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September 20, 2024, 09:01:17 pm


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Axe random factor, plus permanent slow!

Started by Sanguis, November 25, 2017, 02:50:02 pm


Hey, FFH! Sorry if this has ever been answered elsewhere, but I sadly couldn't find it.

Anyway, what I need help with, is the following:

I've been doing a personal patch, focusing on editing the ENTD to make all story battles level with you and the weapons, to make the game more balanced. I had an idea about making axes really hard hitting, but clumsy and slow weapons.

Basically, I'd like to remove the random factor so I can make it reliable and powerful, but carrying the axe permanently slows the wielder. I'm not very good with the whole formulas and etc, so some help would be appreciated.



You can probably ASM the Axe formula and then just add Always Slow to the axes' attributes. If you're on WotL you can't ASM the formula, though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


If you can't edit the Axe formula (I bet Xif's sheet lets you do it for PSX), you can also change the formula for each and every axe (using FFTPatcher, Items tab). That might modify some other things, though. In particular, you may lose element, status infliction, or evade, depending on which formula you use.

If on PSX, look through the FFTorgASM list to see whether the Axe formula is already hacked for you.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


yeah you could always use the FFTpatcher to edit it.. I know this is gona sound tedious but it is what it is.. u could edit each axe and click on the slow checkbox that way each axe will automatically have slow attatched.. and then yeah change its formulae so its not random dmg and more hard hitting that's what I would do.. if u don't know how to ASM then asking somone would either never happen or itd take a really long time because their busy and have lives and stuff..
  • Modding version: PSX