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September 20, 2024, 07:55:31 pm


Use of ePSXe before 2.0 is highly discouraged. Mednafen, RetroArch, and Duckstation are recommended for playing/testing, pSX is recommended for debugging.

TLW Eurystheus mod V2.9 Beta Static Story Mod is Out (9/29/22)

Started by Eurystheus, February 12, 2022, 07:00:36 pm


Sorry to those of you who have already downloaded the patch I quickly wanted to fix one of the crossbow texts as I was past the text limit for the item and now should be fixed. It's still labeled the same patch as I didn't feel the need to change the version number for 1 edit.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus


Enjoying the mod for the most part, so far, on the 2.5 leveling.  I'm digging the sprite changes and the overall changes to the classes, but I have to say, some of the damage formulas are absolutely bonkers.  I've seen Throw Rock from a level 1 Recruit in the prologue fight one shot kill a party member (40+ damage) and noticed several times that they actually choose to move away and throw rocks instead of using their sword to hit people.  At Sand Rat Cellar, I've had multiple instances of a level 6 Fighter do well over 130 damage with Pummeling Fist, instantly killing anything they target with it, knights in rendezvous gear included.  It makes the entire fight go south if Algus moves to the door, gets bodied the next turn, then you get swarmed by the enemies.

I'll probably restart on the 1.2(?) patch with static story fights.  Leveling mods can be fun, but if the enemies have equipment 1-2 tiers higher than you in every fight, it becomes much less fun.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Hello Seirno I'm sorry if you are having a bad time with the mod. As far as Pummeling fist goes I didn't change the damage on the move it's just that strong from Vanilla, and Throw Stone all I did was change the formula to make it a useful. Since you have pointed it out I will lower the damage on both for the Static story mode in the next update I'm releasing tomorrow. As far as equipment goes I mention that in the description where I have updates that leveling mode might be difficult due to the fact of them copying your level.

But again I'm sorry if you are having a bad time I'll take you suggestions into consideration for the leveling version when I do work on it. Thank you for playing the mod I
appreciate the fact that your playing it. 
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus


Hi Eurystheus,
Should I patch the Lion War Mod before patch yours?
  • Modding version: PSX


Hello Marcci thank you for trying out the mod to answer your question you only need to patch this with a Vanilla version of FFT and that's it you don't need to do anything else
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus


Quote from: Eurystheus on August 16, 2022, 09:02:23 amHello Marcci thank you for trying out the mod to answer your question you only need to patch this with a Vanilla version of FFT and that's it you don't need to do anything else

OK, I see. But when I patched it successfully, I found the title screen is not your posted and I dont know why. I really really like this one which is your posted. It's beautiful and artful. :|
Thanks for all you've done, Eurystheus.  :)
  • Modding version: PSX


Hi there Marcci the Title screen posted is in the V1.9Beta static story mod as that is the newest version of the mod
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus


On the 1.9 update, there's a bit of an issue with the Reis quest.  When you finish the final fight where you have to protect Ries, the game will glitch out and play the Orbonne Monastery intro with Simon/Alma.  After the scene it puts Ramza, Beowulf, and Reis in a fight by themselves as Guests for eternity.  If you saved and reload the save before that, it automatically puts you in the Nelveske Temple fight with no warning.  If you manage to clear the fight, it puts you back out on top of Goland, but it leaves Goland as an active event location that will repeat the Beowulf side quest if you walk over the dot again.

Edit: Also, whenever you finish the game, it replays the Ashley recruitment scene.  Doesn't seem to mess anything up that I can tell so far, but it's definitely a bug.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


I just recently finished chapter 1, I made sure not to power level so the base chemist, Wizard, Knight and Outlaw were the roles available to me. Knight in particular I really enjoyed, I'd even say your version of Knight is my favorite now, they do good damage, have good damaging range options, are bulky but are limited by their move and speed; as they should acid strike and fire strike before seemed out of place though, as they are just a slightly stronger attack with no side effects and now that knight's have charge blade and bolt sword I don't know why you'd ever spend jp on them.

For the most part I enjoyed the first chapter but there was one move that I think is absurd and that's frost bomb; this skill is really strong and the enemy having so much access to it made some fights very frustrating, its decent chip damage, the accuracy is based off your weapon (and evasion is really low in chapter 1), and it always slows, since outlaws have it they will move first, slow all your units, and start double turning your units unless you slow them back.

This is really prevalent in the Thieves' fort fight and Dortor trade city fight in chapter 2 beginning, the outlaws will slow you and the mages will blow you up. On the players side I made sure to abuse this to, my comp was Ramza as a knight, 2 more knights and a chemist, Ramza had frost bomb, one knight had frost bomb and my chemist had frost bomb, alot of fights my strat was to frost bomb every enemy until I double turned, enemy knights felt very weak once slowed.
the 2nd Miluda and Wiegraf fight felt pretty easy and frost bomb was the reason, Wiegraff is just not a threat when hes perma slowwed and he getting double turned

I would suggest either making frost bomb cost more jp so it appears later, make the slow a chance to happen, or make the small cape the player can buy give immunity to slow.

some other notes:

-Chocobo A.I is weird, they heavily prioritize spreading their buff, and since it has a low chance to land (45-50% on neutral compat) they waste alot of time, maybe could use a buff, they also sometimes run to enemy units and then wait, I think the A.I is trying to use choco attack, but you replaced it with wing slash maybe height has something to do with it(It's only happened when there was a height difference even if by 0.5).

-it could be an emulator issue but my units get no spill over jp (I use epsxe, I know I should really switch, if this is specific to epsxe you can prob ignore)

-During the dortor city battle sometimes agrias and gaffgarion have not learned any abilites, could be because I was under leveled, I was level 9.

  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Valamar on August 20, 2022, 03:02:03 amFor the most part I enjoyed the first chapter but there was one move that I think is absurd and that's frost bomb; this skill is really strong and the enemy having so much access to it made some fights very frustrating, its decent chip damage, the accuracy is based off your weapon (and evasion is really low in chapter 1), and it always slows, since outlaws have it they will move first, slow all your units, and start double turning your units unless you slow them back.

This is really prevalent in the Thieves' fort fight and Dortor trade city fight in chapter 2 beginning, the outlaws will slow you and the mages will blow you up. On the players side I made sure to abuse this to, my comp was Ramza as a knight, 2 more knights and a chemist, Ramza had frost bomb, one knight had frost bomb and my chemist had frost bomb, alot of fights my strat was to frost bomb every enemy until I double turned, enemy knights felt very weak once slowed.
the 2nd Miluda and Wiegraf fight felt pretty easy and frost bomb was the reason, Wiegraff is just not a threat when hes perma slowwed and he getting double turned

I would suggest either making frost bomb cost more jp so it appears later, make the slow a chance to happen, or make the small cape the player can buy give immunity to slow.

-it could be an emulator issue but my units get no spill over jp (I use epsxe, I know I should really switch, if this is specific to epsxe you can prob ignore)
I can agree with the Frost Bomb statements (I have it written down in my notes).  Later in the game it seems like most Outlaws also have Concentrate so you're going to get slowed at some point and it is critically debilitating, even more so when the speed gets ramped up and Haste comes into the picture.  For about 90% of the game, the only accessory I was using on everyone was Rubber Shoes to prevent Slow.  I have had some fights where Ramza got Slowed, then the enemies got 3-4 turns before he could move again.  Slowing any of the Lucavi battles is almost an instant win button too.

I wasn't receiving any of the JP overflow either with Duckstation but I assumed that was because of the classes being different.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Hello Seirno and Valamar I have nerfed frost bomb to be 19% chance and it does the same as base damage still making it a useful skill but not OP anymore in the newest update.

Also JP spillover has been removed from the game as it made it pointless to even be certain jobs due to it, thus with it you could skip having to even play a class and just unlock the next one without even using the one class. I'm sorry if this bothers people but I think it was the right choice since every class already has Gain JP UP Innate
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus


I can confirm that the Reis quest is fixed now, and I'd say the Frost Bomb change was good.  I'm seeing it used a lot less by some enemies now.

Makes sense about the JP overflow, even though you can still run into that situation sometimes with some crystals and inheriting enemy abilities, though that's sort of a fringe thing I guess and can't really be changed.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Awesome glad the Reis Quest is fixed and as far as getting abilities from crystals I'm fine with. Makes it an alternative to farming for JP and if you are willing to hang around a battle to get the crystals I feel like you should be rewarded for waiting.

Also I do agree with the frost bomb change as it was too powerful with the slow proc being 100%
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus


The huge downside Im noticing with no JP spillover is it basically doubles the grinding I need to do on all of my characters, if I want any of them to use any items other than potion and PDown the entire game I have to make them ALL Chemists and then just jp grind in random battles, which also over levels them all. Instead of just having one person be a Chemist for a few story battles and helping the whole party keep up with the item progression. Even with gain jp up innate I rarely get new abilities to try out without constant grinding. Im also noticing a lot of the later classes ability decriptions bugging out (CH2 Ramza midnight blade) and spirit bender I cant see the description for the ability Jealous Spirit and it has a 0% chance on every target Ive tried it on.

Its a great mode, the classes are interesting just dislike that it feels more grindy than the base game.
  • Modding version: PSX


Hello Grim I mean you could do proposition as I've boosted the amount of JP you get for them. Also I've tried both Midnight blade and Jealous Spirit and both appear to be fine. It won't work on something that is innate to the classes as it can't be removed.

What emulator are you playing on I use PSXFIN to play and all the ability descriptions and classes display fine with no bugs.

Also removing spill over to me anyways makes you actually use some of the classes that you otherwise could skip because of spill over. I understand that it can make it more grindy than vanilla but then again vanilla was to easy in my opinion as you could basically steam roll through the whole game with just monks. I don't want it to be too grindy but I also don't want it to be too easy to unlock better classes.

In the next update I'll lower JP costs down by 20% on the more expensive skills as I think that will solve the grind issue

Regardless thank you for playing the mod Grim I really appreciate the feedback
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus


I have been doing propositions as well, Im only to Goug thus far but have a lot of the classes unlocked (Only missing Nin, Dark Templar, Valkyrie, and Dark Knight) and most of them are quite fun and interesting, so well done there. As for the bugs Ill try to patch a new ISO and see if that fixes things. Thanks for your hard work modding my favorite game <3
  • Modding version: PSX


I noticed something earlier in a battle.  An enemy ninja had a Tempest Knife equipped and when I went to inspect it, the tip box didn't show up and just flashed the screen.  It then also broke all of the other tip boxes and they only flash the screen whenever you inspect anything.  The only way I could get that to fix was to restart the game.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Hi Seirno thank you for the update and I'll be releasing a patch soon with the fix for the tempest knife
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus


then what android emu is suitable for your mod? any recommend?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
I Play Every Mod


Hello Feuholden I wish I knew more about emulators for android but sadly I don't so I'm not sure what to recommend to you to use but if I have heard correctly I think duckstation works fine with it but I could be wrong

On a different note to all who are trying out my mod your names will be added into the game list of random names for units as a way to say thanks for playing and helping fix things wrong with the mod.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
I still hope for the day FFT 2 comes out
  • Discord username: Eurystheus