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LFT Information Thread/Download

Started by Laggy, May 16, 2011, 06:54:24 pm


May 16, 2011, 06:54:24 pm Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 05:28:10 pm by Laggy
(Note - at Eternal's request, I'm essentially copying this thread from the original forums LFT was posted on, located here.)
This patch is essentially complete, with any potential future releases aimed at correcting glaring bugs or documentation.


NOTE TO NEW VISITORS: For a cleaner, less obtuse version of this post and the attached changelog below, check out LFT's front page.


Last Patch Update: 01/09/2012
- Download the LFT patch here. This requires a fresh vanilla FFT ISO and can be applied with the program linked directly below (PPF-O-Matic).
- Download PPF-O-MATIC here to apply the patch to an FFT ISO. Remember that you must apply it to a clean (unpatched) ISO or it will not function properly!
- Download the LFT patch w/ PSP translation included (combines FFT Complete with LFT). Note gameplay-related terms and documentation have not been changed (classes, items, abilities and whatnot still use vanilla translation, but story scenes, character names and locations use the WotL translation). Credit goes to Cheetah, creator of FFT Complete, for making this possible, as well as Tonfa for spending the time to compile this together.

* LFT Abilities Reference Document. A list of all abilities in LFT for every PC-playable job, including formulas for each ability, their effects, JP costs, range/CT/MP/effect area values, and what abilities are learnable on what class. Innate RSM for jobs are also documented.
* LFT Equipment Reference Document. A list of all equipment in LFT (weapons, armor, accessories) and their effects.
* LFT Stats Reference Document. A list of all stat values in LFT for every PC-playable job, including growth and stat multipliers, job unlocks, and wearable equipment.
* LFT Monster Affinities Reference Document. A list of all elemental properties and innate status properties in LFT for PC-playable monsters.


LFT is a modification of Final Fantasy Tactics, making some dramatic changes to its gameplay while preserving non-gameplay aspects (the story, characters, etc. have all been left unmodified). Through all these changes I would like to believe that I have preserved the spirit of the gameplay itself - the vast array of options it offers, the tactical potential it has always boasted over most SRPGs out there, and above all else, the things that make it such an enjoyable game that has weathered the test of time admirably.

LFT has three main goals:
1. To improve the usability and balance in all aspects of gameplay, without removing options or impeding on personal preference whenever possible. (classes, items, etc.)
2. To reduce the necessity of grind and other tedious aspects of the game. (faster JP gain, easier class unlocks, better poaches, etc.)
3. To streamline the game's difficulty so that it remained challenging to a player who previously played FFT, without forcing optimization or any extraneous leveling. (Special care has been taken to make sure that SCCs are, as a general rule of thumb, still possible.) To elaborate, m.c. and I playtested with basically no random encounters, no poaching, no beelining for any classic broken setup, etc. These routes are options for players to choose and use as their playstyle sees fit.

Furthermore, to accomplish these goals while keeping things fun was readily kept in mind. An all too easy trap to fall into is the idea that everything has to be made hard when fan-made. (Special thanks to m.c. for correcting the course for me whenever it looked like I was about to fall into that!)

As far as what was deemed "broken" and what wasn't, the ease at which something could be abused was heavily factored into any balance changes made. Things like Brave/Faith modification and the like were preserved simply because of the amount of effort required to take advantage of them and the decision to leave extensive twinking options available to the player should they feel that was the most enjoyable way to play the game. On the other hand, a good number of abilities that were brutal in terms of power and efficiency (early summons, Auto-Potion, etc.) were nerfed, whether directly or through making them harder to get, because they were simultaneously powerful and easy to obtain. Whenever possible, though, options were either refined or moved in difficulty to acquire, rather than removed from the game outright.

A summary of changes follows:
- Classes have been revamped significantly in every factor - stat multipliers and growths, wearable equipment, ability effects, JP costs, unlock requirements, innate RSM, etc.; they are all still very recognizable from their FFT designs, but have been retooled and rebalanced to all be viable. Special jobs are included in this criteria.
- Monsters have been reworked in a similar manner and are more challenging than their FFT incarnations, as well as being worthwhile PC replacements in their own right. All monsters have innate Monster Skill, which allows them to access new abilities when near each other. Random encounters are no longer complete fodder.
- Equipment has been tweaked to be more versatile and offer a wider range of effects available. Traditionally underused equipment was given special emphasis in finding new niches and roles to fill.
- All of these changes apply to the enemy side as well, making them more well-rounded and generally more challenging on their own, as even the common Knight and Archer are respectable foes now.
- In-game documentation changes for all of the above have been included in-game. Rare battle directions are noted on location descriptions. Additional information that was previously invisible to players (such as innate abilities on PC classes or actual CT values on spells) has been added for greater transparency.
- Storyline encounters have had enemy job selection diversified to give a wider range of enemies and strategies you face against.
- Bosses have been improved in general (the majority now have innate Defense UP and Magic DefendUP) to give them more of a fighting chance, especially in assassination missions.
- Move-Find Item rewards for non-DD locations have been altered to be more worthwhile (the panel locations themselves are unchanged). You may find some fun stuff at some of the more unique panels (like the previously inaccessible one in Bervenia Volcano!) DD panels remain mostly unchanged with a few shuffles.
- The Beowulf sidequest (Colliery, Nevelska) has been modified to fit with aftergame content and the fights have been redesigned from scratch to be appropriately challenging for optional encounters.
- The Deep Dungeon has 1 specially designed fight per floor (out of 4) designed as optional superfights. END has been changed entirely to custom fights. All Deep Dungeon maps are now automatically lit with a crystal.

Credit goes to:
* metroid composite, for her endless wealth of FFT mechanical knowledge and expertise and for many, many test playthroughs during the infancy of the mod. Without m.c., this would not have been completed or expanded as far as it did.
* Tonfa, for working closely with me on feedback and suggestions for months and doing extensive testing and sanity checking whenever I needed it, as well as helping me with the reference documents. He's done many playthroughs and contributed direct work on the mod, and is practically a co-author at this point.
* Xifanie, philsov, and the FFHacktics community in general, for helping me out with several technical problems I was stuck on and for providing such wonderful editing tools that made this mod possible.
* Everyone who played the mod. You all know who you are, and in the end you were the reason I kept this thing up for more than a whole year.


What follows is a brief section of LFT's changelog.

NOTE: This is a non-complete summation of the primary job changes to get a feel of what's been altered; for detailed specifics, and for other changes such as equipment, it is highly recommended you view the reference documents linked at the start of this post.

* All equipment, abilities, job wheel prerequisites, etc. have had their in-game documentation modified to reflect LFT's changes. The select button is reliable for finding nearly all changes. The SP values in abilities' documentation have been converted to CT values.
* For complete detailed information, especially on equipment and stat changes, refer to the reference documents at the start of this post.

* All PC classes have innate [Gained JP Up]
* Poison and Regen status CT increased from 36 to 52
* The Oil status now functions as intended (take 2x from fire damage)
* A new status, Wall, exists (reduces all damage to 1, lasts for 12 CT)
* JP scroll glitch has been fixed
* [Secret Hunt] ability is not required to enter the Fur Shop

(The following changes apply only to the base Squire.)
* Can equip Knight Swords, Crossbows, Sticks, and Robes
* HP Multiplier increased from 100 to 110
* MP Growth improved from 15 to 11
* MP Multiplier increased from 75 to 110
* Speed Multiplier increased from 100 to 110
* PA Growth improved from 60 to 48
* PA Multiplier increased from 90 to 110
* MA Multiplier increased from 80 to 110
* Acquired innate [Monster Skill]
* [Yell] added to ability list
* [Replenish] added to ability list, 1 range, 2 vertical, restores MP (MA*8)
* [Reinforce] added to ability list, 1 range, 2 vertical, can't self-target, adds Defending and Reraise status (100%)
* [Throw Stone], [Dash], and [Counter Tackle] now inflict 100% knockback (barring terrain/special char concerns)
* [Heal] cures additional statuses (Petrify, Confusion, Berserk, Oil, Frog, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act)
* [Yell] can no longer be self-targeted
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Accumulate: 300 -> 150 JP
 ... Yell: 200 -> 250 JP
 ... Replenish: 400 JP
 ... Reinforce: 800 JP

(The following changes apply to all base Jobs, including base Squires.)
* [Defend] removed from ability list
* [Move +1] removed from ability list
* [Gained JP Up] removed from ability list
* [Gained Exp Up] added to ability list
* [Move-Get Exp] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Counter Tackle: 180 -> 100 JP
 ... Equip Axe: 170 -> 150 JP
 ... Monster Skill: 200 -> 50 JP
 ... Move-Get Exp: 400 -> 200 JP

* HP Growth improved from 12 to 11
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* [Distribute] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Ether: 300 -> 100 JP
 ... Hi-Ether: 400 -> 200 JP
 ... Elixir: 900 -> 300 JP
 ... Eye Drop: 80 -> 10 JP
 ... Antidote: 70 -> 20 JP
 ... Echo Grass: 120 -> 30 JP
 ... Maiden's Kiss: 200 -> 40 JP
 ... Soft: 250 -> 50 JP
 ... Holy Water: 400 -> 60 JP
 ... Remedy: 700 -> 200 JP
 ... Phoenix Down: 90 -> 250 JP
 ... Distribute: 200 -> 50 JP
 ... Auto Potion: 400 -> 1000 JP
 ... Throw Item: 350 -> 150 JP
 ... Maintenance: 250 -> 150 JP

* Move increased from 3 to 4
* Speed Multiplier decreased from 100 to 90
* Acquired innate [Defense UP] and [Magic DefendUP]
* [Defend] added to ability list
* [Move +1] added to ability list
* [Weapon Guard] removed from ability list
* All "Break" skill accuracies increased to 100% (still subject to evade)
* [Magic Break] now dispels all positive status (ala Dispel Magic) plus Innocent
* [Speed Break] Speed damage decreased from 2 to 1
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Head Break: 300 -> 150 JP
 ... Armor Break: 400 -> 150 JP
 ... Shield Break: 300 -> 50 JP
 ... Weapon Break: 400 -> 300 JP
 ... Magic Break: 250 -> 200 JP
 ... Speed Break: 250 -> 400 JP
 ... Power Break: 250 -> 200 JP
 ... Mind Break: 250 -> 100 JP
 ... Equip Armor: 500 -> 300 JP
 ... Equip Shield: 250 -> 200 JP
 ... Equip Sword: 400 -> 200 JP
 ... Move +1: 200 -> 400 JP

* Can equip Robes
* MP Multiplier increased from 65 to 100
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 48
* MA Multiplier increased from 80 to 100
* C.Evade increased from 10% to 30%
* Acquired innate [Ignore Height]
* [Charge+1] removed from ability list
* [Jump +1] removed from ability list
* [Speed Save] removed from ability list
* [Charge+6] added to ability list, adds 6 power for 5 CT
* [Ignore Height] added to ability list
* [Charge+2] changed from +5 CT to +1 CT
* [Charge+3] changed from +6 CT to +2 CT
* [Charge+4] changed from +8 CT to +3 CT
* [Charge+5] changed from +10 CT to +4 CT
* [Charge+7] changed from +14 CT to +6 CT
* [Charge+10] changed from +20 CT to +9 CT
* [Charge+20] changed from +35 CT to +15 CT
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Charge+2: 150 -> 100 JP
 ... Charge+3: 200 -> 150 JP
 ... Charge+4: 250 -> 200 JP
 ... Charge+5: 300 -> 250 JP
 ... Charge+6: 300 JP
 ... Charge+7: 400 -> 350 JP
 ... Charge+10: 600 -> 400 JP
 ... Charge+20: 1000 -> 500 JP
 ... Arrow Guard: 450 -> 250 JP
 ... Equip Bow: 350 -> 150 JP
 ... Ignore Height: 700 -> 300 JP

* Move increased from 3 to 4
* [Move HP-Up] removed from ability list
* [Jump +3] added to ability list
* [Spin Fist] effect area increased from 2v0 to 3v1
* [Revive] vertical tolerance increased from 0 to 1
* [Secret Fist] hit rate increased from +50 to +70, now also inflicts Don't Move
* [Stigma Magic] status cured changed to Undead, Petrify, Frog, Poison, Slow, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Spin Fist: 150 -> 100 JP
 ... Repeating Fist: 300 -> 150 JP
 ... Wave Fist: 300 -> 200 JP
 ... Earth Slash: 600 -> 500 JP
 ... Secret Fist: 300 -> 100 JP
 ... Stigma Magic: 200 -> 150 JP
 ... Chakra: 350 -> 250 JP
 ... Revive: 500 -> 250 JP
 ... HP Restore: 500 -> 300 JP
 ... Hamedo: 1200 -> 700 JP
 ... Jump +3: 1000 -> 200 JP

* Can equip Flails
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 48
* [Wall] removed from ability list
* [Move-HP Up] added to ability list
* [Cure] MP cost decreased from 6 to 4, CT decreased from 4 to 2, multiplier decreased from 14 to 10
* [Cure 2] vertical tolerance increased from 1 to 2, MP cost decreased from 10 to 8, CT decreased from 5 to 4
* [Cure 3] effect area increased from 2v1 to 3v3, MP cost decreased from 16 to 12, CT decreased from 7 to 6
* [Cure 4] effect area increased from 2v2 to 4v4, MP cost decreased from 20 to 16, CT decreased from 10 to 8
* [Raise 2] hit rate increased from +160 to +250, CT decreased from 10 to 7, MP cost increased from 20 to 32, made not reflectable
* [Reraise] hit rate increased from +140 to +200, CT decreased from 7 to 3
* [Regen] hit rate increased from +170 to +200, effect area increased from 2 to 3, MP cost decreased from 8 to 4
* [Protect 2] and [Shell 2] effect area increased from 2 to 3, hit rate increased from +120 to +220, CT decreased from 7 to 2, MP cost decreased from 24/20 to 20
* [Esuna] no longer cures Don't Move
* [Holy] MP cost increased from 56 to 60
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Cure 2: 180 -> 150 JP
 ... Cure 3: 400 -> 250 JP
 ... Cure 4: 700 -> 350 JP
 ... Raise: 180 -> 100 JP
 ... Raise 2: 500 -> 400 JP
 ... Reraise: 800 -> 300 JP
 ... Regen: 300 -> 50 JP
 ... Shell: 70 -> 60 JP
 ... Protect 2: 500 -> 300 JP
 ... Shell 2: 500 -> 250 JP
 ... Esuna: 280 -> 200 JP
 ... Holy: 600 -> 800 JP
 ... Regenerator: 400 -> 150 JP
 ... Magic DefendUP: 400 -> 200 JP
 ... Move-HP Up: 300 -> 200 JP

* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* MA Multiplier decreased from 150 to 140
* [Fire], [Ice], and [Bolt] CT decreased from 4 to 3, multiplier decreased from 14 to 12
* [Fire 2], [Ice 2], and [Bolt 2] CT decreased from 5 to 4
* [Bolt 2] MP cost increased from 10 to 12
* [Fire 3], [Bolt 3], and [Ice 3] CT decreased from 7 to 5
* [Fire 4], [Bolt 4], and [Ice 4] range increased from 4 to 5, multiplier decreased from 32 to 30, effect area changed from 3v3 to 2v4, CT decreased from 10 to 6, MP cost decreased from 48 to 36
* [Poison] hit rate increased from +160 to +200, effect area increased from 2v2 to 4v3, CT decreased from 3 to 2, MP cost decreased from 6 to 4
* [Death] hit rate increased from +100 to +180, range increased from 4 to 8, CT increased from 10 to 14, MP cost increased from 24 to 48
* [Flare] multiplier increased from 46 to 52
* [Magic AttackUP] boost dropped from +33% to +25%
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Fire 2: 200 -> 150 JP
 ... Fire 3: 480 -> 250 JP
 ... Fire 4: 850 -> 350 JP
 ... Bolt 2: 200 -> 150 JP
 ... Bolt 3: 480 -> 250 JP
 ... Bolt 4: 850 -> 350 JP
 ... Ice 2: 200 -> 150 JP
 ... Ice 3: 480 -> 250 JP
 ... Ice 4: 850 -> 350 JP
 ... Poison: 150 -> 50 JP
 ... Frog: 500 -> 150 JP
 ... Death: 600 -> 400 JP
 ... Flare: 900 -> 700 JP
 ... Counter Magic: 800 -> 200 JP
 ... Magic AttackUP: 400 -> 600 JP

-Time Mage-
* Can equip Books
* MP Multiplier increased from 120 to 140
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 43
* Acquired innate [Float]
* [Haste] CT increased from 2 to 4, hit rate increased from +180 to +200
* [Haste 2] effect area increased from 2 to 3, CT decreased from 7 to 2, hit rate decreased from +240 to +220
* [Slow] CT increased from 2 to 4, hit rate increased from +180 to +200
* [Slow 2] effect area increased from 2 to 3, CT decreased from 7 to 2, hit rate decreased from +240 to +220
* [Stop] CT decreased from 7 to 5, hit rate increased from +110 to +160
* [Float] range decreased from 4 to 3, effect area increased to 3v2, hit rate increased from +140 to +200
* [Reflect] hit rate increased from +180 to +250
* [Quick] MP cost decreased from 24 to 12, hit rate increased from 140 to 170
* [Demi] MP cost decreased from 24 to 16, added dark-elemental attribute
* [Demi 2] hit rate increased from +120 to +160, CT decreased from 9 to 7, MP cost decreased from 50 to 32, added dark-elemental attribute
* [Meteor] MP cost increased from 70 to 80
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Haste 2: 550 -> 350 JP
 ... Slow 2: 520 -> 300 JP
 ... Stop: 330 -> 150 JP
 ... Float (spell): 200 -> 50 JP
 ... Reflect: 300 -> 50 JP
 ... Quick: 800 -> 200 JP
 ... Demi 2: 550 -> 350 JP
 ... Meteor: 1500 -> 1200 JP
 ... Critical Quick: 700 -> 100 JP
 ... Short Charge: 800 -> 600 JP
 ... Teleport: 600 -> 1200 JP
 ... Float (movement): 540 -> 100 JP

* MP Multiplier increased from 125 to 175
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* [MA Save] added to ability list
* [Fly] added to ability list
* [Moogle] MP cost increased from 8 to 12
* [Shiva], [Ramuh], and [Ifrit] multiplier decreased from 24 to 22, CT increased from 4 to 7, MP cost increased from 24 to 28
* [Titan] multiplier decreased from 28 to 24, CT decreased from 5 to 4, MP cost increased from 30 to 40
* [Golem] MP cost increased from 40 to 50
* [Carbunkle] CT decreased from 4 to 3, effect area increased from 3v2 to 4v3, hit rate increased from +150 to +180
* [Bahamut] multiplier decreased from 46 to 39, MP cost increased from 60 to 76, effect area increased from 4 to 5
* [Odin] multiplier decreased from 40 to 36, CT decreased from 9 to 5, MP cost increased from 50 to 98, vertical tolerance decreased from 3 to 2
* [Leviathan] multiplier decreased from 38 to 30, MP cost decreased from 48 to 44
* [Salamander] multiplier decreased from 38 to 33, CT decreased from 9 to 6, MP cost increased from 48 to 56, effect area increased from 3v2 to 3v∞
* [Silf] changed from status to damage (mult 28), 32 MP, 8 CT, effect area 3v3, wind-elemental
* [Fairy] CT increased from 4 to 5, MP cost increased from 28 to 34
* [Lich] MP cost decreased from 40 to 30
* [Cyclops] multiplier decreased from 50 to 45, CT decreased from 9 to 8, MP cost increased from 62 to 64
* [Zodiac] CT decreased from 10 to 7, MP cost increased from 99 to 120
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Moogle: 110 -> 100 JP
 ... Silf: 400 -> 300 JP
 ... Carbunkle: 350 -> 150 JP
 ... Leviathan: 850 -> 400 JP
 ... Titan: 220 -> 450 JP
 ... Lich: 600 -> 450 JP
 ... Salamander: 820 -> 500 JP
 ... Cyclops: 1000 -> 600 JP
 ... Bahamut: 1200 -> 700 JP
 ... Odin: 900 -> 800 JP
 ... MP Restore: 400 -> 50 JP
 ... MA Save: 450 -> 100 JP
 ... Half of MP: 900 -> 300 JP
 ... Fly: 1200 -> 500 JP

* HP Multiplier increased from 90 to 100
* PA Multiplier decreased from 100 to 90
* C.Evade increased from 25% to 40%
* Acquired innate [Two Swords] and [Secret Hunt]
* [Gil Taking] removed from ability list
* [Jump +2] removed from ability list
* [Quick Attack] added to ability list, 1v1 physical attack that uses formula SP*WP, ignores evasion and countergrasp reactions
* [Steal Helmet] base hit rate changed from +40 to +50
* [Steal Armor] base hit rate changed from +35 to +55
* [Steal Shield] base hit rate changed from +35 to +45
* [Steal Weapon] base hit rate changed from +30 to +40
* [Steal Accessory] base hit rate changed from +40 to +60
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Quick Attack: 300 JP
 ... Steal Helmet: 350 -> 200 JP
 ... Steal Armor: 450 -> 200 JP
 ... Steal Shield: 350 -> 200 JP
 ... Steal Weapon: 600 -> 300 JP
 ... Steal Accessory: 500 -> 300 JP
 ... Steal Exp: 250 -> 50 JP
 ... Caution: 200 -> 100 JP
 ... Gilgame Heart: 200 -> 0 JP
 ... Catch: 200 -> 100 JP
 ... Move +2: 520 -> 900 JP

* Can equip Books
* HP Multiplier increased from 80 to 95
* MP Growth improved from 18 to 11
* MP Multiplier decreased from 70 to 65
* Speed Multiplier increased from 100 to 105
* PA Multiplier increased from 75 to 105
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* MA Multiplier increased from 75 to 105
* Acquired innate [Train]
* [Brave Up] added to ability list
* [Faith Up] added to ability list
* [Praise], [Preach], [Threaten], and [Solution] hit rate increased to 100%
* [Invite] hit rate decreased from +20 to +15
* [Death Sentence] hit rate increased from +30 to +65, effect area increased from 1 to 2
* [Negotiate] hit rate decreased from +90 to +55, added Add: Stop, works on sleeping targets
* [Persuade] effect area increased from 1 to 2
* [Insult] hit rate increased from +40 to +60
* [Mimic Daravon] hit rate increased from +40 to +45
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Invite: 100 -> 200 JP
 ... Threaten: 200 -> 100 JP
 ... Solution: 200 -> 100 JP
 ... Death Sentence: 500 -> 100 JP
 ... Negotiate: 100 -> 200 JP
 ... Insult: 300 -> 100 JP
 ... Finger Guard: 300 -> 50 JP
 ... Brave Up: 500 -> 100 JP
 ... Faith Up: 500 -> 100 JP
 ... Mimic Daravon: 300 -> 200 JP
 ... Equip Gun: 750 -> 300 JP
 ... Train: 450 -> 200 JP
 ... Monster Talk: 100 -> 0 JP

* MP Multiplier decreased from 110 to 90
* PA Growth improved from 60 to 55
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* Acquired innate [Any Weather] and [Move-MP Up]
* [Blind Rage] removed from ability list
* [Defense UP] removed from ability list
* [Charm Song] added to ability list, hit rate +140, adds Charm, range 4, effect area 2v0, CT 7, MP cost 16
* [Weapon Guard] added to ability list
* [Blind] hit rate increased from +200 to +220, effect area increased from 2 to 3, vertical tolerance increased from 2 to 3
* [Spell Absorb] range decreased from 4 to 3, MP drained increased from 33% to 40%, made reflectable
* [Life Drain] range decreased from 4 to 3, made reflectable
* [Pray Faith] range increased from 4 to 5
* [Doubt Faith] range increased from 4 to 5
* [Zombie] hit rate increased from +100 to +210, effect area increased from 1 to 2v1, CT decreased from 5 to 3, MP cost decreased from 20 to 10
* [Silence Song] hit rate increased from +180 to +200, MP cost increased from 16 to 20, CT decreased from 3 to 2
* [Foxbird] hit rate increased from +140 to +200, MP cost decreased from 20 to 12, Brave drop increased from 30 to 40
* [Confusion Song] effect area increased from 1 to 2v2, CT decreased from 5 to 4, hit rate increased from +130 to +190, MP cost decreased from 20 to 14
* [Dispel Magic] hit rate increased from +200 to +250, effect area increased from 1 to 2v1, MP cost decreased from 34 to 8
* [Paralyze] hit rate increased from +185 to +200
* [Sleep] hit rate increased from +170 to +190
* [Petrify] hit rate increased from +120 to +130, CT decreased from 9 to 8
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Pray Faith: 400 -> 300 JP
 ... Doubt Faith: 400 -> 300 JP
 ... Zombie: 300 -> 100 JP
 ... Charm Song: 400 JP
 ... Foxbird: 200 -> 100 JP
 ... Confusion Song: 400 -> 150 JP
 ... Dispel Magic: 700 -> 100 JP
 ... Paralyze: 100 -> 150 JP
 ... Petrify: 580 -> 270 JP
 ... Absorb Used MP: 250 -> 100 JP
 ... Weapon Guard: 200 -> 250 JP
 ... Any Weather: 200 -> 0 JP
 ... Move-MP Up: 350 -> 400 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Monk JLV2
* HP Multiplier increased from 110 to 120
* PA Multiplier increased from 110 to 120
* MA Multiplier increased from 105 to 120
* Acquired innate [Move on Lava]
* Removed [Any Ground] from ability list
* [Lava Ball] multiplier increased from 2 to 5
* [Quicksand], [Sand Storm] multipliers increased from 2 to 4
* [Pitfall], [Local Quake], [Blizzard], [Gusty Wind] multipliers increased from 2 to 3
* JP Cost Changes

 ... All "Elemental" abilities: 150 -> 100 JP
 ... Attack UP: 400 -> 500 JP
 ... Move on Lava: 150 -> 0 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Thief JLV2
* Jump increased from 4 to 5
* HP Multiplier increased from 120 to 140
* PA Multiplier increased from 120 to 140
* [Level Jump3] removed from ability list
* [Level Jump5] removed from ability list
* [Vertical Jump3] removed from ability list
* [Vertical Jump5] removed from ability list
* [Vertical Jump6] removed from ability list
* [Vertical Jump7] removed from ability list
* [Ignore Height] removed from ability list
* [PA Save] added to ability list
* [Defense UP] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Level Jump2: 150 -> 100 JP
 ... Level Jump4: 450 -> 300 JP
 ... Vertical Jump2: 100 -> 50 JP
 ... Vertical Jump4: 300 -> 150 JP
 ... Vertical Jump8: 900 -> 450 JP
 ... Dragon Spirit: 560 -> 300 JP
 ... PA Save: 550 -> 150 JP
 ... Equip Spear: 400 -> 250 JP
 ... Defense UP: 400 -> 300 JP

* HP Multiplier decreased from 75 to 56
* MP Multiplier decreased from 90 to 56
* PA Multiplier decreased from 128 to 112
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 48
* MA Multiplier increased from 90 to 112
* Speed Multiplier decreased from 100 to 95
* Acquired innate [Concentrate], [Two Hands], and [Walk on Water]
* All "Draw Out" moves now hit both allies and enemies, and if damaging, do not affect the user
* [Asura] now Adds: Dead
* [Koutetsu] multiplier decreased from 12 to 11, now Adds: Slow
* [Bizen Boat] multiplier increased from 4 to 10, area of effect changed to be identical to Kikuichimoji's (linear range 6v3)
* [Murasame] multiplier decreased from 12 to 10
* [Heaven's Cloud] no longer Adds: Slow, now Adds: Sleep
* [Muramasa] multiplier decreased from 18 to 17, no longer adds: Confusion/Death Sentence, now Adds: Death Sentence
* [Kikuichimoji] multiplier decreased from 16 to 12, range decreased from 8 to 6
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Bizen Boat: 260 -> 180 JP
 ... Koutetsu: 180 -> 260 JP
 ... Meatbone Slash: 200 -> 100 JP
 ... Equip Katana: 400 -> 300 JP
 ... Two Hands: 900 -> 500 JP
 ... Walk on Water: 400 -> 50 JP

* Move increased from 4 to 5
* Jump decreased from 4 to 3
* HP Multiplier decreased from 60 to 50
* PA Multiplier decreased from 122 to 102
* MP Multiplier increased from 50 to 120
* MA Multiplier increased from 75 to 100
* Speed Growth nerfed from 80 to 95
* C.Evade decreased from 30% to 25%
* Acquired innate [Move on Water]
* [Speed Save] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Speed Save: 800 -> 350 JP
 ... Two Swords: 900 -> 1000 JP
 ... Move in Water: 400 -> 50 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Summoner JLV3, Mediator JLV3
* Can equip Knives
* When performing Songs, evasion is now retained but incoming physical damage is increased to 150%
* Songs are no longer affected by Miming
* MP Growth improved from 20 to 9
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 40
* Acquired innate [Magic Attack UP]
* [Faith Up] removed from ability list
* [MA Save] removed from ability list
* [Fly] removed from ability list
* [Life Song] HP restored increased from 10 to 20
* [Cheer Song] CT increased from 8 to 12, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Battle Song] hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Magic Song] CT decreased from 10 to 8, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Nameless Song] hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Last Song] CT decreased from 20 to 15, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Cheer Song: 100 -> 200 JP
 ... Nameless Song: 100 -> 200 JP
 ... Move +3: 1000 -> 1500 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Geomancer JLV3, Lancer JLV3
* When performing Dances, evasion is now retained but incoming physical damage is increased to 150%
* Dances are no longer affected by Miming
* HP Growth improved from 20 to 9
* PA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* Acquired innate [Attack UP]
* [Brave Up] removed from ability list
* [PA Save] removed from ability list
* [Fly] removed from ability list
* [Jump +3] removed from ability list
* [Move +3] added to ability list
* [Slow Dance] CT increased from 8 to 10, hit rate increased from 50% to 67%
* [Polka Polka] CT decreased from 8 to 6, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Disillusion] CT decreased from 10 to 6, hit rate increased from 50% to 100%
* [Nameless Dance] can now inflict Undead, Oil, Berserk, Charm, Don't Move in addition to normal statuses, can no longer inflict Stop, hit rate increased from 50% to 67%
* [Last Dance] CT decreased from 20 to 15, hit rate increased from 34% to 67%
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Slow Dance: 100 -> 200 JP
 ... Nameless Dance: 100 -> 200 JP
 ... Move +3: 1000 -> 1500 JP

* Class prerequisites changed to: Squire JLV4, Chemist JLV4
* Move and Jump increased from 4 to 5
* HP Multiplier increased from 140 to 200
* MP Growth improved from 30 to 6
* PA Multiplier increased from 120 to 150
* MA Growth improved from 40 to 35
* MA Multiplier increased from 115 to 160
* Removed innate [Concentrate], [Monster Skill], and [Martial Arts]
* Acquired innate [Monster Talk]

* MA Growth improved from 50 to 40
* Acquired innate [Teleport 2] and [Non-charge]
* [Distribute] removed from ability list
* [Gained Exp Up] removed from ability list
* [Move-Get Exp] removed from ability list
* [Move-Get JP] removed from ability list
* [Non-charge] added to ability list
* [Math Skill] now has the following spells (and only these) available:
 White Magic    ... Cure, Cure 2, Regen, Protect, Shell, Esuna
 Black Magic    ... Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison
 Time Magic     ... Haste, Slow, Don't Move, Float, Reflect, Demi
 Yin-Yang Magic ... Blind, Pray Faith, Doubt Faith, Zombie, Dispel Magic
* JP Cost Changes

 ... CT: 250 -> 900 JP
 ... Level: 350 -> 200 JP
 ... Exp: 300 -> 100 JP
 ... Height: 250 -> 200 JP
 ... Prime Number: 300 -> 200 JP
 ... 4: 400 -> 200 JP
 ... 3: 600 -> 200 JP
 ... Non-charge: 3000 -> 9999 JP

-Ubersquire- (Ramza)
* Can equip Knight Swords in C1-C3 forms
* Can equip Bags, Perfumes, and Hair Adornments in C4 form
* [Wish] CT increased from 0 to 5, no longer heals or takes self-damage but now Cancels: Dead
* [Cheer Up] no longer increases Brave but now grants 100 CT (Quick effect), MA and faith-based, +180 hit rate, can't be self-targetted, range decreased to 1
* [Ultima] multiplier decreased from 23 to 13, effect area increased from 2v1 to 2v2, CT decreased from 5 to 4, no longer Faith-dependent

-Engineer- (Mustadio)
* Starts with Mime JLV1 unlocked
* Move increased from 3 to 4
* Speed Growth improved from 100 to 70
* Acquired innate [Equip Change]
* [Equip Gun] added to ability list
* [Leg Aim] base hit rate increased from +50 to +70
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Equip Gun: 750 -> 300 JP

-Holy Knight- (Agrias)
* Starts with Geomancer JLV1 unlocked
* Move increased from 3 to 4
* PA Growth improved from 50 to 40
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 45
* [Split Punch] now adds Don't Move instead of Death Sentence, can be used without a sword
* [Crush Punch] can be used without a sword
* [Lightning Stab] now adds Undead instead of Silence
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Split Punch: 400 -> 200 JP
 ... Crush Punch: 500 -> 300 JP

-Hell Knight- (Malak)
* Starts with Samurai JLV1 unlocked
* Can equip Rods; can no longer equip Sticks
* Acquired innate [Magic DefendUP] and [Two Swords]
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 30
* Number of hits of Un-Truth attacks increased from 6 to 10, range increased from 4 to 5, no longer hits allies, CT decreased by 1, MP cost added (10/12/14/16/18/20)
* [Exploding Frog] added to ability list, range 2v1, effect area 1, CT 0, adds Oil/Reraise/Transparent/Frog/Faith at 100% probability (not Faith-dependent)
* [Space Storage Back] vertical tolerance decreased from 3 to 1
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Asura Back: 200 -> 100 JP
 ... Diamond Sword Back: 300 -> 200 JP
 ... Hydragon Pit Back: 400 -> 300 JP
 ... Space Storage Back: 500 -> 400 JP
 ... Sky Demon Back: 600 -> 500 JP
 ... Exploding Frog: 700 JP

-Heaven Knight- (Rafa)
* Starts with Ninja JLV1 unlocked
* Can equip Swords and Shields
* Acquired innate [Magic DefendUP]
* MA Growth improved from 50 to 30
* Number of hits of Truth attacks increased from 6 to 10, range increased from 4 to 5, no longer hits allies, CT decreased by 1, MP cost added (10/12/14/16/18/20)
* [Scorpio's Blessing] added to ability list, range 8, CT 5, revives with 25% mHP restored at +200 hit rate
* [Space Storage] vertical tolerance decreased from 3 to 1
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Asura: 200 -> 100 JP
 ... Diamond Sword: 300 -> 200 JP
 ... Hydragon Pit: 400 -> 300 JP
 ... Space Storage: 500 -> 400 JP
 ... Sky Demon: 600 -> 500 JP
 ... Scorpio's Blessing: 700 JP

-Holy Swordsman- (Orlandu)
* Starts with Holy Swordsman JLV8 unlocked
* [Shellbust Stab] removed from ability list
* [Blastar Punch] removed from ability list
* [Hellcry Punch] removed from ability list
* [Icewolf Bite] removed from ability list
* [Split Punch] now adds Don't Move instead of Death Sentence, can be used without a sword
* [Crush Punch] can be used without a sword
* [Lightning Stab] now adds Undead instead of Silence
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Split Punch: 400 -> 200 JP
 ... Crush Punch: 500 -> 300 JP
 ... Dark Sword: 500 -> 300 JP

-Divine Knight- (Meliadoul)
* Starts with Dancer JLV1 unlocked
* Can equip Hats
* Acquired innate [Defense UP] and [Magic DefendUP]
* HP Multiplier increased from 125 to 175
* MP Multiplier increased from 90 to 175
* [Magic Ruin] added to ability list, MP cost decreased from 20 to 10
* [Speed Ruin] added to ability list, MP cost increased from 20 to 30
* [Power Ruin] added to ability list
* [Mind Ruin] added to ability list
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Blastar Punch: 400 -> 300 JP
 ... Hellcry Punch: 500 -> 400 JP
 ... Icewolf Bite: 800 -> 500 JP
 ... Magic Ruin: 0 -> 150 JP
 ... Speed Ruin: 0 -> 600 JP
 ... Power Ruin: 0 -> 300 JP
 ... Mind Ruin: 0 -> 300 JP

-Temple Knight- (Beowulf)
* Starts with Bard JLV1 unlocked
* Magic Sword abilities now have spell quotes
* [Berserk] removed from ability list
* [Charm] added to ability list, hit rate +140, adds Charm, MP cost 16, identical to other Magic Sword mechanics
* [Aspel] now drains 50% mMP instead of 25%
* [Drain] now drains 33% mHP instead of 25%
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Chicken: 500 -> 200 JP
 ... Charm: 400 JP
 ... Despair: 300 -> 100 JP

-Dragoner- (Reis)
* Starts with Dragoner JLV8 unlocked
* Move increased from 3 to 5
* PA Growth improved from 39 to 30
* PA Multiplier increased from 120 to 160
* MA Growth improved from 38 to 30
* MA Multiplier increased from 110 to 160
* Removed innate [Train] (for Gained JP Up)
* Added innate Absorb: Holy
* Added innate Cancel: Fire/Lightning/Ice
* [Ice Breath] now adds Slow (25%)
* [Fire Breath] now adds Death Sentence (25%)
* [Thunder Breath] now adds Don't Act (25%)
* [Dragon Power Up] now adds 15 Brave (instead of 5) and +3 PA/MA/Speed (instead of 1)
* [Holy Breath] number of hits increased from 4 to 10

-Soldier- (Cloud)
* Starts with Calculator JLV1 unlocked
* Joins at Party Level rather than Level 1
* Materia Blade no longer required to use Limit
* Can equip Robes
* Acquired innate [Short Charge]
* [Cherry Blossom] removed from ability list
* JP Cost Changes

 ... Climhazzard: 450 -> 300 JP
 ... Meteorain: 560 -> 400 JP
 ... Finish Touch: 670 -> 500 JP
 ... Omnislash: 900 -> 600 JP

-Steel Giant- (Worker 8)
* Move increased from 3 to 5
* Removed innate Cancel: Oil, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act
* Removed innate [Any Ground]
* HP Multiplier increased from 115 to 165
* [Barrier] added to ability list, self-centered, effect area 3v0, adds Wall status (100%) and does not affect self

-Byblos- (Byblos)
* Move increased from 3 to 7
* Jump increased from 6 to 7
* HP Growth improved from 6 to 4
* MP Growth improved from 7 to 1
* MA Growth improved from 35 to 5
* Lost innate [Counter]
* Acquired innate [Sunken State]
* [Energy] removed from ability list
* [Mbarrier] added to ability list
* [Mbarrier] MP cost decreased from 30 to 20

-Monster Changes-

Chocobo Choco Attack Choco Cure Choco Esuna Choco Ball Counter Elixir
Black Chocobo Choco Attack Choco Ball Choco Esuna Choco Cure Counter Barette
Red Chocobo Choco Attack Choco Ball Choco Meteor Choco Esuna Counter Cachusha

Goblin Tackle Eye Gouge Goblin Punch Secret Fist Counter Tackle Elixir
Black Goblin Tackle Turn Punch Goblin Punch Stop Breath Counter Tackle Assassin Dagger
Gobbledeguck Tackle Eye Gouge Turn Punch Mutilate Counter Tackle Blood Sword

Bomb Bite Self Destruct Small Bomb Spark Meatbone Slash Mythril Gun
Grenade Bite Self Destruct Shock Flame Attack Meatbone Slash Red Shoes
Explosive Bite Self Destruct Spark Shock Meatbone Slash Scorpion Tail

Red Panther Scratch Poison Nail Steal Heart Cat Kick Catch Germinas Boots
Cuar Scratch Cat Kick Poison Nail Blaster Catch Sprint Shoes
Vampire Scratch Poison Nail Blaster Blood Suck Catch FS Bag

Disco Demon Tentacle Black Ink Mind Blast Wiznaibus Counter Flood Elixir
Squidrockin Tentacle Odd Soundwave Mind Blast Nameless Song Counter Flood Papyrus Plate
Mindrave Tentacle Black Ink Disillusion Level Blast Counter Flood Dracula Mantle

Skeleton Knife Hand Thunder Soul Sap Magic Aqua Soul Arrow Guard Holy Water
Bone Scratch Knife Hand Aqua Soul Sap Magic Ice Soul Arrow Guard Ivory Rod
Living Bone Knife Hand Ice Soul Sap Magic Wind Soul Arrow Guard Cursed Ring

Ghoul Throw Spirit Zombie Touch Revive Shadow Stitch MP Switch Elixir
Gust Throw Spirit Sleep Touch Revive Drain Touch MP Switch Ice Brand
Revnant Throw Spirit Drain Touch Revive Grease Touch MP Switch Vanish Mantle

Flotiball Wing Attack Death Sentence Difference Look of Devil Finger Guard Elixir
Ahriman Wing Attack Death Sentence Look of Devil Circle Finger Guard Reflect Mail
Plague Wing Attack Difference Look of Devil Look of Fright Finger Guard Zorlin Shape

Juravis Scratch Up Feather Bomb Beak Beaking Hamedo Gastrafitis
Steel Hawk Scratch Up Beaking Beak Dispose Hamedo Ultimus Bow
Cocatoris Scratch Up Feather Bomb Beaking Beak Hamedo Yoichi Bow

Uribo Straight Dash Pooh Oink Nose Breath Critical Quick Cherche
Porky Straight Dash Pooh Nose Breath Oink Critical Quick Salty Rage
Wildbow Straight Dash Nose Breath Oink Please Eat Critical Quick Setiemson

Woodman Leaf Dance Life Spirit Protect Spirit Fairy Counter Magic Healing Staff
Trent Leaf Dance Magic Spirit Calm Spirit Tornado Counter Magic Sage Staff
Taiju Leaf Dance Life Spirit Magic Spirit Quake Counter Magic Whale Whisker

Bull Demon Shake Off Wave Fist Bizen Boat Mimic Titan Blade Grasp Kikuichimoji
Minitaurus Shake Off Gather Power Kiyomori Earth Slash Blade Grasp Holy Lance
Sacred Shake Off Wave Around Masamune Blow Fire Blade Grasp Mace of Zeus

Morbol Tentacle Lick Chakra Bad Breath HP Restore Elixir
Ochu Tentacle Goo Chakra Bad Breath HP Restore Madlemgen
Great Morbol Tentacle Bad Breath Stigma Magic Moldball Virus HP Restore Ribbon

Behemoth Stab Up Sudden Cry <Nothing> Giga Flare Damage Split Masamune
King Behemoth Stab Up Sudden Cry <Nothing> Hurricane Damage Split Fairy Harp
Dark Behemoth Stab Up Sudden Cry <Nothing> Ulmaguest Damage Split Ryozan Silk

Dragon Dash Tail Swing <Nothing> Thund. Breath Dragon Spirit Defender
Blue Dragon Dash Ice Breath <Nothing> Thund. Breath Dragon Spirit Dragon Rod
Red Dragon Dash Fire Breath <Nothing> Thund. Breath Dragon Spirit Dragon Whisker

Hyudra Triple Attack Triple Breath <Nothing> Triple Flame Regenerator Stone Gun
Hydra Triple Attack Triple Flame <Nothing> Triple Thunder Regenerator Perseus Bow
Tiamat Triple Breath Triple Thunder <Nothing> Dark Whisper Regenerator Chantage

(The following apply to most monsters)
* HP and MA Growth multiplied by 2/3 (rounded up)
* PA Growth multiplied by 4/5 (rounded up)
* Speed Growth multiplied by 3/4 (rounded up)
* Move and Jump increased by 1
* Innate [Monster Skill] given

* Chocobos/Black Chocobos/Red Chocobos became weak to Fire
* Bombs, Grenades, and Explosives have Start: Reraise
* Red Panthers/Cuars/Vampires got Cancel: Don't Move
* Disco Demons/Squidrockins/Mindraves got Cancel: Berserk
* Skeletons/Bone Snatches/Living Bones got Cancel: Sleep
* Ghouls/Gust/Revnants got Cancel: Stop
* Flotiballs/Ahrimans/Plagues have Always: Reflect and Cancel: Death Sentence
* Uribos/Porkies/Wildbows have Always: Haste
* Woodmen/Trents/Taijus have Always: Regen and innate Short Charge, plus actual MP scores and nerfed MA stats
* Morbols/Ochus/Great Morbols got innate Martial Arts and Cancel: Don't Act

* Choco Cure multiplier increased from 3 to 4
* Choco Meteor multiplier increased from 4 to 5
* Goblin Punch hit rate increased from 35 to 65
* Turn Punch area increased from 2v1 to 3v2
* Eye Gouge now inflicts Confusion as well as Darkness, hit rate increased from 45 to 65
* Mutilate hit rate increased from 30 to 75
* Self Destruct area increased from 3v3 to 4v3
* Small Bomb became unevadable, range increased from 1 to 2, vertical increased from 0 to 2, formula changed to PA*4 to both target/user
* Flame Attack multiplier increased from 3 to 6
* Spark multiplier increased from 2 to 3, now adds Reraise (25%)
* Cat Kick 1-8 damage range increased to 1-12
* Poison Nail now inflicts Slow as well as Poison, hit rate increased from 40 to 60
* Vampire's Blood Suck now inflicts Blood Suck 100% of the time (instead of 25%)
* Black Ink is now water-elemental, now deals damage (MA*5)
* Odd Soundwave range increased from 0 to 3, area increased from 3v1 to 4v1
* Mind Blast hit rate increased from 35 to 45
* Level Blast hit rate increased to 100%, range decreased from 4 to 3, effect area increased from 1 to 2, marked to be unused by AI
* Thunder/Aqua/Ice Soul multipliers increased from 2 to 4
* Ice Soul range increased from 3 to 4
* Aqua Soul range increased from 4 to 5
* Wind Soul range increased from 3 to 6, multiplier increased from 3 to 5
* Sap Magic created, dispels positive status and deals 33% mHP damage (no damage if no status to dispel), range 3, effect 2v1, subject to M.Evade
* Zombie Touch range increased from 1 to 2, hit rate increased from 45 to 70
* Sleep Touch range increased from 1 to 2, hit rate increased from 40 to 60
* Drain Touch range increased from 1 to 2
* Grease Touch range increased from 1 to 2, area increased from 1v2 to 2v2, hit rate increased from 50 to 70, now inflicts Slow as well as Oil
* Look of Devil hit rate increased from 35 to 100%
* Look of Fright changed to lower PA instead of Brave, PA damage set to 6, base hit rate set to 75, range increased from 3 to 5
* Circle hit rate increased from 55 to 75, MA damage increased from 2 to 6, range increased from 4 to 5
* Death Sentence hit rate increased from 40 to 60, range increased from 3 to 7, marked to be unused by AI
* Beaking changed to inflict damage equal to target's mHP-cHP
* Nose Breath hit rate increased from 40 to 70
* Pooh area increased from 1v1 to 2v1
* Leaf Dance area increased from 2v0 to 3v3, does not hit allies, multiplier increased from 3 to 12 (note: reflects MA nerf)
* Protect Spirit area increased from 2v0 to 3v3, hit rate increased from 45 to 75
* Calm Spirit area increased from 2v0 to 3v3, hit rate increased from 45 to 75
* Life Spirit area increased from 2v0 to 3v3, multiplier increased from 2 to 14 (note: reflects MA nerf)
* Magic Spirit area increased from 2v0 to 3v3, multiplier increased from 1 to 10 (note: reflects MA nerf)
* Tornado range increased from 4 to 8, MP cost decreased from 70 to 30, now adds Confusion (25%)
* Quake range decreased from 4 to 0, multiplier increased from 39 to 47, CT decreased from 7 to 5, MP cost decreased from 70 to 30, area increased from 4v3 to 6v5, now adds Don't Move (25%)
* Mimic Titan multiplier increased from 3 to 5
* Blow Fire multiplier increased from 4 to 8, hits 3 directions simultaneously
* Lick vertical tolerance increased from 0 to 3, now inflicts Protect/Shell in addition to Reflect, can now self-target
* Goo range increased from 1 to 4, area increased from 1v1 to 2v1
* Bad Breath range increased from 0 to 1, vertical tolerance increased from 0 to 2, does not hit allies
* Hurricane area increased from 3v2 to 4v2
* Tail Swing 1-15 damage range increased to 1-25
* Ice Breath now adds Slow (25%)
* Fire Breath now adds Death Sentence (25%)
* Thunder Breath now adds Don't Act (25%)
* Triple Breath is now dark-elemental
* Triple Flame vertical tolerance increased from 0 to 1, multiplier increased from 24 to 28
* Triple Thunder multiplier increased from 12 to 20
* Dark Whisper is no longer dark-elemental


Alex (May 7) - Male Chemist in UBS2
Taishyr (Nov 2) - Male Summoner in UBS3
Gate (Sep 3) - Male Knight in UBS3
Andrew (Nov 3) - Male Thief in Dorter Trade City 2
Soppy (Nov 12) - Male Lancer in North Wall of Bethla Garrison; Male Thief in South Wall of Bethla Garrison
Super (June 17) - Male Knight in Fort Zeakden
C.K. (Apr 4) - Female Ninja in Bervenia Free City
Shale (Sep 9) - Male Wizard in Front Wall of Bethla Garrison
Hinode (Jul 3) - Male Samurai in Murond Death City
Grefter (Apr 22) - Male Knight in Zeklaus Desert
Strago (Mar 7) - Bard in Colierry Underground 2F
Joseph (May 10) - Bard in Germinas Peak
Snow (Jan 11) - Male Oracle in Outside of the Church
Magey (Feb 5) - Male Thief in Grog Hill
OK (Jan 3) - Male Chemist in Germinas Peak
Talaysen (Mar 2) - Bard in Colierry Underground 2F
Richard (May 18) - Male Mediator in Bed Desert
Another (Sep 12) - Male Samurai in Murond Death City
Meeple (Jan 14) - Male Priest in Murond Holy Place
Djinn (Dec 25) - Male Archer in Orbonne Monastary
Ephraim (Jan 24) - Male Squire in Grog Hill
AAA (Jun 23) - Male Mime in Zarghidas Trade City
Nitori (Aug 22) - Male Archer in UBS4
Halbarad (Nov 29) - Male Mediator in Goland Coal City
Yakumo (Aug 18) - Male Monk in Zarghidas Trade City
Brian (Oct 26) - Male Chemist in Lost Sacred Precincts
Xeroma (Oct 25) - Male Ninja in Yardow Fort City
Tide (Dec 19) - Male Bard in Igros Castle
Sage (July 13) - Yellow Chocobo in Finath River
Laggy (Jul 2) - Male Mime in Colierry Underground 1F
m.c. (Feb 11) - Female Calculator in Colierry Underground 1F
Excal (May 15) - Male Knight in Colierry Underground 1F
Ciato (May 8) - Female Geomancer in Colierry Underground 1F
Elfboy (Jan 22) - Female (?) Geomancer in Colierry Underground 1F

-Storyline Encounter Changes-

Chapter 1 Encounters
Magic City Gariland: Unchanged (4 Squires, 1 Chemist)
Mandalia Plains: Unchanged (4 Squires, 1 Thief, 1 Red Panther)
Sweegy Woods: Unchanged (2 Goblins, 1 Black Goblin, 2 Bombs, 1 Red Panther)
Dorter Trade City: Unchanged (1 Knight, 3 Archers, 2 Wizards)
Sand Rat Cellar: Unchanged (3 Knights, 1 Archer, 2 Monks)
Thieves' Fort: Unchanged (Miluda, 3 Thieves, 2 Priests)
Lenalia Plateau: Unchanged (Miluda, 2 Knights, 2 Wizards, 1 Time Mage)
Windmill Shed: Knight replaced with Oracle (Wiegraf, Boco, 2 Monks, 1 Oracle)
Fort Zeakden: Unchanged (Algus, 4 Knights, 2 Wizards)

Chapter 1 Enemy Unit Count
Squire: 8
Chemist: 1
Knight: 10
Archer: 4
Wizard: 6
Priest: 2
Thief: 4
Monk: 4
Time Mage: 1
Oracle: 1

Chapter 2 Encounters
Dorter Trade City 2: Wizards replaced with Time Mages (2 Archers, 1 Thief, 2 Time Mages)
Araguay Woods: 2 Goblins replaced by Gobbledegucks, 1 Goblin replaced by Black Goblin (2 Black Goblins, 2 Gobbledegucks, 2 Goblins)
Zirekile Falls: Unchanged (Gafgarion, 5 Knights)
Zaland Fort City: Archers replaced by Oracles (2 Knights, 2 Oracles, 2 Wizards)
Barius Hill: Knights replaced with Lancers, Archers replaced with Geomancers (2 Lancers, 2 Geomancers, 2 Summoners)
Zigolis Swamp: Unchanged (random)
Goug Machine City: Unchanged (2 Archers, 2 Thieves, 2 Summoners)
Barius Valley: Archers replaced with Priests, Wizards replaced with Oracles (2 Knights, 2 Priests, 2 Oracles)
Golgorand Execution Site: Unchanged (Gafgarion, 3 Knights, 2 Archers, 2 Time Mages)
Gate of Lionel Castle: Knights replaced with Monks (3 Monks, 2 Archers, 1 Summoner)
Inside Lionel Castle: Added 2 Knights (Queklain, 2 Knights)

Chapter 2 Enemy Unit Count
Squire: 0
Chemist: 0
Knight: 14
Archer: 6
Wizard: 2
Priest: 2
Thief: 3
Monk: 3
Time Mage: 4
Oracle: 4
Geomancer: 2
Lancer: 2
Summoner: 5

Chapter 3 Encounters
Goland Coal City: Unchanged (3 Thieves, 2 Chemists, 1 Mediator)
Back Gate of Lesalia: Knights replaced with Geomancers (Zalmo, 3 Geomancers, 2 Monks)
UBS2: Unchanged (3 Lancers, 1 Chemist, 2 Time Mages)
UBS3: Added 1 Summoner (Izlude, 2 Knights, 2 Archers, 2 Summoners)
UBS1: Knights replaced with Geomancers, Wizard replaced with Dancer (Wiegraf, 2 Geomancers, 2 Archers, 1 Dancer)
Grog Hill: Unchanged (2 Squires, 2 Chemists, 1 Archer, 1 Thief)
Yardow Fort City: Unchanged (Malak, 3 Ninjas, 2 Summoners)
Yuguo Woods: Unchanged (2 Wizards, 2 Time Mages, 1 Ghoul, 1 Gust, 1 Revnant)
Gate of Riovanes Castle: Unchanged (Malak, 4 Knights, 3 Archers)
Riovanes Castle: Unchanged (Wiegraf, Velius, 3 Archaic Demons)
Riovanes Rooftop: Unchanged (Elmdor, Celia, Lede)

Chapter 3 Enemy Unit Count
Squire: 2
Chemist: 5
Knight: 6
Archer: 8
Wizard: 2
Priest: 0
Thief: 4
Monk: 2
Time Mage: 4
Oracle: 0
Geomancer: 5
Lancer: 3
Summoner: 5
Mediator: 1
Ninja: 3
Dancer: 1

Chapter 4 Encounters
Doguola Pass: Knight replaced with Samurai, Wizards replaced with Priests, Archer replaced with Monk, added 1 Monk (2 Lancers, 2 Monks, 2 Priests, 1 Samurai)
Bervenia Free City: Added 1 Ninja (Meliadoul, 2 Archers, 2 Summoners, 2 Ninjas)
Finath River: Unchanged (random)
Outside of the Church: Knights replaced with Samurai, added 1 Oracle (Zalmo, 3 Samurai, 3 Oracles)
Bed Desert: Knights replaced with Mediators, Wizard replaced with Time Mage, Archers replaced with Geomancers (Balk, 2 Mediators, 2 Geomancers, 1 Time Mage)
South Wall of Bethla: Knights replaced with Samurai, Archers replaced with Mediators, added 1 Thief (3 Samurai, 2 Mediators, 2 Thieves, 1 Ninja)
North Wall of Bethla: Summoner replaced with Dancer, added 1 Monk (2 Lancers, 2 Archers, 2 Monks, 1 Dancer)
Bethla Sluice: Unchanged (4 Knights, 2 Archers, 2 Wizards)
Germinas Peak: 2 Archers replaced with Chemists, 1 Archer replaced with 1 Bard, added 1 Ninja (2 Thieves, 2 Ninjas, 2 Chemists, 1 Bard)
Poeskas Lake: 1 Archer replaced with 1 Oracle, added 1 Oracle, added 1 Revnant (3 Oracles, 3 Revnants, 1 Archer, 1 Summoner)
Gate of Limberry Castle: Unchanged (Celia, Lede, 4 Apandas)
Inside of Limberry Castle: Unchanged (Elmdor, Celia, Lede)
Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle: Unchanged (Zalera, 2 Knights, 1 Skeleton, 1 Bone Snatch, 1 Living Bone)
Inside of Igros Castle: Unchanged (Dycedarg, Adramelk, 5 Knights)
Murond Holy Place: Unchanged (2 Geomancers, 2 Mediators, 1 Priest, 1 Summoner)
Hall of St. Murond: Unchanged (Vormav, Rofel, Kletian)
Chapel of St. Murond: Unchanged (Zalbag, 2 Archaic Demons, 1 Ultima Demon)
UBS4: Knights replaced with Lancers, added 1 Archer (3 Lancers, 2 Archers, 2 Monks)
UBS5: Wizards replaced with Oracles, Summoners replaced with Priests, added 1 Time Mage (Rofel, 2 Oracles, 2 Priests, 2 Time Mages)
Murond Death City: Unchanged (Kletian, 2 Time Mages, 2 Ninja, 2 Samurai)
Lost Sacred Precincts: Unchanged (Balk, 1 Chemist, 1 Hyudra, 1 Hydra, 1 Tiamat, 1 Dark Behemoth)
Graveyard of Airships 1: Unchanged (Hashmalum)
Graveyard of Airships 2: Unchanged (Altima 1, Altima 2, 4 Ultima Demons)

Chapter 4 Enemy Unit Count
Squire: 0
Chemist: 3
Knight: 11
Archer: 9
Wizard: 2
Priest: 5
Thief: 4
Monk: 6
Time Mage: 6
Oracle: 7
Geomancer: 4
Lancer: 7
Summoner: 4
Mediator: 6
Ninja: 7
Bard: 1
Dancer: 1


Final LFT Enemy Unit Count
Squire: 10
Chemist: 9
Knight: 41
Archer: 27
Wizard: 12
Priest: 9
Thief: 15
Monk: 15
Time Mage: 15
Oracle: 12
Geomancer: 11
Lancer: 12
Summoner: 14
Mediator: 7
Ninja: 10
Samurai: 9
Bard: 1
Dancer: 2

-Easter Egg Encounters-

Rare formations have been tweaked to be more interesting fights, although the classic ones (11 Monks, etc.) were kept, just modified slightly.

Bervenia Volcano
* North entrance rare fight changed to a superfight (hardest in the game, can learn Zodiac, is not fairly designed at all)

Zeklaus Desert
* South entrance rare fight changed to Richard's Revenge and the Flying Morbols

-Where to Find Rare Loot in LFT-
NOTE: These do not include MFI finds.

Zirekile Falls Rare Formation: Dragon Rod, Mace of Zeus
Lenalia Plateau Rare Formation: Whale Whisker, Madlemgen
Fovoham Plains Rare Formation: Ultimus Bow, Yoichi Bow, Perseus Bow
Grog Hill Rare Formation: Snow Muffler, Maximillian
Bervenia Volcano Rare Formation: Blood Lance, Chirijiraden, Paladin Shield
Araguay Woods Rare Formation: Scorpion Tail, Koga Knife
Yuguo Woods Rare Formation: Masamune, Dragon Whisker
Doguola Pass Rare Formation: Holy Lance, Grand Helmet
Bed Desert Rare Formation: Glacier Gun, Ryozan Silk
Germinas Peak Rare Formation: Blaze Gun, Glacier Gun, Blast Gun, Stone Gun
Poeskas Lake Rare Formation: Ivory Rod, Ribbon
Dolbodar Swamp Rare Formation: Sage Staff, Secret Clothes
Zigolis Swamp Rare Formation: Fairy Harp, Dracula Mantle
Super Monster Battle (Barius Hill Rare Formation): More gil than you'll ever need!

Items in orange are war trophies.

Algus (TERMINATE): Maximillian, Grand Helmet, Snow Muffler
Rudvich (DELTA): Masamune, Chicken Knife, Blaze Gun, Glacier Gun, Blast Gun, Mace of Zeus
Zalmo (VALKYRIES): Whale Whisker, Madlemgen, Vanish Mantle, Genji Gauntlet, Faith Rod
Barinten (MLAPAN): Iga Knife, Sasuke Knife, Ultimus Bow, Setiemson, Salty Rage, Cherche, Stone Gun
Izlude (BRIDGE): Holy Lance, Dragon Whisker, Dracula Mantle, Cursed Ring, Perseus Bow
Funeral (TIGER): Fairy Harp, Ryozan Silk, Secret Clothes, Venetian Shield
Larg/Goltana (VOYAGE): Defender, Save the Queen, Ragnarok, Genji Shield, Genji Helmet, Genji Armor, Kaiser Plate
Zodiacs (HORROR): Scorpion Tail
Elidibs (END): (one-time fight) Nagrarock, Excalibur, Cachusha, Barette, Maximillian (x2), Chantage (x2)
Tiny Ko Army (END): Ribbon, Barette, Cachusha
Wundertwins (END): Chantage, Setiemson, Salty Rage, Cherche, Materia Blade
Elder Brother (END): Nagrarock
Altimas (END): FS Bag

-MFI Changes-
The panel locations of MFI treasure is unchanged throughout the game. They have been more or less improved substantially across the board with the exception of the DD.



Welcome to the forums, LFT!

Unfortunately, I can't play it right now, but maybe this summer...
Anyhow, I support this.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Welcome to the forums! Happy to have you here and I'll have to play later ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Hey, Laggy!  Welcome to FFH.

This patch owns*.

*I am totally biased but there you have it.



I have downloaded the Eboot (for portable gameplay) and i shall play through and give you any feedback.



The PSP EBOOT is slightly out of date, actually. I think it's one version behind. I'll contact the person who made it to see if he can't create an updated image.

Thanks for the warm reception!


Quote from: Laggy on May 16, 2011, 08:37:06 pm
The PSP EBOOT is slightly out of date, actually. I think it's one version behind. I'll contact the person who made it to see if he can't create an updated image.

There is no need to do that. I will have an updated EBOOT uploaded in a while using the ISO given above. I'm happy to help.


I think in order to keep this looking at least a little more organized, you should group up the information in spoiler tags.

Otherwise, welcome to FFH, where all your dreams don't exist.


That'd be awesome, although the pre-patched ISO also is pre 4/04 patch, I'm afraid. I tend to fall behind in keeping the pre-patched downloads up to date (as I don't maintain them and other people were kind enough to provide them for me.)

Re: spoiler tags. I can get around to doing that, though most of the formal documentation is in the reference documents and what's on the post is supposed to be a more brief overview. It does look cluttered from virtue of being a virtual notepad for a while, though.


May 17, 2011, 12:52:38 am #10 Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 03:55:23 am by Eternal248
Quote from: Laggy on May 17, 2011, 12:32:46 am
That'd be awesome, although the pre-patched ISO also is pre 4/04 patch, I'm afraid. I tend to fall behind in keeping the pre-patched downloads up to date (as I don't maintain them and other people were kind enough to provide them for me.)

wish you would have told me that sooner.....xD

took longer than expected but here ya go

EDIT BY ETERNAL: Removed the ISO link.


Laggy, please remove the links to the isos and eboot files, as they promote piracy.
Phaze, please remove your link in your previous post also.

Thanks in advance - Twin.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Twinees on May 17, 2011, 01:17:47 am
Laggy, please remove the links to the isos and eboot files, as they promote piracy.
Phaze, please remove your link in your previous post also.

Thanks in advance - Twin.


May 17, 2011, 03:56:24 am #13 Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 04:03:55 am by Eternal248
Removed Laggy's and Phaze's link to avoid legality issues. Carry on, folks. :D
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


May 17, 2011, 04:45:23 pm #14 Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 10:42:44 pm by Phaze
@Eternal248 I'm sorry about the ISO problem

@Laggy The game is great. I haven't played very far but the only problem i've seen is that the Panther's sprite glitches whenever it uses steal heart.


If there are any mechanics you guys originally wanted to do, but couldn't because of hard-coding, please tell any of our ASMers.  We'd love to help you resolve such problems.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


I think I'll give a Mediator SCC a try. Won't be able to record it though. =\
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Is there a link to the main LFT page to report bugs?  Found several.  Or should I just list them here?
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.



Hey, I've been playing this patch for a time, now (60 hours), and I must say that's awesome! So addicting!

The changes are absolutely good. Not so strong, not so common... I love No-Charge. It's awesome to cast instant Meteors, haha! (But it's a pain in the ass if the enemie Charm you... Not that good to receive an instant Meteor from yourself!)

Now I'm searching for the rare loot. I just entered Bervenia Volcano ramdonly, and then I found a super hard battle, with equipments that even don't exist. A confused pope (that was what seemed to me) and a paladin whose sprit resembles Delita. Unfortunately, my party wasn't prepared to that -- it was my first time at Bervenia and I still didn't know the strength of the monster there...

But congratulations, by the time LFT is the MOST IMPRESSIVE AND GOOD hack that I ever played for FFT.

Actually, I don't know why this topic is so... quiet. Guess people don't give a try on this patch.