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[Old] Most useless special unit in FFT: Plus?

Started by Dome, January 31, 2012, 05:58:48 am

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: Dome on February 09, 2012, 03:39:45 pm
The only way to have the undead status on you is to get hit by an boss-only skill or equipping the cursed ring
Or being an undead monster ;-)

^Why Seal Evil is too situational to be useful.

Maybe you should give another somewhat useless special job class the ability to Add: Undead, so you have a reason to use this other special and Mustadio?  I'd say Byblos, but you get him too late in the game.


Maybe if Mustadio had ludicrous high speed and a skill with Cancel:Charging? With range dependent on weapon.

Or you could give him (weapon-range dependent) skills to add more status effects... silence, poison... able to petrify all enemies instead of just the undead, using a gun's huge range (just say all of your enemies are "evil"  :cool:)...

Maybe give him a skill to do some impromptu maintenance work on his weapon and buff up his Weapon Attack?

Or give him a skill to add Innocent (much like Doubt Faith), he's probably had it up to here with the church by the time you recruit him.

Or give him a skill to shoot twice (or more) with a gun. He doesn't seem to need to reload, like, ever, so...

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: shoruke on February 13, 2012, 12:55:41 pmMaybe if Mustadio had ludicrous high speed and a skill with Cancel:Charging? With range dependent on weapon.

He doesn't need super speed for that; just slightly above average speed.

Quote from: shoruke on February 13, 2012, 12:55:41 pmOr give him a skill to shoot twice (or more) with a gun. He doesn't seem to need to reload, like, ever, so...

This and the first one I quoted are all he really needs, along with some other way for other classes to add Undead.


Quote from: Neophyte Ronin on January 31, 2012, 07:35:47 am

Uselessness is one thing, but something that is too useful overrides everything else.  During many hunting trips, I noticed one character was getting high levels due to constant use: the character with Yin Yang Magic.  The complete set, save Condemn, seemed like a no-brainer to have.  Now, creatures tend to have status immunities, but they are not abrasive or all-encompassing.  Also, the Knight's Precision ability more than compensates for the inability to directly adjust Faith scores.  Coupled with Pray Faith, my answer to practically every encounter ended up as two words: "Giant Frog."

Seriously.  Sending the original Black Magics of Frog and Poison to the Oracle/Onmyoshi/Mystic and then making Poison a permanent affair made for a character who has the answer to practically every monster encounter.  That's pretty much the story behind Beowulf's original Templar Class command and its success in hunting monsters: these spells are brilliant.  Adding Frog and Poison, on the other hand, makes Yin Yang Magic the catch-all solution to practically any bad-ass.  Even the Squids and Illithids can't match the party if they themselves have found the dark, terrible secret they have always sought after: "Giant Frog."  Black Magic can't match that anymore, even though it used to be perfect alongside Yin Yang Magic for these reasons and more.

Given some thought, I'd say Summon Magic has some real issues, enough to take this crown of most useless special.  It's worthless against the aforementioned Illithids, since their answer to everything is "Counter Flood" and their stats override the original limits of Geomancy.  As for Summoning, all they do is deal thematic elemental damage and, if not, deal slightly better non-elemental damage or do so instantly.  Big deal.  So can the Attack Command, and it's cheaper.  Regardless of cost, Elements are nowhere near as good as they used to be.  Monsters who were originally weak to some kind of element are no longer weak to it, or had their affinities adjusted, or some creatures (goblins and squids) are impossible to face with magic.  That's okay--they're all "puzzle encounters", where you gotta have the proper abilities to ensure a smooth fight.  Which isn't Summon Magic.

Not to mention, Summons were dummied just because the Summoner used to do a good job protecting the party as well.  Can't have the ability to heal and protect and still be considered fair and balanced, it seems.  Mog, Fairy, Golem, and the seemingly redundant Salamander and Cyclops were dismissed from the roster.  When the Summoner's supportive and healing abilities went by the wayside, my interest in the command was lost, chiefly because I never considered Summon Magic to be a mere replacement for the Black Magic command.  It was never that.  Golem seemed like too much of a cheat against human encounters, mostly because it was expensive but quick to cast and operated on the user's Maximum Health.  It didn't cover all attacks and is nowhere near a perfect defense, yet it was dummied.  Mog and Fairy used to heal, but they were ousted also.  To be quite frank about the affair, once Summoners got pegged for doing nothing but wreaking havoc with the classic damage-based Summons, they simply became a homogenized Black Mage with a few extra elements tagged on.  Longer casting ranges mean nothing if they don't deal enough damage to faze the enemy's tactics.

That's pretty sad, considering there could be other things that Summons can do from any distance that don't need to revolve around damage (barring the exceptions of Earth and Water, namely Titan and Leviathan, and even they could use some adjusting).  All things considered, Lich is pretty much your go-to guy since he wasn't changed a whole lot.  Even though you can cast from long distance, any distance really, the others aren't doing enough damage to warrant prolonged use of anything else but Lich and Precision.  With the exception of risen bones, phantoms, or anybody claiming to be a master bonecraftsman, you can go no better than a couple Lich summons to ruin the battlefield.  And any Class Specialty where only one ability is worth the time of the player is a Class Specialty that's better off reworked or abolished entirely.

(newbie) Get Ying Yang, avoid Summon. Got it.

Nice post. It does seem over powered. Monster buffs dont mean anything if they are Frog and Poisoned.


