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Messages - Hana

PSX FFT Hacking /
June 08, 2008, 06:29:22 pm
Well, it's not like I was planning on creating some grande multi-layered epic in audible form, more like some simple loops and melodies. Size shouldn't be TOO much of an issue, I don't think. Then again, the audio in Final Fantasy Tactics, while great, is very simple. Hm. Oh well, I won't expend too much thought on this, since it's currently not very possible.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 08, 2008, 06:26:24 pm
Thank you very much! *curtsies* I had already figured out the whole capped at four moves thing, and ways around it, but I didn't realize it was because it was defaulting to the base job. That's very useful information! *nods nods, giggling* So once again, thank you.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 08, 2008, 03:23:52 am
Oh! Uematsu didn't? Thank you for correcting me Vanya. It makes sense...It doesn't really "feel" like Uematsu anyways. ^_^
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 07, 2008, 09:53:16 pm
Ah well. Thank you for the answer though! ^_^
I know we can extract the music from FFT and convert it into listenable forms et cetera, but here's a question, could we insert new music? Is that possible? I'm a musician and I think it'd be stellar if I could put some new tunes in. Not to dismiss Uematsu, his work is incredible and I love it to death. It is, in fact, what inspires me as a musician a lot of times. I was just thinking, you know, if I created my own patch for release, that having some custom music as well would be nifty.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 04, 2008, 09:38:56 pm
Well, like I said, I just switched things back. Over all, this has been very much a learning experience, but it wasn't worth it to lose Oracle, as spiffy as the new moves were for Geomancers. I'll post some information about my patch, eventually. Probably. Or something.

Thank you for the warning. ^_^
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 04, 2008, 07:50:29 pm
No major modifications were required to make Onmyo_M and _W fit into Fusui_M and _W, just a little truncation and a little "pad with zeros". I'm going to switch things back though, buff Geomancers a little in a different way, because I can't figure out how to successfully replace Formation Screen sprites. I took a look at Lydyn's guide, but it didn't work. Not the way it's written, at least. I decided to try swapping Onmyo and Fusui instead of replacing just Bard as he said (which didn't work) and that...Kinda worked. Except the colors were all messed up. >_< I'm really inept when it comes to sprites.

Edit: Oh, and thank you! *curtsies* ^_^
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 04, 2008, 12:05:04 am
Thanks. *rubs her head, smiling, sighing* Ah...ouch...My poor brain. Now I'm trying to figure out all the sprite stuff. Editing, changing things up, etcetera. Need to swap Geomancer and Oracle sprites. Probably going to download that Red Mage sprite for my Calc and mingle Red Magic with Oracle stuff. (Will lose a bit of Yin Yang in the process, but...Oh well.) Wish me luck, I suppose. *giggles*
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 03, 2008, 11:43:42 pm
So far as I understand, this is impossible, but someone may prove me wrong, and I'll thank them for it.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 03, 2008, 06:56:57 pm
That's very good to know, thank you...As for the custom skillset, I can't remember. >_< I was doing the changes at around 3:00 - 5:00 in the morning, and forgot to create a change/test log. I'm pretty sure I did have the custom skillset under number 11 "Elemental" though, replacing all the regular moves with the custom ones. I'll try it again though, because I set it to "Default" but forgot to test it being "Elementals" in the Action Menus. Hurray exhaustive testing. T_T;

Edit: As expected, the custom skillset with an unmodded Action Menu ("Elements") Resulted in "No moves learned for this topography" as was expected. Placing it under Default yields the usual result of one panel range, no effect, 0% chance to hit. And since placing it under any other skillset and giving it to Geomancer results in failure, I'm almost at a loss. I'm going to give the skillset to Oracle now under Yin-Yang Magic, and see if that works, and if so I'll just have to change some names and swap their sprites. Not so hard. Right? *laughs, sighing at the same time.*

Edit 2: Well then. >_< That seems to have worked. At least, it's not automatically giving me four moves I haven't learned yet. I'll continue testing...Live and learn, I s'pose.

Edit again: Yup, that worked. ...I feel stoopid now. *smacks her own forehead, laughing a bit.* Well, Geomancer works. Oracle is broken now. So, I'm going to turn Calculator into Oracle, basically eliminating one class from the overall job tree. Oh well. I've always hated Calcs. (Though I'd prefer turning it into a Red Mage...but *shrug*)
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 03, 2008, 01:04:23 am
It certainly set me back a fair amount of work. >_< Oh well. ^_^

Edit: Well, regarding the original problem, it seems that Geomancy spells are intrinsically linked with the topography. Every attempt by me to change that has been met with failure. I created an entire new set of moves, emulating the geomancy abilities precisely, added them to a different skillset, and the same limit of four happened, plus the moves were glitched. I also tried them in the regular "Elemental" skill set, still glitched, still limited to four. I put the abilities (not the created ones, the legit ones) on a different class (Oracle) to see if the same thing would happen, and yes, once more it was limited to four. It seems that Geomancy is as of now un-editable in any major way, but please, PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong. For now I'm just going to return it to normal.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 02, 2008, 06:35:44 pm
I may just. I'm not sure if I want to post it, certainly not yet. It needs a lot more work still. For instance, I turned Bards into Sorcerers and Dancers into Assassins, but both skillsets need nerfing heavily. That's low on my priority list as of now because I'm not an uber-gamer, don't intend to take advantage of them, and the patch is only meant for my eyes, so far. (To note, I never, ever, use calculators in my normal run-throughs of FFT, aside from their RSM stuff, sometimes.)

Edit!: I think I know what happened/what's wrong. I don't even have FFTacText, or shishi sprite editor...I must have gotten a shortened version of FFTPatcher or something because those things weren't included, but according to the site now, they are. @_@ Well, I'm going to download this different set of editing stuff from the site and see what's up.

Edit of Edit: Oh my goodness. This one has so much...MORE to it. >_< I must have been using quite an out of date version.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 02, 2008, 05:51:56 pm
I'll give that a shot, if all else fails. Putting some hard work into this is not something I mind at all. I've been at this patch for a good 4-5 days solid, already, creating, testing, modding, etcetera. *giggles* It's coming along fairly well, still needs full testing though, of course.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 02, 2008, 05:43:14 pm
Just a theory, and this is most likely complete bollox, but what if if the skill box won't expand due to the fact that Elementals are not recognized as ordinary skills? I.E. they don't register with the game as belonging in a viewable skillset. If so, how could I change that? Like I said though, just a theory. I like the idea of just creating new abilities and naming them, but I don't know how. >_<
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 02, 2008, 05:27:37 pm
Just a generic, everyone would have access.

Edit: Yup, geomancer.

Edit of Edit: Oh, and I'm a girl, by the way.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 02, 2008, 05:20:22 pm
Vanya, thanks for the tip! I'll try that right now. ^_^

LastingDawn, I tried it with a ton of different skillsets from Yin-Yang Magic to skillset 80 (blank) (and several other "blank" skillsets) and I also tried adding to dimension magic. They all got capped at four.

Edit: I see no such box. We are both on the same page here, right? FFTPatcher? Because I don't see any "Effect" box, aside from the area of effect under the "Attributes" section.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 02, 2008, 08:15:29 am
Make new skills huh? How would one give them the same graphic as the legit geomancy abilities? Please be aware that I'm fairly new to the patcher, and changing around graphics/palettes/what have you is not something I've experimented with. Creating blanks to have the same formula/mp cost/etcetera I can do, but I don't know how to make them look the same, or name them.
PSX FFT Hacking /
June 02, 2008, 07:32:09 am
Geomancy spells are default "normal" type. I tried it, again, just to be sure, it fails in the same way. Each spell has a range of one panel, zero percent chance to hit, no effect area. Possibly changing the type to something other than "normal"? Any suggestions?
So, I wanted to modify Geomancers a bit. I've always loved the class, but disliked how...weak, it is (Speaking subjectively, of course). Well, I did a bit of updating, and now I have Elementals that are unique, with different effect areas, damage modifiers, etcetera, but I don't want them tied to topography, and for them to utilize MP instead. I got the mp bit figured out, but how exactly do I work around them being tied to the topography? I tried moving the elementals into a different skillset and giving that skillset to Geomancers, but it's capped at four abilities, regardless of how many I have learned, and those four abilities are always the first four in the list, whether or not I've learned them yet. I also tried changing Elemental's Action Menu from "Elements" to "Default" and that displays the whole list, but suddenly the skills are limited to one panel in range, no effect area, and 0% chance to hit.

Any advice? It would be greatly appreciated...I'm kinda tearing my hair out here, so to speak. Or should I just give this up as a Fool's errand and just up the Y value of Elementals to make them stronger? >_< *Sigh* Anyway, thank you, in advance! I'm also sorry if this has been brought up before.