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Frog from CT (Complete as of V1.1)

Started by Saigas, August 22, 2008, 07:47:53 pm


August 22, 2008, 07:47:53 pm Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 03:40:27 pm by Saigas
Here is the beginning of my first attempt at spriting.  I get so confused trying to use the palette editor that I gave up trying and am attempting to make a new sprite using solely the colors given in the original palette.  The generic sprite I am modifying is quite obvious.  ^_^

As you can see, trying to work around an unchanged palette is quite difficult.  If you can't tell, which you probably can't, this is meant to be the framework for a Glenn/Frog character from Chrono Trigger.  Unfortunately, I think I'm kind of in a rut as to how to go about: a) making him short, with a frog head for Frog - b) Give him appropriately colored green hair for his human form, Glenn.  It is just unlucky for me that I can't have his hair blending into his cape, but there are only two greens in the Knight palette I'm using. :P

As far as this goes, this is by no stretch of the imagination a very simplistic and amateur attempt, but in my defense I AM trying.  Any Constructive Criticism or just strait up assistance anyone can give me?


August 22, 2008, 08:03:51 pm #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Vanya
It's a good start but if you want to do frog you really are going to need to edit the palette.

What program are you using?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


August 22, 2008, 08:10:10 pm #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Saigas
Well, more like I'm TRYING to use SNESPal, but failing.  Everything is just so confusing, and when I open it, it shows WAY more than 16 colors.  Aside from SNESPal, the only things I have are MSPaint and GIMP.


August 22, 2008, 08:12:44 pm #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Zozma
gimp will show your colors too (with the bmp, you cant use snespal on a bmp either just the sprite itself. you will see more than 16 colors if this was made from the generic knight there should be like 4 more color palettes for the sprite, and 5 total for the portraits...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


August 22, 2008, 08:16:47 pm #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Saigas
0_0  Dear lord.  Which one is which then?  And GIMP will let you edit palettes?  Is there like, a specific way to do it?


August 22, 2008, 08:19:06 pm #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Zozma
you have to open up the color map,

if your sprite is supposed to be a special unit and not a generic, then the first 16 colors are the palette, and then you should see some space between the sprite colors and the portrait colors, the first 16 of the portrait are the ones you want too.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


August 22, 2008, 08:30:29 pm #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Saigas
Okay so I open it up and I have the first 16 colors as the palette I want to edit, right?  And the colors immediately following those are the next palette of the portrait?

[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]...and then the next palette?


August 22, 2008, 08:37:30 pm #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Zozma
right, you should notice a pattern from one palette to the next, like where the black is, and where the first skin tone is etc..
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


August 22, 2008, 08:37:33 pm #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Vanya
Actually it has all the sprite palettes first and then the portrait palettes after those. Sprites have a 256 color palette even if it only uses the first 16.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


August 22, 2008, 08:39:00 pm #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Zozma
oops yeah i didn't read that correctly, the 5 palettes for the sprite are first

then there is a gap of all black where 3 more sprite palettes can be added,
(so of course 3 more rows of 16)
THEN its the portraits in order
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
Ramza: But im a monk!!


August 22, 2008, 08:42:59 pm #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Saigas
Thanks a ton!  This has helped me exponentially!  I appreciate all of the help.  Now I can get back to work.  I'll keep everyone updated.


August 23, 2008, 01:20:37 am #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by CidIII
Yeah, I remember when I first tried this with GIMP, the amount of tools and shit it has is overwhelmingly confusing at first...

But, you get used to it.  :D
I refuse to play Final Fantasy Tactics again until I am able to do my FF6 patch! And, FFT 1.3 doesn't technically count as FFT: so there!


August 26, 2008, 02:57:28 pm #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Saigas

Behold, with only a single color change on the palette I have created this.  Tell me what you think so far.


August 26, 2008, 03:04:32 pm #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Kenshin72
Wow, it does look like a frog! Little bit of polish on it and he will look pretty good.


August 26, 2008, 03:11:37 pm #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Saigas
Thanks for the compliment.  A frog is definitely what I was going for ^_^. The polish will probably be the hardest part.  I'm not the best when it comes to animation, and though it seems I can create a decent base I might need someone to coordinate with on the details.  Unfortunate, but this may just be what happens.


August 26, 2008, 04:03:48 pm #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by gojoe
you know the original frog seemed to be a lil shorter, maybe try making him a type 2 sprite
I never learn from my mistakes.


August 26, 2008, 04:26:20 pm #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Vanya
That's a good start on the head, but I suggest downloading a sprite sheet of the original frog for reference. If you're lucky, it'll be a compatible size.

Here, found this on Spriter's Resource:
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


August 26, 2008, 07:07:45 pm #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Saigas
It's actually funny that you bring up the original spritesheet, because I already had it.  Thanks for the help, though. ^_^  I'll be sure to follow your advice.


August 26, 2008, 07:39:49 pm #18 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Argg0
For Frog, I think you should use the child sprite as base. That way he will be shorter like the original.


August 26, 2008, 07:56:48 pm #19 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Vanya
That's not a bad idea, Argg0. I think he could still modify the knight. It shouldn't be to difficult to shave off 3 or 4 pixels of height. He might end up looking like a D&D dwarf though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown