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FFT: Parted Ways Sprites

Started by Eternal248, December 18, 2010, 08:43:54 am


This topic is reserved for discussion for sprites to be used in FFT: Parted Ways. Currently, sprites being used are the following:

Sprites Used
-Viking Female (Created by Lijj, used for the female Viking job class)
-Tonberry (Created by Kagebunji for FFT, original design by Square-Enix, used for the Tonberry monster jobs)
-Werewolf (Created by Kagebunji for FFT, original design by Atlus, used for the Werewolf monster jobs)
-Female Cadet (Created by Kagebunji, used for the female Freelancer job class)
-Demetrius (Created by Kagebunji, used for Gerard the Beastmaster)
-Male Rogue (Created by R999, used for the male Brigand job class)
-Female Rogue (Created by R999, used for the female Brigand job class)
-Generic Male Warlock (Created by R999, used for the male Magus job class)
-Generic Female Warlock (Created by Lijj, used for the female Magus job class)
-Cannoneer (Created by Jon, temporarily being used for the male Viking job class)
-Generic Male White Mage (Created by Lijj, used for the male Devout job class)
-Generic Female White Mage (Created by Lijj, used for the female Devout job class)
-Guardian (Created by Kagebunji, used for the male Paladin job class)
-Scholar (Created by Jimmyjw88, used for the male Scholar job class)
-Lucavi Follower (Created by Kagebunji, temporarily being used for the male Necromancer job class)
-Melodia Fenzol (Created by Zozma, used for the female Performer job class)

Sprites Currently Being Made
-Female Elementalist
-Male Elementalist

Sprites Still Needed
-Male Freelancer
-Female Paladin
-Male Berserker
-Female Berserker
-Male Viking
-Male Psion
-Female Psion
-Male Necromancer
-Female Necromancer
-Male Performer
-Male Alchemist
-Female Alchemist
-Female Scholar
-Male Harbinger
-Female Harbinger
-Templar (Male only)
-Assassin (Female only)
-Quinn (Ecclesian Sage)

If you want to help out in making some of these sprites, go for it. Any suggestions are welcome.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


start putting pictures next to them so people know what they are going to look like :)
  • Modding version: PSX


So here it is. I may get into this, lord eternal. Sounds like some interesting chars.


Quote from: "twinees"
start putting pictures next to them so people know what they are going to look like :)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Correction:-Generic Female Warlock (Created by Lijj, used for the male Magus job class)
Hey I worked hard on that.
I'm so glad you're using those WMs for devouts
  • Modding version: PSX


Sorry, just using the info that was on the Custom Sprites page. :P
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Can we get some info on the characters that still need to be developed?


Templar- You could use Crusader sprite

Full credit to Mayhem over at RPGuild for my sig

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."  

-Abraham Lincoln

Quote from: Dome on February 19, 2011, 04:36:46 am
Sorry Eternal, I don't have balls....


Yeah. Et pretty much decided on Templar and the Crusader sprite. At least he told me this.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Sprites Still Needed
Male Freelancer:
I was thinking a very basic sprite, like the female cadet is. Nothing fancy, no cape or anything. Just basic. That is what the Freelancer is, afterall.

Female Paladin:
Something akin to the current female Knight sprite, but a little more armored. The cape can stay, unless it looks bad with the armor or something.

Male Berserker:
A feral looking sprite, wearing only fur covering the groin and buttocks.

Female Berserker:
Again, feral wearing fur, covering her breasts, groin, and buttocks. Think Ayla, but without the tail.

Male Viking:
Like this image: http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/im ... Viking.jpg but without as much detail, and a more fierce-looking head/portrait.

Male Psion:
I want to try something very different here and go for an exotic, futuristic looking sprite. Futuristic and cold looking. White robe, visor covering their face etc. I'd be very happy if they were made as cold-looking as possible.

Female Psion:
Twin started a concept of this already with a robe and visor, but I don't think he was happy with the visor. The female Psion's robe can be purple to differentiate from the male's, and perhaps she could wear boots or something? A good reference for this is FFX-2's Psychic Dressphere: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... sychic.jpg

Male Necromancer:
A pale man wearing purple robes and grey hair, whose eyes are red. I envision him as being a zombie-looking, demonic-looking mage. Because that's basically what he is.

Female Necromancer:
Robed, pale woman wearing purple and black robes with long, grey hair (a la Ajora's). Red eyes as the male, but possibly some other feature to differentiate her?

Male Performer:
I don't really have a vision for this one. Maybe a spruced up Bard?

Male Alchemist:
Not sure about the face, but I'd like to see the FFTA/A2's Alchemist robe be used on the sprite. Reference is here: http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/im ... hemist.jpg

Female Alchemist:
Unlike the male alchemist, I was thinking this sprite could be based off of the human Illusionist sprite in FFTA/A2. Reference: http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/im ... ionist.jpg It looks a little nature-y, I guess, but that can probably be changed fairly easily.

Female Scholar:
I know Kage hates this design, but I think if it was made younger that it'd be awesome: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... px-Hal.jpg

Male Harbinger:
Something like this, but with less detail: http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/im ... Knight.jpg

Female Harbinger
Something akin to a reverse Agrias. Swapped palette for something darker, and a more fierce-looking head/portrait.

Templar (Male only):
Crusader sprite.

Assassin (Female only):
Kage's working on a concept.

Quinn (Ecclesian Sage):
As with the normal Sage class (which I forgot to list), something like this garb: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... S_Sage.jpg

Combination of a Squire's body, a Knight's head, and a modified Archer's portrait.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Sorry for my inactivity. Once I find more time, I will work on Assassin more, so far I got forward and back frames done(including walking). I also started to work on Bahamut sprite, but I dunno if you will want it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


No worries, I've been pretty inactive the last few days as well. No rush. :P
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I think for templar you should use a crusader with Vicks head, that helmet makes the crusader looks like a silver dildo.
Welcome to FFH were you can do things like...


Agreed. I really don't like the helm at all. Should be a simple enough headswap.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Quote from: Wolfran on December 30, 2010, 11:17:59 pm
I think for templar you should use a crusader with Vicks head, that helmet makes the crusader looks like a silver dildo.

knight's head stuck on crusaders armor in a port would be sexy too.


For male Psion should be a custom Oracle's robe with some bright colours like a light blue and a darker white for details, for head I was thinking in a male archer with Uni-glasses like cyclops from X-men but instead of red glass it might be blue or use the reference.
Welcome to FFH were you can do things like...


The uniglasses are a good idea that I presented to Twin before, but he said they'd be really hard to implement. And yeah, I agree with you on the robe. I'm thinking a very cold color, like white, would fit their "personality".

Also, this is weird. I posted a response to this back on New Year's, but the post didn't seem to stick. :o
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


First time posting for this wonderful project, and I come bearing a gift. A humble attempt at a portrait for Rad. If you don't want it, that's fine. If you'd like any changes, modifications, etc, let me know and I'll get it done as best I can.

Good luck, friends!


Oooh, that's a very nice portrait! You can bet it's being used!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Indeed it is very nice, but maybe you could change his clothes? Something that won't make him look like Archer's body. Up to you and Et though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown