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Journey of the Five - Chapter 1 DOWNLOAD HERE! (Current Version v1.97e)

Started by 3lric, March 25, 2013, 08:13:33 pm


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Bonesy#9386


  • Modding version: PSX


hello, im new here. i know this sounds silly but what file do i have to patch with the ppf o matic?

is there any tutorials in the site that i simply cant find it bcs im new?  :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Journey of the Five is a mod for FFT.

So, what you'll need to apply the PPF to is a North American ISO of Final Fantasy Tactics for the original PSX.

We don't provide ISOs here.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Idk why it took me so long to register to this amazing site but i was just curious if there was any new news on jot5 chapter 2? I played all of chapter 1 and it is amazing great work guys really amazing game!!!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I'm new to Hacktics and.....man. I thought I was a fan because I played this game a lot throughout my life but....you guys are the real heroes. THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!! Like, I don't even know how to say thanks...I guess....just.....thanks! I just wish this had popped up on my radar sooner. Absolutely incredible
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


After 4 yrs since ive first downloaded the patch ive finally managed to beat chapter 1 after  playing it on and off. The events that end off chapter 1 are superb, everyone deserve high salutations and praises! That boss fight was the hardest ive fought in any tactics game, i was  lvl 19-20 while big G  is lvl 25 or 26 with that bad ass sword.

Hoping for more to come!


I'm pretty new to FFT mods. I've been playing vanilla/WotL since vanilla was new on PS1 though, and was pretty excited when I found out about these patches that change the game. I have a big appreciation for what it takes to do this kind of programming, and come up with new ideas for story line. First I tried FFT+, then 1.3 content, then JotF.

I'm only a few battles in, Zirekele Falls, and it's tough but seems very good. I have one question though: did you nerf hit percent, or was it always this bad? I don't remember it being as bad on vanilla or WotL as it has been on the three mods I've tried. It doesn't seem to matter what my hit percent is, if it's under 100% I will miss and miss and miss and miss and miss, to the point that I genuinely can't win a battle because of it. I actually shut down the game right now to post this after missing 12 in a row of 85% or higher. How did this game break math? 85%, that's pretty simple. 3 out of 20 should miss. Not 12 out of 12. On the flip side, the enemy seems to be able to hit no matter how low their hit %.  I know I only gave an example of one battle, but this has been the norm across the three mods, and is why I stopped with the other two. Is this something done on purpose? This one thing really takes the fun out of it. I don't really like hoping for random strokes of luck to win EVERY battle, I like to win with a good strategy. But I don't think strategy can overcome this.
  • Modding version: WotL


Quote from: JayP on June 19, 2018, 09:50:38 pm
I'm pretty new to FFT mods. I've been playing vanilla/WotL since vanilla was new on PS1 though, and was pretty excited when I found out about these patches that change the game. I have a big appreciation for what it takes to do this kind of programming, and come up with new ideas for story line. First I tried FFT+, then 1.3 content, then JotF.

I'm only a few battles in, Zirekele Falls, and it's tough but seems very good. I have one question though: did you nerf hit percent, or was it always this bad? I don't remember it being as bad on vanilla or WotL as it has been on the three mods I've tried. It doesn't seem to matter what my hit percent is, if it's under 100% I will miss and miss and miss and miss and miss, to the point that I genuinely can't win a battle because of it. I actually shut down the game right now to post this after missing 12 in a row of 85% or higher. How did this game break math? 85%, that's pretty simple. 3 out of 20 should miss. Not 12 out of 12. On the flip side, the enemy seems to be able to hit no matter how low their hit %.  I know I only gave an example of one battle, but this has been the norm across the three mods, and is why I stopped with the other two. Is this something done on purpose? This one thing really takes the fun out of it. I don't really like hoping for random strokes of luck to win EVERY battle, I like to win with a good strategy. But I don't think strategy can overcome this.

Sounds like a emulator issue or something. Hit % is correct to the number displayed, in Jot5
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks Elric. That does make sense. I was thinking, maybe it could be the iso file I used for patching, considering I made a copy of the original download for each mod and patched it. I'm using ePSXe, which I understand to be not ideal after much reading on these forums.
  • Modding version: WotL


Yeah, hit rate in general is a bit lower than usual since Evasion is so much more prominent here, but I haven't had any issues with faulty percentages, and I've played through it a fair few times. Either you're cursed by the RNG Gods or something else is going wrong with you.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


There is also the possibility that JayP-san has fallen victim to that annoying, yet all-too-prevalent, logical fallacy known as "confirmation bias."  'Tis a potent curse that afflicts all of humanity with ne'er a cure, alas.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Managed to make it to araguay woods. Did so after 8 serious tries at Zirekile falls, then just restarted the game over and over until assassinate worked on the turtle. Without the turtle that battle still took ages since I can't hit, and because the enemies did the energy blast and slow on attack so often I had to use what few turns I got to heal and revive. The counter-geomancy hit every time I did attack with added negative status effects. Side note: I guess the enemy attacks with slow or immobilize have 100% chance to do that effect? That's rough.

There was some new gear available after the falls, so I got it, then on my way back to araguay woods I got steamrolled 4 times by random battles. I'm typing this after one that should have been fairly doable: one beastmaster, one bomb, and one chocobo. Combination of beastmaster reraise/haste and chocobo cure, along with the hit % problem I'm experiencing, meant that the chocobo can undo any damage I manage pretty much right away. The bomb can self destruct, reraise, and do it again. The beastmaster is pretty much untouchable, given the range of his abilities and chocobo cure.

I have most of my guys' special abilities unlocked, but I have yet to see any success with the more useful ones aside from the one time assassinate worked. Also tried changing jobs to get some of the useful abilities I thought maybe would help, like auto potion or energize(I mean the reraise one? Sorry) or Knight's sacrifice, but when I have someone as a nonstandard job my already small chances of victory get even smaller.

I actually tracked my hits for one battle. Bariaus Hill, with three bombs and 7 assorted humans. Before I lost, I missed 32 attempts that had 85% or higher. 5 were 95%. Only one out of more than 25 attempts(didn't count, just estimated) to use a special ability (sleeper hold, finishing touch, song of time, etc) worked. This battle took a little less than 2 hours, and only lasted so long because the bombs were on a separate team and kept some of the humans occupied and away from me.

At this point I'm about to just give up and go play regular WotL so I can feel good about myself.
  • Modding version: WotL


Firstly, as it's been said, if you're having that much issue with the hit percentages something is very wrong.

Secondly, maxing out your characters' base Jobs and not getting anywhere with any of the other ones is a trap. Their skillsets are very good, but they don't come with a lot of status effects or healing. A party of four DPS and Ramza -  whose versatile skillset is meant to complement any number of secondary skillsets instead of being your single support option - is going to have a tough time against groups that do have strong support skills. Even without whatever issues you're having with hit percentage.

And I'm confused as to why switching Jobs would cause you major issues.
Cloud and Sword!Dante only benefit from switching into the Knight job, assuming you bring along their base skillset: they get to keep the same weapons, move range, and IIRC aren't strongly affected by a stat change. But now they can equip Armor.
Snake certainly loses some useful traits if he switches, but the Ranger job perfectly complements his sneaky design, and Venom Strike is better than Assassinate against most of the Chapter 1 enemies, especially anything that uses mana. Plus, it gives Snake something to use his mana on. His free skills might be useful, but you do get what you pay for with them.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I Patched it.. and it won't seem to load the game properly? (Sorry if Posted in the Wrong spot)


A screenshot of the Squaresoft logo doesn't tell us much. Odds are it's a bad ISO though... get a new one.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I do agree in part with JayP, the game is pretty hard if you don't learn certain skills.
in fact i know some fights and mob got fixed because they were way too strong.. basically if you don't cheat or if you don't already know the fight head on, you're in for a very bad time. or just a plain loss.
And its not about tactics.
I'd like to see a video of a veteran FFT player, that never saw jot5, and try the 6 turtle on zirekile falls.

considering the quicksave feature, all battle are menageble or even easy depending on how much you want to abuse that.
But normal fights are supposed to be to exp and not to take way too long :)
I would prefer story battle to be very hard, so you can just farm on normal ones in order to go on with the story.

Also i know a lot of things will be different when the re relase come out so i really don't worry as i loved the first one even though it was very hard at some point.
It's also true that when you get the right combination of class you can tackle any battles, the point is , since the Jp is so slow its very slow to get those skills and the fights between getting them are pretty stressful xD

The "miss" part of his post is just bad luck , the game is not bugged, but FFT has always been like this, even vanilla make you miss a lot with 85% its not this only.


Quote from: Nyzer on October 29, 2018, 09:58:52 pm
A screenshot of the Squaresoft logo doesn't tell us much. Odds are it's a bad ISO though... get a new one.
I re-patched it 3 time in a fresh one. But I'll try the Suggestion sometime later and I'll report the result.


Well its obviously not Jot5 as its been out for years and thousands have played it without issue. The issue is on your end, one way or another
  • Modding version: PSX