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Melonhead's New Tool?

Started by formerdeathcorps, April 26, 2010, 07:36:20 am


http://fft.nm.land.to/cgi-bin/upload.html (the latest download).  If I'm not mistaken, that's some beta tool by melonhead.  What does it do?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


No, it's a FFTactext kind of tool, made by the JP.
The only problem is that like melonhead, they code in .NET.

.NET is phail.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


It seems he does have a new version of FFTPatcher out called .478, but it hasn't been released yet?

His notes are here: http://code.google.com/p/lioneditor/source/browse.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Sorry to double post, but I downloaded his 478 files and reconstituted it in my C# compiler.

New Features:
1) Toggle all and select all for orgASM.
2) FFTacText is supposedly better at catching DTE errors.  Similarly, it will now count the amount of space per line so writing character bios should be much easier now.
3) ShiShi now comes with the ability to dump/upload images.  Can now edit the WORLD map as 4 separate GIF files.  Supposedly, you're should be able to edit EVTCHR/EVTFACE, FRAME.BIN, and BONUS.BIN directly now (the files are included or were referenced in various files), but it doesn't seem to load.  It seems from the code files given online for this version of ShiShi are lacking.
EDIT: Because you can't view the .TIM files that constitute some of the images, you can't actually dump or upload images to/from a folder.
4) FFTPatcher (with fewer errors in the display) supposedly can load, but I haven't seen it in action.  Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or a file is missing from his website, but it just doesn't load.  Apparently, it can completely edit bar props, but Melonhead foolishly deleted all the knowledge on AI triggers (which Vanya, R999, and I have found/reconfirmed).

In short, Melonhead didn't release 478 because it contains a lot of incomplete features.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


May 10, 2010, 03:06:26 am #4 Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 11:01:22 pm by formerdeathcorps
OK, here's a release of all the functional and semi-functional tools as well as a folder of the C# source code for the features that currently don't work well.  As usual, please paste over your existing version of 457 with the 478 tools.

orgASM works.
TacText works.
ShiShi doesn't work fully.  It lacks support for EVTCHRs because it wasn't coded in and won't load the sketches seen when the credits roll because of file type issues.  [attachment=0:1e73p5iw]ShishiSpriteEditor.zip[/attachment:1e73p5iw]
Patcher crashes before it loads.  [attachment=1:1e73p5iw]Patcher.zip[/attachment:1e73p5iw]
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


So, 478 beta has the broken versions of Shishi and Patcher, and I should probably not actually copy those two programs, correct?
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


May 10, 2010, 06:11:27 pm #6 Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 10:30:43 pm by formerdeathcorps
No, because courtesy of Zodiac's FTP, there's an earlier release called .466.  With its ShiShi and 478's ShiShi combined, you should have all the combined features of 478's ShiShi minus the EVTCHR editor.  Also, .466 has a working updated version of FFTPatcher that should be able to fix bar propositions.  Now there should be no more need for special software/hex editing/extra effort to:
1) Edit the World Map's shape
2) Edit SCEAP
3) Fix Dycedarg's Elder Brother Glitch (BONUS.BIN)
4) Edit Map Titles
5) Save File load faces (really trivial)
6) Aligned animations (R999 and my edit of 478)
7) Apply Zodiac's Sprite Hacks over orgASM
*) Edit Bar Props
*) Edit WORLD.BIN's shops.

*) means unconfirmed with rumors to the contrary.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


That's really cool.

Let me see if I've got this right.  I need to Download .478, then I need to replace the FFTPatcher with .466's and add .466's ShiShi to it (renamed so it doesn't overwrite).  Is that right?
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


That is correct.  If 478 doesn't load properly, I can add the .dll files to ensure it.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


You should create a single updated file for all of the users to download.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


OK, here's the combination of everything.

EDIT: Using R999's idea, I added a Ctrl + R feature to reload sprites.  This allows you to update sprites just be clicking one button while you are editing on Graphics Gale or Photoshop.  No more dragging through import sprite menus.
R999 coded a variant that works just by pressing R.  This is better for Mac users, or so he claims.  I included both versions of ShiShi.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Hey, formerdeathcorps, you said you had the .dll files for all the .478, right? Well, Whenever I try to import an ISO's text with FFtacText i get in error saying that the new version isn't compatible with the old version .dll files. Is there any way you can post the .dll files for version .478? Haha, yeah I kno this is an old topic XD

EDIT: Nevermind. I figured out the problem XD well I now have a .ffttext file thats compatible with the earlier FFTacText versions :P, well without the wldhelp.lzw done :/


January 16, 2011, 06:59:29 pm #12 Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 03:12:18 am by formerdeathcorps
In theory, this shouldn't be true, but some people are noticing that orgASM doesn't work on 478 either.  If this is the case, here's 466, courtesy of Xifanie.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.