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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


All right cool. I'll start uploading tomorrow
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Holy Flamethrowers, Batman! I feel like the RNG frowned in my direction there.I think I saw no less than 5 missed Breaks all showing around 60% hit chances. Oh well. That's what keeps these things interesting, right? GG, True Light.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Hey look, someone using the Zombie spell the way I keep telling people to use the goddamn Zombie spell and winning due to it.  Fucking finally.

Missing 8+ 60% shots, yay.  Sucks to be Diamonds and Guns.  If those two Archers had stayed together on Grog Hill Celdia would've eventually won, but oh AI.


Did I say the Wizards gained Bolt 2 over Cure 2?  I meant I was changing their entire Spellbook to Fir3/Lit2/Lit3/Ice4/NUKE/Life/Pure.  Yeah.  That sounds much better.  I think I'll also spend the 800 leftover JP I had sitting on my Oracles that I somehow missed.  That'd also help I bet.


My Chemist sure loves his equipment...the RNG must love me today :D. I'm glad my Ninja finally decided to show up in round 3. GG Celdia
  • Modding version: PSX


That Oracle might need a reflect ring.  And those Geomancers transparency.  Raped that first round.  The RNG wasn't in my favor second round, but thus is the nature of FFT.  On paper, I see this teams as a little more even, but the flow of the match definitely favored Big Assault.

The AI likes to spread out the damage way too much.  If Diamonds and Guns had concentrated their damage, it would've been in their favor.  Granted, the breaks missing was just plain bad luck.

Not sure about Revive on those Squires.  When you're hitting that hard, essentially one shotting the competition, it's a wasted turn spent reviving, but that's just IMO.  They won regardless ^_^'  Priest with Masamune, awesome-sauce.

Entertaining match.  Shoes very reliant on those decap procs.

What matches do you guys want to see, or ones we haven't seen yet?  I can take a few requests per week or so.


Just record whatever you think might play out interestingly, personally.  Or set up a bunch of teams and random-pair them.  I believe Barren does the latter, for the most part.  I don't really have any particular requests, myself.  No pairing jumps out at me as being super-cool, and my teams are how they are so I've got no special request battles in that regard either.


Sometimes people do make requests like for instance Raven wanted me to put his Vipers team versus Eternal's Samurai Zealots Team. Its okay to do any random match you want. If someone does make a request to you they would PM you or post a request here. So like Raven stated, do any match that is to you interesting to see for all of us to watch.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Too much AOE! My units were too squishy, resulting in them getting 1-2 shotted. GG Vigilanti.
  • Modding version: PSX


Holy AoE Batman! That was pretty nice! GG True Light. Your team was interesting but yea too squishy


That was a tense set right there. No idea my Summoner was thinking at the end of Round 2 when she just walked into the Fire 3 for no reason. Sleep status is still devastating as hell. I think its worse than Death Sentence if only because it gives you a sliver of hope that you might be able to recover from it with a well-placed whack from an ally.

GG, Barren. A++, would fight again. :P
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


I was dodging everything this time, haha. Got a bit scared at the beginning of R1 when it looked like my Geos were only going to use Elemental.

Axe Funsies updated in team submissions thread.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Gotta love dem Sleeps.  Dat AoE killed on the second round, though Sleep saved you from getting blown to shit on the chokepoint in a similar fashion on the third round.

That Geomancer on Doriantoki's side put the hurt on, but Bio 3 just put the hurt on.  It was really that Geomancer and that Mediator v DomieV's entire team considering how much the Summoner and Priest did, and DERP is the only team that I've seen do 2v4 well.  It's just too easy to even just temporarily stun the units on the 2 side then recover and press, as displayed here.

Two small and claustrophobic maps in a row?  :/  May as well have just played the first match twice if you were going to do that.  Those Geomancers dodging fuckin' errythang with their 30% evasion didn't help things either.

Jumping... Archer?  Also, is it just me or have I started a trend with using Fire 2?  It feels like fuckin' errybody's using Fire 2 now.


November 22, 2011, 05:10:27 am #1075 Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 06:35:37 am by FFMaster
Well, welcome to the worst matchup possible?

Sadly, my Oracles had the wrong spellset in the second set of games as well.  They were at least sporting Life Drain, which they should not have, and were using in place of higher DPS options in more than one occasion from the looks of it.

FFM Edit: I suggest not to put apostrophes into spoilers since it bugs them up for some reason. Fixed it for you =p


If you want doriantoki you can showcase some of my teams if you wish. I don't mind whatsoever
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


That first round was incredibly fun to watch. I didn't think such a fast round could be so tense.

Poor Lita. Petrify, Esuna, Petrify, Esuna. Reflected Esuna to hit two allies was pretty spiff. Also, can the AI read enemy skillsets? Because it almost looked like Protect went on in R3 just to bait Runner into using Bullrush on the Summoner to break Charm. >_>

Those poor dancers never had a chance with such far reaching attacks in Geomancy. It kept them from ever really dancing all that much. Not that I think their team could stand up against the offensive assault parked on their front steps in the first round regardless of not dancing. Even the monk gave up dancing for some ranged Punch Arts. Pity about that. Might try some shorter range skillsets to keep them in check if you really want those dances to see some use.

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Good fight, but why the eff did my oracle, after being targeted by Leviathan, walk next to my critical, charging priest? I'm baffled.
Still, good fight.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney