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Messages - Reks

Quote from: Tails_Doll_Prower on November 28, 2016, 09:22:34 pm
I played it a year ago.. but my god.. sadly my laptop crashed Dx.. but they only complaint.. witch i cannot blame you for, is the AI thinking to long as cannoneers.. but the vampire magic use I love it. But loving the new classes as well Keep ot up!

Cannoneers (and those with the secondary) take so long to calculate an action because of the gigantic AoE of the skills.

It takes the AI a moment to plot out what it wants to do because it has a lot to consider.
FFT Arena / Re: Barren's Mini AI Tournament Registration
November 22, 2016, 01:08:45 am
Oh uh yeah forgot to specify

I'm in too.
FFT Arena / Re: Barren's Mini AI Tournament Registration
November 21, 2016, 08:01:29 am
Sounds like fun. Thanks for doing this, Barren!
Quote from: Barren on November 07, 2016, 04:48:01 am
Yea when I tested out the matchup, I stood no chance whatsoever. GG Mudvayne, good luck from here on forward

I did make this team with little thought because I couldn't really come up with a fresh idea despite the fact that there were new things to try so I went with what worked in the past. What frustrates the hell out of me is that no matter how much I adapt to new patches or good I strive to be, I can never make a championship quality team. I know it may sound petty to some but ever since I got close to winning back in Season 1, (I almost made it to the Grand Finals), I was inspired to keep trying. And while I may have been a consistent performer I can never get that close again. Let alone win the whole tourney. My luck really turned rotten this season due to horrible matchups, bad map selection that puts my team in a heavy disadvantage, and most importantly, how dumb my AI acted in the end. I don't know if I'll enter next tourney or not. I probably just need a break from competitive team building for the time being. When I clear me head, I'll be back for sure

Aside from the historical differences, this is pretty much spot on to how I've felt.

It's supposed to be all about the fun, but not doing well really puts a wrench in the gears, and I've caught myself not really wanting to keep participating.

Now don't get me wrong: I will always love Arena. But when you stare at the memcard Gen for an hour without the slightest fresh idea or even motivation to put together what normally works, you know you need a break.

So I'll make vocal my hiatus - since I just kinda vanished without a word - and while I'll participate in any form of tournament that pops up, Arena's gotta get shelved until I can come back with a fresh, ready to brawl mind.

Edit: small fixes. Phone autocucumber decided it wanted to be "helpful".
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
October 10, 2016, 10:14:36 am
Aight, so I've given it a lot of thought, and

Well, I really don't have much of an opinion on many of the proposed changes. I DO agree where things -need- a change (Dancer), but for the most part I can't come up with a cohesive list of my own prioritized change offerings.


I do have opinions towards - surprise surprise - Squires.

So, without further ado, a few things that came to mind during the dull period at work. (which is, in hindsight, pretty much all of it)

And do be aware that, yes, I am biased towards Squires a bit, so take what I say with a slight grain of salt (and not the whole damn shaker.)
Trying to be funny here, sorry if I sound a bit aggressive.

I don't like that someone (can't remember who) said that the skills in Basic Skill should be


Basic, just BECAUSE they're a part of the skillset. This is a balance patch for PvP. It is extremely important that the skills here have SOMETHING desirable going for them, otherwise we're just suppressing a few skills that could be refurbished into something viable.


Squires are pretty solid, statwise and equipment wise. I can't see any real reason to change anything, but... I do feel that Female's PA/MA is a bit out of balance, at least compared to the Male's and their Geomancer cousins. And they don't really benefit from having 8/8, as most female Squires are casters. So maybe a tiny adjustment to... I'unno, 7/9? 6/10 feels like it'd be copying Geo too much, though it'd put Males and females into perfect balance there. I mean, there are a lot of jobs for Male that share the 10 PA mark, or come extremely close to doing so, and I can see that having a very versatile job with the same MA as other jobs might give them less priority?

I dunno, they just feel unbalanced to me... Despite that they're in perfect balance at 8/8.


Accumulate and Acla- no, calling it Focus: These two are pretty much the same skill, and nothing to really change. They're balanced, if a bit quirky with the AI's usage, and make for an okay option to grab when you wanna add a few more points of power.

Bullrush: I can't be nice here. This skill... Well, it sucks. There is literally 0 reason for anyone to grab it, or Counter Tackle, for that matter. And guess what? Tsumazuku now does the exact same thing and, while it has a tiny MP cost, it doesn't hurt you. So my suggestion is this - as Tsuma is now the (unused) answer to Masamune, make Bullrush the counter to Chivalry's Iron Will and Nurse, by forcefully removing Protect/Shell/Defending, and for that matter, remove it's P-EV penalty. The self-damage already makes it undesirable as it is, and despite that it's a free skill, the fact that it can miss just makes me overlook it every single time. This, at the very least, shouldn't make that much more desirable, but would guarantee it sees SOME use, especially since Chivalry is very popular now.

Throw Stone: Awesome as it is, nothing to say here.

Heal: Ahh, Heal. I have nothing to recommend for this except maybe adding Death Sentence or Undead removal to it. Undead is more preferred.

Yell: Well, we all know the AI loves to spam this because Haste, Haste, Haste! I really don't know what to suggest for this, as both Quickening and Mune do it's job better. Hell, Haste and Haste 2 do the job better. So if it'd be changed, rather than axed, it should add buffs that make sense.

Few of which do, so I support the newer Critical-heal skill in favor. (though that'd be used over AccumuFocus, since the AI weirdly uses those when they go into Critical.)

Wish: Oh, how I Wish you were better, but that'd probably just miss it's target. Seriously, I KNOW that Wish is supposed to be a poor man's Phoenix Down, but given the current meta of antisandbag (Via Geo, usually), it hurts any unit to carry this. The same can be said of Revive, and Fairy, but at least they're on more meta skillsets. I purposefully never touch Wish and actually recommend people AWAY from it because it runs the huge risk of getting you stuck in a easy sandbag loop. What's worse? It misses. A lot. I'm sorry, but when Raise 2's accuracy is on-par with you, AND that's almost always influenced by faith to be even higher...

Look, everything does it's job, but better, and keeping it as it is for the sake of "having the option of revival on a simple skillset" does not sell it. Phoenix Down doesn't miss. Revive heals for more. Fairy is multi-targeting.

If it CAN be done, and if nobody wants to risk making it's accuracy higher it in fear it'd make Item a less used skillset, have it work on fallen Undead units. That'd give it MASSIVE use and potential, especially if Heal gains the capability to remove Undead as well. Just

SOMETHING better than what it is currently. Please.

Ultima!: Well, my old suggestion of max(PA, MA)*9 still stands, because my latest team's demise has proven that it still is, in every way, inferior to Chiri.

Yeah, I know I've made a tangent about this before, but it's not because I think it's weak. Contrary wise, it hits as HARD as Chiri, and that's fantastic... Except that in order to do so, you have to sacrifice casting speed.

Yeah, a lot of units carry M-EV and Aegis Shields and it makes Ultima on par in the on-paper effectiveness, but when it comes down to it, Chiri being instant and easier to boost just makes Ultima go back to it's old, unused corner.

So what do I suggest, aside from the new above formula? Nothing, really. That small change will take it from it's current MA reliant state and let PA focused units use it, where it'd still largely be balanced because it has such a long casting time and would require sacrificing power at the cost of casting faster, which normally is useless on a PA Powerhouse.

[joke]Or make it's AoE 2 instead.[/joke]

Changes required in lieu of abovementioned suggestions:

Well, only one currently.

Ultima Weapon: if Ultima gains that new formula, it will need it's 2H capacity dropped, otherwise it'll become an effective 20 WP monster with an unevadable proc that hits for close to 200 each pop. And even so, it just steps on Shieldrender's toes even if it loses it's 2Hands.

I'd rather not see it lose both 2H and go back to being a 33% proc, but if that's what people require for a boost to Ultima, I suppose I can be happy with that.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 05, 2016, 02:24:05 pm
Quote from: Barren on October 05, 2016, 06:11:29 am
FFT Arena 1.4a - Anima Zero (Seraphic Earth) vs Reks (DAMARGE)

Reks - Today at 8:25 AM
Certainly owned me, though I've got a few things about that match that I noticed:

Hard to do anything against a dedicated Draw Out user and no proper M-EV

Oracle used Regen all the time, Scholar didn't use it once. Possibly because of Mad Science?

AI derped on me yet again. Climb the damn buildings, Archer.

Ultima is fun... But Chiri is just all around 100% more efficient. Sure, it can be evaded, but Ultima is slow as fuck for a 1 AoE spell.

Flare damage was pretty good. No qualms there.

Kinda wish I had a better weapon choice for the Paladin, but alas.

GG Anima. Good team, and I'm only a little salty.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
October 04, 2016, 02:22:43 am
Quote from: gatebuster202 on October 03, 2016, 05:02:28 pm
Space for new Guns suggestion

To Spellguns. We have "found" six untapped weapon slots. The Balls and Shirikens from Vanilla. WKW has tested them, and they can be used for Arena. We can turn them into Spellguns or other weapons. My suggestion is that they either be 4 range with one less weapon power and function as one handed books, or stay as 5 range guns and lose 2 WP

I would rather see weapons with fewer selections gain an extra option or two over seeing more spellguns.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Season 5 Registration
August 26, 2016, 01:13:16 pm
And finally submitted

Goodness I'm so nervous...
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 25, 2016, 02:03:44 pm
Quote from: Barren on August 25, 2016, 11:26:15 am
FFT Arena 1.4a - Happy Birthday silentkaster and Reks!

Thanks for the matches, Barren!

I'll have to rewatch it when I'm not half asleep to comment properly, but I really appreciate that you did such a long feature for us!
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
August 24, 2016, 02:58:10 am
Quote from: CT5Holy on August 24, 2016, 01:17:46 am
By making Ultima only hitting enemies, we took away it's biggest flaw, and yet it's still underwhelming? It does great damage that's Faith-independent. That's huge. Now the only worry is that it could get midcharged, but 1. that's something a lot of other spells have to deal with, and 2. no more redirects! I know I made that point already, but in 139 many Ultimas were redirected. Now it's just super solid damage. I fail to see how Ultima being on Basic Skill makes it underpowered. It's not! And on Basic Skill, you have access to Heal, which is one of the few ways to cure Stop, Berserk, and Oil.

My main point is that yeah, it's still underwhelming compared to other skills. The smart-targeting aspect improved it greatly, but there's still room for that last push to making it great - Right now it's still an undesirable choice.

Not so much being on Basic Skill that makes it underpowered, far from it. Rather, I'd like to see anyone able to pick up Basic Skill and being able to use it with a broader setup, which the Max of PA/MA would allow, and would let Ultima Blade become super good in the right hands.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 23, 2016, 02:58:27 pm
Quote from: Barren on August 23, 2016, 02:32:36 pm
Then why not i reintroduce the FFT Arena rivalry series bewteen two birthday boys? It'll be magic

Whichever is easiest for you, Barren!

Just looking forward to the fun commentary~
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 23, 2016, 12:48:27 pm
Quote from: Barren on August 23, 2016, 12:46:18 pm
In that case let my birthday present for you be a Reks triple feature! Question: do you want me to sing happy birthday or no?

If you think it's awkward you don't have to

Thanks in advance :D

(I still wish time would slow down. stop casting Haste, people)
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 23, 2016, 12:22:43 pm
Quote from: Heroebal on August 23, 2016, 12:16:40 pm
Yeah the thing you have to watch out for is that Berserked units don't care if a teammate or obstacle is in the way of his/her intended target, they'll attack anyhow. You can mitigate that though by designing the team so the gunner/xbower usually stays in the front lines or giving him/her like teleport and/or allies projectile guard. Longbows will shoot around obstacles/allies. Meatbone slash also has the same issue when it comes to wanting to the use it on ranged weapons.

My unnamed team has a Berserker with an Ultimus Bow, which was 100% intentional for that purpose

My birthday is tomorrow, on unrelated news

I'm not ready to be 24, guys  :shock:
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
August 23, 2016, 08:32:57 am
After some thought: Even with the buffs to Ultima, it still feels like we're trying to make it underwhelming given that it's on Squire. It's easy to make it overpowered, yeah, but the fact that it's still 5 CT and on a somewhat low MA job doesn't give it the opportunity to really shine.

So a few alternative ideas: Make it PA based instead, so that it'll be the only true spell to use PA (the tons don't quite count), or give it something similar to the formula that poles use. That is, Max MA/PA *? (probably still 9).

Can this be seen as OP? Well, you'd see a few people try units stacked for PA (assuming 18) with Short Charge... But at most you'd probably only see damage around what would be Chiri for units stacked with MA (and Magic Attack UP) and STILL with a CT delay at that, though the smart targeting and unevadable nature would place it's desirability about = to Chiri.

I know in the past that people didn't really wanna touch Basic Skill because it's supposed to be "basic", but in a patch meant for balanced PvP combat, that concept feels silly because you're intentionally keeping something underpowered :v
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 19, 2016, 07:15:38 am
Quote from: TrueLight on August 18, 2016, 10:50:03 am
FFT Arena 1.4A - Barren (The Unfaithful) vs. Reks (Unnamed Team)

Thank you for the video, TL!

That Thief is MVP... Until he gets dropped and can't revive.

When I couldn't separate you or put you down quickly enough you just slaughtered me. The main unit that needs a change is probably the Oracle...

Nevertheless, GG Barren!
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Season 5 Registration
August 16, 2016, 08:26:11 pm
I'm in.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
August 11, 2016, 06:05:16 am
Quote from: Gaignun on August 10, 2016, 10:46:53 pmEdit: I think I am going to backpedal a bit on my Monk proposal for the moment.  Monks being the reigning ton user still stands, but a few sloppy calculations show that Monks are no better at Jumping than Lancers.  Time for another approach.

For damage purposes, Dancers are just as good now at Jumping with Overwhelm and a Ryotian Silk or a high WP Sword. They only jump slower, which can be covered. (granted, you gotta focus on Jumping with the Dancer, but most use them purely for their PA anyway.)
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
August 10, 2016, 01:11:12 pm
Quote from: Otabo on August 10, 2016, 12:06:54 pm
This I could get behind. Moving it to squire would probably be better since ninja skillset should be all about dealing damage instead of breaking stats and I don't think it would fit there well. Speaking of dance, has anyone had any success with or even used Break Dance yet? On paper, it seems to be worse than Polka Polka/Disillusion.

Please. This needs to happen. I would love to see P Bag with Rune Blade's properties. Question though, so if Rune Blade is getting changed/shafted, what does Geomancer use now for elemental damage? C Bag/FS Bag?

I'd rather see Rune Blade just return to how it was, if it can't be decided on what to do with it.
I'll try to remind myself that I should sleep early to make this because I definitely wanna be a part of this Tournament, at least more than a participant.

I'll remind myself with melatonin if I have to :P
FFT Arena / Re: Official names for MP poison and regen
August 03, 2016, 10:01:53 am
And while it's non-relative to the thread topic, Oil (which makes all elements hurt more) could arguably be changed to Curse

Since Oil's name doesn't 100% make sense for anything but Fire hurting more

I do know that'll conflict with new skills, like Douse, but it's an idea. (I really like CCP2, hush.)