Hi This Is TailsDollPrower and I know this was a year ago. This video I made on youtube to explain, what I did wrong. I'm confused to this warning, and why it is here. The video will provide some more in slightly details about asking what I did a year ago. Speaking is better is better in this issue rather then typing on my behalf. I do apologize in advance for whatever rule, and post it maybe.. But I'm confused on witch rule it is.
Hi This Is TailsDollPrower and I know this was a year ago. This video I made on youtube to explain, what I did wrong. I'm confused to this warning, and why it is here. The video will provide some more in slightly details about asking what I did a year ago. Speaking is better is better in this issue rather then typing on my behalf. I do apologize in advance for whatever rule, and post it maybe.. But I'm confused on witch rule it is.