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Final Fantasy Tactics: Redesign - Redesigned Opening Post! (Image Heavy)

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, August 13, 2011, 01:13:19 am


New topic as my change to all screenshots means I can consolidate everything easily into one thread.  I'll also be more heavily-abbreviating my changes list now that I have a far better idea of what I want to do.  

Regardless, for any newcomers - welcome to Final Fantasy Tactics: Redesign, which seeks to rebuild much of the combat engine from the ground up, increasing strategy, difficulty, and possible gear combinations for a far more engaging experience for veterans of the original game.  The mantra is simple complexity - every individual piece is trimmed to its simplest terms, and how those pieces combine defines the depth and strategy of the game.  Hopefully, the execution of this will match my vision of it, as my vision is great, and hopefully you'll all enjoy a game that seeks to be both difficult and have its own identity once I can compile everything into something playable.


Level cap is now 50 from 99.  All units have Attack, Charge +1, Charge +2, Charge +4, Defend innately instead of just Attack.  Through tricky use of Formula and many other things, the AI will be made more fierce - ready to give the player a far greater challenge than in Vanilla without any behind the scenes "gifts" to help them.

Brave and Faith becomes Fury and Will - Fury adds a multiplier to every physical attack (including Weapon Attacks) based on the user and target's Fury, and Will does the same with magic, both having a +30 constant [(CasX+30)*(TarX+30)/10000] to ensure damage doesn't fall too low.  Every skill is governed by one of these two stats.  (Attack is always governed by Fury sans with Magic Guns and the like, Skills use Fury_ or Will_ to note which they are affected by.)

Reactions are no longer Brave based and Weapon/Skill Procs are no longer randomized - they will activate 100% of the time.  This makes low Fury far less damning and even attractive, and means procs are now things that can be built around strategically.  Obviously, the luck element lost here will be at least somewhat made up for elsewhere.

Movement Abilities removed - you now get two Support Abilities, consisting of what used to be both Support and Movement along with removals/additions.  This should add an entirely new level of depth to character customization, when combined with the bevvy of new Support Abilities.

Damage has been controlled - no more oneshot fests.  Weapon Power has been heavily reigned in, the Fist formula has been made less abusive, etc.  While you can still make plenty powerful units which can still go CRUNCH on other units built for DPS, defense is now also a pretty viable tactic.  Stat Growth has been flattened, but this shouldn't be too noticeable in game between stat variance and each class having unique multipliers.

Unit CT always resets to 00 on Turn End, regardless of Wait Only, Move Only, Act Only, Move and Act, etc.  Movement / Jump / Speed has also seen heavy reductions - you can still make highly mobile units, but they'll cost you adequately in power and speed now.  Evasion is now also calculated at full value on front, half value on either side, no value on back for all types except A-EV, which still functions as in Vanilla.

Gear has been rebuilt from the ground-up.  While classes are reminiscent of the original on the outside, they've also been rebuilt from the ground-up internally.  Elements have been made more distinct - all Lightning attacks share similar traits, etc.  All forms of Elemental Parity have been removed, and mastering Elements can be key to combat, though plenty of Element-free routes still exist.  There are now 7 elements more evenly spread throughout the game - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Holy, Dark.  Statuses have been similarly rebuilt from the ground up for all intents and purposes.

Monsters and Special Classes are the next things to tackle on my WIP list.  I'll likely be adding more of both counts in addition to huge revamps of what we've already got.  Artistic changes such as Sprites and Animations will occur later, as will plot-related edits which will likely get their own Patch from the basic gameplay mod.  As for space left for new stuff?  There's 20 Weapon Slots, at least 5 Shield Slots, a bevvy of Helmet/Hat/Armor/Clothes Slots, and 4 Job Slots up for grabs if anyone thinks there's something that this sorely needs.  The main notes are that things cannot be very "gimmicky" outside of a couple gear exceptions (no gimmicky Generic Jobs, though), and that if I add more classes, they'd very specifically need to be 1 Physical, 1 Magical, and 2 Mixed Jobs to maintain a balance, with the Magical job likely being heavy armored.  Outside of new suggestions, thoughts on the current design logs are much appreciated, and questions can be easily answered.  Once FDC's Formula Hack is out, I can probably start compiling a gameplay beta, as Formula and some misc things are the main missing cogs in my machine.

(Spoiler tags contain all current notes on Jobs/Skills/Equipment - IMAGE HEAVY.)


Charge+1,2, and 4 replacing attack makes me cautious...
but the rest just look like good ideas all around, especially fury/will.


Looking fantastic. Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to playing it.
I'll leave thinking up witty signatures to the prose.


This sounds great. I really like the idea of two support abilities and no more move abilities; that is just super cool.
I hope all goes as planned.
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm liking all the effort put into this. Looks so very well done so far, from what I can tell. Keep it up.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: tylerf#3233

Joseph Strife

Nice Idea Raven! This sound like a good patch to play, keep it up i hope you can get it up and running and release a beta fast ;)
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...





Thanks for the support, guys.

@MysticKnightFF5:  The Charge +X innate is mostly a damage-stability thing.  Every class can competently Attack now if it desires, so it's an unbiased change.  It's one of the features meant to stop games being dragged down into stalemates easily. 

@Hana: Good to hear.  I'll be keeping things up, though I really need to polish up my monster notes before I can even consider posting them.  They're so old, QQ.  I've got ideas, though...

@Lijj: Dual Supports really are meant to be one of the most defining features here.  The only thing that may become shaky is implementing a few of the Support Abilities, but with FDC's Formula Hack making everything so modular it *should* be easy.

@Tyler Delynn: A lot of people have told me I put far too much effort into it, lol.

@Joseph Strife: That's why I'm compiling my notes on the level of a Master Guide beforehand.  Once the tools I need are finished, a gameplay beta should be quick to do.  It may not include all of the Support Abilities immediately, but it'll be enough.

@Shade: There is not, no, else you'd have geniuses running around with 100 Fury and other such things like they do in Vanilla and defeat the entire point of the Fury/Will system.   

As for updates:

I tried introducing two classes (a Paladin and a Bombadier), but I couldn't fit them into my sliding scales properly.  They'll either be introduced later or worked into Special Characters of some kind. 

Base stats were shuffled around slightly. (Mixed classes gained a bit of HP, Samurai gained PA/MA and Monk/Wizard lost PA/MA.)

Blind Fury/Blind Will now give +8 Fury/Will on hit.

Support commands were shuffled around a bit on the Knight-Ranger-Priest-Oracle tier to give them a better spread.

Strikethrough and Pullthrough were merged into a single Support, and no longer affect Berserk/Protect/Shell.  Filling in the new Support slot is No Counter, which nulls Reaction commands from both the user and anyone the user attacks.

Perseus Bow now gives Always: Float, Repeater Bow Gun got a WP boost, Ninjatos all got a WP boost.  Miracle Shield was added.  Status List updated because I herped and I derped when I made it the first time.

I'm going to leave these notes alone now, though, and get to monsters within the next couple days.  Lots of work to do on those.


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on August 16, 2011, 03:15:32 pm
@Shade: There is not, no, else you'd have geniuses running around with 100 Fury and other such things like they do in Vanilla and defeat the entire point of the Fury/Will system.   

Myself woulda taken lowest possible fury and will and then used 100% poison proc weapons, but hey that's just me.



Quote from: Shade on August 16, 2011, 03:26:49 pm
Myself woulda taken lowest possible fury and will and then used 100% poison proc weapons, but hey that's just me.

You're free to do that anyway, but there's no difference between the two then because there are no ways to reduce Fury/Will, only boost them.  Defending has plenty of other perks though to make up for this.



Weapon update, massive cross-the-board WP buffs because I realized my math was faulty in some areas.  Everything should be good now, though I went on the side of leniency over caution with this boost so my damage ceiling actually went up about 20~ points if you use one very specific setup that'll die to a stiff breeze.

Monster update #1!  Includes initial drafts of Yellow Chocobo, Black Chocobo, Red Chocobo, Behemoth, King Behemoth, Dark Behemoth, Shock Dragon, Icicle Dragon, Flame Dragon, Thunder Cat, Coeurl Cat, Vampire Cat, Hydra, Drake, Tiamat, Malboro, Ochu, and Oscar - all of which will be mountable, though any form of buffing the mount mechanic directly beyond what the changes to the Move system does is currently unplanned.  Yes, the White Wind listed on Chocobos is different than the one listed on Animist - I changed it when making the Chocobo and am too lazy to update Animist's screenshot.  So, who wants to guess which/how many of these skills are Animist Blue Magics?  (And yes, I removed the variation on monster PA/MA because balancing monsters was becoming a bitch due to it, and randomized Fury/Will will be having enough of an impact on how useful they are, no need to double-RNG fuck them.)

The Damned

(Did pokeytax ever find out anything about that particular problem with regards to the number of moves that the AI can remember?)

So, yeah. We talked about this rather recently and you said that I could probably wait until your laptop gets fixed, but I insist on responding to this sooner rather than later before I forget again. It makes me feel less lazy and it makes it easier to steal from you.

I guess I'll just respond to the lists themselves since I think that I've responded to pretty much everything else in the other thread:

It feels a bit hypocritical of me to comment on stats, especially since you just explained it concisely to me a mere two days ago and I've still yet to start, but I've worked on abilities and previous experience with some stuff, so it's not like (most of) this is going to be completely baseless:

1. These Boots Aren't Made for Walking: I still really, really don't agree with any class having 2 Jump, especially with the current maps, and think that it's an absolutely horrible idea in almost all cases, even if you are making more things mountable. I'm guessing you currently have no plans to changes maps or to make it so that AI can take advantage of that same mounting action, right? 2 Move is similarly kinda cringe-worthy, but it's workable, especially if it's rather common and not just some bizarre punishment given to only a few, unfortunate classes like Woodmen or something.

2. 6 PA is Perfectly Average: I...wasn't aware that your initial stats would be this low even though I've been aware that you were capping things at Level 50 for months, especially since it's looking increasingly likely that I'll "borrow" that. I have little doubt that it will work out and I agree that FFT needs to not be an OHKO or 2HKO-fest, but I was going to solve this by going in the opposite direction. I guess it's just rather interesting to note more than anything of actual "concern" (as of yet).

3. Shield Me From Evil: A minor note and issue, but I'm rather surprised that you didn't point out how you're letting every generic class use Shields innately now under the Gear paragraph before the lists. It seems like something worthy of noting, really.

4. Suicidal Beginners: On the one hand, it makes sense for the "collector" among the classes to be gotten so early in the game, especially if they're the source of Item (and your Squire currently doesn't have any curative abilities); I had thought you wanted a Chemical class to have Item-related stuff, though. I think this remains true even if you've already cut down the amount of abilities they can learn in half. On the other hand, it seems a bit weird for Ivalice to push beginners to essentially want to get attacked by monsters. It seems like it would lead to a lot of grisly deaths on top of everything else. Additionally and more with regards to actual in-game mechanics, I've no idea how you're planning on distributing monsters, but it seems like you'd have to worry more about Blue Magic due to how early it comes. It seems like there would be additional worries such as having to try to make sure it remains useful throughout the game without simultaneously being overpowering--this as opposed to Blue Magic coming later in the game and thus having a simpler problem of simply being "worth it" for the effort and such.

5. Ninja in the Night: I thought you hadn't added Ninja yet or, at least, were redoing them. Has this happened yet already or is this still something else that you planned to do? Because quickly skimming Ninja proves that it's not the first draft of Ninja I saw, but you can obviously change things more than once, so....

6. Mr. Mime: I'm surprised you're planning on letting Mimes get to equip items, especially with that HP. However, I can't say that perhaps they shouldn't and it's not like I haven't considered it, but I thought it was hardcoded for them pretty annoyingly, like with monsters.

7. Equip Anything: For some reason, I thought you were just combining everything into one Equip X ability. Having there be one just for weapons and just for armor seems a lot more sensible, even if I'm still not entirely sure about it. I must confess (beyond the fact that maybe I'll steal this, though my plans for Guns will likely get in the way) a curiosity, though: Aren't your current plans for Clouds going to get in the way for this given his "unique" equipment situation? Maybe I just misunderstood what you meant when you explained your tentative plan for him.

8. When Are You Gonna Learn?: I'm guessing Learn hasn't been coded yet, but I have to ask: Would this only work for the Blue Magic skill set or skill set  Learn is a part of? Or would it, theoretically, work for any class that had something it could Learn on Hit? I ask mostly because I kinda need the latter, but I thought it was impossible (or, at least, more difficult than the former, if the former was even possible).

9. Be On Your Guard: Hunh. I hadn't realized you were buffing Caution so much or that I had coincidentally "stolen" Debarrier for Knights from you when I took it from my Wizard and gave it to them. Speaking of "stealing", those other Knight RSMs are looking mighty fine.... It seems odd to describe Mana Boost as "boosts stamina" though.

10. It's Time to Oil Up: I still find it odd that you're giving Ranger's what's essentially 100% status Bomb techniques when you still have Throw, but I think a large part of that is because I'm likely going to be giving Marksman Throw if it ever comes back and I was considering some status items since, unlike Chemist Items, those would actually be evadable. So, anyway, I've another curiosity: How has the AI been using Oil so far? From the single-technique in ARENA and the few bombs that were in the Season 5 tournament, it seems rather...stupid about it unfortunately. (Also nice to see that you replicated Faster by making it a Support rather than an active technique. I hadn't thought of that solution.)

11. Refresh-ing Confusion: I'm guessing that Refresh is basically Pride's Mist, correct? As long as we're talking Priest, I'm not sure how I feel about what's essentially a quicker Raise 2, though I can understand why you choose to have 100% revival given all your other condensing. Oh well. At least it looks to have rather low success for the MP it costs, though I'm not sure if that's ultimately a good or a bad thing...; wait, how "low" or "high" is X as 120 in your patch? (Also, I'm assuming that Focus Defense reduces the damage and healing taken by 15% rather than 85%, which is the way that it currently seems to be phrased.)

12. A Divine Sickness: I just realized how odd it seems for there to be two separate Poison skills given all your condensing, especially since Ranger has a 100% accurate version of it and Oracle's Poison is also single-target. It just seems kinda...off, different methods of evasion aside.

13. Satsui no Hadou?: I had thought that "10% Dark Element HP damage" under "Dark Wave" was recoil, but given that "Revive" just says recoil and I know that Wizard's "Darkness" deals 50% HP damage, I'm guessing that the percent damage of it does...on top of the Fury-based damage? Am I even remotely close about this?

14. Shove It!: Won't Knockback without damage act rather...wonky? I don't know why I suspect this, but for some reason, it seems like it "should". Additionally, can't formula 38 not be evaded even if you attempt to allow it? Or does it just use 100% as it's automatic rate of success before evasion is factored in, say like with regular physical attacks? I don't think I've ever tested it now that I think about it....

15. SOS? Quick!: Death Sentence seems a bit...harsh, even with 100% trigger rate, if only because of how low your HP pools are apparently going to be and thus the lower threshold for Critical status you're generally going to have. Other than that, I rather like the idea of Rewind--it reminds me of Reset & Undo and I'd probably steal it if I didn't have so many ways to revive people already. Is it supposed actually be magically evadable AND Dark? That just seems a bit...odd.

16. Double Your Pleasure: I'm still not really liking the idea of Double Magic, but, eh. How much does it apply to at present? Anything that uses Will? Or it is more..."discerning" than that?

17. Dragoon Balls: I see someone took Freya's Luna. Similarly, I'm guessing the HP absorbed by Lancet is also halved? Or it is the only thing that now absorbs full HP because it doesn't do that much damage? Dragonmend is kinda...weird--I guess I just didn't expect you to have skills that healed so many statuses at once; then again, looking at Purify again, I also rather expected you to get rid of Vampire/Blood Suck status, so.... I still say SOS Reraise needs some type of downside, especially if you're giving Critical Quick a rather severe (though perhaps necessary) one. Not sure what it would be, though; it would probably have to be something persists through death if it was to balance it.

18. A Defiant Defense: I'm rather confused as to the difference between Priest's "Focus Defense" and Dragoon's "Defiance". Would you mind explaining?

19. Cloaked in Shadow: I'm going to assume that Raiton is just missing "ignores" like Suiton and Katon have given the parallels otherwise. Toxic goes back to the "weirdness" of multiple-classes being able to Poison people, especially since Gunk Bomb is also supposed to be physically evadable and Toxic can presumably have the same range as it if not more due to going by weapon range. That it does physical damage doesn't seem like that much of a saving grace, if only because Gunk Bomb exists--this as opposed to the reason why I've nothing yet about Shatter Leg versus Immobilize. Otherwise, I guess it's fine, especially since I just noticed nothing else has Sleep--it's at least better than initial Ninja plan I saw, but as you know, I tend to dislike and be weary of anything that uses Shock-esque formulas, especially that generics can (easily) get a hold of.

20. Do the Whirlwind: What does "Ltar" stand for when it comes to Slyph? Ln and 3Dir are pretty obvious, but "Ltar" doesn't exactly make much sense to me. Speaking of linear spells such as Ramuh, did you manage to figure out a way to make it so that you can diagonally "target" something and hit two directions at once? My Odin would greatly appreciate that knowledge.

21. Secret of Mana Shield I just realized that I have no idea how your version of Mana Shield would/will react to any percentage based attacks that go by CurHP, if only because of the 100% activation thing. I'm going to assume that you're still going by Max HP for all percentage spells/abilities, especially considering what I know/remember you saying about the "eighth element" you sacrificed/combined Water with Ice for. Is this a correct assumption?

22. No Guard: I wasn't going to say anything about Samurai since I think it was one of the classes I'd commented it on at all already, but this is a new ability. As much as I'm hesitant of Concentrate, I rather like this. It's "fair" and all that jazz as well as a bitching Pokemon reference. Might steal it for my Paladin....

I've nothing else to say about Samurai at present.

I'll try to all my other responses more succinct because I am being of mercy. Also because just the above took much longer than I had planned for it to take:

1. Mashing Mages: I'm assuming that, looking at your plans for some of other abilities (mostly Earth-based ones), Mage Masher does HP AND MP damage rather than just being an MP Absorb weapon, Is this correct? I ask what's probably a stupid question because I only just recently realized how dumb it was to have a weapon that does damage MP only, especially when we can now just make it proc anything 100% if we want. So...yeah?

2. Jutsu Do It: Given the recent talk we had about Katana and Swords (for a plain category, Nagrarock is rather "buff"), I'm surprised that so many of your Ninjato are elemental as well. I guess you're fine with that, though. I just find myself noticing because of the problems I realized having a lot of weapons (within the same category) with an element would generate in my patch.

3. Holy Darkness, Batman: I keep forgetting, what exactly do you plan to do for multi-element abilities/weapons? All I vaguely remember is you saying (IIRC) that you weren't going to do it the "split-damage" way that I remember someone proposing. So, I just figured I would ask (again) due to Chaos Blade and Valkyria.

4. Quadruple Wield: I thought Forced Doublehand and allowing Dual Wield were pretty anathema to each other. So...yeah. How does that work exactly?

5. I'll Just Axe that Equipment: While I understand the need for incentives to use axes (and just realized you got rid of Flails entirely), I'm not sure I like being able to potentially destroy equipment just because they hit. Also, without that piece of equipment, don't those abilities then become a second attack? That seems like it might be...problematic. Oh well. At least the one that destroys Weapons is (quite) rare--I'm not sure what I would have done if I had seen you go with another "Swordbreaker" knife that was a common item that seems to be popular as of late. At least...I'm assuming that any weapon in Green is supposed to be a rare one.

6. Moonlight, Washing Over Me: Yeah...I still don't get (the purpose of) Spellblades. I really don't.

7. Sir, Your Wand is Very...Plain: I think I've commented on this before, but I still find it rather odd how plain Oak Wand is, especially since you explained to me why Guardian Wand is as it is. The only other "plain" starting weapon so far is Broad Sword, which belongs to the very plain category of Swords. Not a huge issue. It just strikes me as "off" for some reason. (Same with Bow Gun, but eh.)

8. Compact Bow: I'm stealing this, especially since I was going to get rid of my (stupid) Shortbow idea anyway. Just a heads up.

9. A Bit Nipply In Here: I must admit that the idea of having "Stun" be represented as minus CT is pretty ingenious. I hadn't even considered that given the only CT affecting abilities in FFTPatcher are either setting CT to 00 or to 100, both of which are usually too powerful to give to more than one or two generics, much less to weapons. It might be a bit abusive, though. Then again, considering they're all the same element, perhaps you've anticipated that as well....

10. Power Pole, Extend: And as long as we're heaping on praise rather than actual commentary, I have to again say what an obvious yet smart idea this is. I'm totally tempted to steal it as a rare weapon for Embargo given some of my other Poles are lacking currently.

I've nothing to say about Gauntlets at present. 

...Actually, I think I've been over the rest of the Gear generally, so there's nothing to say there even with the few changes I can tell exist just by skimming.

So I see I was correct about Refresh.

1. Accurate and Unblockable: Ah, I hadn't thought that these would statuses. I suppose that makes sense though, and is rather sensible.

2. Undead And Loving It: So, if I'm reading the sparse "Can't Stack With" column correctly, Undead units are now always guaranteed to resurrect because they're now immune to Crystal and Treasure? If so, then I can get behind this, though the fact that's finite now can kinda backfire if they're right at Zero and then Undead wears off....

3. Defending Double Evasion: I'm still unsure how I feel about Defending doubling evasion, though I know that's been around since vanilla. Then again, I'm increasingly uncertain about Defending status in general, so I guess it's not that surprising.

4. How Long is Forever?: I see you made two of the more problematic infinite statuses finite when it comes to Berserk and Confusion. Or is still things that you've always planned? As someone who is still completely unable to understand coding, I'm unsure of how difficult it would actually be to turn them finite.

5. Spy's Sapping my MP!: I'm kinda surprised you made it so that Poison would sap your MP. I mean, I guess I can understand why it makes "sense". It just seems kinda...strange, at least in addition to the increased damage over turn and your MP pools likely being not that much greater than vanilla (if they are at all). Will/would the MP damage show up? I figure if Mist/Refresh is going to (initially) have display issues, then I should ask just to be clear, especially since it's just occurred to me that having two or more statuses that caused HP damage--not an issue for you--would probably have the same problem.

6. Slow and Come to a Full Stop: I can understand the increasing the CT of Haste and Slow, especially given your plans to make CT after turns uniform. However, I find it ever so odd that you would have Stop be the cessation of all temporal activity but only get rid of Haste. I can understand it only getting rid of Haste because unlike Slow, Haste is very much a positive status, but Slow, to me, is basically a lesser form of Stop anyway; this ignores the fact that Don't Move alongside Don't Act are effectively Stop. It's not as huge deal and I can reason why it would be, but it just seems "odd" if it's canceling Haste all, especially given your other attempts at symmetry.

7. A Moment of Reflection: I just realized: What happened to your Reflect plans? I don't see Reflect status on the list anywhere and it's not mentioned in any abilities or of the gear.

I keep forgetting you plan to make Doo...er Death Sentence into "Heat" by reducing the CT 1. (Although won't that instantly kill the person as they get their next turn?) How were you planning on handling this again?

I'm still kinda surprised you're keeping both Vampire and Chicken, though I can at least understand the amusement that Chicken could bring. (Also, small note, but you called Paralyze "Disable" in Crystal Shield's description.)

I'm tempted to just call it a night and do monsters later, but I figure I should try not to be such a lazy bastard for once and just get it done with:

1. 5 or more of 4: Wait. How the hell did you get more than four innates on something? I mean, I've thought of way to do it, but I've yet to test it and kinda involves tediously brute forcing the ENTD more than the Jobs lists, so...yeah?

2. Choco-Douken: Yeah...I don't know about this name, though Choco Ball has always been a pretty silly/dubious move, so it's not like it's anything but a minor concern. I approve of everything else, down to another Pokemon reference.

3. Not So Mighty Guard: Haha, I can understand why this would have to be Critical-only considering everything it gives. Still, I'm rather surprised you're letting it be instant with that AoE. Regardless, with regards to Behemoths, we talked about Meteor & Counter Meteor on Wednesday/Thursday night, so nothing needs to be said there. It's gonna be weird to see them able to move in water, though. I think they're one of the few enemies that I kept from being able to move in water (for good reason). Not sure how I feel about Vengeance, but, meh, they usually do get some type of Shock-esque move whether I like it or not....

4. How to Name Your Dragon: I rather like all of their abilities, so there's not much to say next (even as weary as I am with regards to SOS Reraise, especially in addition to other Critical-only moves), so I'm just going to say that I'm not exactly liking the names of "Shock Dragon" or "Icicle Dragon"--even "Flame Dragon" is rather...iffy, but that at least sounds threatening. I'm not going to say that I think my names are great or anything, though, so it's again not a huge issue.

5. Drake The Lawn: Well, first, I'm a bit confused whether you want this to be called "Drake" or "Great Hydra". I'm assuming it's the former, though. I'm then more greatly confused by Triple Icicle's description that hits thrice. Does it hit in 3 Directions? Or does it really hit at 6 in linear fashion thrice with CT -15? Isn't that really CT -45 then (should everything hit)? Even with that CTR and MP cost, that seems a bit...excessive.

6. Oscar the Slouch: Despite talking about Lick just a couple of days ago, that and Malboro Song seem rather underwhelming compared to the two other Malboros' abilities. Malboro Song's CT is really...long, especially considering it's left open the entire time--or are you changing Performing as well? It's difficult to tell from its description as well given that it's completely wrong.

I've surprisingly nothing to say for cats/panthers, perhaps since we both seem to have decided to make them status-abusing assholes. Although it might also be partly due to me still trying to decide how bad/excellent that name pun is...even though (or maybe because) I never liked that show, remake be damned.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am(Did pokeytax ever find out anything about that particular problem with regards to the number of moves that the AI can remember?)

Not yet.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am1. These Boots Aren't Made for Walking: I still really, really don't agree with any class having 2 Jump, especially with the current maps, and think that it's an absolutely horrible idea in almost all cases, even if you are making more things mountable.

There's a Shield that adds +1 Jump, an armor set that each adds +1 Jump, a Spear that adds +2 Jump, and a Support that adds +2 Jump.   If you don't want to be vertically challenged, toss on even just the Shield or just don't derp yourself into a corner.  It's meant to be very restrictive.

(And yes, that spread is done intentionally so that you can stack a 10 Jump Lancer with Jump command.)

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am2 Move is similarly kinda cringe-worthy, but it's workable, especially if it's rather common and not just some bizarre punishment given to only a few, unfortunate classes like Woodmen or something.

I find it odd how everyone hates 2 Jump but is okay with 2 Move when Move is the more important statistic most of the time, and in Redesign is far harder to increase.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am2. 6 PA is Perfectly Average:

I assume you mean at Level 1?  Average PA at Level 50 is 10-11.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am3. Shield Me From Evil:

Oversight on my part, I'll fix it later.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am4. Suicidal Beginners:

Well, the Animist is also the Chemist in a sense considering it hosts the Item Command.  I took out the class I was going to have utilize Item before and just moved it to Animist to give it more substance.  It's also a beginner class more in the "watch and learn" sense of needing to see a spell before using it, instead of just being able to learn it themselves.  A bit suicidal?  Maybe.  But being available earlier is meant to encourage players to explore random battles a bit.  As for skill distribution, without Monster Breeding around, I have full control over what skills can be gotten when, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am5. Ninja in the Night:

This is the redone Ninja.  No more innate Dual Wield on either it or Thief.  (No innates on any Generic Class now.)  Skills have been adjusted to be generally better flavored.  Etc.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am6. Mr. Mime:

The current stats are for if I don't get to let them equip anything.  Chunks of both the monster and Mime code have been found, the hacks are just incomplete.  I know what gear I want them to be able to use, I'm just not listing it until I know it's going to be doable.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am7. Equip Anything:

I can make Any Weapon and Any Gear still ignore his Items, since they won't share an Item/Weapon Type with anything else if I keep the route I was thinking before.  I've always had them as two skills, though.  It's a bit radical to Equip consolidate down to 2, but I want to encourage Equip X experimentation, and the best way to do that is to make them as freeform as I can get away with, and make them available as early as possible.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am8. When Are You Gonna Learn?:


Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am9. Be On Your Guard:

I kind of use "stamina" and "mana" interchangeably when it comes to MP because every class uses it now.  I'll probably change that to mana later, though.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am10. It's Time to Oil Up:

Rangers use Bombs because those don't come from their inventory.  Also, I'll note it now since you mention it a bunch of places.  When I say "100%", that means the skill is guaranteed to hit before evasion (like a weapon attack) and isn't dependent on stats.  So, in this case, you can still evade the Ranger's Bombs, you're just going to actually need evasion instead of Bad Compat and them having low PA or something. 

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am(Also nice to see that you replicated Faster by making it a Support rather than an active technique. I hadn't thought of that solution.)

Assuming you're referring to Speed Boost?

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am11. Refresh-ing Confusion:

Refresh is Pride's Mist status, overwriting Reflect, hence why Reflect has disappeared from Redesign, not that I used it anyway.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 amhow "low" or "high" is X as 120 in your patch?

High.  Revival skills have incredibly high base hit rates, but huge MP and CT costs.  This is to encourage Reraise - which also has high hit rates all around, but very low CT and MP costs - and generally just being far more careful with your units rather than treating them as expendable things you can revive easily later.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am(Also, I'm assuming that Focus Defense reduces the damage and healing taken by 15% rather than 85%, which is the way that it currently seems to be phrased.)

Correct.  I'll clarify the notation next time I do new screenshots.

Quote12. A Divine Sickness:

Poison (and to a lesser extent, Blind, and even lesser extent, Slow) are fairly common statuses.  It's meant to set a somewhat lethal baseline for status-based units, while discouraging heavy tanking.  In this case, Oracle, Ranger, and Ninja all have Poison skills, and two weapons (Toxic Knife and Poison Crossbow) can inflict it.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am13. Satsui no Hadou?:

Correct, the skill deals a secondary 10% HP Damage on top of its base damage should it connect, making it good vs tankier units but not as much vs glass cannons.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am14. Shove It!: Won't Knockback without damage act rather...wonky?

Why would it be?  If I need to, I'll make it do like 1 damage, but the general idea is just to push the fucker aside and run.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am15. SOS? Quick!:

It's meant to prevent a Quickening Loop.  You can heal Death Sentence with almost any status-healing skill, inflict Reraise a few different ways, etc. so it's not impossible to work around. Rewind being Dark and M-Evadable are typos though.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am16. Double Your Pleasure:

It's Counter Magic.  Just follow those Counter Magic flags if you want to see what it affects.  It affects a lot of things, including a solid sum of Monster and pseudo-magic-Physical skills, though, not just Will-based things.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am17. Dragoon Balls:

You absorb full Lancet damage, since its a class-feature.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 amSOS Reraise needs some type of downside, especially if you're giving Critical Quick a rather severe (though perhaps necessary) one.

SOS Reraise doesn't allow you to perform infinite-turn loops, and Quick-turns have far more game-swinging potential when used correctly than a Reraise-turn, which can also be denied via Undead and a few other such things because it'll often wear off before the unit gets to come back.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am18. A Defiant Defense:

Defiance is a reversed Vehemence - your output goes down by 25%, but your endurance to everything goes up 25%.  With Focus Defense, your endurance to everything only goes up 15%, but there's no downside.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am19. Cloaked in Shadow:

Yes, Raiton is like Katon and Suiton.  As for Weapon Range Poison, remember that requires you actually have a weapon that has more than 1 range to be better than Gunk Bomb.  Your average unit won't have this, so Gunk Bomb still has its place.  Plus, using Toxic over Gunk Bomb to poison means you lose access to other, more powerful Ranger skills like Oil Bomb and Blesswipe in trade for things like Raiton and Suiton.  Basically, they both have their places, and part of those places involves the skills you get alongside them.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am20. Do the Whirlwind:

It's a trick Celdia uses in CCP to make a unit be able to select a panel linearly then hit the linear path and an one direction to the right (I believe) of it equal to the Effect Area, essentially making an L-shape.  Hence, Ltar, or L-Targeting.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am21. Secret of Mana Shield

It'd react the same way the Vanilla one would.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am1. Mashing Mages:

It does both HP Damage and MP Drain, yes.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am2. Jutsu Do It:

Yeah, Ninjatos are meant to be more element-based, similar to Ninjas themselves.  It actually fits their role perfectly, unlike my Elemental Katana issue which kind of makes Flair Arts irrelevant since you can just equip an Element Katana and use Charge.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am3. Holy Darkness, Batman:

Its handled the same way Vanilla handles it - you boost one, you get a full boost.  You absorb one, you absorb all the damage, etc.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am4. Quadruple Wield:


Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am5. I'll Just Axe that Equipment:

It casts the respective Knight Equipment Break, so the proc can still "miss" unlike most other procs - you're just guaranteed to try.  The status killer procs are guaranteed to work though, since they don't actually call any skills.  Equipment Break is set to ELSE MISS, so you won't get double hits.  Green = Rare, yes.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am6. Moonlight, Washing Over Me:

They fill a role similar to swords for MA users, as a go-to MA based weapon.  They didn't even have procs to emphasize their mirroring to swords until recently.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am7. Sir, Your Wand is Very...Plain:

Broad Sword, Long Sword, Oak Wand, Bow Gun, Dagger are all meant to be incredibly plain, because they're Chapter 1 gear.  The stuff in Chapter 1 is meant to mostly be plain, it's occurring a year before the bulk of the game is a flashback, after all.  Dagger only has a Steal Gil proc because I was basically told off for taking Mug off Thieves.  :x

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am8. Compact Bow:

I'll probably scrap it before I do an Alpha release anyway, so take it.  I don't care.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am9. A Bit Nipply In Here:

Pretty much.  I intend to make Absorb Ice reverse the proc into +15 CT, as well, so Ice users can speed themselves up with Cold Affinity, similar to how Lightning Users can run high evasion without drawbacks, Wind users can de-facto boost their own move, Earth users basically get Chakra when using Absorb, Fire just hits super hard and gets absorbed just as hard, and Dark allows you to stack things like Defense Boost without reducing your healing.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am10. Power Pole, Extend:

Hahaha.  I was actually reading Dragon Ball when I made that weapon, lol.

1. Accurate and Unblockable:[/quote]

Yup.  Far easier to just use two of the empty statuses than make weird custom weapon code.  It also makes it easier to see who has these traits because they'll show up on the Status screen when checking the unit out in battle.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am2. Undead And Loving It:

You are correct, and correct in that Undead usually wears off before a non-Always Unit can reach 0.  That's to enforce its power as an offensive Status, you can use it to Cancel Reraise, off a fucker, then make it very hard for the guy to be revived before Crystalizing.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am4. How Long is Forever?:

It's not too hard.  They just share Sleep's CT, hence why Berserk, Sleep, and Confusion also all cancel each other.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am5. Spy's Sapping my MP!:

I might undo that change, but its meant to enforce Poison's power as a crippling and slow-killing status.  Though, making it like this makes either Regen or Refresh cancel it out, making it easier to thwart.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am6. Slow and Come to a Full Stop:

If anything, I should probably stop it from Canceling Haste, not the other way around.  I was a bit too vindictive in my Haste-cancelers considering how much I debuffed it anyway.  Do remember though that a Stopped unit cannot be attacked, unlike an Immobilized/Paralyzed unit, but the Stopped unit is frozen for longer.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 amI keep forgetting you plan to make Doo...er Death Sentence into "Heat" by reducing the CT 1. (Although won't that instantly kill the person as they get their next turn?) How were you planning on handling this again?

I might need to make the CT 2 for it to function correctly, my memory is foggy.  Either way, you'll get exactly 1 turn to do something, then die on your turn afterward if its not cured. 

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 amI'm still kinda surprised you're keeping both Vampire and Chicken, though I can at least understand the amusement that Chicken could bring. (Also, small note, but you called Paralyze "Disable" in Crystal Shield's description.)

Kept mostly as boss-statuses.  Added Crystal Shield to the list of shit I need to fix.

1. 5 or more of 4: Wait. How the hell did you get more than four innates on something? I mean, I've thought of way to do it, but I've yet to test it and kinda involves tediously brute forcing the ENTD more than the Jobs lists, so...yeah?[/quote]

Yes, I'm giving them 4 innates, then brute-forcing the rest on the ENTD.  I'll probably use 3 or 4 of the unused ENTD as sources for monsters to speed up the process.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am2. Choco-Douken:

It's actually a reference to a Mediator Ramza 4 Monster Let's Play I watched a very long time ago where the commentator referred to it as Choco-Douken.

Quote3. Not So Mighty Guard:

It's meant to be powerful, considering Behemoths have a tendency to whack themselves with their own Reaction command.  The AoE is partially in case I want to make it a Blue Magic, partially because it seemed too weak for a Critical-Only move that has no immediate effect.  Vengeance is powerful, but that's just incentive for you to keep your low-HP units far away.  ...They're also slow as dirt, remember, so for all their power, every Behemoth can be silenced without getting many turns if you focus-fire.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am4. How to Name Your Dragon:

I just wanted something other than "Yellow Dragon", "Blue Dragon", "Red Dragon", or "Lightning Dragon", "Ice Dragon", "Fire Dragon" with the names, honestly.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am5. Drake The Lawn:

Yes, it's called Drake.  Triple Icicle hits randomly 3 times inside the Effect Area, which is a total of 3 squares, with a 6 Linear Range.  It's meant to be powerful, but that's sort of the entire Tiamat motif - tons of HP, tons of power, no evasion, etc.  They can fuck you up impossibly hard, but they have a hard time getting the Effect Area right to do so.

Quote from: The Damned on September 03, 2011, 05:10:03 am6. Oscar the Slouch:

Yeah, Malboro Song ended up with far too many typos, but its still decent healing and double buffs for free and at 100% rate over a huge area.  The CT should probably go down by 1, but even at 8 CT the only thing faster than the song is a base-10 Speed unit with all four Speed +1 items equipped, or a Hasted unit with 12 or more base Speed, so 8 CT is still decently fast for something that resolves many times over.  I should probably reduce the MP cost some, at the very least.  Lick's damage should possibly be raised a bit, but it's a very fast Damage + Paralyze skill, one of a kind currently, as one of the only other sources of Paralyze is the Oracle's Spell.

The Damned

(Let's see if I can get this done in about 23 minutes since I wanted to spend the next two hours before I had to leave cleaning up.)

I...think it's safe to say that I can just skip trying to quote that back.

Wonder Twin powers, activate! Form of, list abuse:

1. Slide, Slide, Jump, Jump: Oh, it's not that Move is less important than Jump; it's that low Move is far less likely to get you stuck than low Jump is. I mean, sure, low Move will get you stuck if you're surrounded, but a lot of the time, that's just poor planning on the player's part and it's a lot less likely to happen if everyone has low Move rather than a few select classes that mysteriously get chosen to get screwed over. Low Jump, on the hand, often dooms you a lot more if you get knocked back or something (say Confused or Berserked and walked into depth 2 water, though low Move really hurts there too) and then have either go all the around the map or are just, more less, permanently stuck there until the unit blocking you crystallizes. With all the Knockback plans I've seen in your patch so far, that's why I'm worried about this, especially since we both know that maps in FFT can have...problems as some of them currently are. Besides, I've always thought really high Move is stupid and, while I don't exactly think that lowering Move to 2 is the best way about it, it's still preferable to that in most cases.

2. Break a Mighty Wind: Since you mention it down below, how does knockback work if you target yourself anyway? Do you get knocked always back or always forward or does it matter on where the center of the ability/wind vortex is relative to you?

3. "Low" PA: Yes, I meant at Level 1. We seem to be going in rather opposite directions, but I'm fine with that. Besides, you've done the math, so I "trust" you (as far as I can throw you).

4. Master of Arms: Oh, I actually don't have a problem with there being just an Equipment for Weapons and just an Equipment for Armor, especially since Equip Armor was generally the only one worth using anyway (unfortunately). I just had a "problem" when I thought you were combining everything into one thing, though that appears to (of course) be an error on my part with regards to my shitty memory. I've actually kinda considered it myself, but between Guns likely not being available to (player) generics, me having to do Equipment over again anyway, still trying to decide what weapons I want at all and wanting to try a couple of other things, I've hardly decided on anything with regards to that.

5. HMS Reraise: Yes, I'm aware it's to prevent Quickening loops and I agree with that. It's just...for some reason, even as an SOS, Reraise just leaves a bad taste in my mouth; I suppose it gets guarantees resurrection where as SOS Quick doesn't (and shouldn't). Still, there's the Undead solution like you said and giving Reraise a CT (like how I want to) wouldn't really change much if it's SOS, so...yeah. It's nice to understand it a bit more, especially since I'm trying to do the same thing with regards to resurrection techniques--I'm just not sure if I want to keep Reraise as a (generic) White Magic ability anymore, though.

6. Dial E for Equipment: Oh, so it was Monkeygrip that enables Doublehand to work hand-in-hand--*groan*--with Dual Wield? I suppose it's nice to know that it has a "use" beyond the one I was thinking, even if I'm still not sure if how I feel about that ability; nice to know about Axes and Spellswords too. I guess I will indeed pilfer the Compact Bow then, since even without Monkeygrip in my patch, it will still work; the same probably goes for the Nyoi-Bo or whatever, that will have to be Deep Dungeon only or something since it's "Eastern". Also, who complained about Mug getting taken off Thief? I thought Mug didn't even work to begin with? I suppose I can understand the train of thought behind "mostly plain stuff in Chapter 1"--it just seems to be something else we differ on.

7. Stop! Or my Mom Will Haste!: Yeah, as much as I'm hating on Haste myself (oh, so much), you should probably have Stop not cancel Haste if you're not having it cancel Slow as well. I keep forgetting that you're changing Stop into essentially X-Zone, even though I was planning to do the exact same thing before I killed off Blood Suck--now I'll probably have Stop & X-Zone separate if I even use X-Zone at all. Besides, there's other ways to hate on Haste (unofficially), like your Poison, which could still cancel Refresh even if it didn't do any actual MP damage; not that it's a huge deal that it does--it was merely surprising given that I myself have planned to use another status entirely for the same "purpose".

8. The Heat is On: I'm pretty sure you have to make the CT for Death Sentence 2 in that case because the CT in vanilla is 3 and as soon as you get a turn, it ticks down to 2. So, if you make it 1, I'm pretty sure it's as good as Instant Death, just through another method.

9. ENTDoom: [Insert Big No here as he realizes that there isn't an eloquent way to do it.] [Insert string of expletives.]

10. I Summon Meteor...Right Above Me: Ah, right. It makes a lot more sense with regards to Meteor (or Doomsday or whatever) not giving a damn about whether it hits the caster or not. I'm fine with it than that case (probably), not that me being rabidly against it would or should have changed your mind (in this case).

11. Lickitung: I suppose you have a point with regards to Lick and Paralyze not being that common. I think it was more the fact that I couldn't tell how accurate Malboro Song was for its MP cost and how long its CT was (even if, yes, that's probably not going to get it mid-charged thrice  over or more like it would in vanilla).

Damn. Off by 14 minutes. Fission mailed.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


@Slide, Slide, Slide, Jump:  Like I said, don't wanna get stuck, learn to Jump.  The entire purpose of having a height-based map is to make it so certain units need to take longer paths to reach things, and like I showed you, there's no real lack of Jump-boosting gear.  Gives you a reason to spec something beyond herp power for once.

@Knockback on Self: You shouldn't be blown anywhere, IIRC.

@HMS Reraise:  The other deal with SOS Quick is that Death Sentence lingers and kills the unit on the start of their second turn, so you can Quick Turn, run back, then get a healer to cure your Death Sentence and your HP.  It's far from unusable, and possibly still better than SOS Reraise, it just takes more strategy.

@Dial E for Equipment:  Do remember that I changed Dual Wield to halve your base damage - so your bonus to Dual Wield isn't damage, but better accuracy, more procs, and more buffs.  With Monkeygrip, this extends into Dual Greatswords for various buffs, Dual Axes for various breakages, etc. - though you still don't get your Shield, meaning your M-EV at absolute minimum is probably shit.


It looks really nice all, but while reading, I noticed the Gray Ring: weak and resist vs. all elements. What's the use?


It neuters all your Elemental Weak and slightly buffs the healing from Absorb Shields if you're not running the head/body armor needed to become Weak to those elements.  It also provides a ~10%ish Defense Bonus to any Element you're naturally Neutral to.

Basically, it exists to give you a small defense buff and to give you more options for trying to cover up the holes in your setups.

The Damned

(Fuck. I thought I had responded to this again with the stuff I realized I missed...which I can't remember now. Hmm...that reminds me, my lazy ass has still respond to that Element Absorption thread; I'll do that "later" I suppose.)

Well, since I'm here, I might as well ask a question that benefits myself due to my selfish nature: With regards to that ENTD "trick", have you tested what happens for recruitable monsters if you try to de-equip them of whatever "innate" RS(M)s they have beyond the initial four?

You should be able to even though you shouldn't do it, correct? Or is there some way to prevent that? I ask because the idea had occurred to me, but for this version reason, I've only considered using it for the Lucavi and perhaps some non-recruitable monsters like Worker 7 or something.

Then again, I'm not even sure how you're doing recruitable monsters. I just kinda assumed you were and were keeping generally the same methods beyond the "herp derp, whore Invititation at everything until it gives in" "plan" we both got rid of. (No offense to meant anyone who uses or likes that--I'm more just pointing out problematic it is making Invite part of an active ability of any kind.)
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I don't think its possible to, see: the recruitable Worker 8 and Byblos in Vanilla and 1.3, who have R/S/M visible.  (IIRC, anyway.)

If it's possible to take them off by some random occurrence, it'd be learnable/learned in their ability menus anyway so you could just put them back on, as far as Redesign is concerned.

Recruiting Monsters will be almost entirely based on use of the Train skill and random battles where friendly monsters appear, etc.

Also, I've got 4 more classes in mind, though I need to work on them to see how they pan out.  One will be the Paladin (actually done besides Stats), who uses Holy-based weapon skills to heal and do some medium damage, resulting in fun things like being able to raise your units from the dead with a sniper rifle.  One will be a Fire/Dark based Bombardier... thing, who'll be able to do massive damage with its skills but has randomized elements to them.  (I'm not a fan of the random, but others are and right now I have no better ideas.)  One will be an as-of-yet unnamed Earth/Ice based class that focuses on debuffing, though I'm not sure how yet beyond the MP Damage and -CT its respective Elements usually carry.  Finally will be a Lit/Wind based class that has low-end skills that function on Geomancy principles, by that meaning they'll do things like ignore evasion and/or ignore Fury/Will, etc.  Their low power will ensure you still want a strong unit and not a tank to use them, but they'll serve as a means of doing a bit more damage to things trying to hide behind 40/40, tons of evasion, tons of beefy Supports, etc.

I really need some ideas to elaborate more on the last three, but I want to get my class count up to 18 and those fill four roles I only touch on in other classes and don't really have anything focused on doing it with.  (Oracle v Earth/Ice guy and Priest v Paladin are debatable here, but the Earth/Ice guy is meant to be very non-status based and the Paladin's movespread covers a generally different suite of things than the Priest does, and is restricted by its weapon's range and power at all times.)

The Damned

(Please nudge me on IRC tonight if I still haven't posted in the Embargo to remind people it's being worked on.)

Damn it, I still can't remember what the hell I was going to say to you before. Ugh. It's annoying me because I know it was something I wanted to clarify alongside something else.

*frustrated, raspy sigh*

Oh well. Maybe I'll remember next time. Umpteenth time of trying to overcome stupidity is a charm after all.

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on September 13, 2011, 12:54:50 am
I don't think its possible to, see: the recruitable Worker 8 and Byblos in Vanilla and 1.3, who have R/S/M visible.  (IIRC, anyway.)

If it's possible to take them off by some random occurrence, it'd be learnable/learned in their ability menus anyway so you could just put them back on, as far as Redesign is concerned.

Recruiting Monsters will be almost entirely based on use of the Train skill and random battles where friendly monsters appear, etc.


Damn it. You're right. It's already been proven (I think) and even if it wasn't, I was already doing the back up RSM thing just because it's makes it easier to keep track of which skillset is which given the names for all of them are still blank. I guess I'll just have to extend that to the forced ENTDs as well and point out the innates (like I already going to)....

Seems like we're doing the same thing, anyway.

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on September 13, 2011, 12:54:50 amAlso, I've got 4 more classes in mind, though I need to work on them to see how they pan out.  One will be the Paladin (actually done besides Stats), who uses Holy-based weapon skills to heal and do some medium damage, resulting in fun things like being able to raise your units from the dead with a sniper rifle.

I believe we spoke of healing shivs before, so just be prepared to know that I might steal the crap out of this for my own Paladin depending on testing with a certain ability goes.

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on September 13, 2011, 12:54:50 am
One will be a Fire/Dark based Bombardier... thing, who'll be able to do massive damage with its skills but has randomized elements to them.  (I'm not a fan of the random, but others are and right now I have no better ideas.)

Yeah, people love Gambler (for some reason); then again, I don't understand the love of gambling in the first place, so I guess it'ts not surprising I don't get it.

However, this "only" has randomized elements? How does that work if it's supposed focus on Fire and Dark elements, especially given that I just noticed that all four of your new class ideas focuses on at least one of your seven elements?

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on September 13, 2011, 12:54:50 amOne will be an as-of-yet unnamed Earth/Ice based class that focuses on debuffing, though I'm not sure how yet beyond the MP Damage and -CT its respective Elements usually carry.

Just call it Geomancer. Seriously. This wouldn't really be a consideration if your other class wasn't Lightning and Wind based, but Geomancer never used Lightning, barely used Wind and your Ice has devoured Water, so you might as well. I mean, when I get around to giving Geomancer actual abilities (probably), they're going to focus on Earth and Water (and Wind, maybe), so, yeah, go for broke.

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on September 13, 2011, 12:54:50 amFinally will be a Lit/Wind based class that has low-end skills that function on Geomancy principles, by that meaning they'll do things like ignore evasion and/or ignore Fury/Will, etc.  Their low power will ensure you still want a strong unit and not a tank to use them, but they'll serve as a means of doing a bit more damage to things trying to hide behind 40/40, tons of evasion, tons of beefy Supports, etc.

I'm tempted to suggest calling them "Weather Witch", but that's just me wanting to make a reference.

You could probably get away with just calling them "Meteorologist" even if that might...confuse some people, but, eh, people need to widen their vocabularies. The only other thing that comes to mind--since I'm of course great with names as you know--is "Shaman", which manages to both be terribly vague and potentially offensive; as long as you don't make their sprite look like Tomahawk Man, I doubt anyone (here) will care though.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"