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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


"The element of surprise is wasted if not used!" May shouts into her mic, giddiness coloring her words. "On top of that I don't want them to have any more time to get their grubby, E. F. hands on my father's designs! I say hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast!" May wastes no time as she fires off the last two rounds in her bazooka at the Fanfans (1-2) before reloading (3) and hitting her boosters and taking to the sky. (4) While airborne she launches another round into an enemy Zaku, shouting "You bastards don't DESERVE to ride in those Suits!" (5) as she guides Merrygate back down to earth.

1. Fire at Fanfan 1. (Rounds remaining: 1)
2. Fire at Fanfan 2. (Rounds remaining: 0)
3. Reload from final reserve clip. (Rounds remaining: 4)
4. Booster jump heading East.
5. While airborne, fire a round at the enemy Zaku in L7, and land in O19. (Rounds remaining: 3)
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Surprise by May's choice of action, Vie begins following her.

If May gets shot while in mid jump:
"Damn! I'll protect you." Vie dashes over to May, and stands there waiting to unload at any enemy she sees as a threat to her and May.

1) Unload at any enemy she sees as a threat to her and May.

If May finishes her jump with no problem:
Vie dashes over to May as carefully as she can, trying not to be seen. Readys for enemy to come close, so she can shoot them.

1a) Move to N19 carefully
2a) Unload 20 shots at any enemies that get close


She turned on the comm, for the first time not to report a kill, "We will meet again."
With that, she turned off the comm, and flicked a switch, as she boosted away into the desert.
1) Goes invisible to ally and enemy radars.
2) GTFOs.
I had to discuss this with Raven before posting, ignore the tardiness.


May 22, 2011, 02:39:30 am #63 Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 02:45:25 am by formerdeathcorps
"What are you folks..."  Setch stopped mid-sentence as he saw Rellia's dot disappear, and everyone else's advance.  He sighed again, exhaling deeply into his microphone.  "If you can't beat 'em...".  Driving his mech around the nearest abutment, Setch raised his machine gun, now half emptied of clips, to right under the robot's eyes, while his human eyes surveyed the terrain (1-2).  As he crossed the narrow crag, sweat beads rolled down his back, his trigger finger anxiously waiting.  A second later, the trigger was pushed, launching bullets towards the droning battle copter (3).  "One for me."  Dragging his sweaty hands away from the red trigger button, Setch landed his palm against a purple one emblazoned with a pair of roller skates.  His boosters roared as Setch sped away towards another crag (4-5).

1-2) Move carefully to Q14 (Q19-Q16-R16-R15-Q14), keeping an eye out for incoming attack copters or hidden tanks if they come with 2 squares.  If any of the above attack, Setch will counterattack before moving further.  Setch expects to use no more than 9 rounds.  Setch's gun is at the height of the mech's "chin", aimed to blast aerial targets.
3) Attack FanFan3 with 9 rounds, allowing only a quick correction for accuracy.
4) Booster dash linearly to T13 (from Q13)
5) Turn so the mech's backside faces U13.

(*) If at any time during the above sequence, something attacks Setch from within 2 squares that he cannot destroy with 9 rounds, Setch will counterattack with the rest of his clip, move to the nearest cover from ESEF Zaku 2, and press the urgent button that reflects his position in blaring red so his teammates can see.

Rounds (Expected) Used: 9
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Buliwyf shakes his head as Relia vanishes into the desert, and then eases the throttles forward on his Zaku (1-2).  He thumbs the comm switch, "Anybody that thinks newer is better is welcome to come arm-wrestle when we're done here." and bursts out of the shelter of the wing to unload a pair of shotgun blasts into a tank (3-4).  Using the cloud of smoke from the bazooka rounds and explosions as cover, he quickly slips back behind the wing and begins moving to flank. (5)

1-2) Moving to G12
3-4) Giving tank 1 a pair of shotgun blasts
5) moving back around the wing again and heading to D10 under the wing.


May 23, 2011, 02:24:54 am #65 Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 03:43:17 am by RavenOfRazgriz
----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

"We took a bit of a beating last time round, and we're running the older models too, so let's make up for it by showing 'em new doesn't mean better!" Lyra says playfully into the comm before seeing Rellia's IF signal disappear from radar and her Zaku disappear into the mesas, a simple "We will meet again" being the only clue Rellia gives to her actions. "Looks like Rellia won't be joining us... Let's try and draw them out, if they're packing an ace, let them play it before we leave our cover in these rocks. We still need to make it back, home, so try and save your supplies," she advises as she sets off in the opposite way of Rellia's seemingly-fleeing Zaku, heading around the mesas to get a better shot at the enemies.  "What are you folks..." Setch begins, stopping as he see other Zakus begin to move and Rellia disappear.  "If you can't beat 'em..." Setch says to himself as he begins carefully moving through the mesas, remembering the trap set in the previous skirmish and not wanting a repeat of it.

"The element of surprise is wasted if not used!" May shouts into her mic, giddiness coloring her words. "On top of that I don't want them to have any more time to get their grubby, E. F. hands on my father's designs! I say hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast!"  She raises her bazooka and fires over the mesa, the heat-seeking properties of the bazooka rounds allowing her to easily nail the closest unexpecting FanFan.  She isn't as lucky with her second round, however, as the remaining FanFans jump to alertness, her target strafing to the side and dodging the round.  She readies her boosters for a jump as Buliwyf begins weaving through the mesas, hoping his teammates' frontal assault will allow him to sneak around to the enemy's flank.

"Don't worry about Rellia, just focus on taking these guys out for now! Atrius orders as he moves forward, weaving through the small mesas in front of him, heading northwestward.  He peaks out from one of the frontward-most mesas with his left side, using a hail of machine gun fire to down the FanFan May had missed earlier before quickly darting back into cover.  The woman in question, meanwhile, soars through the air above and behind her commander, with Vie following on the ground below her.  "Damn! I'll protect you."  Vie calls, keeping her weapon at the ready in case any enemies slipped through the mesas.  May's eyes quickly dart around the area from the sky.  It's hard to see what's between the mesas, but she is able to identify more teams of Zakus and FanFans heading from the Gaw's other flanks to their position.  She quickly raises her Bazooka, taking aim and firing at the opposing Bazooka-wielding Zaku in range.  "You bastards don't DESERVE to ride in those Suits!" She isn't the only one, however - first one, then another shot rings out from the ground.  Lyra is firing on the same target as May - while Setch also opens fire on the FanFan between the target and Lyra!  The hectic crossfire takes down the FanFan, and the Zaku is able to dodge Lyra's first round... but May's round nails it in the face, cutting its movements short so Lyra's second round can nail it in the cockpit, crippling it and forcing it to fall over, immobile and not getting up any time soon.

Atrius moves around to the other side of his hiding spot, poking out from the right side with his bazooka and letting a carefully aimed round fly at the machine gun-toting Zaku, just as Buliwyf pops out and lays two shotgun rounds into the tank nearest him, not wanting to give it the chance to survive and fire on his allies.  The tank is demolished and the Zaku is nailed in its left side by the bazooka round, just before firing on Buliwyf, sustaining heavy damage as the left arm is rended from the machine.  It fires its machine gun at Buliwyf anyway, but Buliwyf's retreat is too fast for it to land a hit.  His retreat is short-lived, however, as he rounds the demolished Gaw wing and is immediately tackled by one of the Zakus May had identified earlier, its Heat Hawk at the ready.  It was all Buliwyf could do to grab the Zaku's arm as the Zaku's free arm grabs the face of his machine, the two locked in a fierce grapple.  The Zaku's supporting FanFans went ahead of it, deeper into the mesas on the hunt for the rest of the Cobras.  Setch backs up after his attack on the FanFan, placing his back to a mesa with another mesa to his right side.  Definitely a safe bet - or so he thought, until a blast of machine gun rounds nailed his machine from the gap between the mesas, one just big enough for a Mobile Suit to fit through if it tried.  Another Zaku had gotten on his flank as well, this one's FanFans hanging back to aide it against Setch.  As May lands and the others scramble to get into position, the remainder of the defense for the other flanks seems to move into the center as the two surviving tanks from the initial team each let off rounds blindly into the mesas, hitting nothing.

"This isn't good..." Atrius muses to himself, pressing his Zaku's back against the mesa he's been using as cover, Lyra moving her Zaku over to him and pressing her Zaku against the same mesa as he thinks over what to do next.  "Buliwyf can take care of himself, but... Vie!  Come back me up with these FanFans approaching my 9, I'm almost out!  Lyra, May, keep harassing the center so they don't back up the guy on Buliwyf!  Setch, drop back some!  You'll get fragged fighting those guys by yourself!"  It was an uncharacteristically... authoritative set of orders, but the enemy had a solid sum of Zakus and was beginning to close in on their flanks - something that would more than null their terrain advantage if they let it keep up.

Objective: Destroy All Enemies.
Bonus Objective: Stop the E.F.F. from capturing or destroying the prototypes.
Weather: Sunny.
Terrain: Surface - Desert.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

(Tip!: Normally, holding weapons in each hand prevents reloading weapons.  The Knuckle Shield, however, is an exception to this rule, so don't be afraid to equip one if you want one!)

(Note: No, you can't fire over the tops of the rocks, they're supposed to be large mesas.  Also, time for posting on this Battle Pane expires 11:59pm EST on Tuesday.)

