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A little love for this Sprite.

Started by CodySpie, January 12, 2014, 10:15:15 pm


Heyo guys and gals,

I've been putting this sprite together for secret unknown reasons and I could use a little help with the Portrait. It appears fine in GG and PS but when previewing it in Shishi, the Portrait gets some pretty harsh dark pixels. The issue is probably something crazy simple that I overlooked but at this point I'm just not sure. If you feel like taking a gander at it and finding what the problem might be, it'd be greatly appreciated!

Best of luck,
  • Modding version: PSX


Sprite related questions go in the spriting section.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on January 12, 2014, 10:45:14 pm
Sprite related questions go in the spriting section.

Thanks for moving it, Elric.
  • Modding version: PSX


A couple of things I noticed when messing around with it.

You are doing a bunch of splice work, which isn't a problem (I do it a lot myself), but you need to adjust the palettes before you do any splicing together.

On the sprite I can see the different influences on that created your sprite, problem is there is too many colors for the sprite to come out looking fitting for the game.

You are using the body of Rofel and putting the hood and cape of other characters onto him. The first thing you need to do is decided what are the primary colors you will be using (16 in all). The two biggest I see you need to decided on are the colors of the armor and cape/robe/hood combo. The armor you can get away with choosing 3 colors (I would also recommend using those for part of the head/hair) and then 4 colors for the cape/robe/hood combo (to allow for the colors you want and proper shading).

Before you do any splicing adjust the colors of the sprites you will be taking the pieces from (same goes for portrait).
i.e: Once you have picked you 16 colors for the Shrine Knight and you plan on putting the cape of the male Knight onto the Shrine Knight, change the palette of the male Knight to the same as your Shrine Knight. Sometimes you will have to match up the colors because the palettes don't line up correctly, but it doesn't take long and really increases the quality of the sprite.

Repeat the process for each piece you are looking to take from another sprite/portrait.

The reason the portrait is coming out so crazy is that in Graphics Gale/Paint you are putting on pieces of different portraits together, but they are from different palettes and your palette doesn't cover those colors. So in Graphics Gale/Paint the images look correct, but when you load them into ShiShi it pulls from just the 16 color palette and when the a color that is on the portrait isn't on the palette ShiShi just puts in one close (or it may be random).

Second thing with patch work is that you'll still have to adjust some of the pixels so that everything lines up correctly. This will probably be the most time consuming thing for you and will be the hardest to learn because it gets you closer to making a completely original sprite and portrait.

I took the liberty of doing a palette for your portrait and fixing some of the things wrong with it. Its not perfect and can still use some work, but I'm busy with my own sprites and event editing. 

If you need any of help just PM me. I know I'm not a master spriter (yet), but I think I can coach you along to help you out some :P


January 13, 2014, 12:19:13 am #4 Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 12:41:58 am by CodySpie
Quote from: IronArm on January 13, 2014, 12:04:15 am
A couple of things I noticed when messing around with it.

You are doing a bunch of splice work, which isn't a problem (I do it a lot myself), but you need to adjust the palettes before you do any splicing together.

On the sprite I can see the different influences on that created your sprite, problem is there is too many colors for the sprite to come out looking fitting for the game.

You are using the body of Rofel and putting the hood and cape of other characters onto him. The first thing you need to do is decided what are the primary colors you will be using (16 in all). The two biggest I see you need to decided on are the colors of the armor and cape/robe/hood combo. The armor you can get away with choosing 3 colors (I would also recommend using those for part of the head/hair) and then 4 colors for the cape/robe/hood combo (to allow for the colors you want and proper shading).

Before you do any splicing adjust the colors of the sprites you will be taking the pieces from (same goes for portrait).
i.e: Once you have picked you 16 colors for the Shrine Knight and you plan on putting the cape of the male Knight onto the Shrine Knight, change the palette of the male Knight to the same as your Shrine Knight. Sometimes you will have to match up the colors because the palettes don't line up correctly, but it doesn't take long and really increases the quality of the sprite.

Repeat the process for each piece you are looking to take from another sprite/portrait.

The reason the portrait is coming out so crazy is that in Graphics Gale/Paint you are putting on pieces of different portraits together, but they are from different palettes and your palette doesn't cover those colors. So in Graphics Gale/Paint the images look correct, but when you load them into ShiShi it pulls from just the 16 color palette and when the a color that is on the portrait isn't on the palette ShiShi just puts in one close (or it may be random).

Second thing with patch work is that you'll still have to adjust some of the pixels so that everything lines up correctly. This will probably be the most time consuming thing for you and will be the hardest to learn because it gets you closer to making a completely original sprite and portrait.

I took the liberty of doing a palette for your portrait and fixing some of the things wrong with it. Its not perfect and can still use some work, but I'm busy with my own sprites and event editing. 

If you need any of help just PM me. I know I'm not a master spriter (yet), but I think I can coach you along to help you out some :P

That's some beauty work right there IronArm! Thanks for all of your help, I'll be in touch.

EDIT 1: I do really enjoy the redesigns you've put forth, however ShiShi still throws those pixels our way.

See below

Now that block above the Portrait is an easy fix. The Portrait still needs a little love. :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Should be fixed now.


  • Modding version: PSX


Okay, so... Now it should be fixed :P


Both of you are Fantastic, or should I say Fantactic? Either way your help is greatly appreciated. I can wait to put this sprite to good use and I'm looking forward to sharing the results with all of you! :)
  • Modding version: PSX


Hey, this looks awesome man, congrats. Quick question though; are the hood and the robe supposed to be the different shades? Something about it just seems off to me. Maybe I'm just weird, though. :P
  • Modding version: WotL


Quote from: kyozo22 on January 13, 2014, 03:59:13 pm
Hey, this looks awesome man, congrats. Quick question though; are the hood and the robe supposed to be the different shades? Something about it just seems off to me. Maybe I'm just weird, though. :P

They could quite possibly be different shades. I would love to say that's intentional but it's really probably not!
  • Modding version: PSX