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★ Story Related Discussion

Started by R999, June 18, 2010, 04:06:40 am


June 18, 2010, 04:06:40 am Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 05:32:06 am by R999
Reminder: As much as we'll like to have a canonical game, IA will never be -- because of the team selection system. We won't stop the player from having uncanonical encounters. That is the way it will be. The purpose of having a plot --at all-- is to bring added-value to the overall presentation of the game, as well as offering something for the player to look forward to as he or she progresses through the game with a different team each time. This is very important to keep mind. Our ultimate goal is to create an awesome gameplay experience, one that has great lasting value -- emphasis on replayability -- not very different from Arcade fighting game logic.

^ We are going with option 1, "Somewhat canonical".

1) IA as a Prequel to the original game. Taking place about 4 years before FFT. Story mainly involves Elidibs winning the tournament and taking over the Serpentarius Stone. Though, it was said that the great hero disappeared during the recapture of Riovanes Castle. There is some room for a few new Lucavi's but not much.  Many of the original game's characters would have to be altered if not removed in order to be coherent to the true timeline, such as Delita, Andramelech, Belias, Ultima, etc).

[s:3olo6g80]2) IA in an alternative timeline of FFT, where Ramza did not exist. In order to bring enough bloodshed for the Ultima ritual, the strongest fighters of Ivalice are being summoned in a tournament where the winners are promised Immortality and Eternal Youth. Most if not all of the stars of the original game will be featured in an All-Star-Arcade-Style approach to FFT.[/s:3olo6g80]

Zodiac Stone Possession prior to FFT is as follows:

Funeral/Church - Pisces Mateus, Capricorn Andramelech, Sagittarius Shemhazai, Aries Belias
Vormav - Leo Hasmal
Cardinal Draclau - Scorpio Cuchulainn
Elmdore - Gemini Zalera (Unknown origin, Elmdore obtained it)
Beowulf - Aquarius Famfrit (was Found by Beowulf)
Orlandu - Libra Exodus
Goug Mines - Taurus Chaos
Construct 7 - Cancer Zeromus
Simon - Virgo Ultima
* Auracites highlighted in bold means possible Lucavi / Steel Giant / Iron Giant.

Zodiac Sign Dates

  • Aquarius - January 21 - February 19
    [li]Pisces - February 20- March 20
    [li]Aries - March 21 - April 20
    [li]Taurus - April 21 - May 21
    [li]Gemini - May 22 - June 21
    [li]Cancer - June 22 - July 22
    [li]Leo - July 23 -August 21
    [li]Virgo - August 22 - September 23
    [li]Libra - September 24 - October 23
    [li]Scorpio - October 24 - November 22
    [li]Sagittarius - November 23 - December 22
    [li]Capricorn - December 23 - January 20
Birthdays and Relative Age (age according to Chapter 1)
- Special -
00 Elidibs (??)
?? Ramza (16)

17 Omdoria (35)
20 Ruvelia (27)
31 Cloud (20)

07 Miluda (23)*
15 Teta (15)
26 Alicia (??)
26 Reis (23)

01 Rafa (13)
18 Simon (76)
21 Boco (??)
23 Lavian (??)

02 Barinten (47)

10 Golagros (28)
11 Ovelia (15)
21 Elmdor (35)
28 Izlude (16)

06 Kletian (24)
09 Malak (16)
20 Worker (??)
22 Agrias (20)
26 Balbanes (64)
30 Zalbag (28)

05 Olan (24)
23 Vormav (46)
24 Alma (15)

11 Larg (37)
16 Balmafula (17)
23 Wiegraf (30)
26 Daravon (52)
26 Gafgarion (52)
29 Algus (16)
30 Celia (26)

04 Miluda (23)*
11 Ajora (??)
11 Gustav (20)
16 Goltana (56)
26 Rudvich (55)

04 Beowulf (30)
11 Gustav (35)
15 Mustadio (17)
24 Dycedarg (37)

10 Orlandu (56)
15 Draclau (52)
16 Besrodio (42)
22 Orinas (01)
25 Delita (16)

06 Balk (38)
07 Zalmo (53)
11 Alazlam (53)
13 Lede (19)
23 Rofel (35)
24 Meliadoul (18)
30 Rad (??)
31 Funeral (78)

Story and Character Backgrounds by Lasting_Dawn

Intentions and Motives

Let's think of a motive. What would drive so many people to meet with the legendary wizard, who is offering them immortality and eternal youth, in addition to a priceless gem. What sort of people would attend this gathering? And why...?

Feel free to comment or give your own motives or intentions!

Besrodio - To heal his bum leg, that's been ruined ever since a mining accident when Mustadio was a boy

(Courtesy of Eternal) Engineer Balk -  A man jaded by his own existence. Feeling he was born into the wrong age, he languishes away his days away in Bacchus and Opium. Despite a Machinist of high renown, his brashness and cruelty towards his underlings earned him the title of Tempered Bayonet. Facing rebellion as chief Machinist, he becomes ousted by the Machinists of Goug.

Constantly questioning the hierarchy into which he was born, and his place in society's ladder, Balk questions the necessity of an absolute ruler, and for his harsh words, he is put on the Black Scroll, a list of those forbidden to enter the realm of Goug. Though now only a disgraced man, his love for the Golden Age had not subsided, is is because of this yearning that he aims to find what wonders Elidibs had resurfaced with.

Celia/Lede - The two Demons crowned with Altima's name were sent above to aid Zalera in his plots to revive Altima, yet Zalera had not and would not awaken. The current host awoke the Light side of the Lucavi which called itself Astathon. The feminine forms the two ordinarily assume had no affect on the host of Astathon, nor did Astathon find any interest in it. Astathon cared only for its own beauty and pleasure, which was derived from slowly and violently removing the souls from Humes. Though it saw Zodiark as a threat, it did not give heed to Celia and Lede's offers of alliance.

Celia and Lede had little choice in the manner. A host of the Gemini Lucavi was an all too rare occurrence, it's not as if they could just rip the stone from him and... then it came to them. This man was an Elmdor. The same noble family that ruled Limberry. After conducting more research it became clear that the current host of the Gemini Lucavi was the brother of the Ruling Elmdor. With this knowledge they finally had a possible bearer. Though would this man be able to bring forth the Dark Gemini, Zalera? Or would he like his brother again fall prey to the avarice of Astathon... with their plan firmly in mind, the two set forth a plan to ensnare them both, the brothers would reunite.

Gafgarion - A veteran who needs no introduction. Ever since the Fifty Years' War had ended jobs had dried up for the aged Mercenary. No one asked for hits on common soldiers nor were there any great plans in store by the common man to scrounge enough money together to remove a noble from his lofty perch. It was a slow time, sure there were the odd job transportation jobs, but with Ivalice's economy in shambles these were few and far between. His troupe was becoming restless and his apprentice in particular was acting in an anxious manner. With the lump-sum of money drying up could he really afford to keep the troupe after all?

The manifesto on the Serpent's Trial was released and though it caught the eye of many of the younger troupe members, including Gafgarion's apprentice, Rad, Gafgarion paid no attention to it. A couple of weeks later, a strange man walked into the troupe's headquarters. He was a hooded fellow and all of his companions were also similarly hooded. Caught unawares by this, the troupe members ran to get Gafgarion. Lest the men should have a violent purpose. As Gafgarion approached the silent men, Blood Sword in hand, he was quickly stopped by the leader putting up his hands. "We mean you no harm sir Gafgarion, let us have a seat." Figuring it was a very hush, hush purpose to this man's coming he set up a table in the far corner of the tavern which he and his troupe occupied. "What might your name be, sir?" Asked Gafgarion. The smooth sounding voice from beneath the robe answered, "You may call me Firgloh. I have an urgent mission for you and your men." Gafgarion's eyes lit up, as he kept the same heavy stare on the robed figure. "That all depends on what you ask to be done." A chuckle came from under the robe. "Do not bluff with me sir. You've had little means to support this place ever since the war ended, would you rather I tell your dear companions about their jobs being weeks away from termination?"

In a rage, Gafgarion rose. "Threaten me will you? In my own home!" This caught the attention of many of his troupe as they each prepared their weapons, but were stopped by the hooded man's companions, as they too drew weaponry. The hooded man motioned for Gafgarion to sit down and for everyone to sheathe their varied arms. "You're a professional are you not? Do not let this slip of information dissuade you from what you must do." Gafgarion mumbled, "What's the pay?"  A smile could be seen from under the hood as he whispered softly the amount of gil. The old man's eyes opened wide. "You mock me again? Unless you are a noble of the Royal Family there is no way you could afford all of that!" With a beckoning of his hand his companions brought in from outside 20 chests filled to the brim with Gil. The troupe gathered around. "I will leave five here, to show you I am of good faith." Gafgarion quickly nodded, now that he had seen the man was earnest. "What do you ask of us, my lord?"

The hooded man could only laugh aloud. "Lord? Are you saying, I am your lord, or that the money I offer is? Well no matter. Have you heard of Elidibs?" The aged mercenary scoffed, "Of course, who hasn't heard of the Hero-mage of Gariland. It's thanks to him that the art of magic regained so much of its glory and put the older forms of magic to shame! What of that legend? Do you want me to try and find him, perhaps get him to teach you a few parlor tricks of your own?" Firgloh, solemnly shook his head. "Is this really what the great mercenary Gafgarion amounts to? Have you not kept with the news?" Gafgarion quickly started to tap his finger on the table, holding in his anger. "You're referring to a charlatan's tournament held in Lesalia. Don't think for a moment I can't see that this man uses that name purely for his own aggrandizement and advertisement." The hooded man turned sharply to Gafgarion. "It is the true Elidibs. If it is not, than all the better for you." Gafgarion stopped tapping as he listened intently to Firgloh. "This man plays with power far beyond his reckoning. I ask of you to stop this man at any cost. Dismantle his tournament and do what you can to end his plans." A smirk appeared on the aged veteran's face. "Anything to stop him? You have yourself a deal Firgloh! My troupe and I shall infiltrate this tournament and deal with this Elidibs." Firgloh nodded solemnly, "Good, very good... I shall take my leave then. You shall next hear from me upon your success." Just as quickly as they appeared the hooded man's procession faded into the night. "Suit up lads and lasses! We make for the Core of the Land!" A large cheer was heard from the tavern as they quickly prepared themselves for battle. Though one lad had left earlier than intended... a figure Gafgarion would sorely miss on this mission.

Teioh (Hatless Thief of Dorter that is paid to kill Gaff) - A down and out headhunter, that receives a mysterious message to kill Elidibs for a massive amount of money, with a picture enclosed. He's just an old man, how hard could it be? So he sets out to unwittingly participate in this tournament.

Rad - Always a boy of impeccable hearing Rad could pick up everything that Gafgarion and Firgloh were talking about and knew now that this was his chance. If he would ever be seen as a worthy successor to Gafgarion he would have to succeed at this job singlehandedly. Legendary wizard or no, Rad has street smarts and wits, not witchcraft to aid him in this venture. He snuck out of the tavern shortly after the hooded man's men had already left. He knew well the path there and it was but a hop through the Zeklaus Desert to reach it.

Rudvich - Hearing of the tournament, attempts to waylay weary contestants so they can be sold to private colosseums throughout Ivalice. Little was he aware that Elidibs had already ordered him to participate in the tourney.

Anastasia - Born Anastasia Crescent to the loving hands of Freya and Fratley  in the far off lands of Romanda. Her life had been a peaceful, if not eventful one. Though the Crescent family was from Ivalice, their insatiable will to see the whole of their world drove them all across the lands from the furthest reaches of Ordalia, to the far north where the beautiful wine city of Lea Monde stood. Before Anastasia was born Freya and Fratley were famous travelers whose documented journeys extended from the tip of the Crystal Tower to the front gates of Giruvegan. Anastasia was born at a time when the King of Romanda, Mid Atkascha, was to give the couple an honorary knighthood for their archeological discoveries, in part because he was a lover of history himself. When the man had heard that they could not attend their own coronation, Mid immediately recalled that Freya had been far along in her pregnancy and her child would likely be born shortly. Without a moment to think, Mid went to the lodgings of Freya and Fratley with a handful of expert midwives and physicians in tow, to assure that half of his national treasures to-be were not damaged in anyway. The couple was shocked to see that the king himself would bless the childbirth.

The child was born without complication and the couple had decided to let the king name her, having attended her birth. The young king chose the name "Anastasia", a word meaning rebirth and renewal. It also shared its name with the treasure sword that came from before the Cataclysm that the Romanda Atkascha's kept as one of their nation's treasures. Perhaps the name was given as a symbol of Romanda's rebirth, or mayhaps to say that this child would grow up to be another treasure of the kingdom, as her mother and father were. Yet perhaps there was yet another darker purpose that would not manifest until the woman's twenty-fifth birthday...

Ever since she was an infant her parents brought her on many varied adventures and she took to the world quickly. Always under the protective gaze of Freya and Fratley, Anastasia was allowed to develop skills in many things throughout her youth. At the age of sixteen it was such that she felt that her family kept her under too close watch, she told them that she wanted to strike out on her own, to blaze a path into unknown lands without anyone's help. Though fully against the idea at first, Fratley managed to convince his wife to allow their daughter to pursue her own path, saying that she may also find another person to support her in her travels as those two found one another. In tears Freya gave her daughter the Dragon's Hair. Also known as the Heaven Divider. A legendary treasure that the couple found in the ruins of an ancient lighthouse far to the east of Ordalia.  Shortly after she had seperated from her parents she came across a baby dragon being stricken in an effort to subdue it, poachers from Ivalice, with their secrets of "Monstercrafting" (the ability to create various items from a monster's body) were using all of their resources to subdue it, yet keep it in good form. Anastasia came upon them and chased off the poachers and saved the small dragon. She immediately took a liking to the dependent little creature and raised it as her own, she named the dragon Czar. She would raise this dragon to have powers comparable with Bahamut himself.  

 Anastasia set out on many adventures, shunning the assistance of anyone and everyone that would try to help her, aside from of course Czar, who was now a powerful ally. The young Dragon Knight vowed to herself that she would never rely on another hume again, feeling that her parents restricted her growth fully. By the time she was twenty she had already afforded a small mansion in the Romandan Capital, with the riches that she had accrued. While her mother and father were travelers they were not greedy or money obsessed. They had done their work for the good of the intellectual community, only taking items of power that would benefit them in their journeys and to keep them from malevolent forces. Anastasia would sell her treasures to the highest bidder, even if those items could be used for wrongdoings. Despite the many urgings from the king himself to Anastasia to give the items to the throne, for a nominal fee, her lust for money continued in her ways and left the man without a choice in the matter. The child he had felt that he never had, was all but lost. All that was left was now a cold woman who wanted nothing but ever more money. The aged king Mid and her parents were ashamed of what she had become. Against his heart, Mid had sent out a bounty on Anastasia Cresent. The relics of power she was selling to less than reputable men were being abused by those who had purchased them, putting a true threat on the Romandan hegemony.

Anastasia with Czar, fled the lands of Romanda to settle in Ivalice, having already in secret, moved all of her assets to Ivalice, where Denamda was all too glad to receive 20% of that for granting her safe passage to his lands. In Ivalice Anastasia had started anew, gathering new contacts and discovering the locations of even more Wonders of the Ancient World. While in this land, she felt a deep urging from within, memories of things which could not have been, the aspirations of a leader, to rule over all beings. A palace deep in the clouds. Three others, subordinates... and a single being she owed allegiance to. All of these dreams and memories were fragmented and did not hold much meaning of sense within them. Though a vivid dream one night at the age of 22, showed her a many headed dragon, which flew from her home in Ivalice, to high above the clouds and traveled to the location of the Mirage Tower, flying above that was the Floating Castle. A desolate palace of abandoned technology. She awoke with a start. Was such a thing really a dream? A premonition? As Czar had learned to fly she had to know for herself. She traveled to the Mirage Tower and made her way to the sky atop Czar's back. There it was, as it was from her dream, the Floating Castle. Bringing back proof of its existence to the alumni of Ivalice, she single handedly proved the legends of the Ronkan Empire to be true. A land that kept it's capital far above the sky, that died away due to a mysterious illness. The records showed that the ancients called this disease "Tiamat". The name struck a deep chord within Anastasia for reasons she could not have known. The annals showed that it was a dark wave that swept over Ronka and would not let go, suffocating all within. Could it be that this "illness" was a metaphor for something more malevolent than that? She could not have accepted that it was but a simple ailment. Her ideas met with ridicule from the scholars of Ivalice, yet was still given credit for proving that the Ronkan Empire did truly exist.

Tiamat... The name became more and more prevalent within Anastasia until it drove her to distraction from her ordinary treasure gathering. The dreams were becoming clearer and she was now certain the three other beings from her dreams were somewhere in Ivalice. It was this tournament... it would hold the answer to all things, she could feel it. The other three were there as well, there she would claim her place as leader among them! Leader of what though? Exactly who were these others and why would she seek them? She knew nothing yet she knew everything... with Czar in tow, she would have her answers there. The other three were drawn there, just as she was, there was no doubt in her mind...

Garamonde Elmdor- The younger of the twin Elmdor's. The Elmdor family had rules in place since ancient times regarding lines of succession. It was decreed that at the age of 13 the younger generations that were in the house would be taken abroad to the lands of the Samurai in the Far East of Ivalice. This ensured that there would be no troubles with succession of the eldest. If the eldest would happen to die the Marquis Heirship would go to the exiled younger sibling. He would be brought back from the Far East and trained in the ways of government. Mesdoram and Garamonde were very close as boys. They had trained together, had been taught together and were basically inseparable. Though from the time they were old enough to speak, they had been told that the two could not always be together. That Garamonde would be sent off to a far away land when he had reached the proper age. Many times the  boys tried to fight back against this fate and even planned on running away from home, with a handful of servants. Needless to say that some of the servant's were less than loyal to their cause and when the two had fallen asleep, they were brought back safe and sound to their own chambers.

The march of time did not stand still for the youths, as they quickly grew and the day of their departure from one another was quickly threatening. In a final ditch attempt to protect his younger brother, Mesdoram offered to go in his place. Their father strictly disallowed this and because of this act of insubordination was not allowed to see his brother off. Because of this Garamonde and Mesdoram both felt an animosity towards their father that they carried with them well into adulthood.

