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FFT:LHW (Lionheart War)

Started by Lionheart537, August 14, 2017, 05:55:23 am


August 14, 2017, 05:55:23 am Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 01:15:19 am by Lionheart537
FFT:LHW (working title) is my dream of a vanilla mod. Started with me simply picking up Tactics again and discovering this community. I plan no changes to story or include any radical mechanic changes(besides tidying some dialogue and a handful of custom events) but a complete overhual of jobs, items, skillsets, monsters, encounters, and game balance. It won't be a short or easy journey, but I have time, drive, and all the resources I need to see it through. If/when LHW is a finished success I might go on to a story mod using these fixed mechanics as a template (i do already have the theme of that hypothetical mod planned as well).

Currently I am in the concept phase as I'm still learning the tricks and tools of the trade; spriting, working the tools and spreadsheets, and minor assembly hacking. I hope to have a beta with most sprite, mechanic, and gameplay changes functional by the end of the year. I'd also like to say that everything is currently tenative and subject to change.

1. Zodiac Compatibility will be lowered from 25 and 50% to 12.5 and 25%
2. Permanent Br and Fa changes will be removed.
3. Stat changes will have Min/Max values and are generally less abusible.
4. Exp/level draining abilities will be removed
5. Weapon breaking/stealing skills will be removed besides on select special characters.
6. Jp values will be severely reduced.
7. Gil rewarded and item costs will be severely reduced and recquire better management.
8. All avaliable shop items can be found in all open towns, no more running between shops.
9. Stat Growths will be less influential and rebalanced but still some difference across the jobs.
10. Status will be reworked and new statii will be added. Faith and Innocent replaced with Mist (regen mp)  Sap (poison mp). Also add Curse (add 25% extra  from all sources until death). Add Astra/Bless (does not remove statii but prevents any new ailments from stacking). Possibly remove Oil.
11.Remove Monster Skill and let beasts freely use their ability slots.
12. Chest status removed so units always crystal. Instead of chests most enemies drop items via end-mission bonus items and poaching.
13. Overhaul of items and weapons, removing underused weapons and potentially adding 1 or 2 new types. Changing several items' graphics. Adding new functionality to some items. Specifics in the Item updates section later.
14. Overhaul of Jobs both generic and Special. Aiming to improve balance, variety,  and genral fun of playing the game.
15. Reworking story and random encounters to be more interesting but not overly difficult, to scale with the party more fluidly.
16. Most abilities will be tweaked with new formulas, pushing to make most use quadratic formulas for straight damage and healing. Almost all abilities will cost Mp and managing status will be more important. Spells will generally have faster CTs. Specifics in Skillset changes later.
17. Remove 2 hands support, instead some weapon classes will always be forced 2 handed with appropriate changes to Wp dmg values.
18. Status buffs will have higher accuracy.
19. Fix poorly translated parts of story dialogue. Add a handful of custom events (events are pretty much the last thing I'll work on though).
20. Implement "Hold X to speed through text" hack
21. Add defensive values to all body and head gear and some shields/weapons
22. A huge overhaul of sprites including personal customs I'm working on

Jobs Specifics

Item and Equipment Specifics

I'll post updates and progress as I go on. Critiques and suggestions in all forms are heavily encouraged. In the event that progress is substantially delayed or cancelled I'll try to at least post as such.

EDIT: If you do have critiques and suggestions i'd prefer you pm me to prevent congesting this topic please and thanks.
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


Sounds cool.  I'm down to playtest demos and give suggestions, inasmuch as I have time.  I actually have a lot of similar goals for my hack (e.g. bringing gil rewards down severely, new weapons, lowering spell CT), so maybe we can help each other out...I should probably finally make a dev thread on this site
  • Modding version: PSX


August 15, 2017, 02:50:25 am #2 Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 07:05:24 pm by Lionheart537
I appreciate that man! I'll let you know if I need anything and you do the same.

Anyway first on the list to finish is the core of Tactics, the legendary job system. Here is a diagram and a less colorful table of my tenative jobs. I'll update their skillsets, equipmemt, and stats over time. Some abilities and most r/s/m are unconfirmed as I'll need to see which asm hacks can play nice with each other.

I'll take suggestions on better names for anything, anytime!

Starter job, no prerequisites.
Squires are the most basic of physical classes. They will be receiving the vanilla Archer's Charge skillset with mild edits.
Weapons: Knives, Swords, Axes/Hammers
Armor: Hats/Hoods, Clothes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Charge
1. Charge 1: CT2 Power 1
2. Charge 2: CT4 Power 3
3. Charge 3: CT6 Power 5
4. Charge 4: CT8 Power 7
5. Charge 5: CT10 Power 10
*Speed is about twice as fast as vanilla, but spells are faster now too, will have to test how it performs.

Counter (technically this will be a modified Countertackle that draws from Charge 1 rather than Rush. Should be a bit stronger than vanilla Counter).
Defend: Vanilla
Equip Change: Plan to use a hack to allow gear changing before acting to be a free action.
Jump +1: Vanilla
Equip Change

Starter job, no prerequisites (replaces Chemist).
Alchemists function very much the same with some changes to their items.
Weapons: Knives, Guns
Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes, Robes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Alchemy
1. Potion: Heal 30 HP
2. Hi-pot: Heal 70 Hp
3. X-pot: Heal 120 Hp
4. Ether: Heal 20 or 25 Mp
5. Hi-Ether: Heal 50 or 60 Mp
6. Elixir: Fully heal Hp and Mp
7. Remedy: Cancels poison, sap (Mp poison), blind, silence, Immobilize, and disable.
8. Smelling salts: Cancels charm, confuse, berserk, and sleep.
9. Holy Water: Cancels undead, vampire, petrify, toad, and curse.
10. Phoenix down: Cancel Dead heals 1...22rdm
Mirror: Adds reflect
Veil: adds invisible
Phoenix Ashes: cancel dead heal 1...50rdm
Star shard: add Astra

Auto-Potion: possibly hacked to not accept X-potions
Throw Item: Vanilla
Treasure Hunter: Vanilla Move-Find Item
Throw Item

Recquires Lv2 Squire.
Knights are meant to be the tankiest of classes. Their purpose is to a) prevent damage to the party b) heal and restore party members c) reduce the threat of the enemy and tank damage, aggro them. All critiques are welcome!
Weapons: Swords, Axes/Hammers, Greatswords, Spears
Armors: Helms, Armor, Robes
Accessories: Shields, Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Chivalry
1. Pray: Heal Cascur Hp OR Fa based heal, Range1 AoE1 V2 CT 0 Mp 10-12? doesn't hit caster reverses on undead.
2. First Aid: Cancel Poison, blind, silence, Immobilize, disable R1-3? AoE0 V2 CT 0 Mp 6-8?
3. Barrier: Add protect and shell R2-3? AoE0 V3 CT 0-4? Mp 10-14?
4. Bastion: add defend allies only R0 AoE2 V3 CT 0 Mp 4?
5. Fortify: add defend and regen to self R0 AoE0 V- CT 0 Mp 4-6?
6. Seal Power: Pa -1 R2-3 AoE0 V3 CT 0 Mp 0-6? Low Accuracy.
7. Seal Magic: Ma -1 R2-3 AoE0 V3 CT 0 Mp 0-6? Low Accuracy.
8. Taunt: add Berserk R2 AoE0 V3 CT 0 Mp 0-6?

Vigilance: Vanilla Caution
Perfect Guard: Vanilla Bladegrasp (Fixed to no longer block any ranged weapon)
Equip Heavy Armor: Includes shields
Pavise: Vanilla Def Up (nerfed to 25% bonus)

Recquires Lv2 Squire (replaces Archer).
Rangers are the masters of ranged combat. Their skills relate to empowering their beloved weapons with nasty poisons. Their role is to debilitate the enemy while doing consistant damage from a safe range.
Weapons: Crossbows, Bows, Guns
Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes
Accessories: Shield, Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Archery?
1. Aim: Wep dmg Unevadable Wep Range AoE0 CT 0 Mp 6?
2. Envenom: Wep dmg 100% poison wep range AoE0 CT0 Mp 10?
3. Lethargy: Wep dmg 100% slow wep range AoE0 CT 0 Mp 12-14?
4. Sandman: Wep dmg 100% sleep wep range AoE0 Ct0 Mp 12-16?
5. Feather Step: add float self R0 AoE0 CT0 Mp 4 (just to let Rangers move around more freely to reposition)
6. Shove: low dmg knockback R1 AoE0 V2 Ct 0 Mp 0 (Used to prevent being bullied into a corner and rendered defenseless)
7. Pierce: Wep dmg Linear wep range AoE2 Ct 0 Mp 14? (Think of it like a ranged lance attack, of course melee weapons could do it as well. Depends on if the asm works)
8. Barrage/Falcon Strike: rdm 1...3 weapon strikes wep range AoE0 Ct 0-2 Mp16-18?

