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Souls of Destiny: Full 4 chapter update patch

Started by CONMAN, November 15, 2012, 10:37:44 pm


I hadn't posted in quite a while on this thread, so I thought it might be worth saying that this mod is still living. 

I have most the chapter 4 skeleton in place but need to actually create the events themselves.  Most of that is thankfully sketched out with dialogue and such in a big 'ole game notebook of mine.

This mod really keeps getting an update delay due to me pursuing quality as opposed to completion.  Having what is essentially an alternate universe makes it a little difficult to feel fresh enough.
Mostly I've been focusing on editing as much of the commonly heard music selections.  I've been playing around a bit with some of the maps- I backed off creating a bridge falling event at the waterfall because I would have to redo several events and randoms there.  Lately I've been changing up some events in the second chapter to introduce some nice twists into that part of the story.

Hopefully, I wont see too many issues that need addressed in chapters 3/4 and in a month or so I'll be pushing ahead again!
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: CONMAN on August 17, 2019, 05:12:44 pm
I hadn't posted in quite a while on this thread, so I thought it might be worth saying that this mod is still living. 

Do your thing bro, we are rooting for you, and patiently awaiting.  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX


First off I'd like to say, this is probably one of the best non-vanilla mods out there, very nice work Conman!

I'm currently stuck in Chapter 4, the Murond Church Battle where you see Vormav turn into a red archaic demon with a few others, and the battle freezes as soon as the dialogue is done and the enemies show up. Has anyone else encountered this, and is there a way to bypass this somehow? I'm using PCSXR, as pSX 1.13 doesn't work in Win10.

I'd appreciate any help at all.
  • Modding version: PSX


September 28, 2019, 10:50:48 pm #103 Last Edit: September 28, 2019, 11:05:57 pm by Elric
pSX 1.13 most definitely works on Windows 10. I have both 10 pro and 10 home, pSX works on both perfectly fine.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on September 28, 2019, 10:50:48 pm
pSX 1.13 most definitely works on Windows 10. I have both 10 pro and 10 home, pSX works on both perfectly fine.

You're completely right, I had trouble with the DX9 runtimes and installing them in Win10. Once I got pSX 1.13 working, I was able to get past the point the game was freezing at. It was giving a bunch of read sector errors in the console at the point it would freeze in PCSXR, but kept going this time.
  • Modding version: PSX


Two bugs that I've come across in Chapter 4 so far;

1) Bug/exploit: After reading the rumor in Zeltennia Castle to trigger the event in Nelveska Temple, once you beat the even the first time, you're supposed to be able to come back and repeat the event over. What happens when you visit Nelveska Temple every time after that; the screen goes black, the battle is completed automatically and you receive 36,000 gil and 2x Karate Shoes.

2) When trying to view the details for the dagger, 'Zorlin Shape', the in-game text bugs out until you exit the 'Formation' screen.

I continued using pSX 1.13, I already like it better than the other emu.
  • Modding version: PSX


^ CONMAN, if you need help fixing the above, lemme know.
  • Modding version: PSX


I just finished the fight with Shogun Elmdor at Limberry, and once you save past that point and attempt to continue the game, it resets back to the Squaresoft logo. Is this intentional?

I did make a save prior to that point, but it'd be nice if it would let you out on it's own to try the Deep Dungeon with that Genji set on!
  • Modding version: PSX


Was it a save+formation, or just a save and then into a scene/battle?

The former would be because he made the Variable 55 jump to the wrong event
The latter would be because when its just a save, even if you have a jump to next scenario set, it will always load the next event in the attack.out order, which is why arranging events properly is important.
  • Modding version: PSX


September 30, 2019, 01:26:19 am #109 Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 02:49:30 am by Linken
Quote from: Elric on September 30, 2019, 01:02:00 am
Was it a save+formation, or just a save and then into a scene/battle?

The former would be because he made the Variable 55 jump to the wrong event
The latter would be because when its just a save, even if you have a jump to next scenario set, it will always load the next event in the attack.out order, which is why arranging events properly is important.

It was a save+formation, then it showed the zone where we'd see Zalbag with Alma and Teta for the first time in vanilla, with the enemies present from the previous battle (Elmdor/Ovelia/Samurais) but your own party missing. After the brief dialogue, it resets right after.

Also, the Mjolnir hammer (flail-type) cannot be dual-wielded nor used with both hands, while all the other flails can. Guns show as being usable by Chemists & Mediators, but Mediators can't equip them.

The Deep Dungeon was quite interesting, once entering the third stage 'MARVEL', the game goes in an endless cycle of 'Now Loading'. I guess this is far as the patch goes as far as story and side-content.

Thanks for the experience, Conman!
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Linken on September 30, 2019, 01:26:19 am
It was a save+formation, then it showed the zone where we'd see Zalbag with Alma and Teta for the first time in vanilla, with the enemies present from the previous battle (Elmdor/Ovelia/Samurais) but your own party missing. After the brief dialogue, it resets right after.

Also, the Mjolnir hammer (flail-type) cannot be dual-wielded nor used with both hands, while all the other flails can. Guns show as being usable by Chemists & Mediators, but Mediators can't equip them.

Okay, so yeah, he has his variable 55 set incorrectly in that event. It should be variable 55 <VARI> Variable should be the number event he wants it to jump to after formation, in hex.
  • Modding version: PSX


I hate to tell you Linken, but you are running into the limits of what I had completed in this mod.  The Shogun battle is the end of the story battles/scenes on the release.  Neither the deep dungeon nor the Nelveska temple cycle were completed. 

The Myolnir was purposely intended to be one haded only and a few text issues need to be fixed with item descriptions. 

I'll give you a holler when I inevitably screw up again Elric!  Most the issues noted above are due to incompletion.
  • Modding version: PSX


Thought I would share a video of my next to last battle event.  This event has a couple of imperfections ,but I started working on it a couple of weeks ago and figured I would share it on new years.  Unfortunately it wasn't ready.  I figured I would stop delaying and just put up this clip.

It's been about 14 months since I posted in this topic and that corpse you thought you saw was in fact a daydreaming sloth.  I have definitely been in a cycle of falling down rabbit holes.  Spending a couple weeks trying to properly import new instruments, working on alternate songs, daydreaming sprites that have no value to this mod, tinkering with effect edits or totally relearning tools I haven't used in a while.

So my current mod goal is to put out a 3.9 version.  This wouldn't include all chapter 4 random battle entds completed or my version of the deep dungeon fully complete either.  It would include final battles and at least partially complete ending scenes.  I still have events that need to be cleaned up between my 3.5 to now and need to balance these battles.  Currently the two big hurdles between now and this 3.9 release are that I need to complete an alternate final boss sprite and I want to make another map worthy of a final battle.  Tinkering with both of these has also drained a lot of time.

So yeah, those 2 big things and a bunch of grueling event work.

  • Modding version: PSX


It's alive!  Yes it's still happening. (I think this is how I have started last few posts already!)

I keep trying to find something motivational.  Jumping around half done mini projects isn't the best idea, but I also think I'm a lot more productive when motivated.

On that note, I paused on my final boss sprite and jumped back into some map making.  I didn't hit a wall with the sprite as much as I simply got all hyped up by ArmoredKori doing awesome work on maps.

I fixed up volcano map.... I actually think I fixed it once before hadn't saved my progress!!!

I put some work into making a Lesalia throne room.  I would put it around ~95%, but I haven't tested it out in game.  I was never super happy with the actual throne itself or the immediate background

This past couple weeks I started working on "Lesalia Palace Roof."  So far pretty happy with it.  Need to make a really fancy front on this building and haven't been happy with my attempts so far.

Souls is set up with alternate final battles.  I have done most of the event scripting for one of them but it needs a little clean up.

I briefly put out and then deleted a follow up youtube video for the penultimate battle.  As soon as I saw it I remembered that I was going to give Ramza a new theme song to battle to.  I changed up the instruments on "Hero" for the initial dialogue part of the event and attempted to transform Cid's theme for use during the actual battle.  I wasn't happy with it and next I'm going to attempt to change up "And I ran away" to give it a different feel.  This Ramza is plenty different from the original and altering the themes of these 2 songs feel like they would give some real weight to the character change.

Since the last post I made 5 or 6 new spell effects.  A couple are summons and some are largely just color changes, but using the guidance of Choto's effect editor I have been able to play around a little with the location of particle effects and sound effects.  The bosses in that last half of the 4th chapter seemed like they needed a little extra pizzaz and new effects seemed to be necessary.

I told myself no more new sprites, but I decided I wanted one more for a minion in one of the final battles.  It's just going to be a frankein-sprite, but it's still one more on the to-do list.