Desert Cobras:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 35
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 1.
Left Hand: 105mm Machine Gun - Ammo 30.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Lyra Leylande
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 31
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 2.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 280mm Bazooka.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Core HP: 24
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 3.
Left Hand: Knuckle - Power: 8.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 36
Booster Jump Fuel: 0
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].

Florance Vie Silette
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 36
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 85.
Left Hand: Knuckle Shield - HP 10.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Rellia Lunar
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 19
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Doublehanding Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

[Special Conditions - Booster Damage, Booster Dash range reduced by 1, Booster Jumps HIGHLY not recommended.]

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Core HP: 19
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 33.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.


May 23, 2011, 02:57:09 am #66 Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 02:58:48 am by VampragonLord
Lyra checked her remaining ammo, seeing her readout displaying "2", she pondered her best course of action, before deciding to just roll with it, and hope for the best. She flipped her comm on "Well guys, here goes, should this fight turn sour, its been nice meeting you all." With that, she then 1) popped out from behind her cover, and began charging zaku I [E.F.F] 2(I11), 2-3) emptying her bazooka on the region surrounding it (first shot aimed at K11, second shot at J10). 4) She then threw her bazooka at the same zaku, before 5) tackling it, attempting to wrestle the gun from its hand.

1) Move towards I11
2-3) While moving, fire remaining 2 rounds at K11 and J10 (bazooka - empty
4) throw bazooka at zaku located at I11
5) tackle zaku at I11, attempting to finish it off and wrestle the weapon away from it.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


"Shit, shit, shit." May cursed to herself while highlighting a few key areas on her radar. This would take almost perfect timing not to turn into a complete rout and she knew it. "Vie, get in the air and give Setch some support. Just rain bullets down on the enemy over there. If you can manage it, get your spare ammo clip to the Captain. He's gonna need it." The downed enemy Zaku near the Gaw pinged brightly on her radar as a steel resolve crept into her voice. "I'm going to get me a new gun." May pauses only long enough for Vie to move out of her way before charging up the center of the mesa-maze. (1) While on the run she fires her bazooka at the unharmed tanks as she gets a clean line of sight on them, emptying her last cartridge. (2-4). As she rushes to the fallen Zaku, she discards her own bazooka and plucks the unused one from it's owner's hand, commenting simply, "You won't be needing this." while giving the core of the Zaku a solid kick as she comes to a halt. She quickly checks the clip in the new weapon to make sure its operational.

1. Move northward on rows M and L towards the center of the map, heading for L7.
2-4. While moving, fire bazooka at Tank 3, Tank 6 and Tank 4 as they come into view.
5. Finish move by L7 and claim the bazooka off the downed enemy Zaku there.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Buliwyf grunts as he strains against the enemy Zaku.  "Boy you have done gone and put yourself in a bad position..."  His right elbow circles inside the grapple before lashing out at the joints of the arm grabbing his face at the same time he takes half a step back to pull the Zaku off-balance. (1)  He keeps his grip firmly on the wrist holding the Heat Hawk as he twists at the waist, pulling the enemy even further off-balance and hurling it face-down into the sand. (2)  "Case in point..."  His hands twist and push at the hand of the downed Zaku, bringing tremendous power and leverage to bear on the delicate servos and actuators of the wrist (3) before he takes a step, planting his foot on the back of the mech and violently wrenching the trapped arm counter to planned rotation (4).  He notices the tank coming in from the north and the two FanFans to the southwest and grimaces, getting ready to move.  (5)

1-4) Mech-judo should do a pretty fair job of taking that Zaku out of the fight.
5) Getting ready to dodge out of the way of an incoming attack from either the tank or a FanFan.


May 23, 2011, 10:20:39 am #69 Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 10:37:21 am by MysticKnightFF5
The Zaku's (V10) backpack explodes, forcing him on his knees, the Zaku behind him jumps back just before it explodes.
Rellia appears back on the map (V9)
Rellia does two quick slashes--one downward, breaking the power supply, and one horizantal, destroying his leg fluids. (disabling him entirely)
She does a booster spin around him, cutting off his arm and slicing open the hull, her hand jets into it, grabbing the pilot inside carefully.
Over her speakers, her voice resounds, "You bastard! You'll burn in Hell for what you've done, YOU'LL ALL BURN IN HELL!" She raises her heat hawk near him then away, just enough to light him on fire.
His terrifying cries for a savior and the savior mingled with her incessant maniacal laughter fill the speakers. "BURN! BURN BURN!" she yelled in between fits of laughter. She gripped him tighter, breaking the entire lower half of his body, nearly crushing him. "Die scum! You'll all die! You'll all burn!" his cries for mercy, for a quick death, are drowned out by her ever clenching fist. BLOOD! BLOOD! Pay with your blood! You'll pay for what you've done!"
Finally, the laughter stops.
The man hangs a burning limp. Silence.
He drops onto the desert sand.
And in a playful tone over the speakers, "Target: Eliminated. Painfully."
As everybody is still staring, she opens up the team comm and says, "Setch, take down the fanfans!" She whirs around and throws Setch his 120mm machine gun while at the same time boosting backwards to avoid incoming fanfan and tank fire.

1) Moves to V9, eliminates Zaku
2) Demoralizes enemy team...and probably ally team.
3) Moves to V10
4) Throws to Setch 120mm machine gun.
5) Guards against tank and fanfan fire (facing north now)


May 23, 2011, 07:38:49 pm #70 Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 07:55:45 pm by formerdeathcorps
"No need to tell me tw..."  Up ahead, maniacal screaming punctuated his reply; Setch glanced at his screen, only to see Rellia eviscerating the enemy mech.  "Never min', I'm backin' her up!".  Turning up his playlist to maximum to drown out the screams, Setch burst his mech through the narrow crag and fired upon the an unmoving FanFan (1-2).  As his comrade roused himself from the shock of Rellia's attack to chase Steel Freedom, the mech began to weave towards the attack copter while discharging more bullets (3).  As the screams died, Setch's mech stopped, only for him to spot a tank directly in front of him.  Before it could fire at him, Setch emptied the rest of his clip (4), dropped his machine gun into the sand, and caught the one Rellia threw (5).  "Beats reloadin'."

1) Move in an evasive weaving pattern towards W11 (U12-V11-V12-W11).
2) When at U12, fire 9 round at FanFan7.
3) Sometime after moving to U12 but before reaching W11, fire 15 rounds at FanFan6, with evasion and tracing the target's path with the gun taking equal priority.
4) Fire the remaining 9 rounds at Tank7.
5) Drop held 120mm Gun and catch the one Rellia threw.

Used Rounds: 33
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Vie steps out of the way for May to run by. Then Vie hears laughing over the intercom. "Shes back. I think Rellia can cover that side." Looks at radar. "Buliwyf, I'm heading over to your area, I'm taking out to Fanfan." Moves to D20 (1) ((and rolls the d20)) and Unloads on Fanfan 5 (2). Then moves to D16 (3) and Fires at Fanfan 4 (4).

1) Moves to D20
2) Shoots Fanfan 5 with 40 bullets
3) Moves to D16
4) Shoots Fanfan 4 with 40 bullets


May 24, 2011, 11:57:32 am #72 Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 03:27:34 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

"Shit, shit, shit. May curses as she takes the reigns after the Captain's orders, thinking to give Setch a bit of extra cover. "Vie, get in the air and give Setch some support. Just rain bullets down on the enemy over there. If you can manage it, get your spare ammo clip to the Captain. He's gonna need it."  Setch, meanwhile, turns to his attackers. "No need to tell me tw..."  he begins, but is cut up as his assailant begins exploding and a maniacal laughter cuts into the intercom - Rellia's maniacal laughter.  "You bastard! You'll burn in Hell for what you've done, YOU'LL ALL BURN IN HELL! BURN! BURN BURN! Die scum! You'll all die! You'll all burn! BLOOD! BLOOD! Pay with your blood! You'll pay for what you've done!" her words come quickly as she eviscerates the target, transmitting the pilot's death throws over the loud speaker of her Zaku as she grabs her enemy's weapon and moves back in time to avoid the explosion.   "Never min', I'm backin' her up!" Setch quickly changes his plan at some point during Rellia's assault, hearing her ask to take down the FanFans. He quickly composes himself and moves forward, downing his first target quickly as he weaved to avoid a panicked attack from the second.  The spooked target isn't able to avoid Setch's second burst of rounds, and goes down in a hail of fire.  Rellia evades a round from the tank that was at her 6, having taken the time to quickly about-face as Setch emptied the rest of his rounds into it and she tossed him the machine gun she salvaged from  her target.

"Shes back. I think Rellia can cover that side. Buliwyf, I'm heading over to your area and taking out the Fanfan."  Vie says, moving to perform her captain's original orders as May and Lyra burst from their cover.  "Well guys, here goes, should this fight turn sour, its been nice meeting you all." Lyra says as her and May run into the center, both emptying their bazookas into the various tank targets before they can react like a pair of bazooka-clad battle angels.  Atrius fired off his last bazooka round, nailing one of the approaching FanFan and sheathing his now-empty bazooka as fire from Vie came from behind, a huge pouring of bullets that allowed her to nail the second one despite its evasive maneuvers.  The captain then moved from his cover as well, heading through the center to try and support Buliwyf as Lyra tossed her empty Bazooka at the one-armed Zaku and tackled it, using the confusion to wretch the machine gun from its hands.  May did similar, finding the remains of the Zaku she fragged earlier near the Gaw, picking up its bazooka and kicking the cockpit spitefully with a declaration of "You won't be needing this.

