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September 20, 2024, 09:07:52 pm


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Started by Ryqoshay, October 11, 2014, 03:47:10 pm


"Love is a serious mental disease." - Plato
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker." - Willy Wonka
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


"History does not repeat itself but it often does rhyme." -Mark Twain

"The secret to interstellar travel will be first written on a napkin in a pub by a dockworker." -Albert Einstein

"Soldier, doctor, priest- a true martial artist is an equal balance of these three things." - Me, on a poster I put on my dojo wall

"You want to know why Nick [Me] isn't a priest, Nathan [brother]? Its because he's actually a paladin. See, a priest walks up to a pedophile and says 'that produces suffering and is wrong. You should try your best to stop it and repent' while a paladin walks up to a pedophile and says 'Blam! Blam blam blam!' and then possibly reloads. That is why Nick never went to seminary school and became a priest." - My cousin Eric answering my little  brother's question a few years  back. All I could do was nod.

"History does not repeat itself but it often does rhyme." -Mark Twain


"Denny Crane." - Denny Crane
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"This thread is dumb..."  -Elric  10/12/14
  • Modding version: PSX


"You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for
Turn out the light
Don't try to save me
You may be wrong for all I know
But you may be right"
- Billy Joel
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


<FactCore> Cellular phones will not give you cancer. Only hepatitis.
<CuriosityCore> What's that noise?
<Turret> Put me down.
<GLaDOS> You must really, really love to test.
<SpaceCore> So much space. Need to see it all.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


  • Modding version: PSX


"Thoughout all of history, no wise king has ever forced his army to obey him through oppression. People will only truly fight for what is right. And there is only one thing that is truly right in this world! The one true, unchanging righteousness in the world is... cuteness! Cute makes right! All our needs, desires and instincts seek cuteness, and it is for cuteness that we will give everything we have! That's just the way men are!" - Sora
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"The earth makes a sound as of sighs and the last drops fall from the emptied cloudless sky. A small boy, stretching out his hands and looking up at the blue sky, asked his mother how such a thing was possible. Fuck off, she said."
― Samuel Beckett
  • Modding version: PSX


"I don't drink water. Fish fuck in it."

― W.C. Fields
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


Reminded me of Salute Your Shorts... "Why won't you swim in the lake?" "Because fish fart in it." Which was no doubt derived from that quote, but retooled for the G-rated Nickelodeon audience.

... I miss Salute Your Shorts. Even though I've seen every episode 6 times if I've seen them once. I'm sure I'd be embarrassed by it if I tried to watch it now, but that's kind of the point of childhood nostalgia.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


I heard of that show but never seen it as brazilian Nickelodeon never broadcasted it.
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


They actually may have, but I was young when it aired, so you woulda likely been too young.
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm pretty sure it was never broadcasted in Brazil, and yes i would be too young.
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


"War. War never changes." - Ron Perlman
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


  • Modding version: PSX


"You aren't sailing past honor for the liking of a room. These questions are birthday basements. To end the blue radish is the upside of luxury and sparking a good lizard can only make tears fall in hindsight. Puddles do not ask for why not? It is cheese! Breath and wind. It is cheese." - Alan Shore
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


  • Modding version: PSX