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Choto's Unnamed Patch

Started by Choto, August 26, 2011, 07:41:18 pm


August 26, 2011, 07:41:18 pm Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 10:57:59 pm by Choto
Well this stale thread has been up for quite awhile and no updates. It's been many moons since my original post and my project is taking somewhat of a different direction, so i figured I'd document where my effort is going.

School has been taking up much of my time, so I haven't had the time to devote to making things happen yet, so I am instead focusing on things like plot, ability ideas, class ideas, etc.

One of my favorite things about FFT (and with most games I play) was the ability to build something from weak and pathetic to super-badass. So having the ability to reach god-like status will be a goal for my patch. I'm going to use Pride's job defense hack to real damage back quite a bit, and if I can figure out how to modify defense values through equipment/passives/etc. Hopefully we'll be able to make defensive roles. This will also allow you to stack offensive boosts to become as hard-hitting as you want without OHKO'ing everything you aim at. I certainly will be enhancing the enemy as well. In a nutshell, I want to be able to build different roles in order to systematically defeat the enemy (as may be required in certain fights) instead of brute-forcing your way by equipping 1 power wrist.

One of my favorite games has always been diablo 2, I think for the fact that the random drop system is exciting. I want to try to bring in that concept (if I can) by assigning multiple items to drop with a certain amount of chance, say, when you get a treasure chest. I will also be looking into making traps spawn in random places on the map, so that instead of farmable locations, they'll be random bonuses. Yes, they are theoretically still farmable, but hopefully by putting the chance for a useful item lower, it'll take more time to find. IDK, just brainstormin ^_^.

For jobs, I'd like to make each class 1. exciting 2. have a certain specialty. 3. have a "conditional" ability, so that you strive to create certain conditions throughout battle 4. mix well with other classes.

Again, I don't have time to post much else, but I will give an updated job list of those that i'm considering. I was just bothered by having an old topic with irrelevant information. When summer comes, I hope to have much more time to solidify the structure of the patch.

Tier 1
Soldier - Weapons master, uses Greatswords, equip x's become innate also gains a different ability based on weapon equipped

Chemist - Some offensive items, Maybe some retro noiseblaster/bioblastars

Archer - Overhauled abilities. Toying with expendable "arrow" items to enable abilities

Knight - defensive unit, overhauled abilities

Priest - semi-overhauled abilities. added "Exorcism" a much needed offensive spell. Also a
self-cast "faith" ability for better healing.

Wizard - semi-overhauled abilities. Retains Flare and gains Flare 2. High MA unit

Monk - adding a  "Buildup" mechanic. Can obtain dual wield as a passive (2 fists).

Dimension mage - Time mage with some cool new spells

Thief - trying to make steals a little more conditional to avoid overuse. Also added some cool offensive abilities. May make some kind of monetary gain from using a thief.

Elementalist - Kind of a gray unit atm. I made all elementals accessible all the time, they just seem bland though.

Berserker - Axe or mace+shield wielder. Gained some divine knight ability effects. Will be berserkable with increased stats, so you'd trade control for stat boost.

Mystic Knight - Abilities will be unlocked by learning mage abilities. Class will be unlocked by knight job-level. So you'd have to put in some work to unlock it, but they have some natural-seeming abilities. I know, they're kinda getting overdone, but I totally want one.

Valkyrie (Lancer/Dragoner) - Breath attacks get status effect procs, some other cool spear-abilities, and a limited range jump!

Samurai ( Abilities overhauled).... No freakin clue yet. Been trying to come up with ideas for sam's. I know they're going to 2 hand katanas, and katanas will have some great weapon-evade.

Archon - Will be given buff/debuff manipulation. Hopefully a buff steal ability. Thinking about a spell-steal ability that allows you to cast whatever the enemy is charging.

Warlock - Has an ability that adds: Undead/Oil/Sleep, and has abilities that require undead/oil/and sleep respectively. Again here i'm trying to let conditions dictate best choice of ability instead of "CAST NIGHT SWORD AGAIN".

(Hat tip to who made the patch with the "Dimensionalist" class, Raven I think?)

The rest of the concepts are mostly in disarray, with some organized topics here and there. I'll post more when I can, and as I settle on final decisions.


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Good luck with your project :-)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Joseph Strife

Great idea Choto, i look forward to see it done, but what do you plan to do with Orlandu, Meliadoul, Beowulf, Lavian and Alicia (the Other chars you gain in the story you didn't mention) you have something planned for them like a new job like rad?
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Thanks guys!

They possibly may get some changes, as long as I can make it fit. Orlandu will probably be an all powerful swordskill master like before, using swordskills from many different classes... Lavian and Alicia will probably change jobs to more supportive roles to help defend Agrias and Ovelia. Meliadoul I have no idea yet lol... she'll probably wind up being some form of holy/divine knight with some added abilities like Agrias. Worker 8 and Byblos will need a little work as I may have hijacked some of their abilities. I think Beowulf is up in the air atm too as i've made mystic knight a generic job which was basically his niche. We shall see!