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February 14, 2025, 10:18:09 am


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[PSX] FFT - The Lion War 2.0

Started by 3lric, September 29, 2021, 11:55:50 pm


   The Lion War 2.0
  • Translation
  • Story Additions
  • Character Additions
  • Quality of Life Tweaks
  • Sound Novels
  • Rendezvous
  • Treasure Wheel
  • New Game +
  • Modding Resource

      Jump back into the world of Ivalice on your PS1 while enjoying much of the new content from WotL. All the extra events, scenes, characters*, battles including Rendezvous, 3 out of 4 full working Sound Novels. All scenes de-translated back into proper PS1 FFT dialogue. Enjoy the vanilla story like never before with the newly built Treasure Wheel for the added Rendezvous missions and for the first time ever New Game+!

*Luso has been replaced with Ashley Riot in this version, another patch version will include Luso at some point. Dark Knight is in the game as a new generic job, but Onion Knight is not in the game.

  • Modding version: PSX


The Lion War stands unparalleled among remakes. This is the FFT fans deserved.

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.021

I don't even know where to start on this. I love just about everything there is in this patch. I hadn't played the PSP version of War of the Lions before this and was unfamiliar with the new content so each event that popped up as a I played was just a joy to behold, all restyled to fit the original PSX flavor of writing and nothing felt out of place.

The difficulty really hit that sweet spot of challenging and fun and the new content can absolutely offer a serious challenge. Don't take that 3 up there to mean it's not well-balanced, more that it's an average difficulty overall without being too-easy or too-hard.

I can't state enough just how much fun I had playing through this. It was like reliving all the magic of my first couple times through FFT but finding new stuff to discover the whole way and with none of the funky re-writing done for the PSP remake, no annoying slowdowns, no badly scaled or stretched graphics, and adding in the Quality of Life improvements only make it that much more fun to play again.

I'm looking forward to what the new content offers for replay because that seems like a really deep rabbit hole to finish chasing this down and I know I've barely scratched the surface of that. NewGame+ mode just offers something I think most every FFT fan has wanted since the first time they saw "This Game Is Complete!" which is the chance to go at it again with your carefully-crafted killing machines among so many other features that you simply have to give it a run or three yourself to see what's in store.

If you've ever hesitated to play War of the Lions on PSP or just haven't returned to Ivalice in a good long while, then you need to play The Lion War 2.0; I promise you won't be disappointed. 

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


October 12, 2021, 05:57:33 pm #2 Last Edit: October 12, 2021, 06:40:31 pm by NinjaWeazel
You'll never need to touch your PSP again.

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.021

It's everything you loved about the original FFT release with most the extra goodies of the PSP rerelease (extra side quests, Balthier, Rendezvous battles), without the PSP releases crappy bits (pointless grind for Dark Knight, Luso being a lame Ramza clone but worse, ridiculously OP multiplayer equipment). Sadly it also lacks the very cool PSP animated cutscenes, but those scenes have been replaced with some brilliantly-done event cutscenes instead. It also doesn't have the PSP faux Shakespearean script (though at the time of writing there's a patch for that in the pipeline if you want it). it also has an utterly incredible, built from scratch, completely original New Game+ mode. I am not going to tell you what it does because there's massive spoilers involved, so you should simply play the mod for yourself to see it.

Speaking of Luso being a lame Ramza clone, they solved that problem by axing him from the game entirely and replacing him with Ashley Riot, from Vagrant Story. Ashley is a fast, versatile unit whose gimmick revolves around using different equipment to access different abilities (based on how different weapon categories in VA had different weapon arts.) It's a brilliant demonstration of creativity and keeps the character very true to his roots.

The only vaguely negative thing I might say is that the Dark Knight's skillset is incredibly potent in most situations and makes large portions of the original game feel like much less of a threat. Which, in all honesty, is hardly a fair complaint given it's the same skillset as presented in the PSP version and the original game's middling-at-best difficulty. That being said (why yes I am arguing against my own point thank you for asking) it can add a much-needed survivability boost in the games more difficult content, particularly some of the most challenging Rendezvous missions.

Overall this is an incredible piece of work and I can't speak highly enough of it. Even if it does mean I have to stop yelling at Elric to hurry up and finish it already.


This is what War of the Lions was supposed to be.

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.021

The Lion War has a very simple premise: it would allow you to play the PSP War of the Lions content on the original PSX release, but the team behind this project decided to go beyond and actually provide the best experience for those who enjoy classic Final Fantasy Tactics.

By being able to play with the best features added by the War of the Lions release such as Balthier, Dark Knight, new events and removing the less interesting ones such as Luso (who gets replaced by the awesome Ashley Riot),they even made a way for us who never played the Rendezvous, originally a multiplayer-only content, to finally experience it as a unique single player challenge with interesting rewards.

That would be enough, but surely not for this team. We also got most of the original Sound Novels added to the game, something no other version had and a unique post-game content that allows you to keep playing this mod for years and years if your heart desire. There are even two brand new Rendezvous for those itching for more content and for some challenge.

This mod is not only a love letter to this game that we still love to this day, but also to this community. No one had to do this but these madlads decided to do it. And by doing it they made the quintessential Final Fantasy Tactics experience.

If you ever loved this game, you must play this mod. If you have a friend who wished to play FFT, make them play this mod. Share with your friends, your neighbors, your pets. This is truly a masterpiece and we are all greatful for the team behind this project to finally be able to deliver us this gift.

And after this mod you still have friends who insist on playing the PSP release, well... Tough. Blame yourself or God.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


"Fall in love with Final Fantasy Tactics all over again"

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.01

I had never played the PSP version of FFT so I jumped at the chance to play this mod. Not only did it live up to the hype, it exceeded my expectations more than I could have hoped. I'm not sure how else to say it, but I fell in love with Final Fantasy Tactics all over again.
The Rendezvous are spectacular and the Treasure Wheel afterward is nothing short of extraordinary. It feels so natural and well designed I feel robbed that it wasn't in the original release.
The translated Sound Novels need their own shout out as well. They are spectacular and so unique. If you haven't played them, you are in for one heck of a ride.
The post game content is beautiful and is everything I've ever wanted. It really enhances the entire game and rewards those who take the time to complete all the side quests and propositions.
There is plenty more to gush about, but I'm probably just gonna go play through it again instead of writing any more. You should too!

Thanks to Elric and Team TLW for an amazing experience. You all rock!

P.S. Be on the look out for new stuff to come out after this release. With TLW 2.0 as a base, we are in for some crazy new mods. I'm really excited and you should be too.
  • Modding version: PSX
I make FFT maps!
  • Discord username: ArmoredKori


I didn't think I could love FFT anymore than I already do, yet here we are.

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.021

After just finished my first playthrough and hopping into New Game+, I honestly and stunned and humbled by the quality of this mod. This is exactly how Final Fantasy Tactics should have always been, and I don't think I could ever go back.

I won't lie, the new RDV missions, some of them definitely caught me off guard and I was riddled with bullets! and laughing about it. Talk about being a glutton for punishment. It felt great just to have a challenge again since I've been playing FFT since it first came out many many years ago.

Everything is just fantastic, Ashley Riot being added and having his own special class with its own flavor and uniqueness, the treasure wheel being an incredibly cool motivator, New Game+ can just keep the game rolling, adding some of the animated cutscenes, the list just goes on!

Thank you so much Elric and Team, you guys have made something special here and I cant wait to see what's next with the resource base. Looking forward to TLWotl! (Even if Elric hates it hahaha)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
  • Discord username: Sdub


To the TLW team, thank you from the bottom of my heart <3

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.021

I played the mod on duckstation but modified the sprites using shishi and added several ASM hacks using FFTOrgAsm. This mod functions perfectly as a baseline for further mods, at least as far as I have tested. Besides that, I had only played through WotL once, so I was so delighted to be surprised with the new additional cutscenes. Translations seem flawless, and the rendezvous battles are so much fun! I just finished beating the game for the first time doing all the sidequests, and I can't wait to stress test my team with the new rendezvous that were added. I can't imagine how much work has been put on this mod, so I just wanted to say thank so so much to the dev team. I love FFT to death, and it makes me so so happy to replay it with all this new content. You guys are the best!
  • Modding version: PSX

Mr. Misplays

The Lion War is a masterful and passionate love letter to Final Fantasy Tactics!

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.021

On the surface, FFT: The Lion War might look like a mod that simply adds the extra content from the PSP's War of the Lions into the original PS1 game, but the team behind this project went above and beyond and provided everyone with an experience that can assuredly be enjoyed for years to come! To quote a line from one of the generic characters: "Someone put a lot of time and love into making this world..."

The generic Dark Knight class from WotL is now implemented and can be reasonably obtained. The animated cutscenes are adapted into events and in most cases, like Balthier's introduction for example, naturally flows into upcoming battles better than in their original cutscenes and wouldn't look out of place if these were in the original PS1 version.

The multiplayer-exclusive Rendezvous along with its treasure wheel have now been added and reworked into single-player content. As someone who's familiar with these features from WotL, they were handled and recreated masterfully despite the limitations that had to be worked around, and are still a blast to play through! The Rendezvous battles that are entirely exclusive to TLW served their purpose of making use of content that was left unimplemented and turning them into a fun experience.

The only characters from WotL that didn't make it in were Luso from FFTA2 and the Onion Knight for generic units.
These were both recitified with the team's decision to replace Luso with Ashley Riot from Vagrant Story! Being allowed to wield any weapon and equipment, much like the Onion Knight, along with having access to abilities depending on what he's equipped with solved the issues that both of these characters from WotL failed to deliver on.
Ashley Riot is true to his source material and provides players with a playstyle that's unique from the rest of the cast without overshadowing anyone already in the game.

While missable if one isn't actively looking for them, three of the four sound novels that were exclusive only to the Japanese release of both FFT and WotL are now made fully translated and playable. Although they have nothing to do with the original story or anything geared towards a 100% completion run, these choose-your-own-adventure novels are fun little distractions for anyone wanting to take a break from the main game.

The last new feature to mention is the inclusion of New Game+. To give as little spoilers to this as possible, the game becomes far more open for players to explore and experiment with once you reach this point. Some might find it overwhelming or will try to speed their way through to find everything this feature has to offer. I believe this feature should be taken in like one would in creating their own mod. It's not meant to be rushed for the sake of completing. It's meant for players to reasonably take their time on it and enjoy what they're doing.

And speaking of modding, the consolidation of events and other features made to this game now gives those dedicated to creating their own mod a lot more space to work with. With this mod as a base, the potential for something truly crazy and ground-breaking is just waiting to be tapped into!

The Lion War 2.0 fulfilled everything it wanted to live up to, and I absolutely thank the entire TLW Team for making
this masterpiece all possible. This is one of the most dedicated and passionate modding communities I've ever seen,
and I can wait patiently with excitement and anticipation for what the future holds from here!
  • Modding version: PSX


The unofficial "official" FFT Remastered. The definitive way to play Final Fantasy Tactics.

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.0

Amazing! Arguably the best way to play Final Fantasy Tactics! The Lion War team did a wonderful job with this mod.  Players can now play the exclusive Rendezvous missions only on the PSP! (It was taken out for the Android/IOS ports. Typical Square.) We have New Game Plus where we get to keep everything as well! Ashley Riot replaces Luso and Ramza gains some awesome Ultima abilities!  The team also added some additional things which I won't spoil. Just play it and see it for yourself! My only issue is, can the FFHacktics team get paid better than the current Square Enix workers??
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


February 19, 2022, 02:05:09 am #9 Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 07:16:07 pm by Giveth
The definitive version of Final Fantasy Tactics. Fans of the original FFT will love this, guaranteed!

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.021

Ramza may be the true hero and main character of Final Fantasy Tactics, but in my version of the story, a man by the name of "Otto" ran roughshod over the forces of evil in Ivalice. Suffering a total of 36 K.O.'s by the game's end, Otto was no stranger to defeat, but revenge- as they say- is a dish best served cold. The battles were tough on Otto, but his bravery never faltered. His faith never faltered. As many times as Otto had been knocked to the floor, he got back up one more. Blessed was Otto, and to illustrate this was his signature attack- a beam of blinding light from on high- as if calling upon God himself to destroy evil- and when the dust settled, the world was cleansed of wicked Lucavi, men, and beast.

That was... until the Shrine Knight trials. Many of the Rendezvous battles are significantly more difficult than those in the vanilla game, and for that reason Otto was integral.
Very challenging, and rewarding- as completing a Rendezvous mission awards you a number of randomized chests on the 'Loot Wheel', and with every chest, a chance for rare equipment.

And when all is done, and the game is complete- you are met with a menu that allows you to further customize your roster. For what reason you might ask?
Well for New Game+ of course! Another brilliant addition, you can start the story over again with all of your equipment and levels- but not only that, there's additional content only available in NG+

I'm on my second playthrough now, and I can only imagine I'll do 3 or 4 more. And you can bet, Otto will continue on with me.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Giveth


Probably the best version of FFTactics you can play.

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: 2.021

This Mod is amazing ! This Mod makes replaying FFT very exciting by adding in events from Wotl without adding it all the associated "questionnable" additions.

There are also new contents that I didn't expect I would encounter having not read all the changes prior to playing, but those were really good surprises, namely seeing the main character of one of my favorite PSX game ever with his own new job, the Riskbreaker  :D

Overall with all the QoLs added without tampering too much with the spirit of the original game, all I can say is thank you for making this incredible mod, and I suggest anyone reading this to try it out if you haven't already, this is basically the best version of FF Tactics you can ever play !
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Lagunaab


Amazing mod!! This is possibly the best mod on here. The definitive version! Great work!

This Game is Complete!
Not Completed

Version: TLW 2.021

This is an amazing mod! I really like all the work that was put into this. The new game+ mode and selection screen was amazing and well thought out. There are a couple of things that I would change on this screen, but it was still expertly executed. The imported movies, abilities, characters, and ASMs are amazing! The only other thing I would love to see in this mod is the extra weapons from the PSP version, but I understand this is not easily done. I especially like having 20 character roster and not having to worry about guest characters. Thank you everyone for all the time you put into making this mod, I really appreciate it.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL