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Messages - VampragonLord

Spam / Re: Sweet new patch idea
May 07, 2012, 03:02:56 am
a beautiful work of art on an otherwise dreary and bland script. quite remarkable what some human beings can add
Spam / Re: Sweet new patch idea
May 06, 2012, 05:06:41 pm

Spam / Re: Woman Logic
April 28, 2012, 03:41:41 am
Im ok with anyone, ive just yet to meet a guy worth dating. XD and im dating an amazing girl right now
The Lounge / Re: I'm bored.
April 15, 2012, 08:27:15 pm
Welcome to final fantasy Hackticsks, where truth is relative.
The Lounge / Re: Hey, new maid here
March 28, 2012, 04:48:50 pm
Quote from: GeneralStrife on March 28, 2012, 02:56:01 pm
Welcome to FFH, where you started making dreams come true!

quoted for truth. was expecting a photobomb though D: "trans pics, bdsm pics, ffh cosplay"
Spam / Re: Magitek for Spam Mod
March 26, 2012, 12:33:17 am
i was voting for magitek before it was cool
1) Booster jump ontop of the building infront of her and take a knee
2) Unleash a cannon round at Suranai
3) Fire off a second round at her
4-5) Jump off the building, cross the river, and end at AA19
Taking a deep breath and easing back, the high tension of the bulk of the fighting having passed, she rocks her ms back and forth a little, just to confirm everything is in working order, before letting out a bit of a giggle at having had quite the domino effect back there, as terribly timed as it was, she just couldnt shake how entertaining she'd found it to be looking back. Oh if only she could have seen that pilots face as they come over to coup de grace the lot of them only to eat a hail of rockets and machine gun rounds. Either way, she knows the fighting isn't completely over yet, 1-2)so she heads first due east, stopping at the very corner of the simulation (40AB) then 3) heads northbound(27AB), taking cover behind the buildings, keeping an active eye on her radar for anything that might be trying to hide around the corners, ready to empty a 4-5)point-blank cannon round to anything dumb enough to attempt it.

1-2) move to 40AB at a reasonable pace, diving for nearest cover if more shots begin to ring out.
3) sprint up to 27AB and take cover behind the building, crouching.
4-5) remaining actions saved to immediately take evasive actions and return kindly with her cannons muzzle.
1) While still under linear, immediately steal her second strumfaust from the same clip and fire it at the now-downed henry tudor.
2-3) Get up, move to K40
4-5) Keep eyes aimed towards the flag and her scanner, unload cannon-fire onto any enemy movement she sees.
1) grab one of the strumfausts off of linear's clamps
2) immediately boosterdash to O39
3) fire strumfaust towards R34 or nearest blip on heat radar that isnt an ally.
4) fall back to k40

Floating action
5) Shoot cannon round at anything that charges the flag.
Lyra takes a few relaxing breathes, knowing that the enemies are either in their nearby "base" or on the other side of the field. She twitches her fingers a little, getting a bit antsy as she looks over at her team, clearly entwined in combat, and she's stuck waiting for an enemy that might be across the map waiting to ambush them. Knowing following orders to be much wiser then charging across the battlefield in a moment of weakness though, she cooly and calmly eases her mech over to the other side of her little box of rocks and leans her gun against the rocks. She then whips out her cannon, taking 1 step back from her spot and sights a lane across the corners of her box. She readies herself to open fire on the next thing to come across her sights, setting her targetting computer to also assist her. She eases her hand across the trigger a few times just waiting for the first thing dumb enough to come by.

1) Move to 037
2) Set sights on P36/Q35/R34/S33/T32
3-4) Unload 2 rounds, making sure target is still in sights before opening fire.
5) If anything should go wrong/enemy begins charging me/etc, break all actions, fall back to linear.
Taking the cue from celdia, she falls back slightly, only enough to be obscured more behind the rock, letting celdia draw as much attention as she pleased, readying herself to open fire on anyone dumb enough to show themselves, waiting until she has a clear lock on the target before giving away her own position.

1) Fall back to R36
2-5) Open fire on anything that comes within range on her side of the fence, anticipating enemies from the east, near the buildings.
Lyra gives the rest of the group a 5-count so that there is a bit less of a cluster going on before she moves to Q34 (1) calmly and standing her MS so its positioned right up against the rock, using whatever cover she can get from it. She then lets out a large sigh, kicks her targeting computer into gear, readying it for anyone who might try to close on her location. (2) She then slumped back into her chair ever so slightly, hands still on the trigger and still at the ready, but allowing herself a second to calm her nerves, her bubbly personality sinking away as she eases herself into her iron-minded piloting skills, lining her gun up to fire a lane of bullets down Q should any targets pass the 27 and continue towards her location. (3)