Deflect: Vanilla Arrow Guard (blocks Gun attacks as well)
Equip Ranged: Crossbows, Bows, and Guns can be equipped.
Precision: Vanilla Concentrate.
Jump +2: Vanilla

Recquires Lv2 Alchemist (replaces Priest).
Clerics are your standard White Mage. Why the name change? Well they're more like traveling, battle clergymen than preaching ministers so Cleric seems slightly more accurate (plus I simply prefer it). They wield the White magick school and many positive Green magicks.
Weapons: Staves, Harps
Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes, Robes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: White Magick
1. Cure: Mid Heal Hp R4 AoE1 V2 CT2-3 Mp 6-8?
2. Cura: Mid Heal Hp R4 AoE2 V3 Ct4-6? Mp 14-16?
3. Curaga: High Heal Hp R4 AoE0 V3? Ct 4? Mp 12-14?
4. Esuna: Vanilla with added Cancel Sap R4 AoE1 V2-3 Ct4? Mp 14?
5. Renew: Add regen and mist R4 AoE2 V4 Ct2-3 Mp 8-10?
6. Protect: Add protect R4 AoE2 V3 Ct3 Mp12
7. Shell: Add shell R4 AoE2 V3 Ct3 Mp12-14?
8. Ward: Add protect, shell, and Astra R4 AoE0-1? V2? Ct 5? Mp 16-18?
9. Raise: Cancel Dead heal 50% Hp high accuracy R3-4 AoE0 V4? Ct 4 Mp 14?
10. Arise: Cancel dead heal 100% Hp mid accuracy R3-4 AoE 0 V4? Ct 6? Mp 18-20?
11. Reraise: Add Reraise R3-4 AoE 1 V4? Ct 4-5? Mp 14?
12. Holy: Severe Holy dmg R3? AoE 0 V3? Ct 6? Mp 24?

Regenerator: Vanilla
Distribute: Vanilla
Aegis: Vanilla Mag Def Up (nerfed to 25% bonus)
Innitial Astra: begins battle with Astra

Recquires Lv2 Alchemist
The staple Black Mage. They wield Black Magick and a few negative Green Magicks to round them out. Unlike vanilla they have a spell for every element but Holy as well as two non-element spells. While the damage output and Mp cost won't deviate much for these spells, their magnitude and behavior will.
Weapons: Wands, Tomes
Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes, Robes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Black Magick
1. Arcane Bolt Non-elem dmg R6 AoE 0 V4? CT 0-2? Mp 6 (The basic spell with far reach and quick speed for downing weak foes)
2. Plague: add poison and sap R4 AoE 2 V3 Ct 4 Mp 12?
3. Frazil: Ice dmg R4 AoE1 V2 CT 3 Mp 10-12? Proc Slow.
4. Levin: Lightning dmg hit rdm 1...2 R4 AoE1 V3 CT3 Mp 12-14? (chance of big damage on a target, and to say lightning does strike twice.)
5. Ardor: Fire dmg R4 AoE2 V2 CT 4 Mp 12-14? Proc cancel: regen, mist, ?reraise.
6. Quake: Earth dmg Linear R6-8? AoE6-8? V1 CT 4 Mp 14-16? Proc cancel: defend, protect, shell (Linear variety possibly with the furthest range to promote use.)
7. Curse: add curse R4 AoE 1 V4? Ct 4? Mp 14-16?
8. Tornado: Wind dmg R4-5? AoE2 V4-6? CT5? Mp 16? Proc Confuse. (Highest Vert. tolerance for vast height differences.)
9. Torrent: Water dmg R0 AoE 3 V1 CT 5-6? Mp 14-18? Proc Immobilize (Potentially one of the few moves to use Repeat. The idea being a whirlpool trap around the caster. Might need a custom effect.)
10. Toad: add toad R3 AoE 0 V4 Ct 5 Mp 16-18?
11. Unholy: Dark dmg R4 AoE 0 V4 CT 6 Mp 24 (Damage is much higher than the other elements, on par with Holy.)
12. Flare: Non-elem dmg Unevadable R4 AoE1-2? V3 CT8 Mp 30?

Counter Spell: Vanilla
Absorb Mp: Vanilla
Equip Magic Arms: Allows access to Staves, Wands, Tomes, and Harps.
Initial mist: begins battle with mist

Recquires Lv4 Knight (replaces Samurai)
Ravagers are straightforward, melee engines of destruction. They wield the break skills to shatter enemy equipment as well as devastating buster skills that recklessly damage the Ravager with their target.
Weapons: Swords, Axes/Hammers, Greatswords, Katanas
Armors: Helms, Hats, Armor, Clothes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Destruction? Breaker?
1. Swift Buster: unevadable damage caster by 12.5%
R2-3? AoE 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 6-8?
2. Helm Break: Break Head equip no dmg R2-3? AoE 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp4 0-4? Low hit
3. Shield Break: Break shield no dmg R2-3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 0-4? Low hit
4. Savage Buster: tri attack dmg cas by 33% R0 Aoe 0? V2 Ct 0 Mp 12?
5. Second Wind: add Mist and reraise R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0-2? Mp 10-12? ( reraise is perfect for a unit that can potentially ko themselves. Another Mp heal option to support allies)
6. Armor Break: break armor no dmg R2-3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 0-6? Low hit
7. Grand Buster: dmg cas by 25% R0 Aoe 2 V3 Ct 0 Mp 14-16?
Accessory Break (if the asm works I'll add it)
Final Buster: dmg = cascur hp 100% add nothing dmg to caster 100% R2 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 14-18? 

Soulbind: Vanilla Damage Spilt (possibly nerfed to 25%)
Equip Heavy Arms: allows access to Axes/Hammers, Greatswords, and Katanas.
Atk Up?: Vanilla (possibly nerfed to 25%)
Mold Breaker?: Nullifies enemy's Perfect Guard, Deflect, Runic, Reflect.
Safeguard: Vanilla

Recquires Lv3 Ranger
Agile Thieves aren't meant for direct combat.
Instead they hinder foes through stealing their equipment and their silver tongue speech skills.
Weapons: Knives, Crossbows
Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Steal?
1. Steal Gil: Vanilla (balanced with new Gil costs)
2. Steal Heart: add charm no gender restriction R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 0? (remove the gender recquirement because it's 2017 and extremely annoying to position units based on gender for one ability)
3. Steal Helm: Vanilla
4. Steal Shield: Vanilla
5. Pacify: add disable R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 0?
6. Steal Armor: Vanilla
7. Steal Accessory: Vanilla
8. Distract: cancel defend, perform, charge R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 0? Mid-hi hit% (untested whether canceling the status will stop the action, which would be the point of this ability).
9. Throw Gil: Low dmg = gil lost R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 0? (Depends if the asm works)
Speed Save: Vanilla
Safeguard: Vanilla
Poach: Vanilla
Move +1: Vanilla
Treasure Hunter
Secret Shop: allows access to fur shop

Recquires Lv3 Cleric (replaces Time Mage)
Masters of time the Chronomancer has access to some of the most useful statii and is generally unchanged. Why the name change? No other spellcaster is called ... Mage, so to stick with the theme they get a new name.
Weapons: Staves, Poles, Tomes
Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes, Robes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Time Magick
1. Float: add float R4 Aoe 2 V3 Ct 3 Mp 8
2. Immobilize: add Immobilize R4 Aoe 2 V3 Ct 3 Mp 12
3. Haste: add haste R4 Aoe 2 V2 Ct 4 Mp 14
4. Slow: add slow R4 Aoe 2 V2 Ct 4 Mp 14
5. Stop: add stop R3 Aoe 1 V3 Ct 5 Mp 16
6. Quick: add ct100 R3 Aoe 0 V4 Ct 3 Mp 16?
7. Reflect: add reflect R4 Aoe 1 V2 Ct 4 Mp 16?
8. Gravity: dmg 25% or 33% dmg R4 Aoe 2 V4 Ct 5 Mp 18
9. Comet: dmg 100 R4 Aoe 0 V4 Ct 5 Mp 16? unevadable (straight from jot5, i love this idea!)
10. Meteor: non-elem dmg Unevadable R4 Aoe 1 V3 Ct 8-10 Mp 30?
11. Doom: add doom R4 Aoe 1 V3 Ct 5 Mp 16?

