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September 20, 2024, 09:10:31 pm


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Story Help (scene editing)

Started by Zozma, May 15, 2010, 10:49:38 pm


This section is for anyone interested in editing scenes on this patch (as i will no longer be working on that aspect of it)

the first one that needs to be worked on is the scene after the Gariland battle:

The scene begins with Vicks bragging to Monica that he will be "moving up in the ranks soon" as he has set Ramza and co up for failure in the Gariland fight (not expecting them to survive the ambush after he teleports out).

Monica begins to question it, however Vicks assures her it is a fail-safe plan. Before Monica is able to say more, delita busts in followed by Ramza and accuses Vicks of setting them up.

Vicks will deny it, claiming that he had complete faith in their abilities.
Ramza calms Delita, saying he understands but there is little they can do at that point in time.. scene ends shortly after

i mention this scene because it was in the works but VERY incomplete and appears glitch for test patches.
being chapter 1 its one of few thats a very obvious problem. It's also important for developing Vick's and Monica's characters...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


What software do you need for this?


You need Zodiac's Event Editor and CD Mage.  I'll help with this, but I'll need help with the camera angle (which I seriously don't understand) and EVTCHR (which I don't know how to fix/remake).
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


you dont necessarily need eventchr for a lot of scenes, and in fact ive set this particular one up in such a way that you dont really have to use that OR change camera angles... trying to make it less complicated and yet hold its value as a scene... however, if someone is working on it then im giving them the freedom to spice it up as they see fit...

Anyway, I have been considering lately, seeing if anyone is interested in designing/revamping story battles. I am not exactly changing the events that go on in them as much as trying to change what enemy units have and can do. MOST of the story battles pretty much have at least one special unit/boss type in them. Currently everything starting from the beginning of chapter 3 is available for revamping. Ill start with the battle where you have to protect Olan.
If anyone is interested, just figure out what units are there in the first place and design what you would replace them with, (remembering the 9 different sprite limit counting your 5 troops)

You design it and if i like it ill put it to use. id love to have ppl that are gonna play the patch know they got to have a hand in it. I'm also open to putting special boss units in maps that didnt have them, just read over my special characters list+enemies if you have questions. (i prefer to go in order so im looking for someone for that fight where u rescue Olan)

BB has helped me to design one already later in the game...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


I would like to help you, but all I can do is spriting, and you are all done with sprites. Sorry, I can be of no use here.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


all thats required is pretty much swapping out the enemy units that appear with more interesting, more powerful ones
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Quote from: "Zozma"all thats required is pretty much swapping out the enemy units that appear with more interesting, more powerful ones
you mean the ENTD's in the patcher?


yes, that is what i am working on
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


that's easy to do, its just time consuming, want help?


mmm, i could easily do them but i just figured id see if anyone wanted to design any of the event battle setups...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Interesting, and nice.....what battle setups are not yet complele?


hmm i am currently at underground book storage first floor (with wiggy)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Well i want to help out with what little i can do, i dont want to see this turn into another abandoned project (mercenaries).


I just finished Yardow, (rafa and malak are awesome as magic ninja's lol fire skean, water skean, thunder skean lol) too bad they dont join

I still need a better name for their job tho than ninja.... ive just been calling them "Shinobi" temporarily lol

Anyway, the next map is Yuguo woods, this is where you rinally get a new character "Deis" the water sorceress
It will be easier to finish chapter 3 and give out a test patch (the story is jacked, youll have to play for battles only! at least the patch wont be abandoned in form of battles)

and just a heads up, it looks like monsters are never going to be playable other than Boco, however they will become more challenging on the enemy side
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Sweet, i like the yuguo map but the battle sucked.


Yuguo is going to be very dangerous, rafa will not be there, she only appears at riovannes when your fighting malak again, so you have guest Deis.

The mages will have non charge spells :) and some nice equips

Im thinking, of letting you get 2 guests here simply because you have a large amount of special units (over the 16 unit limit) available to you by endgame, perhaps someone can help me decide which one is apropriate to go with Deis?
These are available but some might be TOO useful for this point in the game:

Gin - Earth Seer [Earth Magic]
Zozma - Wind Seer [Wind Magic]
Balmafula - Arch Witch [Witchcraft (includes All-Ultima)]
Beatrix - Paladin [Seiken]
Olan -Astrologist [Galaxy Stop, Hasten, Delay Order, Return]
Ovelia - Princess [Mbarrier, Esunaga, Resurrection, Ultima(2), Wish]
Rad - Dark Knight  [Dark Sword]
Alicia - Mystic Knight [Destroy Sword]
Tamara - ???? currently planned to be removed her original skillset would have been Similar to a monk, but innate 2 sword for a double punch
Monica - Current plans have her removed as a recruitable character, however she would be similar to the 4 elements, having most of the thunder elemental skills...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Alicia is that uh saga frontier mystic knight character right? she seems like a good choice


Yes she is, i think so too as its not an OP skillset
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


Yeah i dont want some OP joiner, i want something different that tickles my fancy, she fits that bill..just my .02 cents


Wow all that sounds like a custom game maybe I'll be able to do some thing to help I'm quite new at this but I can definately get the hang of it. I would like to see how far this goes i hope it does'nt get abandoned
.....you spellcasters and your words.....