In this land, Garamonde was cared for by his uncle, Owain who seemed much more of a father to him than his own father. He taught him further skills of the katana and was able to convince his liege lord Doma, to accept Garamonde into his ranks at the age of 15. This was the happiest times of Garamonde's life. Around Mesdoram there was always an air of competition, but around his uncle there was only compassion in the boy's earnestness to learn and Owain's ability to teach. At the age of 23, Lord Doma made a startling decision, which would effect Garamonde's life forever more. He chose to ally with Ordalia against Ivalice. Needless to say the Elmdor family was now split. Where there was communication between the exiled and main houses that communication was now cut permanently.

Garamonde nor Owain had any qualms about fighting against their former homelands and engaged in battle quite often. The war had gone back and forth between Ordalia and Ivalice, thus there was no shortage to the bloody warfare which ravaged the land. Garamonde and Owain had now fought this war for seven years on end. The man had gained very little recognition and only held onto his high rank by his uncle's reputation. His uncle had honor upon honor steeped upon his name, even being given the rank of "Demonic Knight" from King Varoi VI of Ordalia. Thus it was a great shock to nation and liege but most of all to Garamonde when Owain was struck down in the night by a few of his own vassals. Men that were retainers from the house of Elmdor in Ivalice that still held loyalty to their former masters.

Garamonde could not take this, as he chased after the traitors. With a command of ten elite soldiers they managed to catch up with the band close to the Zarghidan Border, as they tried to carry Owain's body along with them back to Ivalice. In moments the vassals were dead and Garamonde's troupe were headed back to report the news to the Ordalian crown and Lord Doma. Owain had left in his will that all his rank, awards, and treasure be heaped upon Garamonde. "To the son I never had..." Was written on the preface. Garamonde denied the rank of Demonic Knight, the Bushido taught man could not in good conscience take the rank, but Owain's sword the Muramasa was gladly received as well as the Doma familys treasure, the Gemini Auracite, precious to the people of the Glabados Faith popular in Ivalice. The Auracite made the steeled man think of home. Of a brother that was left behind, of a fate that tore the two apart. He took the stone as a symbol of his life. From then on he fought in his uncle's name. "Order of Owain" was the name of his squadron, as he still pledged loyalty to the crown and Lord Doma. His fame had risen considerably, but the man preferred to keep a low profile, he never felt it humble to go and exclaim his ranks to anyone he would meet.

A man bred for battle and cared for nothing else. The battle-hardened warrior was now 31 and had been fighting for eight years in this endless war. Then finally! The way opened up to end this war! The King Denamda of Ivalice had pushed Ordalia back nearly to the capital. This was carelessness. The king was so close to danger, that he never considered anything could go wrong. Garamonde contacted King Varoi VI, to allow him to end this war.  Seeing his plan, Varoi allowed him to attempt it, thus it was that Garamonde would meet face to face with King Denamda and end this all once and for all. With the Thunder God occupied elsewhere and the Beoulve's away in another land this was his chance.

What happened next was beyond Garamonde's understanding. The Order of Owain succeeded late that night in dispatching the majority of the border guards and hiding their corpses which allowed Garamonde access straight to the Command Tent. Opposing him was a single woman, with an unwavering look on her face as she stood before the tent. Without a word, their swords were drawn. The battle went this way and that, but it was clear that this woman had the upper hand. Finally the Muramasa was knocked from Garamonde's hands as this Sword Saint moved in for the kill... "For the sake of peace... this had to be done!" Garamonde screamed to himself, as blocked the Sword Saint's blow with the Gemini Auracite he kept on him. The blast that happened next blew back both the Samurai and the Sword Saint. Though as the Sword Saint regained her ground she did not see the Samurai, but instead an extraordinarily handsome man wearing a mourning veil, in robes of bright light. He let down his veil, and his blazing eyes slowly choked the life from the Sword Saint. As she tried to scream, no words came out, and as she tried to concentrate her eyesight was quickly fading. For minute after agonizing minute, this being that now controlled Garamonde's every action, relished in this woman's pain as her life was whisked away.  King Denamda was asleep in his quarters and with a quick wave of his hands over the King's face and the man was no more. He quickly stole out of the camp and without realizing it, was Garamonde once more.

Garamonde had succeeded! But at what price...? His destiny was to die there and now, to the clearly superior fighter. What... what had happened? It was for the sake of peace, was it not? Yet why was such perverse excitement drawn from that woman's suffering?
This was not how battle was fought! Such dishonorable actions had shamed his very soul. Hearing the news of King Denamda's death. King Varoi had planned to make Garamonde a Duke for single handedly ending the war, but Garamonde never returned. Indeed no one in the lands of Ordalia ever saw him again, but in rumors. Even his squadron was now leaderless. Garamonde now lingered on, unable to face his actions. A noble fight should have ended in a noble death, not what did occur... The man now considered himself more dead than alive, as the being began to manifest itself more often within Garamonde's soul. It relished on the field of battle, where it would cause immense pain and eventual death to all that would dare look upon its pure visage.

It was now four years later and he was but a wandering shell. It was at this time that the being within him demanded he return to Ivalice. There was a power there which threatened the creature's purity, and it Must be stopped! No longer with a will to disagree Garamonde proceeded on his way to the Core of the Land. With a heavy heart and deep regrets, could he find atonement within those gates?

Elidibs[/i] - The grand magician that vanished soon after Riovanes was recaptured by Ivalice. He had been missing ever since then but now a man purporting to be him has appeared and has sent out a message to many lands in Ivalice. The message read as follows.

QuoteTo all daring men and women of Ivalice. There will be a grand tourney held in the lands of Lesalia. Situated in the Core of the Land. Follow the Leylines from your respective territories to the center of Ivalice. There you will find me. I wait to see new and old faces in this tournament which will shake the very foundations of your world.

Your prizes will be vast, in my studies I have learned the secrets of immortality and eternal youth. I have also come across a priceless gem that any king would surrender his throne for. All of this and more will be yours if you are able to meet with me face to face.

I await you brave warriors.
Sincerely, Elidibs of Gariland

Possible Lucavi

Famfrit - Freed from the Aquarius stone. The Darkening Cloud had laid dormant for many years, though with the modern times many men see a figure of the Lucavi in torrential downpours. It is unknown who is the host of this fearsomely bound being, though it is clear that Famfrit is present in this tourney only to cause as much destruction as he can, though even he underestimated Elidibs' life paling that exists around the Core of the Land.

Mateus - Centuries ago, before the Cataclysm, there existed an airborne land called the Ronka Empire. In this land lived a witch of great renown that had accidentally called out to Mateus in an experiment gone wrong, during experiments with the Auracite that held the Esper, at first he was able to control the hapless witch in her surprise and began plotting to take over the Ronka Empire. Yet Mateus was careless and drew the eyes of unwanted interlopers, thus in desperation he abandoned the witch who managed to convince her Emperor that it was not her doing, but that of another being that her experiments with The Enthralled had surfaced. The wise man believed her story, and exiled her to the lands below. Lest the demon should surface once more. The public reasoning was that the well-liked and respected witch was practicing dark witchcraft and was thus banished.

From there, the two battled for control of the body. The witch, though having lost everything still held an impressive will. In time the two came to a compromise, Mateus would control the woman's actions half of the time and she would hold onto her will for the other half. The witch continued to study the realms of deeper magic while Mateus would meddle in the politics of the day, as far as his influence would allow him. The two found themselves to be rather compatible as the years passed, thus from grudging respect of one another and the centuries the two had spent, they treated each other as equals, their motives intertwined and their wills both strong.

In the modern times, it had come to Mateus and his companion's attention that their former acquaintance Elidibs had planned a tourney in the Core of the Land the very place that... It couldn't be allowed! If what was sleeping there would be risen... the world itself may no longer exist. All existence denied. Thus the two set out from the cave where they had hidden for millenia surfacing to put an end to this mage's goals.

Chaos - Freed from the Taurus Stone. Embraces the goal of Elidibs and unlike Mateus does not see it is their place to stop it. Awaits his Four Fiends to bring him forth. Only they can be suitable to revive him, as his host failed to revive 2000 years ago, with him.

Shemhazai - Freed from the Sagittarius Stone. Uses the tournament to her own ends, keeping herself hidden from sight until it is the right time to strike.

Hashmalum - Fully integrated with Vormav. Looks about the field as a great chance to shed some rich and noble blood in the revival of Altima. Unbenknownst to him, Elidibs has prevented the possibility of any killing that would occur in the tournament.

Queklain - Fully integrated with Draclau. Sees the few pure souls shine brightly through the dark intentions of many of the contestants. Exists to absorb all of the impurities that plague the tournament.

Astathon - The light side of the Gemini Zodiac Stone. Though just because it is light does not mean it is good. Astothon is a highly handsome creature that wears a mourning veil (a habit) that if its face is revealed to anyone, they will fall into a piercing pain that will end if their stare is not averted from Astathon's gaze. It is a highly selfish Lucavi and cares nothing for the other's plans in reviving Altima or controlling Zodiark. What is its concern is that the rebirth of Zodiark would create a being more pure than he on the lands of Ivalice and This cannot be! With his host in tow, it makes its way to the Core of the Land, to assure that this wizard's plan not succeed!

(Cancer is with Worker 7)
(Libra is with Orlandu)

Glabados Faith
High Priest Funeral - Leader of the Glabados Faith. Succeeded in winning the people's support with the Fifty Year War causing the loss of faith in the crown. It has been many years since the church had come about another Zodiac Stone. They had held in their coffers the Capricorn and Aries, though it was not enough. If the Zodiac Braves were to be risen in this soon to be tumultuous age, the rest of the stones had to be found posthaste! Then a miracle happened! A practitioner of classical magic, Elidibs resurfaced from his hiding place, claiming that he held a stone beyond wealth. This was no doubt another Holy Stone. He commanded all of his Templars and Priests to all participate in this magician's tournament, he also sent a letter to a certain influential young noble. As he commanded the best of the best there was little doubt that victory would be his in the end.

Cardinal Draclau - Still hiding his Scorpio Auracite he found during the Fifty Year War, which had been his only comfort in the past years for him. Somewhere along the line his grief and despair called out to Queklain, the Impure King. Still struggling to hold onto his own will, he proceeds to the tournament on Funeral's request, unaware if it is his own volition or that of the demon within him which drives him.

Vormav - Appointed leader of the New Zodiac Braves and the bearer of the Leo Auracite. Outwardly loyal to Funeral as Hashmalum, the Regulator schemes and controls his actions from within. Vormav sees the tournament as a gathering place. There is little doubt in his mind that Elidib's Auracite is not the only one that would be present in these exceptional circumstances. Prepares to gather what stones he can to eventually recall further allies.

Kletian - A bright eyed youth who looks up to the High Priest's goal with mirth. Nicknamed "The Return of Elidibs" in his graduating class of Gariland Academy, such a comparison has given the boy a rather large ego. He talks down to his subordinates yet follows on every word of his superiors and believes them unquestionably. Though he along with his compatriots was ordered by the High Priest to retrieve Elidibs treasure, he is out to prove to the world that he has already surpassed the "greatest mage" Ivalice had ever known.

Rofel - An old friend of the Tingel family. With a silver tongue and more than exceptional skill with the Divine Blade, he is often used as the diplomat of the Templars. Had noticed the change in his friend in recent years and has taken it upon himself to teach Vormav's children as well as he could, while their own father is off fighting battles for the Church. He fights purely for the sake of doing so, investing no worth in success or failure, regardless the children should learn something from this experience, if nothing else.

Meliadoul - The older of the two Tingel children, her brash personality and innate skills with the Divine Blade comes from her father. Sees the tournament as a wonderful chance to prove herself to her father and the Church all together. Watches cautiously over her much younger brother who had also been brought along to the tournament.

Beowulf - Knows nothing of the Holy Stones and paid little attention to the legend of the Zodiac Braves. Believes the stone that Elidibs holds would make a wonderful wedding present to finally propose marriage to his sweetheart Reis.

Aliste - The world worn Templar had grown weary of the church and only stayed with them because of his old friend and rival, Beowulf Cadmus. It was not the stone which drew his gaze, but the promise of Eternal Youth and Immortaily. His health had been frail ever since he was a child and only his innate skill in the Spellblade earned him a spot among the Templar. As a teenager he passed on his skills onto Beowulf and through this Beowulf also managed to join the Templars. It was clear to him that his fatal illness was reaching its middle stages, and he only had a couple of years left to him. Perhaps... perhaps he could fight fate. Show the world that he would not bow to destiny!  He would attain immortality and eternal youth, and show Beowulf that it was he who had greater skill! Though... is that what he truly wanted?

Bremondt - An ordained priest who graduated with top marks from Gariland Magic Acadeny so many years ago. Was once a dashing man but his good looks had faded as he grew older, it would of course be this time that his long dormant feelings of love would sprout. He grew amorously attached to a Templar's fiancee that worked under him. Before he let this all consuming feeling incinerate him, the notice for the tourney came and with it the prizes that would be received. Eternal Youth made his eyes alight, it is this which would help him win her heart! With his goal in mind, he headed out with his bodyguard, Aliste and was yet one of the last to make it to the tournament gates.

Zalmo - A man fully given to God and the Holy Word. Knows nothing of the Holy Stones or of the High Priest's New Zodiac Braves plan. His goal is to abolish the unnatural prizes and the prize giver from this world. If he happens to win the gemstone for the High Priest, more the better. With firm conviction he proceeds to the Core of the Land.

(Simon) - A Bishop who lost faith in a time long past. Knows the truth of the church and keeps the Germonik Scriptures hidden from the world. Knows of the Holy Stones and believes there is more to Elidibs little tournament than meets the eye. With a directive from the High Priest himself, Simon investigates the matter. Perhaps preventing whatever this man's purpose is can be his redemption...

Young Izlude - Proceeded to the tournament with Meliadoul but lost sight of her soon after. It would seem that the magician had unwittingly entered the youth into the tournament. He wishes to find his family, or his teacher Rofel. The boy cares nothing for any of the prizes offered,

Rivaldi - A warrior priest who personally guarded Murond Holy Place in the absence of the Templars. The legendary Scorpion Tail had been passed down his family line, was given a secret mission by High Priest Funeral, thus was one of the last contestants to arrive.
(Goodness the church has an Enormous Roster!)

Order of the Northern Sky
Duke Larg - Such a disturbance in the land, especially after the Fifty Years War could not be ignored, though if it were benevolent in conduct for what reason would it be proper to bring an army? Also what if that old man Goltana got there first? As if more honor needed heaped upon the Black Lion's family name... In haste he sent out a call to the Beoulve family. Their mission was simple, examine the tournament from afar, though if any of Goltana's dogs were seen entering the wizard's tournament, enter themselves in it as well He also saw the opportunity to train a new form of knight... if the old teacher was up to the task...

Balbanes (Living?) - A man among men and given the rank of Heavenly Knight, the highest rank one could hope to attain in life. Following Larg's orders he had seen the Baron of Bolmna and Biggs Blansch enter within. Upon the Duke's instructions he also entered the gates to the Core of the Land.

Balbanes - (Dead?) - A legend that passed on two years prior. His son's and his oldest friend's eyes opened wide when they saw the fallen Heavenly Knight standing next to the Wizard as he gave the commencement speech. As the three watched the man give them a knowing look and vanishing with the wizard they quickly entered within. For what reason was he given life once more?

Zalbag - A Knight Devout, loyal to both the Church of Glabados and Crown of Ivalice. He had noticed lately that these two allegiances were more and more difficult to keep as public dissent grew. Little did he care for their opinions, but the poison had even seeped into a few of the local Priest's ears.  Swept into this dilemma a note arrived from him from the High Priest himself.
Quote"Retrieve the stone for us, my son. With it we are one step closer to the Golden Age the Son of Fara predicted upon his bodily death.

Thy Father,
High Priest Funeral"

There it was again... that "Golden Age" so often touted these days by those of Glabados. Talk to anyone on the streets and they will tell you that this "Golden Age" involves the dissolution of the nobility. As a pious man he must submit to the High Priest, or... is his family's honor more important?  Still in conflict he proceeds to the tournament, keeping the letter secret. Proceeded within when he saw the son of Orlandu enter the gates.

Dycedarg - (Balbanes Alive?) - "Why is it not working?!" Shouted Dycedarg to the silence. He had been feeding small doses of Mossfungus into his father's meals ever since he had come home from the Fifty Year War, the old man stood in the way of much of what needed to be done. It was a cruelty that needed to be done, the old man did not have the heart to seize the land by the throat, despite giving his life for the land, he asked nothing in return, the fool! No! This was the best way... Though he still stood strong, slightly weakened, but no worse for wear. His hopes were alighted once more when his childhood friend, Bestrada Larg ordered the entire family to investigate this warlock's tournament. It may be just this physical exertion that will speed the Mossfungus' poison. This tournament will be just another notch in Dycedarg's already extensive belt. The only worry comes from his father, if he could defeat him here, then heaven has decreed that He will succeed in his goals.

Dycedarg (Balbanes Dead?) - Was he dreaming? He saw the man die in front of his eyes! Was his patience all for nothing? Was this magician standing against him, by doing such a thing as reviving the man he had killed, who was also his father?  A chill shot down Dycedarg's spine as he felt the glare of Balbanes meet his eyes. This was a nightmare... Dycedarg only needed to awake from this night terror and his plan would be placed back in order. Proceeding in with a hidden hesitation, he was immediately whisked away...

Daravon - Hero of the Fifty Year War! He was undefeated on the battlefield! His tactics so masterful that he won by not even fighting, which... is exactly what he did. Certainly he is undefeated because he never fought a battle, his Holy Knight title was given purely out of courtesy. As one of the last famous vassals of the White Lion, he too was given an order, a different one from the rest. "Train your best students in this wizard's tourney, they may be of future use if they participate here". With being slight hard of hearing he had thought that Duke Larg had told him to bring his worst students. So the girls and boys with the lowest marks were taken with him to the Core of the Land. His goal purely the education and assistance of the children about him.

Vicks (Character from FFT: Remix) - A darkened record in the closing days of the Fifty Year War earned this Ex- Hokuten Commander an honorable discharge, shortly thereafter he was chosen to train the most "elite" (read, bratty) of the noble's children. The notice for the tourney showed up in Gariland and it was this that would win him back glory! He was an uncontested Duelist, one on one, no one could match his swordplay. Taking leave of the churl's he often looked after, he gave temporary command to the most promising of his students, Ramza Beoulve, as he headed off for this tourney. He'd hopefully never have to see those kids again once Larg hears of his great victory!

