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Now Playing

Started by Cheetah, April 03, 2008, 09:31:33 am


March 14, 2011, 08:31:33 pm #940 Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 08:32:46 pm by Cheetah
Front Mission 3 is such a great game. I got 4 on PS2 a good long while ago, but I couldn't even make it through the tutorial.

I'm looking forward to play the third Professor Layton game with my wife very soon. Great cooperative experience. We played the demo of Stacking last night, I was very impressed. Unfortunately it is $15 for an 8 hour game if you take it slow, so I'm not so sure of that. I want to know if they are going to be getting additional DLC and content before I commit.

Now that Okamiden is out, I'm very much motivated to finish the original. My wife and I have been playing that game over the entirety of our relationship and still haven't beaten it. We are about 30 hours into the PS2 version, we almost want to just start over on the Wii version :P.

As for gaming on my own, essentially nothing. I want to get through at least one of the story arcs in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep before I commit to Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together.
Current Projects:


March 15, 2011, 07:31:10 pm #941 Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 07:31:34 pm by Wiz
To make things simple, in a matter of minutes, I'll be making my LP/Game thread that way I can post updates and of the like there. From now on, snippits/previews of what I'm currently playing will be displayed here. More specifically, they'll be catchy clips of NEW games that I start out on.

Example: Once Call of Power's finished :'( a preview of Super Metroid is going to be posted.

Don't treat this as a spammy comment, I'm for real :)  
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Just started playing the new Dissidia. Definitely liking the new characters.


Quote from: Kourama on March 23, 2011, 02:49:23 am
Just started playing the new Dissidia. Definitely liking the new characters.


March 25, 2011, 01:37:46 pm #944 Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 01:38:23 pm by philsov
Pokémon Black!  First game I've played since Red many many moons ago.

Picked Snivy up for my pokemon.  Already facing the 2nd gym leader, and so far things are a bit easier than I recall.  I can't wait until the game opens up a little bit more because my current choice for a team is like... 12... pokemon.  Lillipup is my 2nd in command.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Wish I had a DS but I have X Box 360 and currently playing Final Fantasy 13...this game is actually.....rather FUN!!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Playing Wizardry 8 again, but this time I'm going with a three-man party (no NPCs).  I'm keeping a log over on GameFAQs if anyone wants to follow along:

Just a collaborator plotting collaboration.


Well just got the new 3DS with SSFIV. 3D effects are great and loving the minigames that come with the 3DS as well.

Cottage Cheese

Quote from: Kourama on March 23, 2011, 02:49:23 am
Just started playing the new Dissidia. Definitely liking the new characters.

So jealous.
"I never blamed you... Not once."

                                           ---- Aerith G.

Dominic NY18

Started playing FFXII International Zodiac Job System. I now have another reason to love my new laptop as it runs it at full speed in PCSX2 where I was only getting half speed with my old one. I just started, but I'm haven't given Vaan a job yet and I'm not sure what to assign to him or anyone else for that matter. I'd like some suggestions from anyone who's played this version of FFXII.

I'll probably pick up Dissidia Duodecim sometime this week, if not today and I'm still playing FFIV Complete Collection, so my PSP has been seeing a lot of use lately.


I am now playing:

3rd Birthday


April 14, 2011, 08:01:20 pm #951 Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 04:44:41 pm by Durbs
All kinds of games across the board that I love (generally run down the list and when I finish start again):
FFT (no duh)
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Romancing SaGa (not-so-known but majorly epic)
Disgaea (if you haven't played it, I'll send midboss after you)
Super Smash Bros
Kingdom Hearts Series (played CoM, II, and 358 and beyond loved all three)
Metriod Prime (played the original for GC and loved it)
Phantom Brave

Xenosaga III is one of the if not the best game in existence.  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX


June 26, 2011, 12:24:28 pm #952 Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 12:25:01 pm by Cheetah

I am still playing Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. Finished Aqua and now going through as Terra. I'm almost done with Terra and then I really need to stop or at least take a break. I need to play Tactics Ogre.

Because of the PS3 welcome back program I got Dead Nation and Wipeout. I have only played Dead Nation and trying to play through with a friend. It is good times, too bad it isn't 4 player.

I also got Assassin's Creed II Deluxe edition when it was on sale online for $10. I basically bought my PS3 for the first Assassin's Creed, so it is a bit ridiculous that it has taken me this long to play the sequel. Needless to say it is awesome. I love the increased mission variety along with all the collecting and exploring and hidden aspects.

I also played several iPhone games in the past couple months that are good enough to share. I will write about those later.
Current Projects:


Beyond Good and Evil (Gamecube)


Quote from: MysticKnightFF5 on June 26, 2011, 01:42:31 pm
Beyond Good and Evil (Gamecube)

Awesome (But way too short) game

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Dominic NY18

On my 1st playthrough of Ocarina of Time 3D. I've never played the Master Quest versions of the game though, so I'm looking forward to unlocking it for my 2nd playthrough.


June 27, 2011, 05:23:01 pm #956 Last Edit: June 27, 2011, 05:23:24 pm by Wiz
^, GL when you get to playing the Master Quest :D

P.S. Don't use the bottle duplication trick (first 30 seconds) and replace bombchus because you'll need them for the spirit temple, which is a decently hard challenge <_<
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


July 04, 2011, 05:56:04 pm #957 Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 05:56:45 pm by Cheetah
Well all I have played since my last update is Assassins Creed II, and I'm finished now. It was good and definitely improved upon the original in just about every way. The plot was very clever and I like the basic concepts behind the game a lot. I will probably get Brotherhood eventually when I can get it for $10 as well haha. Anyone have any thoughts on how Brotherhood is? Has everyone seen the trailer for Revelations, freaking amazing.


Now to finish up Terra.
Current Projects:


Brotherhood improved on the gameplay, running around with the ability to call assassins to help you is fun. Desmond's story is just as good as it was in II, but ezio's story is lacking a bit. That's a problem i think shall be fixed in Revelations, which does look amazing.

Brotherhood is neat, too, in that it picks up seconds after ACII left off.
I will show you the power of SARDIIIIINES!!!!


Saga Frontier (Not so well known favorite game ever)
HyperDimension Neptunia (Its an ok game)
Metal Gear solid 4 (Awesome)
Ar Tonelico Qoga (Like the second game better)
Eternal Sonata (I don't like the story but the game is ok)
Resonance of Fate (All about grinding but a good game)
Castlevania HD (I just love Castlevania)
  • Modding version: PSX