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My Patch (Still Unnamed)

Started by FFaddic, May 17, 2008, 12:44:17 am


May 17, 2008, 12:44:17 am Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by FFaddic
Here's my patch, which is still unnamed because I don't really have any name that fits it, that I've been working on.  I guess this is just a Beta or whatever, but I'm not THAT serious about it... just something I've been messing with.  There's no readme included about where to overwrite the files on the disc, I figured almost everyone here knows where the files go.  I included a copy of the fftpatch file just for fun, too.

Here's a list of some of the changes off the top of my head:

-Mediator is replaced by a Holy Knight class
-Calculator is replaced by a Blue Mage class
-Bard & Dancer are replaced by a Red Mage class
-Oracle is replaced by a Necromancer (named Lich for text space reasons) class
-Most text in battle and in formation screen has been changed to reflect the above class changes.
-Most class requirements have changed, and text in the job wheel has been changed to reflect this.
-Almost all reaction/support/movement abilities have been changed around between jobs.  Most jobs have at least one of each R/S/M ability to learn.

-The following NPCs now join the party (in order): Simon, Ovelia, Gafgarion, Olan, Balmafula.  I believe they all have at least somewhat altered skillsets.  It almost never makes sense that they join the party, either lol
-Malak, Rafa, Mustadio, and Meliadoul have slightly altered skillsets.
-Cloud no longer needs the Materia Blade to use limits, just any sword.  He also comes with the Materia Blade equipped.
-All special characters join the party at Party Level - Random
-Some special characters now have altered equipment

-All story battles have had levels altered.  Most enemies are at Party Level - Random.
-Zodiac monsters have about double HP.

-Zodiac, Ultima, Non-Charge, and Teleport 2 are all now learnable.
-Apanda, Ultima Demon, and Archaic Demon are all invitable.

There's a couple of more changes I'm sure I'm forgetting to list.  This patch isn't really meant to be geared towards a public patch.  I know there's some glitches in some portraits and whatnot.  Feel free to comment, but honestly I don't care that much.  Just sharing what I've been working on :)


May 17, 2008, 12:44:48 am #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by FFaddic
There's 4 files... max attachment is 3...


May 26, 2008, 07:06:15 am #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
It's too unbalanced for my tastes (Flare and Flare2 on a Red Mage!?); however, if you haven't already gotten there you may want to know that simply changing an item that is never available in stores to being available does not make it available in stores.  You'd have to switch it around so that it occupies a slot that usually is available in stores.

Really I was looking for someone who had already made Necromancer before I started making my own.  I didn't think to use Darkness, but it looks like it should work nicely. Thanks.

Btw, did you make this patch hard?  I have a friend who is going through his 1st playthrough of FFT and I wanted to recommend him some fun patches that were not as hard as the ones I'm used to.
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.


May 26, 2008, 09:14:51 am #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Kourama
Well if your friend has the PSP version I can offer my patch, still is undergoing a few changes but it should be ready soon.


May 26, 2008, 04:10:23 pm #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by FFaddic
Quote from: "VincentCraven"Btw, did you make this patch hard?  I have a friend who is going through his 1st playthrough of FFT and I wanted to recommend him some fun patches that were not as hard as the ones I'm used to.

Depends on how you define hard.  I've only been playing it through to test things, and I find it hard since I don't really do any random battles.  All story battles have had their levels upped to match the party's.


May 26, 2008, 07:39:52 pm #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Hippeus
QuoteThe following NPCs now join the party (in order): Simon, Ovelia, Gafgarion, Olan, Balmafula. I believe they all have at least somewhat altered skillsets.

Any idea what kinda of alterations that they have? Also when do u get this characters in the game?

Does the new job classes use the default sprites for them or did u make new ones?

Also how do u learn the Blue Magic spells?


May 27, 2008, 02:23:43 am #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by FFaddic
Quote from: "Hippeus"
QuoteThe following NPCs now join the party (in order): Simon, Ovelia, Gafgarion, Olan, Balmafula. I believe they all have at least somewhat altered skillsets.

Any idea what kinda of alterations that they have? Also when do u get this characters in the game?

Does the new job classes use the default sprites for them or did u make new ones?

Also how do u learn the Blue Magic spells?

I added a lot of skills on those characters that join.  Simon joins at the beginning of chapter 2, Ovelia at the same time as Mustadio, Gafgarion at the end of chapter 2, Olan after you rescue him near the beginning of chapter 3, and Balmafula at the same time as Orlandu.

Lich and Red Mage are just palette swaps.  Holy Knight is a self created/altered sprite.  Blue Mage is just calculator and since calc is already blue I just left it alone.

For now Blue Magic is JP, just like every other class.  Everyone else seems to prefer the other way of doing it, having to have been hit by it, but that always annoyed me in other FF games so I steered away from that.


May 27, 2008, 05:18:28 pm #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Hippeus
Cool I'll definitely try out ure patch then. I always GS'ed Olan and Gaffy into my parties. When u beaten the game so much I like to add characters in I normally wouldn't do. Like recently I did a Beoulve Playthrough with Ramza, Alma, Zalbag, and Dycedarg.


May 31, 2008, 12:24:23 am #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Hippeus
I just got Blue Mage and I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed.

1. Some of the Blue Magic seems really weak like the feather bomb that was only doing like 15 dmg at the most with someone that lved in magic for awhile till he got it at lv 20.

2. Mostly all Blue Mages can least use normal swords. So I would probably suggest maybe giving them Swords with their rods and staffs.

Also I was unclear why u didn't give Lich Fire 4 really since u made it a a expert on Fire spells and its own summoning and such. May I suggest you make Lich's starting status in combat Undead if possible also. That will make it more true to the Necromancer Job Class especially from FFV.


June 12, 2008, 12:02:13 pm #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Argg0
Why don't you make Simon join after Wiggy II? It would actually make sense.