Order of the Southern Sky
Duke Goltana -The news hit the aged noble like a bolt of lightning. Could it truly be that his old friend had really resurfaced? The relationship of the stoutly built warlord and the elderly wizard went back a long ways. Having attended the Gariland Academy together as boys, the children found many latching points to grow on. Goltana was always an outspoken and authoritative man which Elidibs' contemplative, cool headed, submissive attitude helped augment the pairs abilities. They were as close as Duke Larg was to his childhood friend, Dycedarg Beoulve. It so happened as the Fifty Years' War become much more turbulent with the death of King Denamda II, Elidibs began to grow distant from his friend. Even though he was still by his side, his spirit seem halted, the good nature of the quiet mage had been all but gone. His nature was now cold, almost alien as he looked at everyone with suspicion. Without a word, after his mighty magicks had nearly alone won back Riovanes from Romanda, he vanished. Not even a word to his old comrades... It was not until Orlandu had joined his corp years later that he found another man he could call a friend.

"This must be fate..." Murmured Goltana, he had prepared to leave that moment, but an ache in his old legs caused him to rethink that course. It was only when Cid had come to meet with him that things really started to change... days after Orlandu had left the old man couldn't take the anticipation and left for the tournament himself, perhaps he could get some answers from his old comrade. He arrived last, with a familiar man waiting for him within the gates.

Blansch - A sycophant through and through, quick to praise and quicker to insult. He has good ranking for the flattery he throws at Goltana but shows little respect for his compatriots, though the Baron of Bolmna and he apparently are dear friends. A Commander of average ability and gets by mostly on luck and Bolmna's wits.

Bolmna - The soft spoken, analytical Strategist Bolmna, who reigns from the same namesake. His family had ruled the land for as long back as people can remember, at a point his family name became the name of the land. His favorite book is the Book of Enavia, he was the one to take Blansch along, what man doesn't want eternal life and youth? It could be just this that may bring some well needed fame to the lands of Bolmna, all but forgotten in the current day and only allowed to keep its sovereignty due to the Black Lion's support. This may be just what is needed to break free of the vice grip.

Orlandu - A man who needs no introduction. Is spoken of in the same vein as Balbanes Beoulve. Having known Goltana for as long as he had he could tell that something was troubling him. It was looks and sighs of a man trying to avoid reality, which was not characteristic of the old general. Orlandu inquired into the cause of the problem. The old man threw a note down on the table which Orlandu quickly picked up and read.

QuoteYou cannot avoid history's flow. You and the White Lion will fail in your ambitions, you shall both be smited by your own duplicity. I send this as a warning to you and you alone. You can avoid the fate of Duke Larg, I have faith in you.

Orlandu gave a quizzical look to his lord. "This was just a rabble-rouser. Why give such thought to words like this?" Goltana looked at the Holy Swordsman angrily before softening his gaze. "No, I suppose you couldn't know". Said the aged warlord.  "That handwriting belongs to Elidibs." Orlandu put a finger to his beard in contemplation "A forgery?" Goltana shook his head, "No... its not." Orlandu inquired further and was told about the old friendship that Elidibs and Goltana once shared. Orlandu bowed before his lord, "Let me help you, there is no warrior mightier than I, you know this. I can win this tournament and will bring the wizard here to meet with you personally." Goltana looked about to raise his voice in objection, but sighed and shifted his eyes away, he knew that once Orlandu had his eyes set on a goal he wouldn't relent. "Use restraint Cid, don't be too harsh." Orlandu nodded his head and shouted back to the warlord, "I will depart for the tourney in the morn."

It was his families destiny to serve the Goltana's as well as they can. Where the White Lion has the Beoulves, the Black Lion has the Orlandu's. His lord's will shall be done, regardless of consequence... he was one of the first to arrive at the Core of the Land.  

Olan - A brilliant boy, but one very often given to suspicion. He cannot fathom why his foster-father follows Goltana as he does. Though he may be jaded in the fact that Goltana was indirectly responsible for the death of his real father on the battlefield. The young man is the youngest court astrologist and through this his contacts are vast. Some say that the young boy Olan is the "information broker" of Ivalice. He is also heavily into conspiracy theories and dreams of proving the M-Fiction Novel as truth for he idolized the Hero King Mesa. It should be little surprise that the "information broker" would be in this hot bed of activity. The boy is here more to observe the strange going ons, moreso then actually participating for the prizes. Though if he would happen to win, so much the better.

Elmdor - The Silver Noble to his friends, the Silver Ogre to his enemies. Though that silver has dimmed. He did not want to admit it to himself but his strength was fading fast. Would he even have the power to hold off bloodthirsty rogues, if it had come to that? He looked at his Masamune and sighed deeply. It was at this time that a flurry of messengers came flooding through the doors. There were so many strange messages written in different languages that his interpreter's were not on hand to translate. One thing he could read said directly
Quote"Fate waits at the Core of the Land."
Repeated over and over again, in a bold intimidating style. So many thoughts crossed his mind as he tried to make sense of all of this. Just as suddenly as the messengers vanished there was a single one left. A young girl with blonde hair and a ponytail remained, holding a large scroll which she unrolled for the ruler of Limberry to read.

Quote"You wish to regain your shimmer, but that is impossible in your current state. My tournament allows one the chance at immortality and eternity, you are the one I have chosen for such victory. Whether you win or lose, you will know immortality. We await you at the Core of the Land."

Like clockwork the moment he finished reading,  the messenger vanished as the scroll fell to the ground. Bewildered, he felt he had no choice but to give it a chance. This was exactly what he needed, some excitement, something to make life worth living again! He called one of his war-steeds and rushed off to Lesalia, arriving in the middle of the contestants.

Minister Gelwan - A close servant to Larg, Queen Ruvelia, and Goltana each. He plays them each accordingly when need be. A slick tongued deceiver that can get what he wants with only a few well chosen words. Hearing of the tournament he called to his side the best warriors money could buy. He promised them riches for victory in the tournament, little did they guess that they were also now seduced by the man's honeyed words. It would be this victory in the tournament that would have his name shine further than Ivalice and may even catch some eyes from beyond the borders.

Baron Grims - The leader of the Blackram Knights, proud and bold and stuck with withering numbers... only his personal charisma with the lower echelons and the higher echelons of society keep the land of Zeltennia in an uneasy peace. A commoner of Zeltennia by birth and blacksmith by trade. Grimms had conscripted himself to aid in the countries defense, carrying into service his selfmade axe which he had called "Ogrekiller". Impressed with his credentials, Bolmna placed him in the personal guard unit of Goltana. The final hope for defense. It was only weeks after he enlisted that fate smiled upon him. While the Thunder God was embroiled in battle elsewhere, Goltana was waylaid by an ambush. The aged general fought well but was soon overwhelmed, when all hope seemed lost, Grims appeared on the back of a Chocobo and dispersed the assassins that were about to strike Goltana. He quickly bowed and dismounted, urging Goltana to mount the Chocobo and escape, while he would hold off the pursuers. Goltana escaped back to his camp, regrouped his men for a counterattack and rushed back out to the battle. When he arrived he found that Grims had rallied the remaining bodyguards as the 40 men fought off an army three times their size.Goltana was highly impressed by this feat and ordered his 200 men to surround the ambushers and with a counterattack from Grims within the encirclement, caused the opposing army to be all but annihiliated.

It was this feat which started Grims meteoric rise. He and the remaining bodyguards that did not flee were knighted and turned into an elite unit called the Blackram Knights. A peacekeeping unit that was meant to police the people of Zeltennia. Grims himself was turned into a Baron, rising from a pauper to among the bourgeoisie in only a weeks time since the battle. Grims was given one of Goltana's niece's in marriage, a happy union which produced a child. This child was a girl, as the years went on it was clear that the infant was in poor health. The Royal Doctors couldn't help her, though it was rumored that they refused to actually attempt to diagnose his child because of his lowborn roots. It was clear that this dissonance was causing many tremors in the Zeltennia public as well. While Grims was originally heralded as the best choice for a City Captain, due to his lowborn beginnings and the popularity he enjoyed among the people, that admiration soon turned to envy, and with the end of the Fifty Year War the Ebon Eye managed to turn it into hate. Baron Grims was seen as a symbol of unequal treatment by the nobles.  The leader of the Ebon Eye spread rumors such as Baron Grims was given his station only by being the "pet" of Goltana. His wife was proof that he was no longer one of them. He had eaten from the tree of providence and gorged himself on it. These rumors spread like wildfire and the combination of these rumors and the increase in tax by Goltana started the Ebon Eye rebellion.

Grims never regretted his decision and fought the Ebon Eye when they started the battles. History says that it was Grims leniency with the common people that the rebellion grew as it did. Though the harried husband and father had other issues... his young daughter was sick beyond hope and his wife was becoming sick with grief, not knowing that every time her husband left, that she would see him again and that her beloved daughter would soon be leaving her. It was at this time that Elidibs fliers had made it to Zeltennia and was brought before him by one of the Blackram Knights. The prizes made his eyes alight, Immortality... it is exactly what would save his daughter! He resolved himself in his choice. In the dead of night he picked his daughter up from her sick bed and cradled her comfortably in his arms and with a kiss on his wife's forehead, he left a note to explain his absence...

QuoteTo my dearest Hilda,
Do not worry for us, Sara is with me. There may be one last chance to cure her, and I will go to any length to save our beloved daughter. We shall not be gone long and I assure you that Sara will be walking and in good spirits when we return. Have patience, my love.

Yours forever,
Scott Grims

Securing his daughter, comfortably and safely on his back, they passed through the lands that lied between Zeltennia and with one days's rest in Lesalia, approached the Core of the Land. His daughter would not die, the legendary magician would see his strength, with the Ogrekiller in hand, he entered the tournament gates, he was one of the final contestants to arrive.

Notes: Scott and Hilda are a reference, Scott is Hilda's fallen lover in FF2 and Sara is the traditional names of princesses in FF. I feel too many people use swords, spears, etc. Though its very rare that a main character have an Axe as their main weapon. I think it fits Grims fiery resolve to carry such a weapon.

Also, is it possible to try and put a bag on his back, on his sprite? I picture him carrying his child on a bag in his back.

Death Corps
Wiegraf - A man who gave his all for the world and the world spat on him as they kicked him under the table. He now sees what the world truly is, but has not lost his innocence. The young revolutionary organizes a secret militia of untold numbers, his dreams and hopes echo well with the common man. Why would this innocuous man who had kept low, out of the radar have a message sent to him? He had heard of the grand tournament set up by this wizard, but such things are for brave schoolboys or old tried warriors. Generals such as he need to tender the fields to reap the benefits of the seeds that have sprouted. Then why in this crucial period did the wizard's letter arrive with such harsh speech?

QuoteTo Wiegraf Folles,  the White Knight leader of the Death Corps,
I can ruin your plans in an instant and bring your rebellion to its knees. That is, unless you are willing to take part in my tournament, win or loss makes no difference to me. Though I have the power to make your dreams come true. Meet with me, Folles and your rebellion will succeed. I promise you this. I wait in the Core of the Land...


Blackmailed into participating in this far reaching warlock's plots! Though did victory really earn him the magician's aid? Elidibs was a name well known to him, but only in stories told during the war. If it was this hero of the Fifty Year War... it had to be attempted. He had to at least participate in this man's tourney if he wished to stay incognito. Gathering his old war comrades, they made their way to the Core of the Land.

Miluda - The dutiful, yet fiery younger sister of Wiegraf. Was shocked and dismayed when she had heard that this wizard had apparently infiltrated their plans and sent a letter to her brother directly. She participates to see her brother's goals come to fruition if this magician is really as powerful as he claims to be, Ivalice would then be the fruits of the people once more, rather than the grubby hands of the nobility.

Golagros - A church going youth. A brave boy who is a little headstrong. He had proven himself in battle near the end of the Fifty Year War. Wiegraf sees much potential in the young man.  Golagros follows Wiegraf eagerly to the Core of the Land, with further hopes of showing his aptitude to his masters.

Gustav - A voracious and foul mouthed man. Though earns a place in Wiegraf's heart for being one of his oldest friends. Often is very divisive from Wiegraf and indeed why he split paths from his old friend and joined the Western Order until he was dishonorably discharged for atrocities done in captured towns. Yet he filled Wiegraf's ears with story of other knights committing crimes in those towns and thus was the reason he left.

His faith in his old friend falters with each passing day, and thinks back to his days as Dycedarg Beoulve's servant with pride. This wizard won't do anything, even if they do succeed. Grudgingly follows along his old friend. Perhaps a better opportunity will show itself along the lines...

Zorine - As a child her family was extremely close to the Folles'. They had both persevered through the Fifty Years War that wrecked their lives. At the age of seven her mother and father were arrested and executed for avoiding the draft. The Folles' had already done their service to the land and were thus spared. The young Zorine was taken in by the Folles family and raised as their own. She had always held a grudge against the state for this.

She quickly became fast friends with the young Wiegraf and Miluda and many years later joined with them in the Knights of Death, their volunteer unit that was headed by Wiegraf. A quick rogue, and naturally blessed with the powers of flame. As they approached closer to the Core of the Land, something within her felt as if it was surging.

Boco - Wiegraf's loyal chocobo. Leads where his master follows, yet feels very unsteady about this entire ordeal, with quivering step, the chocobo follows Wiegraf into the tournament gates.

Fovoham Faction
Barinten - The insatiable lord of Riovanes. He was present thirty years ago when Elidibs reclaimed the land for Ivalice, thus winning back his birth right. Though a young man of 20 the countenance and smooth operation styles of the Hero-mage really stayed with him until the present day. As he grew older he became much more conniving and deceitful and raising as his own, two children of a tribe he brutally put to the torch. It was Khamja that first learned of the strange going-ons in Lesalia and reported them to Barinten. Not knowing who or what was responsible, had sent the young Malak.

Young Rafa - The younger sister of Malak, who was trained in the Heavenly Truth arts by her mother and father before they had been killed. Her skills only improve with age and is close to the proper age to join in the Assassin group, Khamja. Wishes her brother well as he heads out to investigate the matter.

Young Malak - A headstrong youth who knows his way around the battlefield, capable of assassination missions as well as leading command of a party in warfare. With the unique abilities of his people, he is a force to be reckoned with. On his way there he came across one of the fliers put up by Elidibs' and just as he was about to go back to Riovanes to report,

Katelyn - Former leader of the Lionguard. She had fought alongside and protected King Denamda IV in the Fifty Years' War. A woman given completely to the law and her word. It was rumored at the time that her and the King were having a romantic tryst. Though it is possible this rumor was started only because she was a woman who was the personal guard of the king. A Sword Saint of great renown. It was her sudden death and King Denamda IV's own which lead many to believe that they were both assassinated, though no proof was ever found of foul play.

She was the mentor to Agrias and was her mother-figure. Agrias was there that very night and awoke to find both her king and her


June 18, 2010, 08:44:58 am #1 Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 01:38:29 pm by Kagebunji
This idea about making it before the origina FFT sounds cool, we even have existing yound Izlude, Elmdor and Kletian sprites. I could edit Vormav or others to younger version too, some copy/pasting and it would be done. And it struck me, since it is tournament and all, why not use enemies like Beatrix and etc.? We could do FF9 squad or something like that, ofcourse it would require sprites, but I can work on FF9 sprites, Garnet and Beatrix are done, Jimmy COULD finish his Vivi, I can finish my Zidane wich is still on my comp. IMO it would be nice to see such squads, but it is all up to you. Ofcourse FF9 is just example, FF6 could work too, Terra is done, Locke is close to being finished too but it stopped(if this idea will be certain, I will finish it), and we can add Moogle to accompany them. What you think?

And I have one question:
QuoteStory mainly involves Elidibs winning the tournament and taking over the Serpentarius Stone
This means he would be the main hero of game?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Not quite... think of Elidibs as sort of Heihachi... think of this sort of as an Ivalice version of the King of Iron Fist Tournament, Elidibs hasn't won anything, he just started the tournament, that's what I had believed from what we discussed yesterday.

Also List of all available characters from this time...(sprited and unsprited)

Engineer Balk
Teioh (Hatless Thief of Dorter that is paid to kill Gaff)

Possible Lucavi
(Cancer is with Worker 7)
(Libra is with Orlandu)
(Aquarius is with Beowulf)

Glabados Faith
Cardinal Draclau
High Priest Funeral
Young Izlude

(Goodness the church has an Enormous Roster!)

Order of the Northern Sky
Duke Larg
Vicks (Character from FFT: Remix)

Order of the Southern Sky
Duke Goltana
Minister Gelwan
Baron Grims

Knights of Death

Fovoham Faction
Young Rafa
Young Malak


Wandering Slayers
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Birthdays Reference (assuming we go back 3-4 years): viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11
> But the birthdays / ages that Zodiac listed correspond to ch1 of the game, when Ramza was still a kid. But his list should be accurate in relative terms (ie , Malak is 3 years older than Rafa). Assuming Agrias turns 22 (if not older, depending how many years apart are in the chapters of FFT)  in the WoTL event, we should increment their ages by 1-2 (note the game keeps track of time and people's bios as you progress).How many years did it took for Delita to become a Black Sheep Knight? How many years span across the beginning of ch1 to ch 4?

I love the direction that's being carried out by LD here, good job thus far. Looks like we'll have to create some new characters on Elidibus' end, but that's not too much of a problem.

here's the updated team roster

.........................................Playable Teams............................................

