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Hayley Williams, Anyone?

Started by Miroshi Beshima, August 31, 2010, 03:21:00 am

Miroshi Beshima

Okay, I'm seriously debating making a Hayley Williams sprite for kicks and giggles. I've even made a portrait. Yeah, its prolly crappy. I did it all by scratch. But for being scratch I thought it came out better than I thought it would have lol. Comments or Criticisms?


The face has a pillowshaded look on the zoom, but I can understand why you did it that way.  The hair is just horrible.  It looks like tentacles.  Try getting some shading inspiration from some existing sprites and aim for the same style.

Miroshi Beshima

Lmao yeah, i was having trouble with the hair. lol ill fix it all lol hopefully lol

Miroshi Beshima

Ok, I fixed the portrait, does it look a lot better?


Hmm, it looks more realistic, I suppose, but it's still lacking. The hair's shading looks too gradient and unreal. The hair also seems to just be falling all over the place on the left (our left). The skin can use another shade or two as well. For this hairstyle, I'd look to the female Monk for a little inspiration and guidance.

Miroshi Beshima

Well the hair on the right side of the portrait is Ovelia's hair reduced to 4 colors. I added an extra skin color and removed the 5th hair color from the shine effect. So now its not shiny lol. I also fixed her face and shaded it differently. Im hoping it looks a little better than the previous versions.


the shape of th ehead, tho it looks better, does not look like an fft portrait so much
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!

Asmo X

No sorry this sucks. why would you need to try and make your own face? Use one from the game. They are all so similar anyway. The hair I can understand trying to go it on your own, but you still need a lot of practice.

Miroshi Beshima

Lmao alright XD I was just kinda doing this on my free time lol I look for a face that I can use.

Miroshi Beshima

I kno y'all wanted me to use another sprites portrait for the face, but I didnt XD I looked at Izlude's portrait though, and used his eyes, and looked at his shading to see how it should be done. Does it look better? I changed the hair a bit, too, but it prolly still looks the same. What about the hair didn't you all like?[attachment=1:3o8kmk73]Hayley Williams Portrait (Almost done).png[/attachment:3o8kmk73]
And yes, yes, I kno its really stupid for beginners to try and make a portrait without using a base. :/
Btw, heres the picture the portrait is based of.
[attachment=0:3o8kmk73]normal_358_1hayley_williams_paramore_431 (1).jpg[/attachment:3o8kmk73]
just if you all were wondering


No, sorry, I fully agree with Asmo, it sucks. Use different...everything. It may sound damn infuriating, but you must start over if you want it to look good.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Miroshi Beshima

Haha, alright, alright. i'll do that. But what about this one that sucks so horrendously? lol


The face shape, eye shape, hair shape, and hair shading all need work. It's not completely terrible. You can salvage it, but it'll take a lot of work and heartache.

Miroshi Beshima

Weeeellpp. Like a dumbass, I Completely disregarded the whole scraping advice you all gave me, I decided to try and fix it as much as possible. The hair has more shading in it and the skin and hair went through a palette change. Also, hair had a few changes and the faces as well (but in fewer doses).
I kinda did this after seeing Lirmont with an edited version of my portrait for his avatar. It made me remember that this portrait was never really finished in the first place.

Regardless whether this sucks or not, I still view this specific portrait as a success for me because I still think it looks decent. But, I would love criticism still. Lol that's always good to hear.
Herp-de-derp. Denial. XD


I think if you clear the shading on her face near the right side of the picture and move that shading instead to the left (the area that's black in the reference picture), it won't look like the face is trying to look directly at the camera. Also, when it's small, the shading of the hair one strand from the right side of the image kind of gets outshined by the rest of the hair near it (making it kind of look less round than it would be). Keep going! Look at the improvement from the first post.


Yeah, it's looking better. I think the eyes are looking odd,the problem is, one shade of green is too flat.

Miroshi Beshima

Yeah, i actually had to drop the green to one color because i was over the color limit.
And the only reason why i switched the shading from the left to the right was to keep it consistent with other portraits because theyre shading is on the right due to the source of light. I'm not changing the consistency from the game for one portrait.
Also, I need to fix the two strands of hair on the right since they look quite sloppy.


Well, the crit Asmo said earlier still stands. The overall shape of face is way off, most noticable is the sharp chin. Hair has many parts and sections as well, which should be avoided at all costs. Colors on hair are also pale, it could use some fierce red instead, I would have to look at some FFT ports to find one though, since no come to mind at the moment.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I'm listening to Paramore right now...
The portrait looks a lot better. Sadly your reference photo kind of has the incorrect shading so it will be hard to use it as a model.
Current Projects:

Miroshi Beshima

lulz. does it really suck that badly? XD
And i used the red from the lluyd portrait. Since it was the only one with red hair that I saw. The only other ones i can think of actually are just pink hair. So, i thought lluyd was the best option. Also, arent their plenty of portraits with sharp chins? Actually, GeneralStrife's Avatar looks like it has a sharp chin.
(offtopic) lol cheetah im listening to them right now as well. Have you heard their new song yet?