanilla, not sure if that is indeed the case, but that's how it felt. He managed to get into a corner, so I blocked him off with Ramza and Agrias, broke his MA, so he went into a Loss loop, which Boco took care off easily with Esuna.

Save Olan. Damn that Olan.. he took my crystal to get his mp back.. and he killed a ninja that I was saving to steal sprint shoes... Got Orichalcon Dirk, 1 Sprint Shoes and 1 Gun in the end. Not bad, but I was aiming for 3 shoes... oh well. Overall pretty easy.
^I am enjoying it. It was the kind of mod that I was looking for, since I felt like doing another FFT run, but frankly wasn't feeling like doing FFT 1.3 again.
Better balance, but mostly sticking to vanilla is what I had in mind, and KO is perfect for that.

And yes, I do see that is what your plan for summons was , but I guess I'm still in the 1.3 mindset, where most things 1-2 shot you ;) Don't worry  I intend to give it a go, once my time mage gets short charge (almost there).

One question tho: I'm avoiding random battles (still 1.3 mindset) but I wonder.. should I? Will being higher level screw me over much? Also are there unique randoms added to this patch?

Edit: Bariaus Hill and Execution Site done.

I have to say I really like the changes to monsters, KO would make an interesting hack to play as a 'beastmaster'. May do that in the future.

Execution site took 1 reset, overall wasn't that hard, stole Gaffys sword, this time no Boco, Mustadobro took his spot as MVP. Arm and Leg aim are as good as always. Btw, are the % chances for things like stealing and breaking incresed? Seems to be, especially for the breaks... 94% head break ftw, unless it's done on you, like it this case ;)

The more I play KO the more I like it.
^I understand that about Cyclops. That was not the point I was making.
The summons in general feel a bit weak. I'm doing Goug now, and they still feel weak. To me, summons in FF games were always limited use, big damage kind of a deal, so I'm not sure how to feel about this change.
Update: An enemy Summoner with 9MA and a Thunder rod did about 62 dmg with Ramuh on my Archer and Ramza (neutral compat). I think that's a bit low, but that's just me.

Other than that:
Swamp was easy, nothing to report.
Goug took more resets then I thought it will. RNG hated me.. Charm for dayzzz son.. Finally got lucky and resised a few, Boco mvp once more.

Mustadio saved.... took 3 resets, all I will say is Boco ftw. If only AI didn't derp so much, this fight would be a lot easier.

Bariaus Hill. I was dreading this fight, turned out it was very easy. First try, and I'm not sure if you didn't overtune the summons. Cyclops did about ~30 damage and Ramuh did 40something. Laughable.
I almost forgot how stupid AI can be, thankfuly Mustadio reminded mi of that...

Might not go for the brave boost if he decides to derp all the time. One try so far and he got nuked to hell.
Other than that, save Boco took 3 resets, Zerkile Falls took none, even tho Delita was mostly useless in this fight. Managed to get most of his stuff broken by the knights lol. Oh well at least he dodged that 27% weapon break.
Enough FFT for today, will continue tomorrow after work, if I'm not too tired.
I'm liking the Smart Encounters, pretty nice idea. As far as the mod goes:

Chapter 1 finished. Only fight the required more than one try was Dorter 1. Everything else was easy, and ye old strategy of 'nuke rush!' works well with the multiple kill the leader missions that are present in CH.1

On to Chapter 2.
I've scouted out Dorter 2, seems like it's going to be an uphill battle (get it? I'll show myself out...).
Regardless I don't think it will be that hard, if only Agrias and Gaffy decide to no be dumb... that would be nice.

Edit: Dorter 2 done. Won after the initial scout, so took 2 trys. The archers were super annoying, and worse yet, none of my units had enough jump to get on the roof to them. Had to finish them off by spamming 9 dmg elementals... took a while. Lost 4 helmets, including Gold and Cross.. >.<
^Sweegy was easy, not sure what kind of problems did you have with it.
Dorter 1 on the other hand took a few trys. Main problem was the lack of items and skills at this point in the game. PD are not cheap, 500 a pop take a toll on you at this stage of the game.

Looking forward to the rest of the mod.

A few questions tho:
1. Are random battles 100%? Seems to be, as long as I stop on a tile that can have randoms.
2. Do some 'mid-boss' type enemies have innates? (Miluda ect.)