1) Move to Q34
2) Ready targeting computer for input, so its just awaiting a lock
3) If anything passes row 27 and is between Q and S, fire 21 machine gun rounds at it
"I know that Rin.... Its just... different. You guys are my friends, the only real family I have out here. I'd rather you guys aren't fighting eachother as well. Just because we're at war doesn't mean we can't be civilized about it" She lets out a sigh. Of course everyone draws attention to her not wanting to WATCH a friend be punched, instead of the fact that her friend was just punched by another friend. "Look you guys worry about yourselves, you know I'll always be in battle when needed. I'm just a bit squeamish about people I know. "
Lyra immediately, almost instinctively turns and buries her face in Linear's shoulder as Atrius winds back, fearing what will come next and listening for it to connect. Her body shakes slightly at the sound of fist meeting jaw and a quiet squeak comes out of her, as she almost as immediately eases herself back to sitting up properly, the moment having passed. Not wanting to undermine Atrius's authority, even though she opposes the manner in which he did it, something had to be done to make everyone fall into line, and that seemed the trick.
"I'll hang back with May too, we seem to work well together in battle. I'm a bit shorter range, and I'm almost as heavily plated too! Linear gave me a fairly close look at her zaku as well, heavy shield, sword, and a machine gun. If the three of us hang back we should be fine, though maybe one or two more people just to be on the safe side? Though if you really need EVERYONE else for offense I think we could weather it. Buliwyf is DEFINITELY the sort of person you're looking for. He tells plenty of tales of space-fishing, and he sounds like he could catch a saberfish WITHOUT that zaku of his, and I've seen him in combat. He could lock down anyone you need him to close range, giving him support just makes his wrestling all the easier, though I think he'd much prefer if you guys kept others OFF of him, rather then helping him kill something he's already pinning." She stops, almost abruptly it would seem, as words finally stop spilling out of her mouth. More for others sake, not wanting to volunteer anyone else for positions they might not want, and not sure what the captain, or his apparent co-captain would prefer. She also doesn't really know anyone else well enough to speak for them on their talents or where theyre lacking. "I am still lacking in anything close range though, no room for a heat hawk on my new mobile suit, so maybe we should have one more, just so Linear isn't left fighting things off alone if they close on us somehow"
"SO! We just need to all do our best and remember to BE A TEAM!" Lyra interjects, slamming her hands onto the table, a bit excited now that this is actually underway, while also trying to get the actual meeting underway, fairly certain that, knowing Rellia, she would just go do her own thing regardless of any planning the team might make."I think the miniature mobile suit said she had a plan, so we should at least hear her out. " With that, she makes a somewhat sweeping and grandiose gesture, between a bow and a curtsey attempting to usher Rin into speaking.
Lyra waits until the captain is clear of the cafeteria before turning back to the rest of the team, she quickly waves over her sister, who is already in route to their table, to hurry her over. "This really does have a terrible feeling about it. Shove everyone into one squad then kill the entire squad? I'm sure it looks better then a bunch of layoffs all around as well. But we ARE plenty good, I'm sure that we can figure this out. Rin seems to have a great plan already! We just need to work together and..... oh... that might be why...." It slowly sinks in that, while everyone here was at least a somewhat skilled, if not incredibly skilled pilot, their team had about as much unity as an army of angry scorpions. Far from Cobra-like. "Well guys, we just need to shape up and stick together! I'm sure we can pull through and go back to kicking EFF butt in no time!"
Lyra looks up, having been lost in conversation for quite some time, realizing most of the cafeteria has emptied, save a few other tables. She takes a few breathes, the seemingly endless conversation seeming to have come to a massive slowdown. Deciding that a little alcohol loosens many lips and might help them relax a bit more, as Lyra herself was starting to feel a little tense at such a turn of events, she heads off to the alcoholic area of the cafeteria, separated just enough so that if someone drinking got a bit rowdy, it wasn't infront of everyone. As she heads up to grab a bottle of wine, she spots Buliwyf sitting with someone. Having not been nosey enough today, she bounces on over, a nice smile beaming on her face as she giggles a little. "Good to see people of all ages are having dates today. The cap'n and his robot, and now you two as well. Its so nice to see this time of year. Here I thought I'd have to wait til spring before the crew unwound! Just remember we have to get back out there eventually..." And with that, she giggles a little more, though feels a bit out of place, not actually minding much. " You've got the Cobra insignia, but you don't have the same uniform... Are you a techie or something?" she asked quizzically as she stared at Erintrying to place what seemed different about her.
Lyra skips along as she walks, giggling at her apparent sister's belief of her invented food, having taken the concept from the traditional Colored beef and pork or some such. "Its really just unusually named kabobs. They're supposed to be really good though, a brand new item to the menu. You... aren't a vegetarian or anything right? If you are we should probably find something else. AAAAAaaaannnyway I'm rambling. Its a bad habit of mine.... Or a good one. People tell me both. But lets get some good food, grab a table, and just relax. I've actually just been with zeon for a short while now, this unit was my first 'real' assignment outside of grunt work. Its been nice working with decent people on a regular basis, being part of a real unit. Though this is by far one of the least coherent units around from what I've seen. One hides from US, one betrayed us and is assumed dead, but overall I think we all have eachothers backs. At least I like to hope so. We really have pulled through some rough spots together. Most importantly though OOOOhhh my GAWD did you SEE the cap'n back there? He tries to play it cool with that trench coat and all that but he is suuuch a softie for that girl he was with. Sure he hit her but you KNOW they were just playing around. I wouldn't be surprised if they had breakfast together tomorrow. " She relaxed and slid into a booth, some food having been slopped onto her plate as she meandered throughout the cafeteria, before she guided Linear to a booth, taking initiative to bond as much as she can with her sister, though not entirely sure HOW, having been raised an only child. She sinks into her food a couple of bites between sentences, as the stream of her words, followed by the occasional reply from Linear, the cafeteria packed with people, yet somehow isolating this pair amongst the noise.