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Greek Gods and Goddesses

Started by Ultimus, May 27, 2013, 08:07:22 am


May 27, 2013, 08:07:22 am Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 08:13:56 am by Ultimus

Although I'm new here, I'd like to start off with why I am here.

I like to write stories. Especially when it's for video games that I've played before. I'd figure that, if others'd like to do the hacking, I'd give my ideas. I am not an FFT hacker, although I am interested in learning how to hack FFT this summer. I am, however, arrogant enough to say that I excel in English - I could give comments on stories, check your spelling, etc.

I'd like to start off with a detailed description of a random battle versus 12 generic enemies. The point is that all of them have names, skills and equipment that refer to Greek gods and goddesses.

Perhaps one of you FFT hackers seek someone to write these kind of plots, so you have something that's already made, that only needs to be scripted. :)

Edit: I haven't looked around too much. I saw the Recruitment board and thought: hey, this thread could've been posted there, too. Sorry! :oops:

Writing is hacking, too.

"Me, sir? I'm just a poor jujube vendor, with hungry kids waiting at home..." - Viktor, Suikoden (script by Yoshitaka Murayama)


A proper grammar check is always precious
Welcome to FFH, where all your dreams come true!

P.s: Don't mind me too much, I'm Italian and my English sucks

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Welcome to FFH, unfortunately and not to get your hopes up, but I'm fairly certain you won't find what you are looking for.
There is only a couple storyline patches currently going on, and those already have scripts. Though we could maybe use a
slightly dulled down version of this as a mark in Jot5. Finding a group of people willing to event, make mechanics, and sprites
for a mod is not easy unless you plan to do the bulk of the work yourself.

There are many tutorials here explaining nearly everything you'd need to know, and require no more than basic knowledge on
how to read and use a keyboard, as well as setup an emulator to test with. When I came here I knew nothing about hacking
outside of Duke3D which I hadn't modded in nearly a decade.

Many people seem to be offput by the thought of making a mod that isn't a vanilla mod because they think it's going to be too
hard. There is a difference between Hard and Time Consuming. Many of the tools we offer for editing the battle mechanics,
events, attack.out, all have GUI's to help you along. There is also many spreadsheets to modify other aspects of the game.
The only 2 I can think of currently that are without a GUI is the attack.out conditions sheet and the worldmap sheet, the
former of which has 2 very detailed tutorials on how it works, and the worldmap works very similarly, and if you ever got to that
point, there are people to help.

Nothing we do here is hard to learn besides Spriting and ASM hacking, which it doesn't sound like you will be doing.

Not trying to discourage you here at all, actually quite the opposite. My point is that, when coming to a smaller community such as
we are, it's highly unlikely you will find someone to take lead on a mod that is only having the writing done for them, as in the
long run, this is actually a very very small part of the game making process.

P.S. Love your signature, Suikoden FTW \m/
  • Modding version: PSX


Hi and thank you for your responses!

This event as a mark in Jot5 would work as good as it would work as a mark in the vanilla FFT.

This week I will publish the team setup of the encounter. It will be from there that I'll see if someone would be motivated enough to convert the idea to code, or else everyone will have to wait until July - the month I'll learn about the tools you guys created for hacking. :P
Writing is hacking, too.

"Me, sir? I'm just a poor jujube vendor, with hungry kids waiting at home..." - Viktor, Suikoden (script by Yoshitaka Murayama)


If you write the dialogue and summary of the event. I can probably put it together to show you what it would look like
  • Modding version: PSX