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September 20, 2024, 09:01:32 pm


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[OLD] FFT - The Lion War Initial Discussion Thread

Started by 3lric, December 23, 2013, 11:36:50 pm


I can respect that! are the things pending game breaking? is it possible to help test? I have 4 weeks off work coming up and I'd like to spend a solid chunk gaming deep into the night!


What versions of FFTactext, FFTorgASM, Shishi, and FFTPatcher (or other important programs) are you guys using to create this masterpiece? Looks awesome btw, I've read through this 3 times so far. Interesting what all you guys can do/have accomplished!


.482 for FFTP and .457 for tactext.

Versions of orgASM and Shishi are irrelevant.

And thank you.

  • Modding version: PSX


I've been inactive a long, long time, and hearing the news about the Android version being released made me want to play FFT again. However looking at reviews of the droid version it seems it's, expectedly, a mediocre port. Which is why I thought of returning to the place where dreams come true :) True enough I see this. I'm really excited to playing this patch on my PSX emulator for my Android, and I have no doubt it will leaps and bounds better than the port Square released.

And OMG, it even has Ashley Riot!

I just want to let you guys know you're doing an awesome job, and am looking very much forward to its release :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Yeah. I cant wait to build all over this when they're done. going on an event spree =]


Haha, thanks guys. This will indeed come out. The focus is more on Jot5 Re-release and Ch2 currently. Then we will do what I can to get this wrapped up.
  • Modding version: PSX


Nice :) I was about to play WOTL KO on PSP, but I'd probably hold off and wait for this, but only because 1. PSP emulation is laggy on my phone, and 2. Ashley effin' Riot!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Can't wait to try this when it's done or before if possible lol


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Same as last time, still working on Jot5, had some life issues get in the way for a few months (as everyone does) but that'll never stop me, just slows me down. Once Ch1 re-release and Ch2 are out, TLW will follow very shortly.
  • Modding version: PSX


Is there going to be a download for this soon? I like the idea of combining the PSX and PSP version of the game added together. I just hope it works well by the time its ready to be played
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Elric on January 11, 2016, 03:18:32 am
Same as last time, still working on Jot5, had some life issues get in the way for a few months (as everyone does) but that'll never stop me, just slows me down. Once Ch1 re-release and Ch2 are out, TLW will follow very shortly.

Also... what are you implying by:
Quote from: Barren on March 12, 2016, 08:50:14 am
I just hope it works well by the time its ready to be played

Of course it'll work well... I'm f***ing Elric, not to mention Xifanie and Angel are both on the team as well...
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on March 12, 2016, 10:39:43 am
Also... what are you implying by:
Of course it'll work well... I'm f***ing Elric, not to mention Xifanie and Angel are both on the team as well...

Lol that's the Elric I know who works his ass off. And yea it's good to know that you got back up with you
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


If you make Malak and Rafa usefull, i'm all for it.
Those two are the only special job type that are downright the worst of the gang you can get.
Even Meladioul, that is very situational, is a much better special job than those two.


TLW is a base image. It adds in content from WotL, and fixes a few small bugs/typos, but aside from that, we wont be making job changes (aside from some NG+ stuff)
  • Modding version: PSX


Glad to hear you are still devoting some time to this project! It's at the top of my to-play list.

Quick question: how difficult would it be to add the WOTL script and dialog to The Lion War? And broadly speaking, how would I do it? Is there a way for me to integrate the text from FFT Complete into your patch, or have the two patches forked enough that this is no longer easily doable?


Well, the fact that TLW actually adds the bonus scenes and FFT:C does not, as well as the fact that the entire game has been restructured via attack.out and TEST.EVT. I'm going to go ahead and say no, you wouldn't be doing that in any easy manner. Even for someone who knows exactly how to do that, it would take quite a while. And since I hate the WotL translation, I definitely won't be doing that myself
  • Modding version: PSX


That's what I'd figured. Thanks for the fast response and for clarifying.

I happen to like the WOTL translation, silly though its Faux-Olde English may be. But if push came to shove, I'd take the added content over the pseudo-Shakespeare any day of the week. Looking forward to the next release of your patch.


While playing through a challenge run, I found a glitch/bug whatever in Vanilla that I never noticed before: Float (either as a Movement ability or when equipped with Float Boots) don't work properly for Squad 2 in the Velius battle.  I haven't tested this very extensively, but as far as I can tell this is the only Movement-based ability that doesn't work.


I don't even know how that could be a thing, let alone test for it O_o
  • Modding version: PSX