"Boy you have done gone and put yourself in a bad position..."  Buliwyf says as his right elbow circles inside the grapple before lashing out at the joints of the arm grabbing his face. He steps back, pulling it off balance as he keeps the enemy's weapon-hand firmly gripped before tossing it to the sand. "Case in point..."  His hands twist and push at the hand of the downed Zaku, smashing the wrist before placing his foot on the back and wrenching the arm back.  He leaves his mangled target on the ground, ready to move if more reinforcements show up.  However, this Federation pilot isn't ready to quit, grabbing his lost Heat Hawk with his left hand and trying to stand to fight again.

Atrius looks around, glad his faith in both Buliwyf to handle himself and Rellia to appear from her hiding spot at a key moment was well placed.  "There doesn't seem to be any more reinforcements... whatever downed this Gaw doesn't seem to be here.  May, you're closest, secure the Gaw in case the Feds left us a surprise.  Buliwyf, Lyra, try and take those two Fed pilots alive if you can, their intel will probably be worth a lot more than a mere Dopp report.  Everyone else, let's regroup in the center and get this place secure so we can get the salvage team down here."

Objective: Destroy All Enemies.
Bonus Objective: Stop the E.F.F. from capturing or destroying the prototypes.
Weather: Sunny.
Terrain: Surface - Desert.

(For a version without the effects, look here!)

(Tip!: Be careful and work together!  A lack in teamwork and being aware of the actions of others can lead to unnecessary headaches and mayhem for everyone.)

(Note: No, you can't fire over the tops of the rocks, they're supposed to be large mesas.  Also, time for posting on this Battle Pane expires 11:59pm EST on Wednesday.)

Desert Cobras:

Atrius Schliend - "The Viper"
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 35
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 105mm Machine Gun - Ammo 30.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo 0.

Lyra Leylande
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 31
Booster Jump Fuel: 2
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo 67.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

May Greenfield
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type ["Merrygate"]
Core HP: 24
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 280mm Bazooka - Ammo: 4.
Left Hand: Knuckle - Power: 8.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Buliwyf Herger
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 36
Booster Jump Fuel: 0
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: Shotgun - Ammo: 5.
Left Hand: None.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for Shotgun.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk ["Skinning Blade"].

Florance Vie Silette
MS-06C Zaku II Early Production Type
Core HP: 36
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Shoulder Armor HP: 12.
Left Shoulder Armor Power: 8.
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 46.
Left Hand: Knuckle Shield - HP 10.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

Rellia Lunar
MS-05B Zaku I
Core HP: 19
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Hand: Heat Hawk.
Left Hand: Doublehanding Heat Hawk.
Right Hip Clamp: None.
Left Hip Clamp: None.
Back Hip Clamp: None.

[Special Conditions - Booster Damage, Booster Dash range reduced by 1, Booster Jumps HIGHLY not recommended.]

Seth "Setch" Harrow
MS-05B Zaku I ["Steel Freedom"]
Core HP: 19
Booster Jump Fuel: 1
Right Hand: 120mm Machine Gun - Ammo: 76.
Left Hand: Doublehanding 120mm Machine Gun.
Right Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Left Hip Clamp: Reserve Clip for 120mm Machine Gun.
Back Hip Clamp: Heat Hawk.


Rellia chuckles, "Mission Complete. But really, something big took this GAW down; I'll scout the area." With that, she flips a switch, and becomes invisible.
1) Goes invisible to ally and enemy radars.
2) GTFOs.


May 24, 2011, 05:45:19 pm #74 Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 06:06:54 pm by VampragonLord
Lyra lets out a cool laughter to herself in her cockpit, muttering "Can't believe that worked", before turning on the comm. "Nicely done May, glad i had you at my side back there". Lyra then checks the gun, making sure the EFF didnt somehow mess up making a machine gun. She then 1) looked the zaku over, checking its clamps visually, seeing if it had any spare ammo or such, making a mental note of it. 2) Next, she flipped her radio to "local" so that the enemy zaku could hear her. "If you simply step out of your cockpits and don't resist, everything will be easier for everyone, and you may even get a nice comfy place to stay...... try and pull anything, and you'll be the next one on the receiving end of that laughter you heard earlier...." she let her voice trail off, leaving the rest to their imaginations, before flipping her comm back to normal. She then 3) climbed off the zaku and pointed her newly acquired gun at it. Suddenly remembering "Hey setch, can i get a spare ammo clip? i found a shiny new toy, but its almost empty." 4a) Catch ammo clip from setch if he gives me one and attach it to a clamp

1) inspect zaku
2) tell the zakus to surrender
3) Prepare to unload 12 rounds into the zaku if it attempts to retaliate
4a) If thrown/given ammo, catch it in free hand and clamp it
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


May replies with a cheery "Yes sir.", leaving her comm switched to on and quietly thinking aloud as she approaches the Gaw. "Hey, you don't think they might've rigged the gravity bombs to blow for fear of the enemy getting their hands on the prototypes, do you?" After double-checking the ground clearance for the rear drop-hatch, and hesitating only slightly, May advances on the Gaw and punches in a Zeon access code and transmits it to the Gaw to make the cargo bay doors open. (1) She then quickly clips her bazooka to the back of her Zaku for fear of using such an explosive weapon inside the aircraft might damage its contents even further. (2) "Anytime, Lyra! I have to admit, you have an unorthodox style with your Zaku, but I wholly approve." She replies while waiting for the doors to open, standing just to the East side of the bay doors, shoulder shield ready to defend against any unexpected threat, spike knuckle in her opposite hand to deal with anything else. (3+)

1. Advance to K6 and enter command to open the Gaw cargo doors.
2. Clip bazooka to back clip.
3. Stand ready with shoulder shield and spike knuckle.
4. If something DOES attack from inside, May will defend primarily, call for help and only attack with her knuckle if it is an obvious enemy threat. No hair trigger counter-attacking here.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


"Any one wounded? Not mech wise." Vie asks as she moves to the center. "When we get back to base, I would like to talk to everyone to get to know them." Vie readies for more enemies.

1) Move J10, and waits for a surprise enemy attack.
2a) If May calls for help, dash over to her asap, and help her. This takes priority over (2b)
2b) If an enemy appears, fire at it.


Buliwyf keeps his foot on the downed mech, letting one hand swing down to punch its booster nozzles. (1)  His clicks his comm on to talk to the pilot of the other robot  "You get an 'A' for effort, but you dont have the brains got gave a goat.  Stay down and you'll walk out of here alive.  So much as twitch that Heat Hawk at me and I'll feed it to you warm end first.  This aint personal, dont go making it that way."  he clicks the comm over to his own squadmates.  "You folks have a look, I'm gonna see if this pilot fees like being a hero." (2-5)

1) Disable the downed Zaku's boosters.
2-5) If it stays down, awesome, if not I mangle its other arm.


May 25, 2011, 11:12:37 pm #78 Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 11:13:12 pm by formerdeathcorps
Setch pressed a white button, instantly muting his speakers, relieving his ears from the blasting music.  "That gun yeh took ain't empty; them Earth boys didn't do nuthin' much with 'em.  But since I'm a nice guy, I'll give yeh my spare.".  Setch rounded the crag, burst across the open dunes (1-2), and handed Lyra the clip from his left clamp (3).  "Don't make me regret this, 'kay?".

1-2) Move to I12
3) Remove 120mm clip from left clamp and give to Lyra.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


----------Battle Pane Resolution----------

"Mission Complete. But really, something big took this Gaw down; I'll scout the area." Rellia reports, her IF signal disappearing again as she moves to scout somewhere to the north of the crash site. "Yes, sir." May says as she moves to the Gaw, opening the hangar door. "Hey, you don't think they might've rigged the gravity bombs to blow for fear of the enemy getting their hands on the prototypes, do you?"  Her question hangs as the door opens, her bazooka clamped to avoid a misfire that could destroy some highly valuable parts.  She looks around the interior, and sees the parts scattered all over the bay, several damaged beyond use.  The crew hadn't set the ship to blow, but it looks like they did sabotage some of the more important items in whatever little time they had - including a scrawny light-blue and a bulky tan Mobile Suit, both of which now lay in partially destroyed heaps on the hangar floor.  It didn't seem like the Federation had been able to make off with too much before the Cobras' arrival, at least.

"Can't believe that worked" Lyra mutters to herself. "Nicely done May, glad I had you at my side back there"  She says as she grips her newly-acquired machine gun, aiming it at her hostage and checking his clamps - there was a Heat Hawk sitting on the back clamp, barely visible.  "Anytime, Lyra! I have to admit, you have an unorthodox style with your Zaku, but I wholly approve." May replies to her, keeping her shield first and scanning through the heaps of parts for any surprises the Federation may have left behind. 

"Anyone wounded?" Vie asks as she moves to the center. "When we get back to base, I would like to talk to everyone to get to know them."  Vie and Atrius hold the center, the captain taking another sweep of the area with his Zaku's mono-eye.  "It doesn't seem like whatever shot this Gaw down is here... hopefully Rellia doesn't bump into it out there by herself."  His sweep doesn't reveal anything beyond the two stragglers that Buliwyf and Lyra are already suppressing.

"You get an 'A' for effort, but you dont have the brains got gave a goat.  Stay down and you'll walk out of here alive.  So much as twitch that Heat Hawk at me and I'll feed it to you warm end first.  This aint personal, dont go making it that way." Buliwyf threatens as he clicks the comm over to his own squadmates.  "You folks have a look, I'm gonna see if this pilot feels like being a hero."  Meanwhile, Lyra also turns to her target. "If you simply step out of your cockpits and don't resist, everything will be easier for everyone, and you may even get a nice comfy place to stay... try and pull anything, and you'll be the next one on the receiving end of that laughter you heard earlier..."  She shifts to get a better angle on the Zaku.  "Hey Setch, can I get a spare ammo clip? I found a shiny new toy, but its almost empty."

"That gun yeh took ain't empty; them Earth boys didn't do nuthin' much with 'em.  But since I'm a nice guy, I'll give yeh my spare." Setch replies, moving to the center to join everyone else.  As he moves, however, the Fed pilots begin speaking up over the common channels.  "You expect us to believe you'll spare us after we saw what that psycho-bitch did?!  Get the hell out of here!" A panicked female voice yells over the come, the boosters of the Zaku in front of Lyra flaring up for a Jump.  Lyra pours some machine gun rounds into it, but they aren't enough to stop the Zaku as it leans up and and jumps directly at Lyra, kneeing her Zaku in the face to send it hurdling onto its back as it lands on the far side of her, making a break for the mesas.  "I don't think so."  Atrius says calmly, raising his machine gun and pouring the remaining thirty rounds it had into the Fed Zaku's legs, crippling it and causing it to fall over.

"Goddamn you!" The pilot Buliwyf had pinned began to flail about as well, ignoring his warning and swinging the Heat Hawk toward's him.  Buliwyf wasn't taking it though, and uses his shotgun to blow the Fed Zaku's forearm clean off before picking up its discarded Heat Hawk and using it to cleave off the rest of that Zaku's arm.  It tried to flare up its boosters in vain, but a quick stomp from Buliwyf's Zaku stopped that idea as well and the pilot finally calmed down, realizing the hopelessness of the situation.  Setch moved toward Lyra, helping her back up and passing her the spare clip off his left clamp.  "Don't make me regret this, 'kay?"

He didn't need to worry about regretting it, though, as there didn't seem to be any other Federation activity in the area.  At least, none that seemed willing to approach them.  The salvaging team was able to arrive and begin loading the important parts and remains of Mobile Suits from the Gaw without issue, though the air remained tense from not finding whatever had brought down the big carrier plane.  With this, the Desert Cobra Squadron's first mission draws to a close.

This battle is complete!  Bonus objective: cleared!

Stat bonuses:

Atrius Schiend: None.
Lyra Leylande: Medium Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
May Greenfield: Long Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Buliwyf Herger: Close Range Skill +2.
Florance Vie Silette: Medium Range Skill +2.
Rellia Lunar: Close Range Skill +1, Reflex Speed +1.
Seth "Setch" Harrow: Medium Range Skill +2.



End of Sortie Clear Point Bonus:

100 Points per Pilot.

End of Sortie Clear Abilities Learned:

Atrius Schliend: Marksman I upgraded to Marksman II.
Lyra Leylande: Vengeful Streak I upgraded to Vengeful Streak II
May Greenfield: Hypersensitive learned.  Long Range Skill of 20 reached!  Counterbomber I learned.
Buliwyf Herger: Debris Fighter learned. Close Range Skill of 20 reached!  Counterstriker I learned.
Florance Vie Silette: Structural Knowledge I learned.
Rellia Lunar: Discern Weakness learned.
Seth "Setch" Harrow: Caution I learned.

----------Scenario Intro----------

Having stopped the Federation from acquiring intel on several prototype Mobile Suits, the team returns to California Base for some rest and a resupply before their next sortie.  However, they learn something shocking on their trip back - the Dopp team they rescued never made it back.  It seems it was a good thing they captured those Federation pilots for interrogation after all...

Something is very wrong with the entire situation, but their Zakus are generally too low on ammo and too badly damage to continue the current sortie more.  They would need to resupply and regroup - and unless they get some useful intel from their POWs, they're likely to just be sent on another sortie to scour the desert for whatever Federation force seems to have ingrained itself out here.  With luck, at least, the prototype parts can either be restored or replicated so that they can use those against whatever shot down the Gaw, as it was surely far more dangerous than a typical Zaku and far too nimble to be a land battleship.

With thoughts of the situation heavy on their minds, the team docks their Zakus safely back at California Base, preparing for their next sortie...

----------Return to Base Rules----------

(IMPORTANT NOTE:  I forgot when drafting the initial equipment pool that all <Large> size weapons should have a -1 Speed penalty.  I've fixed this, but if anyone took a 280mm Bazooka and no longer wants it for that or any other reason, this one time only I'll accept "Selling" [see below] the 280mm Bazooka for its full cost of 70 Points.)

For reference, all players' Mobile Suits are returned to the state they were before sortie, including Reserve Clips, Weapon Loadout, etc. for free when docking at base.  Exceptions will be noted as necessary, such as when a mid-sortie Mobile Suit change occurs or a base cannot fulfill these needs.  This means that all your Mobile Suits are now back to full HP/Armor, and are now fully restocked and equipped with their initial loadouts again.

At base, you can "Buy", "Sell", or "Trade" Mobile Suits, Weapons, and/or Upgrades, increasing the power and specing of your machine.

"Buy":  Similar to how we started the game, you can buy anything listed on this post using your current Point count.  That post will always contain all the up-to-date info on available Mobile Suits, Weapons, and Upgrades.  In the case that not all Mobile Suits, Weapons, or Upgrades are available from the base you're docked at, a provisional list will be provided instead.

"Sell":  If you no longer want a piece of equipment (Mobile Suit, Weapon, or removable Upgrade), you can sell it back to the base you're currently docked at for Points, equal to half the equipment's full value rounded down to the nearest 10.  If a piece of equipment has an unremovable upgrade and is sold, you will be reimbursed for the total value of that equipment and all its upgrades, rounded down to the nearest 10.

"Trade":  An alternative to Sell.  In this case, you can trade anything that can be individually sold (a Mobile Suit, a Weapon, or a removable Upgrade) to any other member of the squadron.  This can either be a proper equipment trade, such as my 280mm Bazooka for your 120mm Machine Gun, or a one-sided trade, such as giving an unwanted 280mm Bazooka to someone to allow them to conserve Points without getting anything in return.  Both parties must consent to the deal, of course, whatever it turns out to be.

Please make your first reply in this thread dedicated to only being an up-to-date sheet for listing what you wish to Buy/Sell/Trade, even if this means double posting to begin free-roleplay [see below].  This saves me tons of sanity and will greatly help in ensuring everyone's Character Sheets and loadouts are both up to date and correct.

Free roleplay is the other thing you may perform while docked at base.  By default, all characters begin free roleplay in the Mobile Suit hangar of the current base, sitting in their Mobile Suits, unless otherwise noted.  (Literally just returning from their sortie.)  You're free to converse with other players, wander around the base, etc. during this time, in order to develop better relations with other PCs, etc.  Just be ware of how long there is until the next sortie, though I'll try to post a warning several hours before things end to tell people to wrap things up.

This Return to Base ends at 11:59pm EST on Friday.

As for new stuff to buy, the following items have been added:

Quote----------Weapon List----------

Cracker Grenades:
Power: 8 per Cracker Grenade.
Ammo: 2.
Range: Medium.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Explosive Rounds: Rounds tear armor and cause splash damage.
--Micro Grenade: When this weapon explodes, it fires off four smaller grenades one square in each cardinal direction, with 4 Power each.
--Grab 'n Fire: Weapon is not "switched" to, but rather thrown from its clamp directly when needed, following the same rules as weapon reloading.
Size: <Small>
Cost: 30.

----------Mobile Suit Upgrade List----------

Head Vulcan:
Power: 1 per bullet.
Ammo: 100 rounds per clip.
Range: Short.
Reserve Clips?: No.
Special Properties:
--Full-Auto Fire: Fires any number of rounds, can fire up to the remaining clip size per action.
--Head Mount: Is built into the unit's head.  Cannot be removed once equipped, except to equip a different item with "Head Mount" instead.
Cost: 30.

Shoulder Shield:
HP: 12.
Armor: 10.
Special Properties:
--Shoulder Mount: Mounts onto either shoulder of the Mobile Suit, replacing its current Shoulder Armor.  Shield faces outwards, coveing the unit's side by default.
Cost: 30.

Shoulder Spikes:
Power: 8.
Special Properties:
--Shoulder Mount: Mounts onto either shoulder of the Mobile Suit, replacing its current Shoulder Armor.  Usable when ramming by turning the equipped shoulder to the enemy.
Cost: 10.

Increased Plating I:
Adds additional layers to the Mobile Suit's armor platingm increasing its Armor by 2 and decreasing its Speed by 1.
Cost: 40.

Decreased Plating I:
Removes some of the Mobile Suit's armor plating, increasing its Speed by 1 and decreasing its Armor by 2.
Cost: 40.