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Souls of Destiny: Full 4 chapter update patch

Started by CONMAN, November 15, 2012, 10:37:44 pm


Sorry, I don't really have much to add at this point.  I was going off the deep end for a bit with importing/tweaking music from other games.  I needed to cool off for a bit.

My thought process on this was to complete about 4/5 events and finish a battle series.  That's my current plan for a 3.5 release.  I've been back to it recently, but not a lot of work since my last post unfortunately.
  • Modding version: PSX


So I have sort of still been working on this mod thing of mine.  I keep getting side tracked and pulled into weird side ideas instead of the actual story line battles.  My most recent thing has been messing with the "deep dungeon" and swapping out old music tracks for new ones.

I still really need to make some changes to positioning and locations of units (and a bunch of special skill sets too). Seriously setting up 40 random battles takes a minute.

On the other side, spending years modding a game has made me absolutely sick of a lot this game's music (even though it is mostly great.)  I feel like I am practically tone-deaf and our current music converter seems to make some weird changes sometimes.  I have spent a fair amount of time hex editing several songs bit-by-bit altering the speed and instrument selections to some up with some fairly nice sounding versions. 

Enough jibber-jabber... here is a video with some "cave of illusions" battle themes and sound selections.
1:Frog theme
2: FF6 Fierce Battle(Atma)
3: FF4 Boss
4: FF2 Magicians Tower
5: Mother: Battle with a dangerous Foe
6: FF5 Battle on the Bridge (Gilgamesh)
7: FF5 Exdeath
8: Chrono Trigger World Revolution

  • Modding version: PSX


April 01, 2018, 06:02:10 pm #82 Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 10:31:55 pm by CONMAN
I'm making a post to challenge myself here.  I intend to have my 3.5 beta patch out in 60 days from this posting. 

I keep farting around on side stuff and amusing myself with little things.  I feel like I should have a little something more to show for the time since my last release.  I'm determined to not let my patch be yet another that just fades away and never materializes like it could.

Heavy event work needs to be on my plate.

edit: giving myself a day or two more before I do this.  Dead set on having something more to play soon.
  • Modding version: PSX


Souls of Destiny 3.5 release!

Firstly 3 and ½ chapters of new story content!

10 new songs and including most of the random battle music!

About 130ish changed random battles (Most available directions available minus rares)

32/40 deep dungeon randoms changed.  Floors are now unlocked via victory not panels!

Nine side quests both one shot and multi-battle events!

Yeah! I finally am posting an update of my weird alternate universe story patch!  It's more Beta than I would prefer, but still this is a lot of game play!  As noted above, the deep dungeon (cave of illusion) isn't complete, but it is a fun playground for the first 8 levels.  It's got a new cast of characters and the not-so-secret-characters are fun and different.  A bunch of fun side quest bosses and probably way too many obvious marvel comics characters...

Any way, give it a spin and tell me what you think!
  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Great work, CONMAN! I'm super excited to be able to try it out. :)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Thanks for the comments!  I've just been chugging along for a good long time.  I've got good enough skills at spriting/eventing and enough knowledge of most of our great tools here to eventually complete my own full mod (eventually).

Honestly just about anyone with enough will to spend the time could do exactly as I have on this site.  Of course, I have had a big advantage over the older mod attempts here due to the ever increasing pool of good tools here.  I remember a bunch of old changes I had made that were finding hex addresses and changing bit by bit and now I can simply make a few changes in a spreadsheet and I'm good to go!

I figured I would take a week or so off from messing with this thing, but the next day I finally worked on a title screen (not in the release  :roll:) and started hunting some new music!  I keep making little goals and this thing keeps moving.
  • Modding version: PSX

Andre Pratama

I have played until chapter 3 although are is there bug in chapter 2 Zirekile , simon speaks endlessly, i got away.  use gameshark, Lots of amazing new skill

Sorry my english is bad
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks for the tip Andre!  I'm going to need to run through this patch again catching stuff.  The more notes I get, the better.
  • Modding version: PSX


Started trying my hand at some map edits recently.  I really feel like Lesalia should be heavily represented in this game- I mean it's the freaking capital! 

Started trying to turn the inside riovanese map into gold hall map.  I still am puzzling over changes that need to be made to make it a worth while battle map.  I have various parts just hanging in the air, because I might still change some of these unique textures into other things- like possibly some thrones or something.  I'm going to get rid of the water currently in the room or maybe change it into something that alternates it's appearance. 

What they say about map editing is true- not technically hard but tedious work...
  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


Valkirst, you need to get a hold of two tools on the website here: Ganesha and map2gl.  Basically Ganesha is the real map editor and map2gl works as a quick way to double check your changes.

Elric has an excellent post on the tutorial page and being able to copy/paste map parts is huge!

Gomtuu, (Ganesha master) has an instruction page that covers things pretty well:

Some of gomtuu's instructions weren't clear at first to me, but a little tinkering around and I'm sure you'll get it!
  • Modding version: PSX


Twinees also made a update to Ganesha a while back to add some more functions and make Ganesha itself, be in color
  • Modding version: PSX


Not sure if I want to toy with this much more than I have.  It's mostly what I want.  The blue floor doesn't look great and the map ended up looking sort of blocky.  I have changed all the terrain data height/slope/ground type and made sure the map looks right from all sides.  I'll post the map files if anyone wants them.

Once I sort of figured out what I was doing, I started thinking bigger of course  :P!  What I really want to try out is turning Germinas peak into a volcanic peak! We'll see what happens
  • Modding version: PSX


Felt like showing off my work so far on making volcano peak map.  It's in the very early stages of course and eventually I would really like it to less obviously look like I just screwed around with regular bervenia map.  I'm shooting for an impassable rock in one corner, only a few little rocks jutting up in the middle of the lava, a little bridge on one end (with even fewer stepping stones. This is getting a lot easier now that I understand ganesha a little better.
  • Modding version: PSX


I think this puppy is good to go.  This edited Bervenia map is the same size as the original, so it could outright replace the normal map in game or could be popped in somewhere else with Xifanie's ISO manager.  I haven't checked it out yet it game but all the tiles and have been adjusted for proper height/geomancy type and such.
  • Modding version: PSX


Wow Conman! This awesome, I'm definitely going to mess around with this. Don't know what will come of it, but it seems fun.  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


I started replaying this mod recently because I forgot to transfer my emulator and saves onto a new computer.  While trying to make another sweep through fixing, I got irritated about the fact that I was using the thieves fort map as a front yard.  Really the map options for what I wanted where really limited... Rather than finishing sprites or doing more productive things, I figured I would make a decent map.

I figured making the first battle map of the game a new one would be a good first step towards making it feel fresher.  I'll post the files when I am finished, but here is what I have:
  • Modding version: PSX


Well here is the completed map.  I have the zip file for it below.  While unlikely that anyone would want it, I figured I would put it out here anyway.  I have tested this in game and it is all ready to roll.
  • Modding version: PSX


Noice. Ill throw it somewhere in Jot5 for use in some Marks or something. Good job.
  • Modding version: PSX