=== Knights ===
Team 1: Gafgarion (Dark Knight) + 3 Mercs
Team 2: Wiegraf (Holy Knight) + 3 Mercs
Team 3: Meliadoul (Divine Knight) + 3 Mercs
Team 4: Alicia (Holy Knight) & Lavian (Holy Knight) + 2 Mercs

=== Magicians ===
[s:j7m903xk]Team 5: Reis (Dragonner) & ???? (Tiamat, a pet) + 2 Mercs[/s:j7m903xk]
  --> Change to Team 5: NEW???? (Dragonner) + ???? (Tiama, a pet) + 2 Mercs
Team 6: Cletian (Sorcerer) + 3 Mercs
[s:j7m903xk]Team 7: Elidibus/Serpentarius (Arch Mage) + 3 Mercs[/s:j7m903xk]
  --> Change to Team 7: Vamafra (Arc Witch) + NEW???? (Shadow Priest) + 2 Mercs

=== Assassins ===
[s:j7m903xk]Team 8: Mustadio (Engineer) & Worker 8 (Steel Giant) + 2 Mercs[/s:j7m903xk]
  --> Changed to Team 8: Besrodio + Steel Giant? + 2 Mercs
Team 9: Celia (Assassin) & Lettie (Assassin) + 2 Mercs
[s:j7m903xk]Team 10: Malak (Netherseer) + Rafa (Skyseer) +2 Mercs[/s:j7m903xk]
  --> Change to Team 10: Malak + ???(Ninja) + 2 Mercs

=== Supporting Heroes ===
Team 11: Olan (Astrologist) + 3 Mercs
Team 12: Simon (Holy Priest) + 3 Mercs
Team 13: Beowulf (Templar) + 3 Mercs
Team 14: Zalbag (Ark Knight) +3 Mercs

=== Defenders ===
Team 15: Elmdore (Samurai) + 3 Mercs
Team 16: Agrias (Holy Knight) & Ovelia (Cleric) + 2 Mercs
Team 17: Loffery (Divine Knight) + 3 Mercs
[s:j7m903xk]Team 18: Delita (Holy Knight) + Valmafra (Arc Witch) + 3 Mercs[/s:j7m903xk]
  --> Changed to Team 18: Baron Grims (Holy Knight) + 3 Mercs


Some more...

1) New Sprites to do
-Hooded Balbanes sprite.
-Baron Grims sprite
-Engineer Besrodio sprite.
-Engineer Balk sprite.
-Katelyn sprite
-New Lucavi sprites
.... etc  (More to come, I will be working on all of the above, Lijj can help if he wants to)

2) New powerful Villain with new powerful subordinates
-Main Villain being the impostor to the real Elidbus.
-His own clan, perhaps involving Valmafra and more.
-Shadow Priests (I will write more about them at a later time).

I would like to include Steel Giant and Iron Giant into the game, in someway. Are there some zodiac stones flowing around somewhere that we do not know of?  Maybe the Gemini one found by Elmdore after defeating the Iron Giant?

Reminder: As much as we'll like to have a canonical game, IA will never be -- because of the team selection system. We won't stop the player from having uncanonical encounters. That is the way it will be. The purpose of having a plot --at all-- is to bring added-value to the overall presentation of the game, as well as offering something for the player to look forward to as he or she progresses through the game with a different team each time. This is very important to keep mind. Our ultimate goal is to create an awesome gameplay experience, one that has great lasting value -- emphasis on replayability -- not very different from Arcade fighting game logic.


Quote from: "R999"Birthdays Reference (assuming we go back 3-4 years): viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11
> But the birthdays / ages that Zodiac listed correspond to ch1 of the game, when Ramza was still a kid. But his list should be accurate in relative terms (ie , Malak is 3 years older than Rafa). Assuming Agrias turns 22 (if not older, depending how many years apart are in the chapters of FFT)  in the WoTL event, we should increment their ages by 1-2 (note the game keeps track of time and people's bios as you progress).How many years did it took for Delita to become a Black Sheep Knight? How many years span across the beginning of ch1 to ch 4?

I love the direction that's being carried out by LD here, good job thus far. Looks like we'll have to create some new characters on Elidibus' end, but that's not too much of a problem.

4 Years, pass from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4 (or is it 3...?) Delita is likely 17 when he becomes a Black Sheep Knight.
Quotehere's the updated team roster

.........................................Playable Teams............................................

=== Knights ===
Team 1: Gafgarion (Dark Knight) + 3 Mercs
Team 2: Wiegraf (Holy Knight) + 3 Mercs
Team 3: Meliadoul (Divine Knight) + 3 Mercs
Team 4: Alicia (Holy Knight) & Lavian (Holy Knight) + 2 Mercs

=== Magicians ===
[s:pki3nytx]Team 5: Reis (Dragonner) & ???? (Tiamat, a pet) + 2 Mercs[/s:pki3nytx]
  --> Change to Team 5: NEW???? (Dragonner) + ???? (Tiama, a pet) + 2 Mercs
Team 6: Cletian (Sorcerer) + 3 Mercs
[s:pki3nytx]Team 7: Elidibus/Serpentarius (Arch Mage) + 3 Mercs[/s:pki3nytx]
  --> Change to Team 7: Vamafra (Arc Witch) + NEW???? (Shadow Priest) + 2 Mercs

=== Assassins ===
[s:pki3nytx]Team 8: Mustadio (Engineer) & Worker 8 (Steel Giant) + 2 Mercs[/s:pki3nytx]
  --> Changed to Team 8: Besrodio + Steel Giant? + 2 Mercs
Team 9: Celia (Assassin) & Lettie (Assassin) + 2 Mercs
[s:pki3nytx]Team 10: Malak (Netherseer) + Rafa (Skyseer) +2 Mercs[/s:pki3nytx]
  --> Change to Team 10: Malak + ???(Ninja) + 2 Mercs

=== Supporting Heroes ===
Team 11: Olan (Astrologist) + 3 Mercs
Team 12: Simon (Holy Priest) + 3 Mercs
Team 13: Beowulf (Templar) + 3 Mercs
Team 14: Zalbag (Ark Knight) +3 Mercs

=== Defenders ===
Team 15: Elmdore (Samurai) + 3 Mercs
Team 16: Agrias (Holy Knight) & Ovelia (Cleric) + 2 Mercs
Team 17: Loffery (Divine Knight) + 3 Mercs
[s:pki3nytx]Team 18: Delita (Holy Knight) + Valmafra (Arc Witch) + 3 Mercs[/s:pki3nytx]
  --> Changed to Team 18: Baron Grims (Holy Knight) + 3 Mercs


Yep, those all look good though why was Reis replaced as a Dragoner? Admittedly she shouldn't have those powers, but its not that much of an inconsistency. Also Rafa is 10 prior 4 years to FFT, isn't she? Hmm... that is a bit young, even Young Izlude is 12 years old.

For Wiegraf's team I suggest that his compatriots be 1 female and 2 males, Miluda, Golagros, and Gustav, respectively.
Also Steel Giants were... legendary beings. Though its not out of the question for their to be an Iron Giant, which FFT never really references actually. We only know that the Steel Giant isn't legit as they run on Zodiac Stones. Iron Giants though are free game.

QuoteSome more...

1) New Sprites to do
-Hooded Balbanes sprite.
-Baron Grims sprite
-Engineer Besrodio sprite.
-Engineer Balk sprite.
-Katelyn sprite
-New Lucavi sprites
.... etc  (More to come, I will be working on all of the above, Lijj can help if he wants to)

2) New powerful Villain with new powerful subordinates
-Main Villain being the impostor to the real Elidbus.
-His own clan, perhaps involving Valmafra and more.
-Shadow Priests (I will write more about them at a later time).

I would like to include Steel Giant and Iron Giant into the game, in someway. Are there some zodiac stones flowing around somewhere that we do not know of?  Maybe the Gemini one found by Elmdore after defeating the Iron Giant?

Reminder: As much as we'll like to have a canonical game, IA will never be -- because of the team selection system. We won't stop the player from having uncanonical encounters. That is the way it will be. The purpose of having a plot --at all-- is to bring added-value to the overall presentation of the game, as well as offering something for the player to look forward to as he or she progresses through the game with a different team each time. This is very important to keep mind. Our ultimate goal is to create an awesome gameplay experience, one that has great lasting value -- emphasis on replayability -- not very different from Arcade fighting game logic.

There is the Gemini Stone still unaccounted for, the game is very vague with its base. I suppose you could use a Steel Giant in that way, though that's really the only Zodiac Stone which isn't accounted for that isn't currently in use.

Also the little motives for each of the Church is edited into my prior posts, thoughts, contradictions and the like, feel free to post your thoughts.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


@LastingDawn: you are quite amazing. It has been a very interesting read! When I have the time I'll try to think of a few.

Reis / Dragoner
Regarding the Dragoner aspect, Asmo and Zodiac would think otherwise. I am neutral on this one although it would be very difficult to come up with a skillset that suits her without breaking her character concept. Asmo didn't like the idea of separating Beowulf and Reis into different teams -- because there wasn't a good enough motive (and he's not exactly wrong). Either way we will be working on a new female Dragoner sprite whether she'll be Reis or not. I figured we could use her as one of those subordinate characters.

Birthday and Age Concerns
Because the original game never actually stated their correct ages anyway (Zodiac has one save file where Ramza is 37 years old!), I think we could loosen up on this a little bit (stretching a few years should be fine). Would you think it'll be okay for IA to take place sometime just before ch1 of FFT? (which would be equal to 4 years prior to ch4 of the main timeline). This setting works well (Malak would be 16, Agrias would be 20-21, Ovelia would be 16-17, etc).

Quote from: "LastingDawn"For Wiegraf's team I suggest that his compatriots be 1 female and 2 males, Miluda, Golagros, and Gustav, respectively.