Um have I missed something? I mean I have been away for like a half a year (again), but Mustadio kicks ass last time I checked, and this is coming from a guy who knows how to abuse stuff(onion knight, two hands and dragon rods anyone?).

Mustadio can kick alot of ass, and has saved me countless times, I mean have you even seen Mustadio with two swords? He doesn't need to use ranged weapon only. His skillset is totally badass even outside his base class.

Onion knights rape this game. In right hands these babes can kill anything by a one shot expect zodiac bosses.

Red Mage is wild card, it's gives you the best mage support skillset.

I would say personally that anything that comes after chapter 2 is hard to use, because you pretty much have to start with scraps of JP.



Quote from: Shade on April 07, 2012, 05:08:59 am
Um have I missed something? I mean I have been away for like a half a year (again), but Mustadio kicks ass last time I checked, and this is coming from a guy who knows how to abuse stuff(onion knight, two hands and dragon rods anyone?).

Mustadio can kick alot of ass, and has saved me countless times, I mean have you even seen Mustadio with two swords? He doesn't need to use ranged weapon only. His skillset is totally badass even outside his base class.

Onion knights rape this game. In right hands these babes can kill anything by a one shot expect zodiac bosses.

Red Mage is wild card, it's gives you the best mage support skillset.

I would say personally that anything that comes after chapter 2 is hard to use, because you pretty much have to start with scraps of JP.

Dragon rod has a WP of 12...I doubt you can 1-shot stuff with it and a female Onion knight

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Dome on April 07, 2012, 05:15:44 am
Dragon rod has a WP of 12...I doubt you can 1-shot stuff with it and a female Onion knight

Yes I can, 20 lv, max PA equipment, meaning I would have 12 PA and with the power of two hands I would have 24 wp. The result is 288 damage average.
Also I usually have 20 lv at 3 chapter, so once you get the 2+ PA equipment yeah you see the result.




"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Judo outfit, Power sleeve, headgear twist headband, I mean unless you have done something to them, that I am not aware of. (Like changed when you get them)

Or you haven't updated master guide. Possible.

Note on that I haven't been in ch3 in very long time.



April 08, 2012, 10:56:51 am #29 Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 11:04:09 am by Dome
They are still the same
But I still doubt you are easily going to 1 shot units
You have a good damage output, but people in melee range (Like Knights) usually have high evasion, and you lack long-range damage
Don't get me wrong, I think that the 2 OK are awesome, but far from broken or able to wipe the floor with the enemies

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Well at this point hitting in back is pretty much guaranteed, and anything that is not armored dies. And remember there is like 3 fights during chapter 3 that have units with armor(not counting bosses, cause they are to be two shot anyway).

So the ch3 is a cake walk.

I mean after chapter 3 they aren't that powerful, but they are still useful.



Well, FFT: Plus is meant to be easy, so I'm not surprised that Ch3 (If you start a poaching safari) is VERY easy if you know what you are doing :-)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Now I'm probably terrible to ask about this (if you've noticed, my LP is War of the Gods, so my party is set up to tank and destroy,) but I find Mustadio to be useless, due to EVERY CLASS EVERY ABILITY, and just his general shittiness. He's outclassed in every way by Beowulf, who has range and swords. Now it might just be my bias, but I goddamn love swords, and when I'm going up against Level 140s after the first Lucavi, I don't have the time or patience to deal with Mustardio's lack of use.

I will admit Dome, I nearly did an acrobatic pirouette off the fucking handle when I realized that Ninja/Chemist couldn't be used to break the game, because I could only throw three bombs. Clever play.


Mustadio's skill are going to see an accuracy increase in 1.01c, while Mustadio's have been nerfed :-)
Enjoy! XD

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Dome on April 09, 2012, 02:03:58 pm
Mustadio's skill are going to see an accuracy increase in 1.01c, while Beowulf's have been nerfed :-)
Enjoy! XD


Neophyte Ronin

Boosting accuracy of Mustadio's limited but hopeful abilities should give him a breather.  I recall the original Seal Evil was like 70% Base but now it's 65 or 60% Base.  Combined with the difficulty of leveling up speed with equipment, it becomes a total crap-shoot.  But because the Undead have undergone such a horrifying renaissance, his Snipe ability can break the monopoly of those wretched skeletons.  Unfortunately, Ghosts are another matter.  They can get downright annoying.

I used to believe Rafa and Malak were useless.  Despite the lack of cost, their abilities were unreliable thanks to exposing them to damage and being slow to cast.  These days, they almost look playable, so Mustadio is getting the shaft without intervention.

Also, the Red Mage isn't THE best Command Ability for magic.  It covers a random assortment, but none of the hard specific spells that other casters provide, such as Esuna.  The Red Mage would be better served with Esuna instead of Cura.

Onion Knights don't need to double-grip a Dragon Rod; they're better off with a Shield and Harp.  Spend some time poaching in Chapter 3; poach every monster type at least once and you'll be far better off.  This includes hatching and poaching, since not all creatures will appear unless you do, at least for that point in the game.

Point is: weigh your options and think of what will work in the end game against high-level suckers; Dragon Rods go the wayside by then, having no magic boost and just raw striking power unmatched by other weapon types (still fun to play with though).  Make sure you have those options, or some of them, by the time you're closing in on the Deep Dungeon, because 4 unique battles per floor sounds like we're gonna pop a shitload of popcorn.