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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I'm sadly not doing cards, yeah, my computing situation makes it very cumbersome. But it's probably still a good idea to have a central submissions thread.
  • Modding version: PSX


My new team is just a random combo i came up with anyways, if it looks terrible (and i think it might be) ill make some definite changes to the squad...for now i'm hoping that it will serve me well
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?

The Damned

(Okay, so I'm pretty sure that Float doesn't add a Wind weakness in ARENA. Pretty sure....)

My, that was quick. As I said on Youtube, that was actually much closer than I thought it would be considering how scary I see CT5Holy's Katana-Rama!--heh--team as. Thanks for doing it so quickly and GG again CT5Holy.

That team, now called "Namastaydead", has been added to my post in the team submission thread with three slight tweaks, pretty much all to Rajnish though I also gave Shri Blind even though I'm still kinda...wary of that.

Speaking of Rajnish, though, I should point out that the Master List still says that Paladins still have that abysmal Jump of 2, which is the only reason he had Jump +1 in the first place, really. Everything else on the list looks like it's accurate though AFAIK.

Quote from: pokeytax on June 28, 2011, 06:47:49 pm
I'm sadly not doing cards, yeah, my computing situation makes it very cumbersome. But it's probably still a good idea to have a central submissions thread.

Yeah, I remember you saying something about that earlier. It's unfortunate, but it is what is.

...Of course, FFMaster (or whomever) could remedy that by giving me power. Phenomenal cosmic power.

I mean, I bitch at him enough to be co-partner as it is. Just see above. And it's not like I have anything but a maddening amount of free time at the moment.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Yikes, got very lucky with those ~35% shots near the end. You likely would've had it otherwise. =/
Like FFM said, excellent team design Damned. Was quite cool, haha. Good fight :D
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


July 14, 2011, 11:08:48 pm #567 Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 05:35:56 am by Squidgy
Especially since Conc's removal, I feel that Geomancy is a bit too good. Wasn't it suggested to be subject to M-Evade? Try runnin' your teams vs my Faithless Cowards...

I think it's been shown the AI's so stupid with Quickening, that it's not too OP... especially with few speed-based damage skills.

EDIT: Hunting Bow nerf plz... dunno if it's OP, but it's really annoying, and blatantly the only crossbow to use in comparison to the others.


Newbie here would like to see how his team does against anybody willing to fight him.


FFM's busy atm, and I want to see your guys' teams (those who haven't been in the spotlight), so I'll be making some matches and putting them up momentarily :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Wiz, I think you forgot something...

Quote from: LightningHax on July 08, 2011, 05:03:44 pm

Main: 5
Alt: 0

Talk Skill
HP Restore
Attack Up
Move-HP Up
Blood Sword
Genji Shield
Twist Headband
Rubber Costume

Blackmail, Mimic Daravon


White Magic
Dragon Spirit
Defense Up

H Bag

Black Hood
Rubber Costume
Red Shoes

Angel Song, Life Song, Nameless Song
Cure 2, Raise 2, Protect, Esuna


Black Magic
Damage Split
Short Charge

Mace of Zeus
Golden Hairpin
Linen Robe
Magic Gauntlet

Thunder Flare, Bio 2
Bolt 1-4


Black Magic
Damage Split
Short Charge

Mace of Zeus
Golden Hairpin
Linen Robe
Magic Gauntlet

Thunder Flare, Bio 2
Bolt 1-4

I kind of have a new team. :P


Oh lol! the spreadsheet has your old team listed and I named it the same thing, so it registered that instead of your new one XD

I'll get to that "later today" since it's 7/22 for me today <_<
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Some interesting teams there. Those hunting bows can cause a lot of trouble, keeping the healer in a continuous Esuna loop.

Didn't expect Flare to be so devastating, 450 damage is... damn strong. That MP gets burned out so quickly though, and if you can't one-shot the enemy, it means a lot of bad things. Those Wizards were already out of MP after 2 casts. So you pick durability or MP.

Overall, I like the extra range on the spells. Those mages can be really hard to get to now, especially when Paladins/Lancers/Thieves/whatever gets in the way. I'm actually thinking of running Teleport and a ranged weapon on some units now... it will be interesting whether average Faith goes down to combat them or Faith to go up to kill them back.

Another note - I am really disliking how Mimes are currently being used. They have been used as singbots/dancebots exclusively, and people will run 2 or none. I actually think running just one Mime with a proper team around it would be better. Mime can theoretically hit a single opponent 4 times per round. Mime is quite durable with Unyielding as well, and may also work for some tanking, with a bit of healing support (Moogle is probably the one I'm looking at). I may try to throw something that works once I have the time.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


July 22, 2011, 02:58:52 am #574 Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 02:06:09 pm by CT5Holy
Oh hey, Mimes. That'll be something to build around.
Sing/dancebot Mimes are just really easy, so =P.

Oh, Wiz, I have a new team that has yet to be on display, if you don't mind. It's Anti-Melee? in the team submissions thread.

Neat idea on the Hunting Bow + Sing/Dance. I also liked the Two Swords Murasame Samurai.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


July 22, 2011, 06:22:35 pm #575 Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 06:26:43 pm by Wiz
Alright, here's my 2nd set of Matches :)

Match 1 Set 2 Barren (Big Assault) vs Angelus (Angelic)

Match 2 Set 2 DomieV (Song and Dance) vs Vigilanti (Right Here)

Match 3 Set 2 zxpr0jk (Undeath) vs LightningHax

Someone else take command from here, because I'm going to work on my own stuff :D

Edit: I agree on keeping the spell ranges because mages need all the buffs they can get. And shoot, I forgot to show off your new team CT5, I'll do that tomorrow as an exception!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I can do some arena videos after this weekend for you Wiz while you do something else so I guess I'm back in business
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?

The Damned

(For the record, I was only half-joking about taking up over pokeytax's job and/or Aerogp's old job, FFMaster I really do have like twice as much time as everyone else currently [unfortunately]. I'm not going to nag about it; I just wanted to clarify given how ambiguous the tone of that was.)

Damn. I had meant to post forever ago when I had new team up besides the Namastaydead one, but of course, the two other teams I have in mind still need to be ironed out mentally. As such, for now, I've opted to just go with a theme team that ended up looking a lot more competent than I thought it would, mostly because it made me realize a few coincidental things.

We'll see how that goes, especially since I'm posting just in time to get my ass whooped by Sir CT5Holy again. That should be amusing as always.

Anyway, belated thanks for the videos even though you were busy, FFMaster. Thanks to you as well, Wiz.

(I chuckled darkly at the fact that other Cursed Ring team's two particular fates, especially given that its strategy is combined with the what-I-feel-is-nigh-useless Death spell, though that hasn't really mattered with Flare being what it is.)

Quote from: Squidgy on July 14, 2011, 11:08:48 pmEspecially since Conc's removal, I feel that Geomancy is a bit too good. Wasn't it suggested to be subject to M-Evade? Try runnin' your teams vs my Faithless Cowards...

Indeed, it was suggested to be subject to M-Evade. However, I can't recall if anyone else suggested it, so I might have been the only person to "offer" that up.

Quote from: Squidgy on July 14, 2011, 11:08:48 pmI think it's been shown the AI's so stupid with Quickening, that it's not too OP... especially with few speed-based damage skills.

While I know that we're supposed to be aware of the AI's stupidity, that's more planning around it rather than planning on using it to try "balance" skills that would otherwise be OP or even broken. The problem with Quickening is less that it directly boosts other attacks than that its Speed boost is permanent, always actives, goes off instantly and accumulates, which is rather bad given that Speed is almost literally EVERYTHING in FFT (given otherwise normal stat parameters and instances and not crap like Kanabarif or whomever).

The only reason that Accumulate isn't as suspect is because it doesn't allow units take two [or more] turns eventually, thus making their Quickening actions essentially "free turns" at times, and that most PA-based attacks are single-targeting [or linear if they're multi-target]. It also helps Accumulate is in a relatively mediocre (at best) set, compared to Quickening being in the same set as all stat Ruins, Bad Luck and freaking Steal Heart--Spellbreaker could maybe use a buff, but that's rather unrelated.

Quickening really just needs to die, especially if Cheer Song and Speed Save (as it currently is) stick around.

Quote from: Squidgy on July 14, 2011, 11:08:48 pm
EDIT: Hunting Bow nerf plz... dunno if it's OP, but it's really annoying, and blatantly the only crossbow to use in comparison to the others.

I...somewhat agree with this, but the only other thing you could change it to would be, what, Oil? I guess that would be less obnoxious and even beneficial to Fire-element teams--not like they need the help. However, it's somewhat unfair to that one Ninja Sword.

Quote from: FFMaster on July 22, 2011, 02:43:35 amDidn't expect Flare to be so devastating, 450 damage is... damn strong. That MP gets burned out so quickly though, and if you can't one-shot the enemy, it means a lot of bad things. Those Wizards were already out of MP after 2 casts. So you pick durability or MP.

I have to admit that it still weirds me out that Flare is so much stronger than Holy, even when Holy (element) is strengthened. Not that Priests should be able to going around OHKO'ing things.

Quote from: FFMaster on July 22, 2011, 02:43:35 amAnother note - I am really disliking how Mimes are currently being used. They have been used as singbots/dancebots exclusively, and people will run 2 or none. I actually think running just one Mime with a proper team around it would be better. Mime can theoretically hit a single opponent 4 times per round. Mime is quite durable with Unyielding as well, and may also work for some tanking, with a bit of healing support (Moogle is probably the one I'm looking at). I may try to throw something that works once I have the time.

That's not entirely true. They were used as Lichbots when Lich was still OP as well.

Anyway, I'd argue that the problem really is that they can Mimic the stat-boosting Songs at all. You could just make those Songs not able to be Mimicked without affecting the other Songs. The same should probably go for the respective stat-dropping Dances to keep balance; this way Miming Wiznaibus and Nameless Dance get to stay around given how spectacularly they can backfire and Life Song remains actually useful with Mimes. You might have to make Last Dance unable to Mimicked too, but I doubt it would be (huge) of a problem unless someone got REALLY unlucky.

Just a thought.

"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"



I...somewhat agree with this, but the only other thing you could change it to would be, what, Oil? I guess that would be less obnoxious and even beneficial to Fire-element teams--not like they need the help. However, it's somewhat unfair to that one Ninja Sword.

You could give the other crossbows 1 additional WP and lower the proc chance of don't move to 33%