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Hard Mode DLC

Started by C1REX, September 17, 2021, 06:59:55 pm


September 17, 2021, 06:59:55 pm Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 08:44:09 pm by C1REX

I recently made my simplest patch ever and I'm happy with it.

The main idea was to make Hard Mode as if it would be unlockable in vanilla game or as an official DLC. Possibly little changes to make it feel official. There is few balancing changes like an official patch would do. I left 90% of broken stuff but enemies can use them as well.
The game is not very hard at all as it would never be if made by squaresoft. Definitely harder but still not hard for experienced player.

Main changes in Hard Mode

- all enemies in event battles have double of base game levels. End game fights have lvl99 enemies instead of lvl50.
- all enemies have 80-100 Brave and 80-100 faith for casters. Casters hit hard with good hit%.
- more enemies have good combination of skills like item, auto potion, counter, double sword, move hpUp, atkUP etc.
- enemies have better gear including perfumes
- human enemies have more jobs and skills unlocked.
- Move +1,2,3 and all move+1 items are removed - this makes ranged units waaay more viable and close range unit weaker.
- Calculator is replaced with dark knight with mediocre stats
- weaker jobs are much stronger now making all enemies dangerous.
- all monsters have added +10 to speed, PA and MA multiplier
- some bosses join you after battle - including the zodiac secret boss - Serpentarius

Balancing patch:
- all monsters are a bit stronger
- Charge is twice faster. Charge+20 is CT12 instead of CT35
- crossbows are stronger and with better range
- Wish skill has 3 range like other Ramza's skills.
- Ultima spell is strong now.
- Shields have better stats
- Chemist can use crossbows
- Archers are very strong now.
- Range attacks are generally much more viable now.
- knights have better shields and break skill have very high success rate and do damage. Deadly unit in close range and hard to kill.
- Priest have hit% improved and CT reduced for most skills.
- Wizard's less popular skills like frog, poison and death are vastly improved (lowered CT and higher hit%)
- Oracle hit rate is improved. Especially for HP and MP drain skills making this job a wizard version of a dark knight.
- Thief has move5 and hit rate improved. Steal heart is very strong now.
- Geomancer's skills are stronger now.
- Ninja lost initiate two swords.

Probably few other changes I don't remember.

Generally previously weak jobs are very strong now. Even mediator is as viable as ninja, lancer or monk in my opinion.

Game feels and plays like vanilla. Just a bit harder and some bosses join after battle as a new reward for playing hard mode.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


How about bringing back the lost monster types such as Panthers and Dryads?
  • Modding version: WotL
  • Discord username: Abashi76