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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


I can do something about those matches tonight if not tomorrow and I should have it up within that time frame
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Thanks Barren...

And I had an error on my computer while editing Thieves Guild and it didn't save so while re-editing I forgot to change the one unit. It is fixed now.

Sorry if someone already was working with them :(
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Hey guys,

Xifanie is awesome and made it so that the Arena thread can now delete their own posts :)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


*sigh*. Screw summon magic wizards. Fail me every single time I attempt to run one. But yeah, silentkaster really only won because of Counter Magic. It seemed like it triggered every single time, too. Gonna need to redesign that whole team pronto; the damage they do just ain't cutting it for my liking.


Thanks for the matches Truelight!! :)
Counter Magic did stuff...holy crap. I think that the first round was sealed with the petrified ninja. Second Round I won when dancer and ninja got stuck in sandbag loops. GG Otabo.

I will have to rework this entire squad. I was afraid of the two res. thieves going down first. That is exactly what happened. GG Andante

RNG funzies! These guys haven't won a match yet :( but they did really well regardless. I think if Mimic Daravon hit in Round 3 I would have had a much better shot. I like the changes I made and if I make more, they'll be slight. GG Reinoe.
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Was lucky with the Cover Fire rolls (plus the missed friendly fire) and that the petrify/berserk procs didn't break their momentum. GG, Silentkaster


The charm and the bottle neck in round one killed me. Had the breaks landed more the match would've gone the other way. Disappointed with Elemental, even at near maximum damage it just isn't enough. GG, Silentkaster


Holy geezus, that damage from Mallen's team. Is. Unreal. The 860 damage crit Repeating Fist, though? Yeah.


June 18, 2014, 05:33:01 pm #3432 Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 06:21:00 pm by Otabo
The map in Round 1 was beyond perfect for my dancing monk. While it was essentially...4v2 in DomieV's favor, and Witch Hunts didn't really matter due to DomieV's absurd MP restoration capabilities, eventually, the mages spread out a bit too far and they ended up getting picked off by DS one by one. Round 2, I honestly believed that very first Berserk onto the priest clinched it; that, plus Witch Hunt draining the time mage's MP, and they ultimately couldn't do anything to slow my team down. One thing's for certain - I need to put Move-HP Up on the thief, I just have to figure out how to.

Some thoughts: I feel that if the time mage had Absorb MP instead of the oracle, DomieV could have possibly held out long enough to kill the dancing monk as she would have just been fueling her MP to keep the Holys/Raise 2's going, and that means that eventually, they would have won (unless DS gets them first). I mean, the oracle can probably get away with MP Restore and maybe even Spell Absorb to get her MP back. IMO, I don't like white magic users with MP Restore; it's just too unreliable - and against this particular team, MP Restore doesn't do anything unless one of my units decides to be retarded and melee instead of talking. I think a white magic user NEEDS either Absorb MP or Move-MP Up because you never know when you're going to need that Raise 2 or that Esuna, or in this particular case, Holy. Anywho, GG.


This was a fun, defensive team and was more for show than anything. Truth be told, they did better than I thought they would do. I quite possibly could have had Round 2 with Andante if that high percent Raise 2 went off. Against Mallen, Wiznaibus was a liability due to PA save.

I haven't been home yet but sounds like my power is out. I will redesign the team with other rarely used items and see how they fare!
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Wow, the AI just went full retard mode for my team there...at least in Rounds 2 and 3. No charm attempt on the priest at the end of R2, no Reraise on Squire when she needed it, and I'm actually surprised that the paladin spammed Don't Move instead of Slow 2. There just wasn't enough pressure on them, really - they just did the dumbest stuff at the worst possible times. That, and the damage that ninja was doing. Mmm. GG.


Thanks TrueLight!

What an interesting match! Lulz in first round with berserked archer healing Otabo's mediator. Very cool that the bard casted Raise 2 just as innocent was expiring. School is one of my favorite teams. RNG was not favoring me though. I am glad to see it finally do okay :)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


That squire was MVP for you Dol for sure. He blocked maybe some to most of my attacks but thankfully in round 3 the classic critical quick + balance combo from me sealed the deal. Also I was surprised how intelligent my ninja was at least most of the time where instead of rushing forward like a idiot he'd stay back until he's in range. GG Dol

Mimes are so fun to use. and charm was quite helpful. I like it how it came down to 1 one 1 in round 2. And its cool to see my thief and my mime work together like that and got some nice mimic attacks off as well. GG Malorth
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