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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Quote from: Barren on September 19, 2016, 08:49:49 am
FFT Arena 1.4a - dw6561 (Jumping the Gun) vs Shintroy (Spin to Win)

FFT Arena 1.4a - Heroebal (Mimes from Hell) vs Reksar (Unnamed Collab Team)

God damn did heroebal show exactly what the dangers of a dancy singy mimy team was. gg Heroebal. I am no way mad about this one at all. I definately submit this win to you! Congrats!~

also to Barren about the team set-up. I mostly set the paladin up so that slowly he would gain stronger power. The brave 70 was meant so that when he did attack his weapon would become deadly. Basically my paladin was similar to reks' jumping dancer of doom. just starting from a far lower level. Where hers would one hit rather quickly. mine would take some more time to charge up. During which time his lay on hands would get stronger. I didn't want him don't acted so i went with defender over chaos blade due to me feeling that 1 WP would not have mattered much in the end all calculations. The Overwhelm to bolster both healing and hurt from him. if we only had the chance to actually let go of all that charge those wiznabus built onto us. Ahh well. This is the team i feel is most "complete". just the odds were so heavily against us. I wonder if that doublestrike mime glitch will be patched... or if its running as intended. i am not currently sure.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


Heaven's Cloud/Spin Fist vs Unothodox Balanced Team
If DW can get a unit into critical things will go smoothly for her, if not then I'll just derp it out. I'm interested in seeing how that Archer's AI acts. He has Hawk's Eye SP*WP, Jump WP*PA, and a spellgun WP*X+faith. Probably won't see a jump unless he has a lot of range.

R1 - Great start for DW. Took a mime down at the start. Not sure how her units cornered themselves. It'd be a shame if my team started spinning.

R2 - Looks like a large map to me as well. It can be considered medium since it takes 1-2 turns to reach the other team for the average unit. My team doesn't have the range advantage so DW should get some status and damage before mine gets in. +3-5 PA on each unit at the start. Pretty good. It'd be a shame if my team took advantage of this and started spinning.

Paired to different kinds of derp. DW's interesting and sometimes derpy units vs a simple yet effective and borderline borderline brain dead strategy. GG either way. Thanks for the vid Barren.

Berserk Mime vs Balance Team
I always bet on mimes, but this time I'll bet on these Heroebal losing since his mimes are berserked. We'll probably see the berserk bug at some point.

R1 - A surprisingly easy win for Reks and Corosar. Can't really say it was due to the map since Heroebal have wiznibus and battle song for large maps.

R2 - Another convincing win. Pretty disappointed in how easily the Reks/Corosar team went down. There was definitely almost a comeback at the end as Barren said, but Last Dance sealed it.

Some day my people will be free.


September 20, 2016, 03:43:59 am #4962 Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 02:15:52 pm by Heroebal
That 1st map reminds me of a dodge ball game with the sunlight splitting up the middle of the room like that. AI didn't care for traditional dodge ball rules though. Pretty potent offense coming from Shintroy's spinarooni's, bad luck on the 2nd map with dw sleeping her own allies. DW units also kept bundling themselves up for Shintroy units to go ham. GG

Charm could have been bad for me, luckily it wasn't too damaging. Yeah wiznaibus is kind of there as kind of a defensive tactic as well keeping the enemy units busy healing themselves (which is not likely to save them...) instead of attacking my units. I have no haste/slow available so last dance is to help compensate for that if need be. GG Corosar/Reks

One thing I forgot to mention is that Mimes From Hell can easily backfire on me. As sometimes the mimes will glitch and get stuck on the sing/dance/item animations when they attack...rendering them useless.


September 22, 2016, 09:51:34 pm #4964 Last Edit: September 22, 2016, 09:56:57 pm by Corosar
Quote from: TrueLight on September 22, 2016, 05:14:30 pm
FFT Arena 1.4A - Corosar (DragonShock Warriors) vs. Dw6561 (Deathly Lancer)

FFT Arena 1.4A - Barren (Anima Zero's Favorites) vs. Silentkaster (CT5's Favorite)

Round 1 was a perfect display of just exactly what i was planning. it had me hyped to see how much further it could go.

Round 2 became an endurance match. I was hoping my turns lined up so that i could actually stop the sandbagging... but nope.. i was actually very happy with that loss... except for one itty bitty thing... GOD DAMN LANCER THROWING SPELLS AT MY BARD TO REFLECT THEM ACROSS THE MAP EVEN WHEN THE BARD WAS IN THE DIRT. wow god damn it AI why you have to math!!!

Round 3 ended the same way as round 2. though alot quicker... the petrification is killer on my team.. and only my scholar can cancel it... because its so rare... i feel its not that big of a concern.

GG DW definitely got the win there... and i am more than happy with this team. it was far more effective then i expected it to be.

also... lifts hands up in the air DWAGGGGONNNSSSS!~~~
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


Quote from: TrueLight on September 22, 2016, 05:14:30 pm
FFT Arena 1.4A - Corosar (DragonShock Warriors) vs. Dw6561 (Deathly Lancer)

FFT Arena 1.4A - Barren (Anima Zero's Favorites) vs. Silentkaster (CT5's Favorite)

Nice job Barren. Apparently, I lost the touch in making CT5's favorites! They were good in 1.39 but haven't fared as well this time around. Oh well. Just gotta think harder. Good match...it was close for a while in R3.)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


September 23, 2016, 12:40:42 pm #4967 Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 03:49:54 pm by Corosar
Quote from: Barren on September 23, 2016, 10:38:57 am
FFT Arena 1.4a - Corosar (Dragonshock Warriors) vs Alfa (Xcom)

FFT Arena 1.4a - CT5Holy (Tag!) vs dw6561 (Effective Weirdness)

Round 1. God damn all that MA buildup. I counted. at the end of the round... the bard had 25MA and the scholar had 22MA if i am correct that would be around 300 raw dmg bahamuts and 140 raw dmg Thunderflares (thunder strengthen + magic attack up increase MA to 35). I... never seen any stats get that high before. i was actually hoping for something like that to come out.. i am sorry Alfa...

Round 2. Whelp... i kinda deserved that after round 1. Status is always gonna be this teams greatest downfall. always. i had to give up protections to them in order to maximize damage output. shows how much of an issue it could be.

Round 3. I am so so lucky that Dragon spirit went off. With everyone's brave being at 40 all the reaction skills are not gonna be perfectly common. If i did put brave up to 70 sure i would get more reactions.. but i would not have survived that crossbow shot. GG alfa that was a good match. I am sorry your team had to be the first one to have to go against that. i think i am starting to get a grasp of 1.4 though.

I think i may add that Bio suggestion. With the fact MA is constantly increasing on my team it would not need Cure 3 on that scholar. Originally i wanted to put raise.. but with the idea of needing to oil. yea i think i am gonna go with that. I think i figured it out with my team. Large maps work fine because it gives time for the bard to charge up while laying hits on the enemy. while small maps are too clustered to avoid the bahamuts. I think only medium maps are gonna be a bit of a pain with this team.

Edit: just went to check the team... i would have to drop a spell to give the scholar Bio. as it stands decreasing Cure 3 to cure 2 only gives 50 jp. and the scholar is capped at 3000. i am short 50 at the moment. and the rest of the skills are vital to the build. dang. only thing i can think of is switching out dragon spirit. but i am afraid that it may mess up with the backup plan of it going off.

I think i need a nap still. i have not slept enough today and just happened to see a vid was available when i got back from a small errand. when i get back. i think i am gonna rebuild my rock dropping team. I need at least three teams for variety sakes. and i rather my thunderbolt and dragons team not be the only thing i have active at this time.

also congrats on the new laptop. it seems to be doing really well!~
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


Couldn't handle the AoE...bad rng on my end and too much  AoE bombardment did it.

Also being locked out of concentrate kinda sucks for my thief there. Also I might want to swap her move-MP Up for HP up so that she doesn't hang out in the corner so often.

  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


Quote from: Barren on September 26, 2016, 10:56:07 am
FFT Arena 1.4a - Corosar (Rocks 2.0) vs TrueLight (Thunderstruck)

FFT Arena 1.4a - silentkaster (Barren's Favorite) vs Argy (Bags, Bags, Bags)

Speed and status... my two biggest banes. I just never stood a chance.

PS: Barren.. YES i know its not my team in this one.. i am simply perfectly countered by truelight. I be more mad at myself if it wasn't truelight kicking my ass. It was more the fact that it was a lingering at 0 wins that was bothering me so much. Since that first win of the season. my spirit has been far higher. GG truelight. Proving yourself to be one of the best team builders.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


Quote from: Corosar on September 23, 2016, 12:40:42 pm

Round 1. God damn all that MA buildup. I counted. at the end of the round... the bard had 25MA and the scholar had 22MA if i am correct that would be around 300 raw dmg bahamuts and 140 raw dmg Thunderflares (thunder strengthen + magic attack up increase MA to 35). I... never seen any stats get that high before. i was actually hoping for something like that to come out.. i am sorry Alfa...

Round 2. Whelp... i kinda deserved that after round 1. Status is always gonna be this teams greatest downfall. always. i had to give up protections to them in order to maximize damage output. shows how much of an issue it could be.

