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September 20, 2024, 06:26:30 pm


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Messages - Twinees

Spriting / Re: Twinees' Sprites
September 24, 2022, 02:40:26 am
I still make sprites, and I still enjoy making FFT sprites. I've just never had any particular interest in making Vincent's beast forms, even back in the day when I was keen on making all the FF7 sprites haha. I still occasionally load up my old FF7 sprites and make changes to them though, would love to finish them all some day. I made the Vincent Valentine sprite, so asking here for permission to modify parts would be a perfectly reasonable excuse to necrobump. It's all about context haha.
I don't post my work here anymore, I mainly do so on the FFH discord. I do take commissions though, so if you needed any fixes to anything or small edits I could help with that. A large MON sprite like Vincent's beast form would be a bit much.

I'd recommend taking a look at other SP2s on (the sheets that are longer than normal) to get a better understanding of how they work. It's an additional animation to give the monster a different looking attack. A lot of custom monsters don't have SP2s because they didn't really need them, and it was easier without them for reasons; We can't add SP2s to existing sprite slots, only replace them. So it was much easier at the time to simply make a MON sheet without SP2s so you could replace any sprite, whether it be human or monster, thus anyone could enjoy them!

Good luck with your mod
Spriting / Re: Twinees' Sprites
September 18, 2022, 11:59:53 pm
Unfortunately, I don't have interest in making Vincent's beast forms at the moment. If you think it'd be pretty simple though, you should give it a go!

Monster sprites don't need SP2s, it gives them an extra animation though. I made Red XIII's regular attack fairly unique, so opted to not give him an SP2 animation.

Also darkskyx, you should consider looking at the date the last post on a thread was.. the last time this thread was properly posted in was 2012 (so over 10 years ago lol). You've necrobumped a lot of old threads..
Spriting / Re: Shishi import problem
July 17, 2019, 05:09:19 pm
So technically a sprite and portrait can use the same colour values, but they definitely can't share from each other's 16 colour palette. That's definitely one of the reasons why the portrait isn't looking correct. It's honestly safer to simply not use the same colours (for portrait and sprite) since if it's not set up correctly, wacky things like this can happen.
But there's actually two issues with this sheet. The second issue is that the first sprite palette reuses 3 of the same colours. So the palette needed to be squished for the portrait to show correctly as well.
Hey Valkirst, Elric asked me to come out of retirement to take a quick look at some of your work, so I hope it's okay if I do a little bit of critique. Glad you liked my Lamia/Snake lady design btw.

Your very first draft is honestly probably better than the others/most recent, and I'll try and help pinpoint why.
If you take a look at the chin and neck for example, in each iteration her neck looks like it's building up a bit of gunk. Your first draft has a clean chin and jaw line, though it does need a slight bit more chin to neck shadow. It looks like you've tried to do that on subsequent updates, but you've gone a little overboard with it. The front of the chin has a similar issue where you've built on the area too much. A sharper and a less gradated version would work better here. The weird reflection around the side of the face and on the shoulder should go too.

Keep experimenting with the eyes and colours, I'd personally prefer if they were pushed further towards Vanilla though. Your reference image is good but I think you're focusing too much on the design's original eyes. It's more important to focus towards FFT eyes, then bridge the gap from there. Your Callo Merlose reference image particularly worked really well because the art style is extremely similar (pretty sure it's the same artist?) to FFT. But I think you have to reign it back a little here.

The ear is particularly strange, it almost looks like it's on the bottom or side of her jaw. There's no real cut off point around the jaw line for FFT ears, the side of face sort of blends into the start of the ear. The ear is also pretty small, FFT characters generally have notably sized ears. You'll just have the issue of them looking Elf-like if they're too oversized.

The face placement worked well in your first draft since the hair took up a reasonable space down the bottom of the portrait. I think since you've removed it in the recent version, it's looking a little strange being able to see a lot more of her body. I think it'd be best to add the front hair back in or move her whole face down a little bit to hide more of the body.

The hair needs work, it's just a little bit pixel-y. I guess first off would be suggesting to keep a fairly regular outline where the hair connects to the dark grey background. One of the hair strands underneath her chin doesn't have an outline at all for example, and the one to the direct left of that hair strand has an irregular outline. It's kind of hard to go into anymore detail with hair since it's weird to explain but just try and sample the best references you can from existing portraits.

Colour wise, all I can really suggest is to start with FFT Vanilla colours and work them towards the original design rather than the other way.

Hope that helps somewhat, good luck! 
Spriting / Re: Zombie/Undead Knight
July 08, 2018, 08:53:37 pm
I prefer your first version of the portrait, the face shape is definitely better on that one. I kind of prefer the colours on the first too. I'd say the shaved side of his head is probably making it look like the mask, but that's just the character's design so I personally wouldn't worry too much. The mouth is better on the newest though! Gl
Glad it helped you, good luck with Fran and Guildenstern :)
The Lounge / Re: Map exploration...
April 13, 2018, 09:20:05 am
I don't have much time so I can't properly reply at the moment. But first thing is that sprites use a different 16 colour palette in relation to the portrait. The sprites also use quite different colours, so start from there :)
The Lounge / Re: Map exploration...
April 02, 2018, 12:35:17 pm
Great, hope this helps convey a little bit about what I meant in my post. I didn't finish off a lot of it, left it rough in places, like the back of the neck and top of the head. The blue shoulder strap thing could probably be improved too as the last thing. Should be 16 colours still too. I'm keen to see whether you design a sprite to go along with it!

Quote from: Satchmo III
My intent was for the light to be more or less directly in front/above the face.

Yep, that's how it should be :)

Also I forgot to mention how much I like those 3D printed maps! They look really fucking cool. Great job. I'm really interested to see what else you work on! If you need any more help regarding pixel art things, let me know.
The Lounge / Re: Map exploration...
April 02, 2018, 06:55:55 am
Quote from: Satchmo III
I read somewhere here that the game limits the portrait (and sprite) color palette to 16 so I followed that rule and sampled colors off of existing character portraits.

Perfect! That's definitely the best way to go, and it looks like you've chosen colours that match well too. Rule of thumb is that 99.5% of the colours you will need already exist in game and I'm glad you've adhered to that.

Quote from: Satchmo III
I assumed the background is one of the 16, but if it's not I could add one more color.

Correct, the background counts as one of the 16.

I'd like to offer some criticism and hopefully it helps. I think the helmet needs a little more shape and definition at points in terms of metal plating (the general outline of the helmet is really well shaped though). The concept art I looked up had dark lines like you've used towards the back of the helmet continue on the front too, so I think that would be a good way to start defining the shape of the metal more. The neck is pretty thick, it could probably be at least a tad smaller.
Would you like me to spend 10-15 mins doing some quick edits of the portrait to help you out? I'd rather ask permission first instead of simply going ahead and messing around with your art work :P
QuoteI've seen a battle sprite of Titan

Except you clearly did not understand what I meant with the Eidolons. You assumed I was refering to Lucavi size sprites, and I was not.

If you've seen a battle sprite of Titan then you know it is Lucavi sized (with a weird human sized head to make it fit in the sheet), therefore Nyzer was entirely correct for assuming that you were asking about Lucavi sized monsters. You need to 'clearly' state what you were asking for.

Why are you are still continuing this tirade? I reluctantly replied to your private messages (even after seeing you attempting to disrespect a friend in a previous post) in an undeniably helpful manner and I received a 'Yeah, I found it myself about 40 minutes ago'. Don't bloody toot your own horn. Just say, "thanks for helping me" and move on. The funny thing was that I replied to you at least a couple of hours before that, so you were just daft and didn't look at your private messages and therefore wasted your own time. Great job.

You obviously have your own set of problems to work out, mate. Good luck with that.

QuoteI clearly said dont be a sarcastic jerk

P.S. I wouldn't recommend using the word 'clearly' in that way. It can come off in a sarcastic/passive aggressive/rude way... which is what you are trying to avoid, right?
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
December 28, 2017, 02:07:52 am
Quote from: Bonesy on December 27, 2017, 10:55:29 pm
i have to say i laughed pretty hard

partially at the concept partially at if I couldn't decide if that ballpark was too low or high

Probably on the high end of an estimate, considering the size of the sheet, the amount of frames and the complexity of the frames. Depends on the artist's hourly price too. The lowest I'd estimate is probably $800-900. So $800 - $1500 per sheet sounds about right to me... haha.
This is a suggestion for both PigonMuffin123, as well as you Lionheart537; the diagonal views are the most important frames to get correct and should be priority. These angles are always viewed in game, therefore the side, front and back frames should be a second thought.
Also, its generally harder to get the diagonal frames to look the way you want them to. So if you are not happy with the outcome of the diagonal frames, you should probably rework it or think about other alternatives.
Are you using the same colours for the sprite and portrait? They should not be shared at all. They need to be separate. 16 colours for the sprite, and 16 colours for the portrait.
Definite improvements over the original sheet you posted. Colours are better too. The shoulder pad in particular is fairly messy and needs to be simplified.

Quote from: PigonMuffin123 on September 05, 2017, 04:38:20 pm
Props to DarkShade's sprite "Fayt" because I used it as the base of the sprite.

Btw, the parts you are using from 'Fayt' are used from my sprite, Dart.
I can confirm that we already have decided the playable character roster, and both Laharl and Etna are not included in that list.
Spriting / Re: We need MOAR Monsters
April 04, 2017, 10:46:11 am
Hey Conman, its looking okay but there are more noticeable issues with the new changes you've made. The legs (and also the butt) look very pillow shaded and look different in length now. Its easily noticeable due to the knees being nearly exactly level but the feet are the correct perspective. And the abs/his body look a little that way too, its too straight? Anyway, I hope that helps a little. And both palettes you've chosen look okay, I can't decide on which one looks better :)
Spriting / Re: Help with Custom Portraits
December 21, 2016, 02:25:14 am
I should be able to help with some quick edits later, for now, the hair on at least McDohl needs more volume upwards. Currently, its giving the impression that he has a very small head. Look at some bald character portraits and see how tall their heads are, then look at some similar face angles to the male thief portrait that actually have hair. It might help you out a bit.
Good luck.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
December 06, 2016, 08:37:23 am
Quote from: nyzer on December 05, 2016, 04:59:14 pm
we'll replace Snake with a poorly sprited Raiden.

Spriting / Re: Koruten's Sprites
November 07, 2016, 05:45:58 am
Keep at it Koruten. If you keep working at it you'll improve, gotta start somewhere. Looking at other portraits should help with hair flow. With the sprite, most of it is readable which is great. The section between the forehead and hair is a little pixelated though. If you are enjoying making sprites, keep doing so! That's an important part also :).
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
November 06, 2016, 11:18:01 pm
Thanks Guru and KingUrameshi! Expect some more cool stuff in all forms in the Chapter 1 re-release and Chapter 2!