Wiegraf's Team, genders
I have said this before and that's a very good idea. However, we do want to encourage gender rotation in the actual teams (gender will be much more important than ever, with unique gender skills per each job, as well as possibly unique gender RSM), meaning each team would have 3 generic males and 3 generic females (ideally) along with the Hero units. The main reason for differentiating genders is so the less dominant gender combos, such as Male Black Mage, wouldn't be wasted. They each have a full spritesheet afterall. Alternatively, we could also force the teams' generics. But that might be too much work...

Steel Giant, Iron Giant
It'll be nice to have the Iron Giant accompany Balk to battle. That was part of the original plan (as one of the sub boss fights). A Gemini Steel Giant could work too I suppose.


Quote from: "R999"Birthday and Age Concerns
Because the original game never actually stated their correct ages anyway (Zodiac has one save file where Ramza is 37 years old!), I think we could loosen up on this a little bit (stretching a few years should be fine). Would you think it'll be okay for IA to take place sometime just before ch1 of FFT? (which would be equal to 4 years prior to ch4 of the main timeline). This setting works well (Malak would be 16, Agrias would be 20-21, Ovelia would be 16-17, etc).

I think an easy "canonical" way to solve this is to boot up a save file at Chapter 1 (just after the initial Gariland Magic City battle) where Ramza's irthday is somewhere in the middle of the year, write down his birthday there, open any Chapter 4 / relevant save file, find his age there, perform basic subtraction to find the difference between ages, then calculate everyone's Chapter 1 age based on this difference subtracted from their age as listed on that save file.  If you want to be really particular about it and can't find the information online, anyway.

In a far more amusing and easy to work alternative, you could have Elidibs descend from the Heaven's at some undetermined (and never revealed) point on Ramza's Master Quest, transforming into Serpentarius and threatening to raze the entire planet if everyone didn't immediately break out into a highly organized Dragonball Z-style fighting tournament with all 13 Zodiac Stones on the line, with everyone promptly agreeing after seeing Orlandu piss himself upon witnessing Serpentarius-Elidibs obliterate an entire village with the power of Heart.

...Well, everyone except for Ramza.  He tries to talk it over with Elidibs and gets eaten alive, hence why he's not one of the potential Heroes and why Alma could be justified as fighting somewhere if that's still in the plans.  ^_^

(I pull the oddest things out of my ass when supplemented with enough coffee, holy shit.)

But yeah, since we've agreed to pretty much not even try to make it canonical anyway (as far as I can tell anyway), I think you should just leave the actual point it occurs ambiguous so you don't need to deal with things like 12 year old Rafa.  Suspension of disbelief and an awesome premise like the above to instigate it will carry it enough for people to just accept and enjoy it, kind of like with Dissida Final Fantasy where people are just grabbed out of universes and forced to work together on a quest to save/destroy reality or whatever it is they do in that game.  I really need to go buy it sometime, damn.


Quote from: "R999"@LastingDawn: you are quite amazing. It has been a very interesting read! When I have the time I'll try to think of a few.

Reis / Dragoner
Regarding the Dragoner aspect, Asmo and Zodiac would think otherwise. I am neutral on this one although it would be very difficult to come up with a skillset that suits her without breaking her character concept. Asmo didn't like the idea of separating Beowulf and Reis into different teams -- because there wasn't a good enough motive (and he's not exactly wrong). Either way we will be working on a new female Dragoner sprite whether she'll be Reis or not. I figured we could use her as one of those subordinate characters.

I see... she absolutely Must be female? Do you recall in FFIV that when you meet Bahamut he took the form of a sage like figure? Is it possible that it can be a representative dragon... hmm... yes, this might be an interesting idea, especially as Chaos had already given his blessings...

Can a few of the subordinates that Elidibs has around him, can they be Lich, Marilith (Kary), Kraken, and Tiamat? (If they were forced to fight in mortal forms, rather than monster forms, of course, think back to my Bahamut example earlier) If this idea is allowed, the female Dragoner would work Great as Tiamat's earthly form.

QuoteBirthday and Age Concerns
Because the original game never actually stated their correct ages anyway (Zodiac has one save file where Ramza is 37 years old!), I think we could loosen up on this a little bit (stretching a few years should be fine). Would you think it'll be okay for IA to take place sometime just before ch1 of FFT? (which would be equal to 4 years prior to ch4 of the main timeline). This setting works well (Malak would be 16, Agrias would be 20-21, Ovelia would be 16-17, etc).

Right before FFT, hmm? That would make Wiegraf actually the Death Corps then and not the Knights of Death then? If this is done, Balbanes had to have been dead for some time.If you'd like Balbanes can be a plot point for a couple of characters, as he is most certainly dead. Perhaps part of the mystery why Elidibs would bring back Balbanes (Zalbag and Dycedarg's father after all, that would have some effect on them)

QuoteWiegraf's Team, genders
I have said this before and that's a very good idea. However, we do want to encourage gender rotation in the actual teams (gender will be much more important than ever, with unique gender skills per each job, as well as possibly unique gender RSM), meaning each team would have 3 generic males and 3 generic females (ideally) along with the Hero units. The main reason for differentiating genders is so the less dominant gender combos, such as Male Black Mage, wouldn't be wasted. They each have a full spritesheet afterall. Alternatively, we could also force the teams' generics. But that might be too much work...

Alright, after all an all woman team is what he ordinarily fights with. Just three of the generics should have a special name then.

QuoteSteel Giant, Iron Giant
It'll be nice to have the Iron Giant accompany Balk to battle. That was part of the original plan (as one of the sub boss fights). A Gemini Steel Giant could work too I suppose.

Yes, there's a possibility that Balk may have come across the Gemini Worker X, while working in the Goug Mines, his "secret weapon" maybe for the tournament, its not impossible.

Also the Order of the Northern Sky's have had their intentions and motives written in.

Personally though Raven, its still very possible to keep this more or less canon. I really much prefer the Tekken base, rather than anything outwardly malevolent, it gives an air of mystery about the point.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


@Voldemort: We are already going with that! ^    

By the way LD, would Hashmal and Queke are trying to fight together be a bad idea? Team up against Elidibus' forces? (So they'll seemed like good guys?).  How about a battle with Leo Hashmal summoning the shades of Adramelech and Belias for a battle, so 3 Lucavis altogether (Adramelech and Belias would be in weaker forms of course).


Quote from: "R999"@Voldemort: We are already going with that! ^    

By the way LD, would Hashmal and Queke are trying to fight together be a bad idea? Team up against Elidibus' forces? (So they'll seemed like good guys?).  How about a battle with Leo Hashmal summoning the shades of Adramelech and Belias for a battle, so 3 Lucavis altogether (Adramelech and Belias would be in weaker forms of course).

That the appointed leader of the Zodiac Braves would have the Gigas Pendant and the Raging Brooch only really makes sense, if he knows what the Holy Stones truly are. Its in his character to do things behind the veil anyhow. Hashmalum and Queklain fighting together isn't a bad idea, after all the Lucavi's goals aren't impure in the least, their original intent is to revive Altima and then start the 1,000 year war anew. Though at the same time Elidibs plan isn't truly impure, it would need to be for the purpose of joining. The Four Fiends by their names are full of impurities, so that works well. Also I can't ignore that Draclau has *some* manner of control over Queklain, how ever small it may be.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Double Post, the Order of the Southern Sky has been put up. I thought it rather interesting the duality between the two leaders and how they deal with the situation. As always critiques, contradictions and the like, are appreciated.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Triple Post, the Death Corps bios have now been put up. This is also the first introduction to one of our new characters.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


We've got a lot of the story elements down now. The only thing that's left to decide are the hosts for Mateus and Famfrit.

As always the character Bios have been great LD.


"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


I decided to hold off on Kraken's design for now... part of me feels as though we are not doing him justice.  

1. The nickname "Lion" is really more suitable for Vormav.
2. Wiping out Malak's team and then replacing them with Apandas (etc) just doesn't feel quite right.

However, it doesn't mean Kraken can't be the actual host for Famfrit. That could come in as a surprise. So in this era, Kraken is borned as an Aquarius rather than Taurus, in addition to being also 1/4th of Chaos.

In the first Chaos fight, he won't have an actual host (thus explains why he's weak).

Possible hosts for the full Chaos:

1. Dethburis "Lich"
2. Anastasia's pet Czar. This could be a nice unexpected surprise though it would seem kind of awkward.
3. Czar's energy being completely absorbed by Anastasia, fusing together to become Chaos' host.

Problem with 3 is that Chaos would have the body of a woman.


In essence the Fiends show in FFI that Chaos need not be right in front of them to call him. Indeed, they bring Garland from the far future to the far past to enact their plan of the Time Loop. It's not impossible that they would call Chaos from the far future (when he was revived) and having known how this ends originally (without his assistance) fights to make it happen. Of course this need not explained in game (far too complicated... can be explained supplemental parts). The Four Fiends would just circle around one another and summon him, and teleport out to allow Chaos to attempt to take out the player.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Double Post, Baron Grims bio has been redone. I think this is probably my best one yet. Please, tell me what you think.

EDIT: How could I forget! If we really want a "Garland"-esque figure there is always Lezales! He is the first foe to fall in FFT and is never heard from again, if he's your guaranteed first fight along with his wandering slayers, that makes the best deal of sense! If we go with a Garland type, Lezales would fit that to a T.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Heh, this is great LD, you should write some story books, you have talent to this kind of stuff. Idea with Baron having a bag, IMO not bad, but it wouldn't make him look too knightly :/
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