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FFT Bug/Glitch Discussions

Started by Cheetah, September 12, 2009, 04:55:46 am


This should be easy to pinpoint. I'll just change the skill before it and the one after it and that should pinpoint the byte that needs to be changed.
The question is, will the patcher freak out or otherwise change it back after a manual edit?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Well if there is a glitch in the patcher maybe. But generally it is just reading the info straight from the ISO and showing how it is, so changing things manually shouldn't mess it up unless you make a mistake.
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September 24, 2010, 02:46:59 pm #42 Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 11:26:18 pm by Vanya
OK. It's definitely a glitch in the patcher. Looks like the bomb's Monster Skill ability slot is bugged.
I changed it to cure to make sure it would make the change in the iso and it did.
However, when I reloaded the patched iso and tried to change it back to the wrong version of small bomb it wouldn't let me.
I thought to try changing it to the correct version now that it freaked and it did indeed let me do it. Weird, huh?

At any rate, this has nothing to do with the fact that the 2 extra small bomb abilities have the wrong/correct formula.
What do you guys think? Should it be MA based like all the other Bomb abilities, or should it be PA based?

Edit: [s:9pu3cfom]New version of the patcher seems to have corrected the error in reading the Bomb's skillset.[/s:9pu3cfom]
Never mind. It seems to still have this weird bug.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Here's another formula that I think might be up for debate.
The monks' Secret Fist ability uses formula 50 Hit_(MA+X)%.
What throws this into question are 2 facts.
1- All of the monks other abilities are based on their PA, not MA.
2- More compellingly, Secret Fist uses the AI Behavior flag 'Defense Up', not 'Magic Defense Up'.
Point #2 is just plain counter-intuitive. I would suggest using formula 33 Hit_(PA+X)% which is also used by Stigma Magic.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I'm not sure if this is bug or not because I havent played this game for long time. I'm in chapter 4 and on my way to final dungeon (Orbonne). I want to recruit the secret character but oddly the event at Goug didn't appear (Mustadio still in my party). I'm not sure whether this is bug or I missed something during my play. Does anyone else experience this?


How would you feel about adding in Razele's ASM hack that allows special characters to go on Errands (propositions)?

The PSP version allows up to 24 characters while the PSX version only allows 16, this makes it impossible to keep every special character if you want to complete the treasures and locations, since you'll need a bunch of generics to do the Errands. It also makes monster breeding difficult as the more interesting monsters are only available later on when you're already struggling with party space. By allowing special characters to go on Errands, generics can be replaced with special characters as you recruit them with fewer consequences on game completion. It would be one way of compensating for the PSX version's smaller roster when compared to the PSP version, and much simpler than re-writing the party roster and save file management.

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Inzoum


I fully encourage you to apply that ASM hack for your own playthrough, but it wont be added to the primary patch. I would be much more interested in upping the party limit, but that isn't particularly feasible.
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Quote from: Inzoum on July 01, 2011, 04:54:24 am
How would you feel about adding in Razele's ASM hack that allows special characters to go on Errands (propositions)?

The PSP version allows up to 24 characters while the PSX version only allows 16, this makes it impossible to keep every special character if you want to complete the treasures and locations, since you'll need a bunch of generics to do the Errands. It also makes monster breeding difficult as the more interesting monsters are only available later on when you're already struggling with party space. By allowing special characters to go on Errands, generics can be replaced with special characters as you recruit them with fewer consequences on game completion. It would be one way of compensating for the PSX version's smaller roster when compared to the PSP version, and much simpler than re-writing the party roster and save file management.

Rad, Alicia and Lavian can be chosen to do the Errands. This is probably the main reason the developers did not make more special character(s) join your team permanently so that you could still do the Errands and not screw up in some way. At the end if you accepted all characters into your roster, you'll have 16 units in total including 3 generics.


Of course, but then you wouldn't have any room left to breed monsters unless you kick out at least 2 characters (generic or not), have a lot of patience, and breed monsters one species at a time for poaching.

I tried Razele's ASM hack, and it seems that if you don't have at least one generic available, you'll get a message saying you don't have anyone to send out, even if you have ample enough non-generics available, so I guess I'll need to hold on to at least one. My starting generics are actually more powerful than Alicia, Lavian and Ladd, and I don't consider them to be anything more than constant-named generics (in the Playstation version, at least), so I'll probably toss these out first this time around.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Inzoum


I havn't tried Meliadoul in FFT:Complete, but I think I remember FFT:WoL changed it to allowed her destructive sword skills to target monsters and deal damage, making her a more useful character overall. I think there's an ASM hack doing just that floating around somewhere. Has this been included? Will it? it would seem logical
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Inzoum


Cheetah, I'm looking through the dialogue and stuff currently and it seems you placed the dialogue for the beginning of the Hashmal battle in with the event directly after where Ramza talks to Hashmal. I'll point out anything else if I find it.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Here are a few, most of which you all will probably think I'm crazy for even listing. :)

1. This one's easy to reproduce, but it may not be worth even considering. If a character levels up (physical level or job level) as the very last move in a battle, the little jingle will prevent the main music from fading out as it's supposed to at the end. The music plays for a bit longer then suddenly changes to the Victory theme. Maybe I'm the only one who immediately noticed this the first time I played the game back in the day. :)

2. If you open a character's ability list while in battle, the music slows to half speed and the character sprites stop moving. This was on my PSP, so it's possible it's just an issue with the emulation.

3. I actually posted this (erroneously) in another thread, mostly as a joke, but it's a legit glitch I would say. Not sure how easy it is to fix.

Anyway, As a side note, if a character has a) Dual Wield, b) the Blood Sword as their first weapon, and c) low health, attacking an Undead monster (or, I presume, attacking any monster if the character also has Undead status) results in the character dying after the first attack (as expected); however, the character suddenly springs back to life for the second attack animation, though it doesn't even register with the game (it plays the sound effect as if you attacked air and the monster doesn't dodge or anything). Afterwards, the character falls back down.

Probably inconsequential as it doesn't result in any abuse (that I can think of) or gameplay weirdness. It's mostly just weird. :)

4. Not sure if this is intended or not, but it's possible to target a character with an item who is directly above you in a multi-height stage, regardless of the height. I tried this on the Execution Site map and had my Time Mage use an item on my Dragoon who was standing several levels directly above the Time Mage (under that archway). For the life of me, I can't recall if Item has any height restrictions anyway, but it seemed unnatural.


These are interesting suggestions. I'm not sure how crucial any of them are, and I'm pretty sure throw item doesn't have height restrictions, but I appreciate the input regardless. You have a very keen eye for detail.
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I forgot to mention a pretty interesting bug. It was a while ago, so when it happened might be a little foggy... It was EITHER the cutscene right after the battle when Tietra dies (when Ramza is talking to himself with the background of the big fire/explosion) OR the cutscene where you see the army of armored Chocobos in battle (again, a still scene where I believe Ramza is talking to himself)...

Anyway, in one of those two scenes, after all the text is displayed, the game won't progress past that scene for a long, long time. So much so that I thought there was an issue with the patch and the game had frozen. By random chance, I left the game running--I was about to just turn it off--while I looked online for anything about a freeze happening at this point in the game. It was something like 2-4 minutes afterwards that the game finally moved on to the save screen.

Sorry I can't recall exactly where it was. D: But it was definitely one of the two scenes. I imagine it's an issue with the amount of text being displayed between the PSX and PSP version perhaps? Something's preventing the game from moving on, and of course, pressing any button doesn't do anything. Might be severe enough to make people think the game is frozen and just shut it off. :-\


I remember hearing about this bug before too. I think it waits for a button press, something got confused with the code. I will have to look into this.
Current Projects:


Cheetah, I figure you would know. Any idea why em-dashes in PW's Complete script displays as Kanji?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


September 10, 2011, 05:07:58 am #56 Last Edit: September 10, 2011, 05:12:06 am by LucasTizma
1. Are status effects supposed to persist after death, followed by revival? I had Silence for a couple turns, died, was revived, and still had Silence for at least 3-4 more turns. I should have let it run longer, 'cause it sure seemed to stay around for a LONG time. Not sure that I've experienced this before or if it's an actual glitch. This was in "Church Outside of Town" battle or whatever they call it now.

2. Again, this may be intended behavior, but I cast Corruption (Undead) on an ally and then cast whatever-it's-called (Drain MP) on that ally. I expected it to reverse-drain MP to recover the ally's MP, but it didn't. I then tried casting Corruption on myself so both the caster and target had Undead, but Drain MP still functioned as expected. Does Undead only affect HP recovery?


Certain debuffs don't wear off, such as Silence.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


@Eternal: Some of the characters used in the WotL script don't exist in FFT PSX. Specifically the dash symbol which we had to add in manually. However, FFTacText is designed to support this now and I think automatically adds it. If you could open up your scripted ISO with TacText and then just save it again that might fix the problem.
Current Projects:


I would of posted this way earlier, but since my old computer went kaput... Anyways, I'm on a new computer now. Better late than never, right? I've notice two errors during my playthrough. Well, to be more precise. They were in the Chronicle -> Events part. Copied and paste from FFTacText Editor. Bolded the error for you.

Entry 42 Error - A double from.

42  {SP}Orran welcomed Count Orlandeau back to Zeltennia{Newline}
Castle, whereupon the young astrologer reported to him{Newline}
the peculiar string of events happening throughout Ivalice,{Newline}
all revolving around the Stones. He then spoke candidly of{Newline}
the Church and the Knights Templar, and their suspicious{Newline}
tendencies of late. Orlandeau pulled the Libra Stone from{Newline}
from his pocket and gazed into it, overcome by foreboding{Newline}
at the battle that must soon come. (Press △ to view.)

Entry 52 Error - A double the.

  {SP}Wrongly imprisoned as a conspirator in the assassination{Newline}
of Duke Goltanna, Orran escaped and went to see Ovelia{Newline}
in hopes of clearing Count Orlandeau's name. There he{Newline}
found Delita, and harshly condemned him for betraying the{Newline}
the duke. Delita attempted to justify his actions, saying{Newline}
that deception and betrayal were essential to his goal of{Newline}
ruling the people as the hero they desired. Ovelia was{Newline}
shocked by his words. (Press △ to view.)

I'll report more to you if there are anymore.