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I put on my robe and wizard hat... (D&D Forum RP)

Started by Celdia, October 31, 2011, 04:42:21 am


Pretty Pretty Rhyhorn.
It's a work in progress...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


How much would a dozen yards of 2 inch wide silk ribbon be? I wanna make a bow for the critter and make it cute!
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


November 06, 2011, 04:53:39 pm #28 Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 06:35:41 pm by Ryqoshay
But I'll finally have a pet rock that *does* stuff! How can I pass up this opportunity?
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


I am buying things, I'm buying a dozen yards of ribbon. ^_^
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


There's no way that weighs more than a pound! And I'll have you know I can carry 13. Roll it up tight and it will fit in my pack...

Of course I don't plan on carrying it for long...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Goddamnit I'm bored.  Let's sing a song!

My Little Rhyhorn, My Little Rhyhorn...
Ahh ahh ahh ahh...

(My Little Rhyhorn)
I used to wonder where ALL THE THINGS would be
(My Little Rhyhorn)
Until you shared ALL THE MAGIC with me.

Big adventure!
Tons of death!
A beautiful Cart,
Sturdy and strong.
its an easy feat,
and MAGIC THINGS make it ALL complete!

You have My Little Rhyhorn,
Do you know you're all probably my death?


Be your death? Wha? Why? I don't wanna kill my precious Rhyhorn!

I came to Sephyr just to be with my beloved animated rock! When Mr. Lejun came to the Plane of Fire to hire me, one of the first things he told me about was this amazing beast made out of sentient rock. I was sold on the spot and agreed to work for him. I just had to see you with my own eyes! And ya' know what? I wasn't disappointed! You're so cute, I can't stand it! I've seen a lot of things in my time, like those other sentient rock guys... uhm... Goliaths or whatnot, but you're way more awesome than them. We should like, carve some holes in yer hide and embed some gems and other cool things, you know, like the Goliaths do, that's make you look even more awesome. I'm thinking a few sapphires and some emeralds would suit you nicely. Of course some onyx inlay wouldn't be out of place either... hrm... I'm going to have to think more on this...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Since it has become a recurring joke from the very inception of this game and persists still, I will officially dub this campaign "ALL THE THINGS". Welcome to ATT.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 24, 2011, 04:44:48 am #36 Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 04:48:17 am by Celdia
Just so there isn't any interruption to the game thread now that its finally proceeding cohesively, and also because I am still getting reuqests on this, I'll be taking any new player applications over here. Gonna copy/paste the other Waiting List characters over to here as well just so they're all in one place.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Dunkelritter Luna
-Name: Thanatos Exeros
-Gender/Sex: Male
-Race: Alynthi Elf
-Age (Human Equivalent): 22
-Birth Place: Alynthia
-Appearance/Clothing: A light chainmail shimmers black under his heavy black shawl, draping down to the small of his powerful back. His legs coated in the same shimmering chainmail, strong and sturdy as tree trucks. This behemoth of an elf has undergone significantly tougher training than the average warrior, and has additionally learned to strengthen himself using magic.
-History/Background/Motivation/Goals: A son of a powerful warrior, he aspired to become like his dad. However, his father went to war, and is still in the military, fighting to keep Alynthia safe. So, his father was not there when he graduated top of his fighting class. Nor was he there for when Thanatos left home, searching for a greater good.
He was never there, and it burns in Thanatos' mind everytime he's reminded.
-Combat Style: He relies purely on his dual scythes, twirling in an endless dance to wreak havoc, known as Death by some, and Living Hurricane by others, he has earned much infamy for his unique style of fighting. His wears a chainmail threaded into nodes on his chest in order to keep it from flailing about. Prefers complete domination over stealthy tactics.
-Religious Affiliation (if any): Atheist, however he will gladly worship to avoid insulting anybody. He enjoys studying religion for its philosophical points.

Quote from: Eternal248
-Name:       Maximilian Haynes

-Gender/Sex:    Male

-Race:       Human

-Age:       28

-Birth Place:    Fandaria

-Appearance:   Bearing shoulder-length kept blonde hair and wearing the most exquisite of clothing, Maximilian takes great
      pride in his appearance, often wearing Fandaria's noble colors of red and gold. Bearing light blue eyes,
      they are known to turn a deep black when his blood pressure rises.

-History:    A highborn born and raised in south Fandaria, Maximilian serves as a mediator between the ever-growing tensions
      between Highland and Fandaria to prevent a possible war. Despite this, he holds no love for either nation,
      desiring Fandaria to take Highland as its own. To this end, he schemes on a way to manipulate the war
      so that Fandaria may absorb the weakened nations as its own. Trained in both the ways of the crossbow and the
      spoken word, Maximilian does not hesitate to manipulate and threaten those who stand in his way.

-Combat Style:   Maximilian's skill with words extends to combat, where he can initiate parley, threaten foes, and arise a variety
      of emotions in those who listen to his words. When the enemy lets their guard down, he puts an end to his foe's
      suffering with a bolt to the head.

-Religion:   Astinus

Quote from: Joseph Strife
- Name: Awduin Lariat

- Gender: Male

- Race: Human

- Age: 24

- Birth Place: Verun

- Appearance: With short, spiked, black hair, Awduin likes to take care of his style, he wears an over-all too. Pants and boots complete his appearance. On the chest he wears a commom shirt and under it a light Dragon Scale armor, that is realy strong against physical attacks, that is a legacy from his father along with the emerald necklace he wears that was his mother legacy.

