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Messages - Poco Loco

FFT Remix /
December 10, 2009, 04:00:13 am
why not make a few optional side quests, some that can only be achieved during the chapter you are in

for example

in chapter 1 right before Algus leaves the party, you, go to Dorter and go in the bar and take on a mission to take out a handful of Death Corps that are trying to dessert the country and you have to take them out

of course accomplishing the mission can get you a really decent item, like a sword that you get in chapter 2, or some armor etc.

its just an example but the over-all idea might be something to think about ;)
Old Project Ideas /
July 31, 2009, 12:50:03 pm
Hey guys just throwing an idea out here (idk if someone pitched this or not I wasn't about 2 read 17 pages lol)

why not do a patch about Delita and what happens right after the explosion @ fort Zeikden, make Delita the main character, let him have his own squad and go about his own side of the story, and of course throw in a few appearances of Ramza and have him fight alongside you as a guest from time to time

just a thought guys, give me some feedback here :p
Spriting /
May 27, 2009, 04:24:32 am
nice job
The Lounge /
May 19, 2009, 05:46:45 pm
ok man w/e I'm not gonna argue with u online
The Lounge /
May 19, 2009, 05:29:25 pm
look, its as I said before its non-profit, you are not selling it, if you bought it legally, you can legally edit it as you please, as long as you credit the original creator/owner and acknowledge his/her ownership so long as it is promotional and non-profit you can do whatever you want

I know my stuff philsov :p
The Lounge /
May 19, 2009, 03:22:06 pm
yea Darthpaul is 100% right when it comes right down to it, if you got something that you paid for and its rightfully yours.....u can do whatever the hell u want with it

of course this is all non-profit so SE rlly needs to hop off  some nut-sacks lets be 4real here
The Lounge /
May 18, 2009, 08:30:01 pm
well, yea u have a point there

still they are pretty good @ what they do I give them that :)

u guys are on top tho no question (not trying 2 kiss ass I'm just telling it like it is)
The Lounge /
May 18, 2009, 08:13:34 pm
oh yea the guys @ slickproductions.org as well :p
The Lounge /
May 18, 2009, 08:12:30 pm
yea I guess u have a point LastingDawn

well lets hope it never happens

well as for a decent FF project would be my friend Zeemis' Revelations hack for FF6 its still early but its going great :p

still 1.3 blows it away in the sense that its done and also off the fact that its a playstation game n he is hacking the snes version of the game
The Lounge /
May 18, 2009, 04:24:47 pm
well the only thing we can do now is to keep doing what we are doing n not promote ourselves to the extreme

there are a lot of snitches out there

its best to stay under the radar and do what we are doing

the mistake of the other guys was that they kept on putting themselves on blast, they threw themselves out there hard-body

which is why everybody and their mom's knew what was going on, it even went as far as Square-Enix which is why they did what they did
The Lounge /
May 18, 2009, 03:46:21 pm
yea the boss is right after all, its only in human nature (well 2 some anyway) to help those out in need, especially seeing as how all that passion and ambition was just tossed aside and completely devastated

and God-forbid the same shit can happen here u know
The Lounge /
May 18, 2009, 02:40:12 pm
its really sad that all that talent and effort went to waste u know, it wasnt like they were going to make money out of it or claimed it as their own property

Square-Enix even went as far as to sue a 13 year old kid for releasing advent children on youtube 4 Christ's-sake

those bastards suck dick 4 money lets be real here lol

we're better off keeping this shyt on the DL

and if they somehow find out about us and bitch, then we stop..............or do we? ;)
FFT Remix /
May 18, 2009, 02:31:27 pm
wow really cool spells bro I cant wait 2 play :D

I'll throw some ideas in whenever the hell I get some time to think of any lol :p
Symbols of Rage /
April 29, 2009, 11:03:47 pm
I meant to put fire as my correction but it didn't go through and I had to step out srry

but yea fire lol

as for an Earth Axe I guess Titan Axe would be a better name
Symbols of Rage /
April 29, 2009, 07:56:40 pm
here is an idea for an axe

Vulcan's Axe - 20 WP, 40 Evade (or Vulcan Axe its up to you) Earth elemental

you should also make more spears

here are a few

Serpent 's Spear - 24 WP,  inflicts poison (immune to poison)
Leviathan - 35 WP, Water elemental (randomly casts  water) (absorb water) (1/2 ice and fire damage) (double lightning damage recieved)
Divine Justice - 41 WP, Holy elemental (randomly casts holy) (absorb holy) (1/2 dark damage)

these are like the stronger weapons seeing as how spears and axes are heavily over-looked in the game

I'll come up with some more later

but give me a weapon class and I'll think of something sick ;)
FFT Remix /
April 29, 2009, 03:42:06 pm
its cool bro

do it when u do it :)

but hey we all need mini vacations every now and again lol
FFT Remix /
April 29, 2009, 01:37:27 am
ooooo ok ok I got you man

thats some real talent you got there no question about it

but hey can you do Minwu?

I think you can do a much better one then me lol
FFT Remix /
April 28, 2009, 08:09:08 pm
oooooo I see

but if thats the case you can just take the dead sprites from other chars as placers you know what I mean
FFT Remix /
April 28, 2009, 05:04:45 pm
oooo ok ok

do you still have it?

I use the one where there is a little pic of Relm as the app

its pretty tough to edit sprites that way in the sense that if you fuck up, ur fukked lmao
Old Project Ideas /
April 28, 2009, 07:44:14 am
wow thats a really good idea

I'm gonna try this out :D