Round 3. I am so so lucky that Dragon spirit went off. With everyone's brave being at 40 all the reaction skills are not gonna be perfectly common. If i did put brave up to 70 sure i would get more reactions.. but i would not have survived that crossbow shot. GG alfa that was a good match. I am sorry your team had to be the first one to have to go against that. i think i am starting to get a grasp of 1.4 though.

I think i may add that Bio suggestion. With the fact MA is constantly increasing on my team it would not need Cure 3 on that scholar. Originally i wanted to put raise.. but with the idea of needing to oil. yea i think i am gonna go with that. I think i figured it out with my team. Large maps work fine because it gives time for the bard to charge up while laying hits on the enemy. while small maps are too clustered to avoid the bahamuts. I think only medium maps are gonna be a bit of a pain with this team.

Edit: just went to check the team... i would have to drop a spell to give the scholar Bio. as it stands decreasing Cure 3 to cure 2 only gives 50 jp. and the scholar is capped at 3000. i am short 50 at the moment. and the rest of the skills are vital to the build. dang. only thing i can think of is switching out dragon spirit. but i am afraid that it may mess up with the backup plan of it going off.

I think i need a nap still. i have not slept enough today and just happened to see a vid was available when i got back from a small errand. when i get back. i think i am gonna rebuild my rock dropping team. I need at least three teams for variety sakes. and i rather my thunderbolt and dragons team not be the only thing i have active at this time.

also congrats on the new laptop. it seems to be doing really well!~

Oh no need to apologize! My teams are meant to be tested on! Team: Xcom needs to be fixed which is all! I need all my teams to be tested eventually and I'm glad you're finding some success in Arena! I learn a lot from my losses, especially with my teams that are fun or under optimized.

Damn that Distribute/MA build up was totally awesome and badass! I'm glad to see you got some mileage out of your team! I was even surprised to win Round 2. I definitely have to change how XCom operates, I'll probably move it into a WiP state until I feel like it's actually done!

Oh yeah Round 3, that clutch Dragon Spirit was so awesome! As soon as I saw it go off,  was like.. "uh oh" Sometimes you just have to pray to the RNGeezus and hope that you get exactly what you need. :) Either way GGWP!
  • Modding version: PSX
Lijj is the best! If you don't know, now you know!
~Elite Romanda Gunner~


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Barren on October 05, 2016, 06:11:29 am
FFT Arena 1.4a - Anima Zero (Seraphic Earth) vs Reks (DAMARGE)

Reks - Today at 8:25 AM
Certainly owned me, though I've got a few things about that match that I noticed:

Hard to do anything against a dedicated Draw Out user and no proper M-EV

Oracle used Regen all the time, Scholar didn't use it once. Possibly because of Mad Science?

AI derped on me yet again. Climb the damn buildings, Archer.

Ultima is fun... But Chiri is just all around 100% more efficient. Sure, it can be evaded, but Ultima is slow as fuck for a 1 AoE spell.

Flare damage was pretty good. No qualms there.

Kinda wish I had a better weapon choice for the Paladin, but alas.

GG Anima. Good team, and I'm only a little salty.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: Reks on October 05, 2016, 02:24:05 pm
Reks - Today at 8:25 AM
Certainly owned me, though I've got a few things about that match that I noticed:

Hard to do anything against a dedicated Draw Out user and no proper M-EV

Oracle used Regen all the time, Scholar didn't use it once. Possibly because of Mad Science?

AI derped on me yet again. Climb the damn buildings, Archer.

Ultima is fun... But Chiri is just all around 100% more efficient. Sure, it can be evaded, but Ultima is slow as fuck for a 1 AoE spell.

Flare damage was pretty good. No qualms there.

Kinda wish I had a better weapon choice for the Paladin, but alas.

GG Anima. Good team, and I'm only a little salty.

This is one of the reasons why i am often more hating of myself then anything else. I always feel like the units are never doing exactly what i need them to do. Because of how i design my units i am almost always trying to make redundancy in my team for keeping them alive. Revive for me is the exact problem i have with my units refusing to actually revive when its the most important thing for me to have them to do. This is what made me salty so much recently with this patch. The redundant design i had before worked better before for me... but now the AI never seemed to work with my plans.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


October 17, 2016, 03:27:35 pm #4976 Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 03:50:49 pm by Corosar
Quote from: Barren on October 17, 2016, 01:52:19 pm
FFT Arena 1.4a - Corosar (The Librarians) vs mrbrain600 (tacticians)

FFT Arena 1.4a - Alfa (Arena Preliminary Team) vs Anima Zero (Frozen in Time)

Huge response in the spoiler tag. after you watch the match mrbrain i left a small message at the end for you. more as a welcome to FFTA i hope you enjoy your stay here at least.

---analysis retort--- because i feel this is a bit of a big thing for me. but the key reason i wanted to go books only is because the books themselves are not used often enough. I figured since there are four of them i create a team solely using books. try and see if i can base characters around their uses. the zombie inflicting book (Necronomicon) i forgot inflicted zombie. so i really should take zombie off the occultist. Also i have noticed alot with my teams that no matter what i do. eventually my units decide to use their weapons. i decided to scrap the idea of having them rely totally on the books and instead use skills that augment them and make them useful as a backup weapon (which is why they have so much to do each). because i knew they were gonna use them without my consent weither i wanted to or not.

---Round 1---
Ouch!.. sorry about that mrbrain. but i think i just showed the reason why i am so deathly afraid of status effects. even though often i don't protect... against... t... them.. hmm but usually i have more than one way of removing most ailments simply out of fear of something like that ending up happening to me.

---Round 2---
AHHA! just as i expected. The mages of course used their main weapon when they clearly had better methods of dealing with their targets. just as i expected of them. but at least we got to see two books go off. 4 mages on a team are just... so much damage. so much aoe... all of them can revive and half of them can either regain mana for the team or remove status effects. i feel kinda bad that my team ran through this so quickly. though it does kinda remind me of me back when i started almost a year ago....

---Ending thoughts---

GG mrbrain. i feel that you have a good chance of turning this team into something viable. its just gonna take a bit of time to learn how the system works and such. Make sure to try and do the math calculations if you can understand the mathematical formulas. it helps more than i care to admit. you be surprised how many characters i scrap simply because i expect them to deal around a base damage of 180+ but end up only calculating about a 60-70. i say the increase is safeguards may be a good idea to help out personally. Esuna, Heal and stigma magic will help with status effects for example. and remember that raise 2 has a far lower chance of hitting then raise 1. often you wanna get them up more than you want them at full health. at least from my experiences but also remember i am far from an expert. You would most likely learn more by going to the team building guide here if you need any info on quirks FFTA has and how the ai loves not doing what you want it to do. do note though. its a bit outdated with some things being mentioned that don't exist anymore.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22

Anima Zero

Watching this match made me realize my team seems to do best on medium & large maps.  On small maps, I have to land some early status ailments or I tend to run into trouble, especially if the enemy team has AoE users, hence why I lost the first round.

Still, my team did their job well in the following rounds and won the match.  GG!

As for my Chemist...she has Hi-Potion simply due to JP limits.  Could fix it if I swapped out Ignore Height for Maintenance.  She can then take out Hi-Potion and get X Potion and also have an extra 100 JP to toss into another ailment curing item.  Will probably do that here at some point today.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4


For those that are not sure of what my stance is on FFTA right now.. currently i am of the mindset that this patch is... not good for my self esteem and i am not sure what to fix. I have not changed much of my development of my teams.. yet i have seen a drop of win/loss ratio far beyond the scope of what i expect to happen. This patch we are in i currently stand at a 17% win ratio.. Down from 37% in 1.39 For me this is unacceptable and there must be a major factor throwing me off somewhere.. either one i can control or one that is unable to do so because of the key atomic structure of the universe. what i do doesn't seem to help.. and i refuse to "use meta" as i find it as a cop out way of earning wins. no offense to those that actually use it. but i rather find and exploit the weaknesses and strengths of units on the field. try things that would scratch the heads of everyone.. and when i find those rare moments where i do get to show these faults.. it makes me proud. its what i did in 1.39 its why i refuse to use speed teams. trying to make up for strange tactics that i use to know the AI used (IE the team that self buffs and heals itself. For me.. a very proud moment when i saw all those 1MA on my team from actions i predicted and were completely out there compared to what is normally used) but recently i can't crack the AI of 1.4 at all. i learn from trial and error.. but when 80% of the time.. i feel the teams are literal perfect counters to what i have.. i find i can't solve the issue without breaking what i intended with the team. and please don't get me started on what i consider rather bullshit about the revival system that i know must of changed from back in 1.39 and don't anyone say it hasn't.. because i know for sure.. that units that revived before don't anymore in the situations that i knew they would do so. this is one of the key things that enrage me beyond a belief.. is when i know that the AI is acting off for what it should be doing.

I am not blaming anyone for my shortcomings.. more blaming circumstances... and as such.. should my luck not turn upright for me in the coming matches.. i may have to take a temporary leave to clear my head.. find out something to quell the cloud in my mind for this game.. and return later. I will however keep up with this.. because ... i love tactic games a bit too much.. but it be mostly responding to my matches. or updating the teams i already have. when the next patch comes.. sure i will throw a few more teams up.. but i feel my tournament days are over.. till i feel i am able to do so without becoming a laughing stock. which i currently feel i have become.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22