- History: A commoner by birth, his mother served as a maid in the palace of Vormir for 20 years and his father worked as a blacksmith. His mother was a good friend of the Queen, that is kind and gentle, so is the king too, they are like his second family. As for his father work, Awduin learned to handle almost every type of melee and ranged weapon that his father crafted for the palace. One night bandits raid the palace when the troops were out to war, they were so many, so Awduin help the few guards left behind to defend the palace. His father died while trying to protect his mother, and his mother was kidnapped taken by the bandits, as he saw this he was knocked out by one of the bandits that ran with what they looted. Now Awduin is raised in the palace by the Queen and King themselves and has a good realation with their daughter Celina. He seeks to go on a quest to find the whereabouts of his mother as she may still be alive. While the opportunity does not appear, he trains with the guards in the castle.

- Combat Style: Awduin know both melee and ranged combat styles, but he specializes himself in melee combat wielding either a long sword and a shield or two long swords. He is very tactical, so he plans all his moves before entering in a battle, try to come up with the better strategy possible, and only then he engages his opponents, but he make all this plans in just seconds due to his hard training.

- Religion: Daedalean

Quote from: Lydyn
-Name: Virkum
-Gender/Sex: Male
-Race: Alynthi Elf
-Age (Human Equivalent): Equivalent of age 22 in human years
-Birth Place: Unknown
Virkum lives to fight, he lives for the battle, but no one but the gods above know why. It has been two years since he's awoken in a peaceful field with nothing but the clothes on his back and the ancient longsword beside him. It has been two years filled with bloodshed, coin for his services, and endless wanderings. Where he learned his skills, his abilities over his own body, and where he acquired such a potentially powerful blade is lost in the fog of forgotten memories. He is quiet and keeps to himself, but it's hard to take a step in any town or city without being recognized, let alone noticed. He's built a decent reputation for himself, but he only knows one things and it's the only thing that keeps him going - he must fight. For what? He hopes he'll find that answer someday.

-Combat Style: Tends to wear clothing with very little leather in select areas (still counting as clothing). While Virkum almost exclusively wields Starfang into battle, he is more than capable to battle without any weapons at all. He seems more agile than should be normally impossible and has almost inhuman reactions paired with the ability to stand toe-to-toe with a knight in full armor while wearing little more than clothing. He is known to throw Starfang in battle as a substitute long ranged weapon.
-Religious Affiliation (if any): Unknown
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 24, 2011, 05:10:01 am #38 Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 06:27:50 am by Randomname
-Name:  N'zla of Ro'K (UN-zzzl-ah | roh-Kuh)

-Gender/Sex: Lesser Male

-Race: Ek, highly intelligent bug people. Picture

-Age (Human Equivalent): 27

-Birth Place:  Hive Ro'K, Underdark

-Appearance/Clothing: Sketch
Predominantly lime green.  N'zla's shell is embossed in the Ek tradition with swirls and dots, the embossed sections are painted red and pink.  N'zla wears the traditional Ak Priest headdress made of scaled blackened chitin.  The headdress is topped with a carved statuette on the front between his antenna of an Ek in a meditation position.  The headdress leads into a thick collar with hundreds of bright feathers (a sign of wealth as feathers are a rare and treasured commodity in the Ek Hives).  He wears more blackened chitin scales as armor over his torso and abdomen.

N'zla was raised as a priest of Holy Ak in the Ek Hives of Underdark.  His people are strict pacifists, and like them he has a tendency to be naive.  But also as most Ek have, N'zla bears a great curiosity for the Above.  He wishes to understand the Above and its peoples, to know what they know and to bring secrets back to Ro'K.  

As most priests of Ak, N'zla is also well-versed in Mok-T'raat, or "War Games", a ritual that honors the time long ago when Ek still fought like beasts until they were saved by their patron, Ak.  Mok-T'raat is merely a strategy game, a mimicry of ancient feuds, and N'zla has no idea how to actually fight.

He's far better with the Tongues of the humanoid races than many of his peers.  He has spent years practicing to mimic the sounds humanoid mouths make.  Even so, his speech is broken and awkward at best.

-Combat Style: Pacifist.

-Religious Affiliation:  Ak, God of the Forgotten, Secrets, and Knowledge.


On the first day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
A platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the second day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the third day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the fourth day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the fifth day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Five golden rings
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the sixth day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Six armor bracers
Five golden rings
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the seventh day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Seven wands of shatter
Six armor bracers
Five golden rings
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the eighth day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Eight spheres mysterious
Seven wands of shatter
Six armor bracers
Five golden rings
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the ninth day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Nine scrolls of scrying
Eight spheres mysterious
Seven wands of shatter
Six armor bracers
Five golden rings
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the tenth day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Ten pristine diamonds
Nine scrolls of scrying
Eight spheres mysterious
Seven wands of shatter
Six armor bracers
Five golden rings
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the eleventh day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Eleven works of fine art
Ten pristine diamonds
Nine scrolls of scrying
Eight spheres mysterious
Seven wands of shatter
Six armor bracers
Five golden rings
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.

On the twelfth day of looting
The cart held ALL THE THINGS:
Twelve bolts enchanted
Eleven works of fine art
Ten pristine diamonds
Nine scrolls of scrying
Eight spheres mysterious
Seven wands of shatter
Six armor bracers
Five golden rings
Four locked boxes
Three Rupees
Two sharp axes
And a platinum stack high enough for kings.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.