At some point in the future, I am going to change up some of the  music again, especially the random battle tunes.  When I first implemented these changes, I wasn't capable of altering file size and moving data around.  This meant that some better and higher quality songs sat in my folders and didn't see any use because I couldn't fit them into the available space. I will wait until I have added the last 2 maps and am confident with my selections before I gobble up more free space.
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm super happy to see your progress on this and also honored to be able to provide you with the inspiration to keep going! If you haven't tried Garmichael's new Ganesha DX, please take a look: LINK HERE. Please stop by the discord if you have any questions regarding GDX!

Can't wait to try this as it's the only story hack on the site I haven't got around to playing!

  • Modding version: PSX
I make FFT maps!
  • Discord username: ArmoredKori


Thank you Kori!  I'll have to take a look at the GDX!

I'd love if you took a look.
  • Modding version: PSX


October 31, 2021, 02:32:08 pm #116 Last Edit: October 31, 2021, 03:04:06 pm by CONMAN Reason: title change
Thought I would share a video of the actual penultimate battle with Heavenly knight Ramza.  I meant to do this over a month ago and remembered that I wanted to actually have some proper battle music in there.

The first song is a mild instrumental edit of Ramza's hero theme. The second is a fire emblem song that I believe I had seen Angel suggest in one of the many video game music threads here.

I've been playing around a bit with the game music some more. Initially, I added music largely because I could.  Since then I have been revisiting and replacing some of those tunes where I wasn't happy with the quality.

Random Waltz-> Magician Tower (FF2)
A Chapel-> a tune from the Mother series
(14) Apoplexy-> FF4 Boss
Dessert Land->FF3 battle-> FF4 battle2
Ultima Nice Body->FF6 Fierce Battle (atma weapon)
Ultima Perfect Body-> magus chrono trigger-> Dancing Mad Tier1
(23) General Unhappiness-> Ramza "Anti-Hero"
Tutorial-> Kefka Theme
World Map Music-> Chrono Trigger Middle Ages Map Music
Team-Making (roster menu)-> FF6 Narshe (might change this)
Character Making (game opening)->FF6 Esper World
Shock Failure-> FF9 Mystery Sword
Fighting1 ->FF5 Battle on the Big Bridge (Gilgamesh)
Repose ->FF5 Exdeath
Sky Travel-> Lavos World Revolution -> Fire Emblem Sword of Seals Music-Final Boss
In a limited Time-> Chrono Trigger Frog Theme
Little Wing -> Dancing Mad Tier4
TG Cid (slow)-> FF6 Fanatics Tower
(99) Apoplexy Extended-> One wing angel-> Magus->? To be determined.

If you're seeing this Elric, I attempted to edit Sweet Screams by turning the MP3 into a Midi, but then the Midi borked the SMD converter.  A fresh midi might work but I had trouble finding one.
  • Modding version: PSX


Souls of Destiny 4 Chapter Release!

This is it! A full four chapter story mod!  The story itself is a few events short of vanilla length but features double the side quests. Accessed via bar rumors ala vanilla.

In this alternate universe version of Ivalice, you are one of the souls destined to hold a Zodiac stone.

Battling evil forces across the land, you are a cut above the rest.  It's fair to describe the party, the lead especially, as over-powered.  It is also accurate to describe the opposition as stacked against you.  Meaning more enemies or magically empowered super soldiers.

This mod features many new sprites, imported music and a few new maps as well.  All but a few chapter 4 Randoms have been edited.  Cameos from other final fantasies, chrono trigger and marvel pop in for fun.

Note: the deep dungeon is not in a complete form.  It is partially completed in this patch, but will receive a makeover in future releases.

I've added the newest patch to the first post and updated.  Next on my plate will probably be catching various mistakes that snuck through as well as adding various post game super bosses and such.
  • Modding version: PSX



Can't wait to play through it!
  • Modding version: PSX
I make FFT maps!
  • Discord username: ArmoredKori


December 05, 2021, 10:55:42 am #119 Last Edit: December 05, 2021, 02:58:05 pm by Akashachi
The skills Osmose and Tranquilize don't seem to work. Playing on Duckstation mobile. Both skills show 00% chance of hit and always miss. Other skills also seems to bug on Duckstation, so I wouldn't recommend using it for this mod.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL