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FFT: Battle rush! (V 0.1 released

Started by Dome, September 21, 2009, 09:17:38 am


September 21, 2009, 09:17:38 am Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 06:34:53 am by Dome
Project closed (Because it's impossible to make Ramza start at level 99 with normal stats...
FFT 1.3: Battle Rush (Based on FFT 1.3028 with vanilla fights)


Known bugs
Ramza has strange stats (You must change the multipliers to the originals, and the growth to 10hp/10mp/42PA/42MA/100Speed, he joins at level 1

Description of the patch:
- Every Job available since beginning, every ability costs 0 JP and every piece of non-rare equipment available since beginning at 0 gil (So you can start to play with everything you want without worring of jp, money, etc...)
- Every enemy in every battle will be at level 99 with set equipment and RSM (A lot of rare stuff around, sometimes protected by maintenance sometimes not...in a similar way to 1.3)
In this way, having every ability-job-equipment asap, player will just focus on battles, that will be very hard (Every enemy will have good setup and equipment ;P)

Here is a video of the first battle
FFT Battle rush intro battle
Battles until chapter 2 completed
Some new equipment property idea, still not implemented
Feather Hat - HP +10, MP +10, PA +1, MA +1, Sp +1, Move +1, Jump +1
Red Hood - HP +70, Half: Fire, Ice, Lightning
Headgear - HP +88, PA +1, Sp +1
Triangle Hat - HP +45, MA +2
Green Beret - HP +72, Sp +1, Cancel: Confusion, Charm, Sleep
Twist Headband - HP +56, PA +3
Holy Miter - HP +64, MP +20, MA +1, Strengthen: Holy, Absorb: Holy
Black Hood - HP +70, Strengthen: Fire, Ice, Lightning
Golden Hairpin - HP +80, MP +50, Cancel: Silence, Berserk, Confusion
Thief Hat - Small HP buff.

I need to implement this but I dont know how...
[Pre-Raw Stat]
Gender             : 0x4A8A4 value 0x80 Male (0x80 = Male, 0x40 = Female, 0x20 = Monster)
Brave & Faith      : 0x4A914 value 0x46
Level              : 0x4A98C value 0x01 [Affect new recruit level at Soldier Office]
Min Pre-RawHP      : 0x4F124 value 0x1E
Min Pre-RawMP      : 0x4F125 value 0x0F
Min Pre-RawSp      : 0x4F126 value 0x06
Min Pre-RawPA      : 0x4F127 value 0x05
Min Pre-RawMA      : 0x4F128 value 0x05
Head               : 0x4F129 value 0x9D Leather Hat
Armor              : 0x4F12A value 0xBA Clothes
Accessory          : 0x4F12B value 0xD0 Battle Boots
Weapon             : 0x4F12C value 0x13 Broad Sword
Shield             : 0x4F12E value 0xFF <Nothing>
Pre-RawHP Variance : 0x4F146 value 0x02
Pre-RawMP Variance : 0x4F147 value 0x01
Pre-RawSp Variance : 0x4F148 value 0x00
Pre-RawPA Variance : 0x4F149 value 0x00
Pre-RawMA Variance : 0x4F14A value 0x00

changes both ramza and soldier office grunts in one fell swoop.  change 01 to 63

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


September 21, 2009, 11:10:55 am #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by cold52
only three questions I have it?

1.do plan on doing somthing with the squire...if all classes are available squire does become quite useless (thief as well...see below).

2.do you plan on changing some low level equipment?
since you have every non-rare item from the start you might wanna change some equipment to become more useful or to vary play style to allow more strategy.

3.now about having enemys with special equipment and having it protected...this makes the thief job alot harder to be useful...does it mean youll give somthing to the thief to improve usefulness in battle?

but it doesnt sound like a bad idea though...just curious


September 21, 2009, 11:38:58 am #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dome
1) At the moment I dont know if I'm going to buff some class...Ideas are welcome ^_^
2) No, low level equipment will just be useless (Like in every end-game playthrough) and maybe it will be removed
3) The special equipment will not be protected every time, I plan to make the player reach end game with at least 1 piece of every rare equipment (Without counting poaching and DD)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


September 21, 2009, 01:24:38 pm #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Sephirot24
Lookin' good Dome! I have some questions though:

1) How are we gonna manage our units? Every unit is lvl 99 right? Where do I get new units? Do I recruit them from the Academy and they're insta-lvl99? If so, they would have all those 99 levels leveled as squire and crappy stats?

2) Does Ramza start with lvl 99, leveled as Ubersquire?

3) You're going to use the world map? Or are we just getting battle after battle like when you enter a castle or Colliery or Murond?

Suggestion!! :)
We should start with Ramza and one unit of every class, leveled up to 99 in that class. I have no idea how are you gonna do with stats if not. Another good option would be being able to recruit lvl 99 units with a specific job at the Academy. For example: you recruit a lvl 99 Geomancer, so that unit stats are as if it leveled up to 99 in Geomancer class.. even if you change class after.

Or maybe you can give us just 1 unit of every class and make them unable to change class. It'd be like a challenge.. finding the right strategy, the right combination of units and win. I can see people rocking 5 knights / 5 summoners / 5 samurais and so on if not...


September 21, 2009, 01:42:35 pm #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dome
1) Every enemy unit (After the save algus mission, so you can train in mandalia) is at level 99...you can recruit new units at the academy but they will be at level 1, so you can train them as you wish (Every job is unlocked since beginning, so no jp grinding)
2) Ramza starts at level 1, so you can level him as you wish
3) I'm going to use the worldm map, and Nah, randoms are usefull to train the units from level 1 to 99, so they stay where they are
Quote from: "Sephirot24"Or maybe you can give us just 1 unit of every class and make them unable to change class. It'd be like a challenge.. finding the right strategy, the right combination of units and win. I can see people rocking 5 knights / 5 summoners / 5 samurais and so on if not...
This may be a good idea, but IDK if other people may like it...
Anyway, thanks a lot for the info/feedback!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


September 21, 2009, 01:54:06 pm #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by beawulfx
I definitely like Sephirot's ideas; there is no way I would want to train up my units from 1-99 before getting into any serious fights. I think it's more fun to be given one of each class leveled to 99 in their base class as was said, and then work around that so you can't just bring in 5 of the same unit. It forces you to strategize and try new things which makes everything more fun than rocking one uber set up all around.
My FFT 1.3030 videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 18EFFEA0AD
My FFT: Mercenaries videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 174F169EE5
My FFV Random Class Challenge videos can be found at; http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... C9F3BD69BF


September 21, 2009, 01:54:53 pm #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Sephirot24
If every enemy is lvl 99, how are lvl 1 units gonna survive their training? Even with all skills, abilities and items, you'll have crap stats at first. You'll have 5 PA/MA while they have 20, and they'll triple-turn you with 17 speed, haste and stuff... Are random battles enemies' gonna be lvl 99 too?

Also, you can totally add me to your sig for world spam domination :)


September 21, 2009, 01:58:44 pm #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by SilvasRuin
QuoteWe should start with Ramza and one unit of every class, leveled up to 99 in that class. I have no idea how are you gonna do with stats if not. Another good option would be being able to recruit lvl 99 units with a specific job at the Academy. For example: you recruit a lvl 99 Geomancer, so that unit stats are as if it leveled up to 99 in Geomancer class.. even if you change class after.
I like this concept, though I'm not sure how much ASM hacking that would take.

In a patch like this, it is pointless to have anything but the very best.  That happens to nuke quite a lot of the equipment and a few of the jobs.  In my opinion, this is a rather large waste.  If you're going to make a patch for this purpose, you might as well fully customize the game to this purpose.  Do what Mercenaries is doing with equipment, only keep the effective levels equal.  Make one armor that is just a straight up HP boost and another one that gives more HP but also Slows, etc.  Make the player have to choose between equipment rather than just slap on the highest tier.The same kind of thing goes for the Jobs too.  Each Job and skillset should have a reason to be used or there is just no point in including them.  Squire needs a rehaul so it isn't just a waste of space.  Job growths could probably use adjusting across the board too...

My suggestion?  Make all job growths the same and hack it so that Squires you recruit from the soldier office are already level 99.  If all jobs have the same growths, it won't hurt them to already be level 99.  The jobs will be differentiated enough by their stat multipliers to not need varied growths.


September 21, 2009, 02:07:19 pm #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dome
Quote from: "beawulfx"I definitely like Sephirot's ideas; there is no way I would want to train up my units from 1-99 before getting into any serious fights. I think it's more fun to be given one of each class leveled to 99 in their base class as was said, and then work around that so you can't just bring in 5 of the same unit. It forces you to strategize and try new things which makes everything more fun than rocking one uber set up all around.
I'd like to implement such thing, but Idk how to do it...i'm not skilled at all in hacking (Just know a bit how to work with FFTPatcher)
I can change all the growth to be the same and alter a lot the multipliers, so there is no difference in which way you make the people level up...and if it's possible, we can make the units at the academy level 99
Quote from: "Sephirot24"If every enemy is lvl 99, how are lvl 1 units gonna survive their training? Even with all skills, abilities and items, you'll have crap stats at first. You'll have 5 PA/MA while they have 20, and they'll triple-turn you with 17 speed, haste and stuff... Are random battles enemies' gonna be lvl 99 too?
I wanted to create some "special" random battle in mandalia made of shitty enemies at level 99 that you can use as "Sandbag" in order to level up quickly (Or implement an ASM hack that gives more exp to everyone)
Quote from: "Sephirot24"Also, you can totally add me to your sig for world spam domination :)
Already did ^^
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"In a patch like this, it is pointless to have anything but the very best.  That happens to nuke quite a lot of the equipment and a few of the jobs.  In my opinion, this is a rather large waste.  If you're going to make a patch for this purpose, you might as well fully customize the game to this purpose.  Do what Mercenaries is doing with equipment, only keep the effective levels equal.  Make one armor that is just a straight up HP boost and another one that gives more HP but also Slows, etc.  Make the player have to choose between equipment rather than just slap on the highest tier.The same kind of thing goes for the Jobs too.  Each Job and skillset should have a reason to be used or there is just no point in including them.  Squire needs a rehaul so it isn't just a waste of space.  Job growths could probably use adjusting across the board too...
This is a good point, but it requires a lot of work xD And lots of ideas...That I dont have atm
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"My suggestion?  Make all job growths the same and hack it so that Squires you recruit from the soldier office are already level 99.  If all jobs have the same growths, it won't hurt them to already be level 99.  The jobs will be differentiated enough by their stat multipliers to not need varied growths.
You had the same Idea I had

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


September 21, 2009, 02:14:10 pm #9 Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 02:30:14 pm by SilvasRuin
QuoteThis is a good point, but it requires a lot of work xD And lots of ideas...That I dont have atm
I can provide ideas, I'm sure, and I know enough of the patcher to make just about anything (equipment) I come up with (with the exception of item appearance.  I haven't messed around with that.).  I would be happy to help with that, if you don't mind the assistance.


September 21, 2009, 02:23:34 pm #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Sephirot24
I like Silvas' idea of special equipment a la Mercenaries, although I think that it'll take quite a while. For now you can throw your ideas here but it will probably be the best to wait a little until the patch has advanced to implement those, as there's many items that need a change.

Also, how many jobs are there? Is it possible to fit every one of them (1 of each) in the 16 character rooster? If we can't, you can leave out some of the less useful ones like Squire or Mediator. Maybe we can have 1 of each job and then number 16 is a unit able to change between jobs...

Dominic NY18

September 21, 2009, 04:05:10 pm #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dominic NY18
Dome, you've two other essentially dead, and now locked, threads in this forum. How am I to know whether you'll follow through with this one or leave it to fall into near oblivion like the other two?

I'm letting you slide because you show more than just a mere idea in these threads, but I'm not going to let you post a new topic every time you come up with an idea for some new variation of 1.3 or some idea you like that you stop working on after a week or two.


September 21, 2009, 06:31:42 pm #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dome
Quote from: "Dominic NY18"Dome, you've two other essentially dead, and now locked, threads in this forum. How am I to know whether you'll follow through with this one or leave it to fall into near oblivion like the other two?

I'm letting you slide because you show more than just a mere idea in these threads, but I'm not going to let you post a new topic every time you come up with an idea for some new variation of 1.3 or some idea you like that you stop working on after a week or two.
1) FFT: Another tale is not dead, I'm just learning how to edit the events of the game, and it's hard as hell, so I ask you to un-lock it...
2)FFT 1.3028 with vanilla fight is not dead, the project is completed...I wanted to make a FFT 1.3 with vanilla fights and enemies (Skillsets and stat) and I made it...The purpose of that project was to create a starting point for new patches (Like Battle rush! and :Another tale) and I'm developing them...I dont have THAT much time because of the university exam, but they are not dead.

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Dominic NY18

September 21, 2009, 09:54:25 pm #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dominic NY18
What do you expect when nothing is posted in your "Another Tale" for about a month? If you don't have the time to dedicate to doing these things, or the know-how to actually pull it off, then at least keep me abreast of what it is you're doing.

I'm not going to let you make new threads for more projects when you haven't shown any work on something you've already proposed and have a thread for.

I'll unlock them, but start finishing what you start.


September 22, 2009, 03:09:54 am #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dome
Quote from: "Dominic NY18"What do you expect when nothing is posted in your "Another Tale" for about a month? If you don't have the time to dedicate to doing these things, or the know-how to actually pull it off, then at least keep me abreast of what it is you're doing.

I'm not going to let you make new threads for more projects when you haven't shown any work on something you've already proposed and have a thread for.

I'll unlock them, but start finishing what you start.
I Apologize if I didn't upgraded the thread, but the project isn't dead at all...I'm just messing with the event compiler-decompiler and it's very hard...I will post some upgrade asap.

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Asmo X

September 22, 2009, 05:45:03 am #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Asmo X
I dont mind the idea of this but yeah, theres no point in having anything but top tier equips. There would need to be a massive item overhaul that makes everything (loosely) equal but different. Also, I liked the battle until lezales started swordskilling for 600 damage.

Make all growths between classes equal, even out equips, soldier office scrubs go straight to 99. I wonder if theres also a way to just remove all the little graphics that mention JP and exp and levels since none of that technically exists. You could also rename the shop to equipment supplies or something.


September 22, 2009, 06:14:27 am #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dome
1) At high level battles, you dont see lot of equipment...only the very best, and in this patch it will be the same...I dont have the time and the will to change every equipment of the game.
2) I'm changing the growth of every class to be the same right now ^_^
3) I'd like to make the units in the soldier office level 99, but atm I dont know how
4) For the graphics thing, it would be nice, but I dont know how to do it...

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Asmo X

September 22, 2009, 06:25:52 am #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Asmo X
No, you don't change ALL the equipment. You just make a good variety and dump the rest. You don't need a million different builds. We can throw around ideas in the thread


September 22, 2009, 06:53:15 am #18 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by MiKeMiTchi
This seems to be a great patch for training and testing. GJ!
Jot5 GFX Designer :: Spriter :: Mitchi


September 22, 2009, 07:06:05 am #19 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Dome
Little update:
Now every job that the player can have has the same growth (But different multipliers)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"