Critical Quick: Vanilla
Half Charge: Vanilla
Teleport: Vanilla
Immune time: immune to slow and stop

Recquires Lv3 Wizard (replaces Oracle)
The Arcanist is a powerful dark mage, like the Wizard they are offense focused. They wield Arcane Magick and a majority of harmful Green Magick.
Weapons: Knives, Wands, Tomes
Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes, Robes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Arcane Magick
1. Drain: abs 25-33% Hp R4 Aoe 0 V4 Ct 4 Mp 14?
2. Siphon: abs 33% Mp R4 Aoe 0 V4 Ct 3 Mp 4?
3. Death: 100% Hp dmg reverses on undead R3 Aoe 0 V4 Ct 6 Mp 20
4. Dispel: cancel buffs R4 Aoe 1 V3 Ct 4? Mp 14?
5. Blind: Add blind R4 Aoe 2 V2 Ct 3 Mp 12
6. Slience: add silence R4 Aoe 1 V2 Ct 3 Mp 12-14?
7. Confuse: add confuse R4 Aoe 2 V2 Ct 4 Mp 14
8. Undead: add undead R3 Aoe 1 V3 Ct 4 Mp 14-16?
9. Sleep: add sleep R4 Aoe 1 V3 Ct 4 Mp 12-14?
10. Petrify: add petrify R3 Aoe 0 V4? Ct 5 Mp 18?
11. Psycho Shift: Removes cas statii and adds to target

Mp Shield: Vanilla
Mag Atk Up?: Vanilla (possibly nerfed to 25%)
Mp Step: Vanilla Move-Mp Up
Immune mental: immune to confuse, berserk, charm

Recquires Lv3 Knight, Lv4 Ranger (replaces Geomancer)
Spellblades, similar to Rangers, empower their weapons with raw elements. Spellblades have become renowned as exceptional mage killers, their special arts warp Mp.
Weapons: Knives, Swords, Wands, Poles
Armor: Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes, Robes
Accessories: Shields, Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Infuse/Enchant?
1. Pyro: Fire dmg wep range Aoe 0 Ct 0 Mp 8 Proc Curse
2. Cryo: Ice dmg wep range Aoe 0 Ct 0 Mp 8 Proc Slow
3. Electro: Lightning dmg wep range Aoe 0 Ct 0 Mp 8 Proc Sap
4. Aero: Wind dmg wep range Aoe 0 Ct 0 Mp 8 Proc Confuse OR Cancel charge, perform, defend
5. Hydro: Water dmg wep range Aoe 0 Ct 0 Mp 8 Proc silence
6. Geo: Earth dmg wep range Aoe 0 Ct 0 Mp 8 Proc Immobilize
7. Rend Mp: dmg Mp 33% R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 6-10?
8. Mana Bomb?: dmg = CasCur Mp R2 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 2? Mp CasCur Mp
9. Ignite: dmg = TarCur Mp R2 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 4? Mp 18?

Counter Strike: (Counter Spell for physical abilities)
Equip Light Arms: access to knives, swords
Equip Light Armor: access to hats, hoods, clothes, robes
Initial Reflect OR Absorb Mp

Recquires Lv3 Knight, Lv2 Cleric
Monks are holy warriors that channel their life energy to aid allies and smite foes.
Weapons: None
Armors: Hats, Hoods, Clothes
Accessories: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillset: Sacred Arts?
1. Cyclone: phys dmg R0 Aoe 0 V1? Ct 0 Mp 0-4?
2. Pummel: phys dmg rdm 1/2...3/2 R1 Aoe 0 V2? Ct 0 Mp 0-4?
3. Force Fist: holy dmg R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 6-8? Direct fire
4. Shining Fist: holy dmg Linear R5 Aoe 5 V2 Ct 0-2? Mp 12-14?
5. Breath: heal hp heal mp by 1/2 R0 Aoe 1 V1? Ct 0-2? Mp 12?
6. Purify: cancel poison, sap, curse, undead, vampire, petrify R0 Aoe 1 V2? Ct 0 Mp 10-14?
7. Revive: cancel dead heal 34% Hp R1 Aoe 0 V2? Ct 0 Mp 14
8. Burial: add petrify affects undead only R1-2? Aoe 0 V3? Ct 0 Mp 8-10?
9. Quivering Palm: add doom R1 Aoe 0 V2 Ct 0 Mp 8

First Strike: Vanilla Hamedo
Hp Restore: Vanilla
Martial Arts: Vanilla
Hp Step: Vanilla move-hp up
Martial Arts

Recquires Lv5 Thief Lv2 Arcanist (Replaces Ninja)
Assassins are heavy damage dealers like Ravagers, but are more frail and rely on speed and evasion rather than Hp and Def. They can use the Slay skills to kill vulnerable foes and also possess shadow magic for utility.
Weapon: Knives, Katanas, Bows
Armor: Hats, Hoods, Clothes
Accessory: Cloaks, Arms, Rings, Shoes

Skillet: Shadow Arts?
1. Shadow Strike: Dark dmg R3 Aoe 0 V4? Ct 0 Mp 10? Indirect Fire (not stopped by obstacle)
2. Slay Crit/Execute: Dmg 100%Hp Unevadable (only Critical status targets) Weapon Range Aoe 0 Ct 0 Mp 8?
3. Mark: Add Curse R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 8?
4. Conceal: Add Invisible self R0 Aoe 0 V- Ct 0 Mp 6?
5. Shadow Stitch: Add stop R2-3? Aoe 0 V2? Ct 0 Mp 10-12?
6. Shadow Step: Self Quick R0 Aoe 0 V- Ct 0 Mp 6?
7. Slay Doom/Zeroize: Dmg 100%Hp Unevadable (only doom status targets) Weapon Range Aoe 0 Ct 0 Mp 8? *Depends if ai will bother targeting Doomed units (they normally don't)*
8. Seal Speed: Sp -1 R2-3 Aoe 0 V3 CT 0 Mp 0-6? Low Accuracy. (Purely utility but combos with shadow stitch to prolong stunning)

Reflexes: Front evasion applies to all sides
Vanish: Vanilla Sunken state
Dual Wield: Nerfed from vanilla to reduce damage
Move +2
Dual Wield

*I have much more but this is all I'll post for now. Expect edits to this throughout the next few days*
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!



Throw Weapon and Items makes Alchemist OP.  Throw Weapon range is based on Move, by the way.

If you want to make Throw Weapon useful, differentiate the throwing star and bomb items.

Alternately, maybe limit the thrown weapons to stars and bombs, put them in a skillset that autolearns everything, and attach that skillset to the standard Ninja skillset.

There's a hack that changes the amount of HP/MP healed by potions and ethers to the given amount or a percentage, whichever is greater.  If stats are kept low you won't need it, but some people like it.


I'm making the knockback ability deal no damage if I can, keeping it on the Squire abilities.  I think that the damage routine (the jal - jump and link) is used in other formulas, check where the address pops up in routine locations.


Quote from: nitwit on August 16, 2017, 08:02:59 pm

Throw Weapon and Items makes Alchemist OP.  Throw Weapon range is based on Move, by the way.
Huh, I didn't know that, thanks! I wonder if it is linked with Throw Item how its range would behave?

Alternately, maybe limit the thrown weapons to stars and bombs, put them in a skillset that autolearns everything, and attach that skillset to the standard Ninja skillset.
That was the plan and maybe Daggers as well, mostly as a cool way to get a top tier Dagger via Catch. If i didn't specify that in my post i'll edit it.

There's a hack that changes the amount of HP/MP healed by potions and ethers to the given amount or a percentage, whichever is greater.  If stats are kept low you won't need it, but some people like it.
It sounds pretty nice and fair considering 100% revive is a thing, but i'd probably have to cut auto-potion as it would become really strong  (even if limited to just normal potions)

Thanks for taking a genuine interest man. Yeah I'm not 100% on the Throw. iirc Throw uses Speed for damage as well, so it wouldn't be terribly strong on Chemist. A Thief or Assassin item master; however, might make a great build with that set-up. Everything is still tenative though.

If you'd like to discuss further I'll happily join you, but preferably through personal messages (to limit bloating this topic).
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


Throw Weapon and Throw Item ranges are not linked.  Throw Item range is hardcoded to 3, but I think it's found.

Here are some routines for Throw Weapon:

This routine is almost certainly jal to from the Throw Item routine, just a matter of searching for a "0c016a21 jal 0x0005a884". 

Open up BATTLE.OUT and locate every instance of "0c016a21".  The endianness may differ, I'm not sure.  One of them may be the Throw Item routine.

Personal messages are fine, but edit your post to include everything you find out from looking through routines.


  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Quote from: nitwit on August 17, 2017, 02:45:28 am
Personal messages are fine, but edit your post to include everything you find out from looking through routines.
I was certainly going to mention every source I got help or inspiration from. Maybe if this really gets going i could have a "behind the scenes" for others to see the technical side of what i end up doing. I was also considering editing the game credits images with a "special thanks" section hehe. But this is all much later down the road.

Ah cool! I'll tinker with this whenever I get to that stage, thanks you two!
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


August 22, 2017, 01:34:20 am #8 Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 08:50:49 pm by Lionheart537
Items and Equipment
This segment will also be continually updated as I progress and find time to add to it. It will contain all items and their statistics and availability.

Items will generally follow a rarity system as follows.
Common: Found in all shops, battle rewards, and move-find spots. Example: Iron Sword.
Uncommon: Found selectively in certain shops, poaching, specific battle drops, and move-find spots. Example: magic guns.
Rare: Found from poaching, special battles, special move-find spots, and stealing. Example: Elixir.
Legendary: Unique items only obtainable once each through various means. Example: Excalibur.

Higher rarity are typically better items that become more available at higher levels and further story progression
I don't plan to scale equipment higher than level 67 or so.

I currently have 14 weapon types categorized in 5 groups.
Light Arms
Knives are 1 handed, dual wield enabled, provide +1 Sp, dmg formula is [(Pa+Sp)/2]*Wp, Range of 1

Swords are 1 handed, dual wield enabled, dmg formula is Pa*Wp, Range of 1
13. Materia Blade

Heavy Arms
Axes and Hammers are forced 2 handed, dmg formula is (Pa/2...Pa*3/2)*Wp, Range of 1, Hammers have innate 25% proc equipment break ability.

Greatswords (Knightswords) are forced 2 handed, dmg formula is [Pa*(Br/100)]*Wp, Range of 1

Katanas are forced 2 handed, dmg formula is  [(Pa+Sp)/2]*Wp, Range of 1, Katanas have innate 25% proc second attack ability

Spears are 1 handed, dmg formula is Pa*Wp, Range of 2, Spears do extra damage with Dragoon's Jump ability

Poles are 1 handed, dmg formula is [(Pa+Ma)/2]*Wp, Range of 2, *possibly bonus dmg when using Jump*

Crossbows are 1 handed, dmg formula is Pa*Wp, Range of 3-4 Direct fire

Bows are forced 2 handed, dmg formula is [(Pa+Sp)/2]*Wp, Range of 3-5 +or- elevation bonus Arced Fire

Guns are 1 handed, dmg formula is Wp*Wp, Range of 3-8 Direct fire *can be evaded*

Magic Arms
Staves are 1 handed, dmg formula is Ma*Wp, Range of 1, innate Ma+1

Wands (Rods) are 1 handed, dmg formula is Ma*Wp, Range of 1

Tomes (Books) are forced 2 handed, dmg formula is Ma*Pa, Range of 3-4 Direct fire, 25% proc cast spell ability

Harps are forced 2 handed, dmg formula is Ma*Wp, Range of 3-4 *indirect aka doesn't stop at obstacle*

There are 6 Armor types in 2 categories
Standard helms provide 5% physical protection and 1% magical protection have hi Hp and low Mp bonuses.

Hats typically provide 3% physical protection and 3% magical protection with mid hp and mid mp bonuses

(replaces hair adornments unless I cannot remove gender recquirement, then shares with hats type)
Hoods usually provide 1% physical protection and 5% magical protection with low hp and hi mp bonuses.

Heavy armor provide 10% physical protection and 4% magical protection with hi hp and low mp bonuses.

Standard Light Armor has 7% physical protection and 7% magical protection with mid hp and mid mp bonuses.

Most Robes give 4% physical protection and 10% magical protection with low hp and hi mp bonuses.

There are 5 Accessory types including Shields.
(doesn't occupy the actual accessory slot)
Shields provide either physical and magical evasion (small shields like bucklers) or phys and mag protection (larger shields)

Cloaks, like shields, give evasion bonuses.

(combines armlets and bracers/gloves)
Arm accessories provide offensive bonuses such as Pa+1.

Rings provide many kinds of immunities and resistances.

Shoes typically give improved movement or speed.

Consumable items.
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


You can name your spoiler tags by [ spoiler=<namehere>] then close the spoiler as normal (without the space between the bracket and the 's', obviously.)
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on August 22, 2017, 07:31:28 am
You can name your spoiler tags by [ spoiler=<namehere>] then close the spoiler as normal (without the space between the bracket and the 's', obviously.)

Thank you! I have been wondering how to do this!  I'll have better organized posts now.
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It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


Quote from: Lionheart537 on August 15, 2017, 02:50:25 am
2. Steal Heart: add charm no gender restriction R3 Aoe 0 V3 Ct 0 Mp 0? (remove the gender recquirement because it's 2017 and extremely annoying to position units based on gender for one ability)

I've been waiting for this simple but meaningful change since I started playing FFT mods, wish everyone had your vision.
Thank you!
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Valdrigr on August 29, 2017, 02:30:21 pm
I've been waiting for this simple but meaningful change since I started playing FFT mods, wish everyone had your vision.
Thank you!

Haha yes me too. I'm still updating slowly, but recently most of my time is spent trying to self-teach ASM. Also a few important irl things to prepare for. But slow and steady wins the race. Thanks for the support!
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


So one class I'm really unsure how i want to go about is the Bard class. I definitely want a high tier mage class (both for additional job choices and to keep my diagram symmetrical) and make it something interesting like a Bard, Blue Mage, or calculator. But I'm at a bit of a loss for ideas on how i want to go about it. Suggestions on balancing a bard/dancer hybrid or a cooler Mage job would help a lot!
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


Suggestions for Bard and Dancer (can be implemented individually or in any combination):

  • Remove gender restrictions.  Fabulous male dancers based on FFV Bartz FTW.

  • Slow down Sing/Dance, either by basing it on class speed or simply lengthening the number of CTs it takes for Song/Dance to go off.

  • Make Wiznaibus and Witch Hunt evadable.

  • Lower the healing power of Angel Song and Life Song.

  • Taking damage cancels Sing/Dance.


Hmm i was moreso fishing for some brand new ability ideas but maybe you're right, tweaking the perfectly good vanilla abilities works just fine. Considering the "pinnacle" of the physical jobs, Dragoon, is hardly changing maybe it makes since to do the same to the Bard. Sometimes the simple answer is also the best, i appreciate your feedback dotchan!
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!


October 16, 2017, 02:25:39 pm #16 Last Edit: October 16, 2017, 06:44:09 pm by Lionheart537
UPDATE: Progress will be slowed some more as I discovered a new game that is very fun and accessible to modding, Darkest Dungeon. I'll hop back and forth as FFT is still a favorite of mine. Still hope to have my changes mostly function in time for Christmas or New Years, but learning and testing everything certainly takes serious amounts of time. Anyway i'm modding DD on Steam, so if you're a fan of that game my much smaller mods over there will be popping up under the username derek_l_gunnels or Lionheart537.  Thanks for your support so far everyone!
  • Modding version: PSX
It's not much yet but check out my spriting thread!
Here's a look at my vanilla mod thread, progressing one step at a time!